Oracle® Fusion Middleware Oracle Access Management管理者ガイド
11g リリース2 ( for All Platforms


9.2 ログ構成ファイルのパスおよび内容について



9.2.1 ログ構成ファイルのパスおよび名前

デフォルトでは、Webゲート・ロギングは有効であり、oblogsがOracle HTTP Server (OHS)インスタンス診断ディレクトリinstance1/diagnostics/logs/OHS/ohs1/に生成されます。




10g Webゲート: Webgate_install_dir\oblix\config

11g Webゲート: $WEBGATE_HOMEまたは$ORACLE_HOME/webgate/ohs/configWebゲート・インスタンスが作成されると、同じoblog_config_wg.xmlファイルがWebゲート・インスタンス・ディレクトリ($INSTANCE_HOME/webgate/config)にコピーされます。後者はロギング構成時に使用されます。





表9-2 コンポーネントのログ構成ファイル名

コンポーネント ログ構成ファイル名



Access Manager SDK (カスタム・アクセス・クライアント)





9.2.2 ログ構成ファイルの内容



  • コンポーネントでログに記録される内容

  • データの送信先

  • 特定の場合のみ、ログで使用される書込みバッファのサイズ

  • ログ・ファイル・ローテーション間隔 ファイルに対する変更が有効化した場合

ウォッチャ・スレッドは、ログ構成ファイルに対する変更を60秒ごとに取得し、その変更を有効にします。サーバーを再起動する必要はありません。 ログ・ファイル内のコメント






<!--NetPoint Logging Configuration File                            -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!--Changes to this file will be automatically taken into  effect  -->
<!--in one minute. This does not require any server restart.       -->


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<!--============================================================   -->
<!--============================================================   -->
<!--NetPoint Logging Configuration File                            -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!--Changes to this file will be automatically taken into  effect  -->
<!--in one minute. This does not require any server restart.       -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!--============================================================   -->
<!--============================================================   -->
<!--Set the Log Threshold                                          -->
<!--The log Threshold determines the amount of information to log. -->
<!--Selecting a lower level of logging includes the information    -->
<!--logged at the higher levels. For example, LOGLEVEL_ERROR       -->
<!--includes the information collected at LOGLEVEL_FATAL.          -->
<!--Choices are:                                                   -->
<!--LOGLEVEL_FATAL - serious error, possibly a program halt.       -->
<!--LOGLEVEL_ERROR - a transient or self-correcting problem.       -->
<!--LOGLEVEL_WARNING - a problem that does not cause an error.     -->
<!--LOGLEVEL_INFO - reports the current state of the component.    -->
<!--LOGLEVEL_DEBUG1 - basic debugging information.                 -->
<!--LOGLEVEL_DEBUG2 - advanced debugging information.              -->
<!--LOGLEVEL_DEBUG3 - logs performance-sensitive code.             -->
<!--LOGLEVEL_TRACE - used when you need to trace the code path     -->
<!--execution or capture metrics. Includes all previous levels.    -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!--If you do not specify a threshold, the default is WARNING.     -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!--In addition to specifying a threshold, you need to specify     -->
<!--if changes that you make to the logging configuration in       -->
<!--the NetPoint GUI overwrite the settings in this file. The      -->
<!--AutoSync parameter accomplishes this. This parameter takes a   -->
<!--value of True or False. If set to True, changes made in the    -->
<!--GUI overwrite changes in this config file. If False, changes   -->
<!--made in the GUI are only in effect until the server is         -->
<!--stopped or restarted, after which the settings in this file    -->
<!--overwrite the GUI settings. The default is True.               -->
<!--                                                               --> 
<!--                                                               --> 
<CompoundList xmlns="http://www.oblix.com" ListName="logframework.xml.staging"> 
   <NameValPair ParamName="LOG_THRESHOLD_LEVEL" Value="LOGLEVEL_WARNING" /> 
   <NameValPair ParamName="AUTOSYNC" Value="True" /> 
   <!-- SECURE_LOGGING flag can be used to turn on/off Secure Logging -->   <!-- feature. By defalut this feature is tunred on.                --> 
   <NameValPair ParamName="SECURE_LOGGING" Value="On" /> 
   <!-- In addition to specifying a log threshold, you need to       --> 
   <!-- configure log level for which Secure Logging should be       --> 
   <!-- applicable.Choices for this can be used same as that of      --> 
   <!-- LOG_THRESHOLD_LEVEL. Secure log threshold can be set using   --> 
   <!-- LOG_SECURITY_THRESHOLD_LEVEL flag. Default value for Secure  --> 
   <!-- log threshold is TRACE.                                    --> 
    Value="LOGLEVEL_TRACE" /> 
   <!-- LOG_SECURITY_ESCAPE_CHARS is used to configure escape sequence --> 
   <!-- characters. This can be used to avoid additional information   --> 
   <!-- getting overwritten due to Secure Logging mechanism. Currently --> 
   <!-- following characters have been identified as escape sequence.  --> 
   <!-- Configuring inappropriate characters may lead to sensitive     --> 
   <!-- information being unmasked.                                    --> 
   <NameValPair ParamName="LOG_SECURITY_ESCAPE_CHARS" Value="),]" /> 
   <!-- LOG_SECURITY_MASK_LENGTH is used to specify default masking    --> 
   <!-- length if none is specified in FILTER_LIST.                    --> 
   <!-- Default value for LOG_SECURITY_MASK_LENGTH is 300.             --> 
   <NameValPair ParamName="LOG_SECURITY_MASK_LENGTH" Value="300" /   >
<!--                                                               -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!--============================================================   -->
<!--============================================================   -->
<!--Configure the Log Level                                        -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!--To configure a log level, you specify a name for the           -->
<!--configuration (for instance, MyErrorLog1) and                  -->
<!--the log level that you are configuring. You can create         -->
<!--more than one configuration per log level if you want          -->
<!--to output to more than one destination. You can output to      -->
<!--the system log or to a file, as specified on                   -->
<!--the LOG_WRITER parameter. The value for the LOG_WRITER         -->
<!--parameter may only be SysLogWriter, FileLogWriter or           -->
<!--MPFileLogWriter. The MPFileLogWriter is a multi-process safe   -->
<!--FileLogWriter. It should be used to log in webcomponents i.e   -->
<!--Webgate loaded on multiprocess     -->
<!--webservers like Apache and IPlanet(UNIX)                       -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!--If you do not specify an output destination, the default is    -->
<!--SysLogWriter.                                                  -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!--If outputting to a file, you also specify a file name and      -->
<!--other parameters. Default parameter values are:                -->
<!--FILE_NAME: <installdir>/oblix/log/oblog.log                    -->
<!--BUFFER_SIZE: 32767 (number of bytes)                           -->
<!--MAX_ROTATION_SIZE: 5242880 (bytes, equivalent to 5MB)          -->
<!--MAX_ROTATION_TIME: 86400 (seconds, equivalent to one day)      -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!--Configuring the log level does not ensure that the data is     -->
<!--actually collected. Data collection for a log is               -->
<!--determined by the LOG_THRESHOLD_LEVEL parameter, above,        -->
<!--and the LOG_STATUS parameter in the log configuration.         -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!--If you do not provide a LOG_STATUS, the default for            -->
<!--is On.                                                         -->
<!--This file contains several sample configurations that are      -->
<!--enclosed in comments. To use them, remove the comments.        -->
<!--                                                               --> 
   <CompoundList xmlns="http://www.oblix.com" ListName="LOG_CONFIG">
    <!--Write all FATAL logs to the system logger. --> 
    <ValNameList xmlns="http://www.oblix.com" ListName="LogFatal2Sys"> 
      <NameValPair ParamName="LOG_LEVEL" Value="LOGLEVEL_FATAL" /> 
      <NameValPair ParamName="LOG_WRITER" Value="SysLogWriter" /> 
      <NameValPair ParamName="LOG_STATUS" Value="On" /> 
    <!--Write all logs to the Oracle log file.                     --> 
    <ValNameList xmlns="http://www.oblix.com" ListName="LogAll2File"> 
      <NameValPair ParamName="LOG_LEVEL" Value="LOGLEVEL_ALL" /> 
      <NameValPair ParamName="LOG_WRITER" Value="FileLogWriter" /> 
      <NameValPair ParamName="FILE_NAME" Value="oblog.log" /> 
      <!-- Buffer up to 64 KB (expressed in bytes) of log entries before         flushing to the file.     --> 
      <NameValPair ParamName="BUFFER_SIZE" Value="65535" />
      <!--Rotate the log file once it exceeds 50 MB (expressed in bytes). --> 
      <NameValPair ParamName="MAX_ROTATION_SIZE" Value="52428800" />
      <!--Rotate the log file after 24 hours (expressed in seconds). --> 
      <NameValPair ParamName="MAX_ROTATION_TIME" Value="86400" /> 
      <NameValPair ParamName="LOG_STATUS" Value="On" /> 
<!--  List of values that can be specified in the module config      -->
<!--                                                                 -->
<!--  On - Uses loglevel set in the loglevel threshold               -->
<!--  Off - No information is logged                                 -->
<!--  LOGLEVEL_FATAL - serious error, possibly a program halt.       -->
<!--  LOGLEVEL_ERROR - a transient or self-correcting problem.       -->
<!--  LOGLEVEL_WARNING - a problem that does not cause an error.     -->
<!--  LOGLEVEL_INFO - reports the current state of the component.    -->
<!--  LOGLEVEL_DEBUG1 - basic debugging information.                 -->
<!--  LOGLEVEL_DEBUG2 - advanced debugging information.              -->
<!--  LOGLEVEL_DEBUG3 - logs performance-sensitive code.             -->
<!--  LOGLEVEL_TRACE - used when you need to trace the code path     -->
<!--  execution or capture metrics. Includes all previous levels.    -->
<!--                                                                 -->
<!--  List of modules that can be specified in the module config     -->
<!--                                                                 -->
<!--  ALL_MODULES - Applies to all log modules                       -->
<!--  Specific module name - Applies to specific module              -->
<!--                                                                 -->
<!--                                                                 -->
<!--    <ValNameList                                                 -->
<!--        xmlns="http://www.oblix.com"                             -->
<!--        ListName="MODULE_CONFIG">                                -->
<!--        <NameValPair                                             -->
<!--            ParamName="CONNECTIVITY"                             -->
<!--            Value="LOGLEVEL_TRACE"></NameValPair>                -->
<!--    </ValNameList>                                               --><!--   <!--FILTER_LIST is used to maintain list of attributes which need         --> 
<!-- to be treated as sensitive and hence will be filtered out from   --> 
<!-- from logs. FILTER_LIST consist of all attribute names along      --> 
<!-- with corresponding masking lengths.There should be separate      --> 
<!-- entry in the list for the display name of the attribute          --> 
<!-- identified as sensitive. All attributes configured are case      -->
<!-- sensitive i.e. if we configured sensitive attribute homePhone    --> 
<!-- as HomePhone then it will not get filtered out from logs.        --> 
<!-- By default four attributes (password, Password, response and     --> 
<!-- Response) are configured as sensitive                            --> 
<!-- A sample configuration is shown below                            --> 

<!-- <ValNameList                                                    --> 
<!--    xmlns="http://www.oblix.com"                                 --> 
<!--    ListName="FILTER_LIST">                                      -->
<!--    <NameValPair                                                 -->
<!--      ParamName="password"                                       -->
<!--      Value="40"></NameValPair>                                  -->
<!--    <NameValPair                                                 -->
<!--      ParamName="Password"                                       -->
<!--      Value="40"></NameValPair>                                  -->
<!--    <NameValPair                                                 -->
<!--      ParamName="response"                                       -->
<!--      Value="40"></NameValPair>                                  -->
<!--     <NameValPair                                                -->
<!--      ParamName="Response"                                       -->
<!--      Value="40"></NameValPair>                                  -->
<!--    <NameValPair                                                 -->
<!--      ParamName="homePhone"                                      -->
<!--      Value="40"></NameValPair>                                  -->
<!--  </ValNameList>                                                 --> 
  <ValNameList xmlns="http://www.oblix.com" ListName="FILTER_LIST">
    <NameValPair ParamName="password" Value="40" />
    <NameValPair ParamName="Password" Value="40" />
    <NameValPair ParamName="passwd" Value="40" />
    <NameValPair ParamName="Passwd" Value="40" />
    <NameValPair ParamName="response" Value="40" />
    <NameValPair ParamName="Response" Value="40" />