Marketing Download Customer Inquiry Interface Report

Purpose: This report lists customer inquiry information for records that exist in the Marketing Download Customer Inquiry Table and Extract File.

The system creates a record in the Marketing Download Customer Inquiry table for each record in the Marketing Download Trigger table with a trigger type of CI (customer inquiry) or CN (customer action note) that you download. The system creates CI (customer inquiry) trigger records when you:

• create a catalog request.

• create a new customer in order entry, even if you don't accept the order.

• create a new customer entity record, if the Track Customer History at Entity Level (F89) system control value is selected.

The system creates CN (customer action note) trigger records when you create, work with, or resolve a customer action note.

See Marketing Download Customer Inquiry Table and Extract File for more information on how the system populates each field in a marketing download customer inquiry record.

How to print: Run the MDINQSM periodic function. See Setting up the Marketing Download Extract for more information.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.


Total Marketing Download Inquiry records sent to Marketing Download: the total number of records in the Marketing Download Customer Inquiry table.

SO02_13r OROMS 17.0 2018 OTN