Work with Component Upload Screen (WCUP)

Purpose: Use this screen to create new sets and set components based on the records in the Set Component Upload table for your company. You can use this screen to create records in the following tables:

• Kit and Kit Detail

• Set and Set Detail

• Variable Set, Variable Set Detail, and Variable Set Group

Background on sets: See Working with Sets for general background on sets in Order Management System.

How to display this screen: Enter WCUP in the Fast path field at the top of any menu, or select Work with Set Component Upload from a menu.




The type of set record being uploaded. Valid values are:

Finished Good: See Entering Finished Goods Information (WFGD) for background.

Set: See Entering Set Information (WSET) for background.

Variable Set Group: See Entering Variable Set Information (WVST) for background.

Variable Set Item: See Entering Variable Set Information (WVST) for background.

If the Type in the Set Component Upload table is set to any other value, that value is displayed. The Type is an alphanumeric, 2-position field.

Optionally, select a Type to restrict display to upload records of that type.

Master item

The set master item specified in the Set Component Upload record. You identify an item as a set master through the Kit type field. The SKU fields, if any, are to the right.

Note: To determine the set component item, select Change or Display. See the Component Upload Screen (Change Mode) for more information.

Item code: alphanumeric, 12 positions; optional.

SKU codes: alphanumeric, three 4-position fields; optional.


The description of the error, if any, flagged by the upload program. This field is blank if you have not yet attempted to upload the record, or if you have corrected the error and the record can be resubmitted.

See Understanding Set Component Upload Errors for more information.



Submit the set component upload process

Select Process to generate set headers and components based on the information in the Set Component Upload table. See Submitting the Set Component Upload for more information.

Change a set component upload record

Select Change for a record to advance to the Component Upload Screen (Change Mode) in Change mode.

Review a set component upload record

Select Display for a record to advance to the Component Upload screen in Display mode to review the set component and other detail information. You cannot change any information at this screen. See the Component Upload Screen (Change Mode) for field descriptions.

Delete a set component upload record

Select Delete to delete a set component record.

Submitting the Set Component Upload

Select Process at the Work with Component Upload Screen (WCUP), or submit the UPLSETS periodic function, to submit the UPLSETCOMP job.

Job processing:

• The job evaluates each record in the Set Component Upload table that is associated with your current company.

• If the job can create the record in the specified table without error, it creates the record and deletes the Set Component Upload record.

• If the Set Component Upload record is in error for any reason, the job leaves the record in the table and updates it with a description of the error.

• Since the job selects records in your company, records that do not have a valid company number remain in the table.

Note: You can also submit the upload through the UPLSETS periodic function.

Set Component Upload Table (INSCUP)

The contents of this table are described below.

To populate this table: Run the UPSETCM Upload Set Component File (Program name PFR0134, Parameter INSCUP) periodic function or use the Working with File Uploads (WUPL) menu option to upload records to the Set Component Upload table. To do this:

1. Create an upload file by:

- creating your own, using a text editor, or

- copying the sample file upload data, pasting the data into a text editor, and saving it with the file extension .TXT.

Note: If you wish to leave any field in the upload file blank, pass a space in an alphanumeric field or a 0 in a numeric field so that the file can be processed without errors. Leaving a field with no space or 0 is interpreted as null in the database and causes errors.

2. Once you create the upload file, run the UPLSETS Set Component Upload periodic function (Program name PFR0095) or use the Work with Set Component Upload (WCUP) menu option to process the records in the Set Component Upload table.

On the Work with File Upload Screen:

- use the File Name field to select the upload file you created,

- select Set Components as the File Type, and

- select Submit File Upload to create records in the Set Component Upload table based on the records in the upload file.

Sample Set Component Upload data: You can use the sample data below to create a record in the Set Component Upload table.

Sample Type F: Kit and Kit Detail upload record:


Sample Type S: Set and Set Detail upload record:


Sample Type VG: Variable Set and Variable Set Group upload record:


Sample Type VI: Variable Set Detail upload record:


Additional information: Any additional information beyond the fields listed below is discarded in most cases; however, if a non-SKUed set master or component item includes SKU fields, the process puts the record in error. See Understanding Set Component Upload Errors for more information.




The company field is required for all record types and is validated against the Company table.

Numeric, 3 positions; required.

Set type

Indicates the type of record to create.

Valid values:

Type F: Kit and Kit Detail

Type S: Set and Set Detail

Type VG: Variable Set and Variable Set Group

Type VI: Variable Set Detail

Note: This field is not case-sensitive; the process treats f the same as F.

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; required.

Type F: Kit and Kit Detail

See Entering Finished Goods Information (WFGD) for background.

Master item

The finished good item for which you are building the components. The item must have its Kit type set to Finished Good. If the Kit Header does not already exist, the process creates it when you upload the first component.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; required.

Master SKU elements 1, 2, and 3

Alphanumeric, three 4-position fields. A valid SKU is required if the kit master item has SKU’s.

For each component used to make the finished good:

Component item

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; required.

Component SKU elements 1, 2, and 3

Alphanumeric, three 4-position fields. A valid SKU is required if the item has SKU’s.


The quantity of the item used to create the finished good.

Numeric, 5 positions; required.

Type S: Set and Set Detail

See Entering Set Information (WSET) for background.

Master item

The set master item for which you are building the components. The item must have its Kit type set to Set. If the Set record does not already exist, the process creates it when you upload the first component.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; required.

Master SKU elements 1, 2, and 3

Alphanumeric, three 4-position fields. A valid SKU is required if the set item has SKU’s.

For each component to add to the order when the customer orders the set:

Component item

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; required.

Component SKU elements 1, 2, and 3

Alphanumeric, three 4-position fields. A valid SKU is required if the item has SKU’s.


The quantity of the component to add to the order.

Numeric, 5 positions; required.

Cost %

The percentage of the set’s total cost contributed by this component.

Numeric, 5 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Coordinate group

A common coordinate group number assigned to components to make sure they ship together.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.

Type VG: Variable Set and Variable Set Group


• When you use the Set Component Upload, you can create only one group for each variable set at a time. Because the group code is not part of the key to the table, creating more than one group for the same variable set would produce a duplicate key error.

• You cannot create a variable set item as part of the VG set type. You need to use the VI set type to create a variable set item and assign it to the group.

See Entering Variable Set Information (WVST) for background.

Master item

The set master item for which you are building the variable set group(s). The item must have its Kit type set to Variable Set. If the Variable Set record does not already exist, the process creates it when you upload the first variable set group.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; required.

Master SKU elements 1, 2, and 3

Alphanumeric, three 4-position fields. A valid SKU is required if the variable set item has SKU’s.

For each group to add to the variable set:


The code identifying the group of like items from which the customer selects in order entry.

Numeric, 3 positions; required.

Group description

The description of the group. Displayed in order entry.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; required.

# of items

The number of items or units that the customer can order from this group.

Numeric, 3 positions; required.

Type VI: Variable Set Detail

Master item

The set master item for which you are building the variable set components. The item must have its Kit type set to Variable Set, and the Variable Set record and Variable Set Group must already exist.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; required.

Master SKU elements 1, 2, and 3

Alphanumeric, three 4-position fields. A valid SKU is required if the variable set item has SKU’s.

For each component item to add to the variable set group:

Component item

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; required.

Component SKU elements 1, 2, and 3

Alphanumeric, three 4-position fields. A valid SKU is required if the item has SKU’s.


The variable set group in which to include the item.

Numeric, 3 positions; required.

Understanding Set Component Upload Errors

When you run the upload, the job clears any Set Component Upload records if it was able to create a new record in the related target table. It updates each remaining record with a description of the error that prevented the update of the target table.

Which errors can you correct?

• You can use the Component Upload Screen (Change Mode) to correct errors related to any additional fields beyond the company, set type, component item and SKU, and component item and SKU.

• Otherwise, you can correct the record directly in the Set Component Upload table, or delete the record and recreate it, or create the record in the target table using the standard menu option.



All component upload types

See the Set Component Upload Table (INSCUP) for a summary of the requirements of each record type.

Record already exists

The record already exists in the destination table.

Invalid Type

The Type was not K, S, VG, or VI. The error displayed at the Component Upload Screen (Change Mode) is Master Item kit type not F,S,V.

Invalid Master Item

The master item specified does not exist.

Invalid Master SKU

The master item specified is a SKU’d item, and no SKU’s were specified in the upload table; or the master item specified is a non-SKU’d item, and SKU’s were specified.

Missing Type

No type was specified.

For all types except Variable Set Group (VG):

Invalid Component Item

The component item specified does not exist.

Invalid Component SKU

The component item specified is a SKU’d item, and no SKU’s were specified in the upload table; or the component item specified is a non-SKU’d item and SKU’s were specified.

Kit (Type F)

When you upload the first component for a finished good master item, the system automatically creates the Kit header. See Entering Finished Goods Information (WFGD) for background.

Master Item kit type must be F

The master item specified does not have its Kit type set to Finished Good.

Quantity Required for record type

No Quantity was specified for the component. The Quantity is a required field.

Work Order exists

There is an open work order for the finished good. See Finished Good Work Order Processing (WWOR) for information.

Note: The following do not cause errors when you upload finished good components:

• Additional fields populated (except for SKU fields for a non-SKU’d item)

• Adding components to an existing finished good

• Creating a finished good with just one component

Set (Type S)

When you upload the first component for a set master item, the system automatically creates the Set header. See Entering Set Information (WSET) for background.

Master Item kit type must be S

The master item specified does not have its Kit type set to Set.

Quantity Required for record type

No Quantity was specified for the component. The Quantity is a required field.

Note: The following do not cause errors when you upload set components:

• Additional fields populated (except for SKU fields for a non-SKU’d item)

• Adding components to an existing set

• Creating a set with just one component

• The Cost % amounts not adding up to 100%

Variable Set Group (Type VG)

When you upload the first group for a variable set master item, the system automatically creates the Variable Set header.


• You must create the Variable Set Group before you can upload any of the items assigned to that group.

• You cannot create multiple groups at a time for the same variable set. Because the group code is not part of the key to the table, creating more than one group for the same variable set would produce a duplicate key error.

See Entering Variable Set Information (WVST) for background.

Master Item kit type must be V

The master item specified does not have its Kit type set to Variable Set.

Missing # of items

No # of items was specified for the group. The # of items is a required field.

Missing Group

No Group number was specified. The Group is a required field.

Missing Group Description

No Group description was specified. The Group description is a required field.

Note: Populating additional fields (except for SKU fields for a non-SKU’d item) does not create an error when you upload a variable set group.

Variable Set Item (Type VI)

The variable set header and group must already exist before can upload a variable set item. See Entering Variable Set Information (WVST) for background.

Master Item kit type must be V

The master item specified does not have its Kit type set to Variable Set.

Missing Group

No Group number was specified. The Group is a required field.

Invalid Group

The Group number specified does not exist for the variable set.

Component Upload Screen (Change Mode)

Purpose: Use this screen to review or change the information in a Set Component Upload record.

For more information: See the Set Component Upload Table (INSCUP) for information on how to create Set Component Upload records.

What can you change? At this screen, you can change any of the information except the upload type, the master item/SKU, and the component item/SKU. If this information is incorrect, you can delete the upload record and create the component another way, such as sending a correct upload record or using the related menu option to create the component manually.

Errors flagged at this screen: This screen flags:

• All of the errors identified under Understanding Set Component Upload Errors, with the exception of the Record already exists error. The upload program identifies this error by comparing the information for the upload record with the information in the target table. You can delete records flagged with this error, as the upload will not process them. Also,

• Errors related to additional information that is not used for the component upload type. This is information that the upload program ignores. These errors are described below under the fields that trigger the errors.

How to display this screen: Select Change for a Set Component Upload record at the Work with Component Upload Screen (WCUP).




The type of component to upload:

• FINISHED GOOD: See Entering Finished Goods Information (WFGD) for background.

• SET: See Entering Set Information (WSET) for background.

• VARIABLE SET GROUP: See Entering Variable Set Information (WVST) for background.

• VARIABLE SET ITEM: See Entering Variable Set Information (WVST) for background.

If the Type in the Set Component Upload table is set to any other value, that value is displayed. The Type is an alphanumeric, 2-position field.

Alphanumeric; display-only.

Master item

The set master item specified in the Set Component Upload record. You identify an item as a set master through the Kit type field.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; display-only.

Master SKU

Additional information identifying the master item, such as its color or size.

Alphanumeric, three 4-position fields; display-only.

Component item

The component item to upload.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; display-only.

Component SKU

Additional information about the component item, such as its color or size.

Alphanumeric, three 4-position fields; display-only.


The quantity of the component item/SKU to add to the order.

Required for finished good and set components (types F and S). Not valid for variable set group or variable set items (types VG or VI).

Numeric, 5 positions; required or invalid depending on type.


The percentage of the set’s cost represented by the component.

Used only for set components (type S). Invalid for other record types.

Numeric, 5 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional or invalid depending on type.

Coordinate group#

A number you can assign to components to make sure they ship together.

Valid for set components (type S). Invalid for other record types.

You cannot assign a coordinate group number of 999 to a component of a regular set (type S).

Numeric, 3 positions; optional or invalid depending on type.


Not currently implemented.

Numeric, 5 positions.


The code identifying the group of like items from which the customer selects in order entry for a variable set.

Required for variable set groups and components (types VG and VI). Invalid for other record types.

Numeric, 3 positions; required or invalid depending on type.


The description of the variable set group.

Required for variable set groups (type VG). Invalid for other record types.

Numeric, 3 positions; required or invalid depending on type.

# of items

The number of items or units that the customer can order from the variable set group.

Required for variable set groups (type VG). Invalid for other record types.

Numeric, 3 positions; required or invalid depending on type.


The error assigned by the upload program. See Understanding Set Component Upload Errors for a list of errors.

WCUP OROMS 17.0 2018 OTN