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Look to Book Available Block Rooms - Rate Grid

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   Video_Rate Grid - One vs Multiple Property Search Results  LTB - Rate Grid - One vs Multiple Property Search Results VScript_Rate Grid - One vs Multiple Property Search Results

   Video_Rate Grid - Room and Rate Combinations and Display Sets  LTB - Rate Grid - Room and Rate Combinations and Display Sets VScript_Rate Grid - Room and Rate Combinations and Display Sets



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What do Non-Elastic, Elastic, Sell Limits and Shoulder Dates in Inventory Control mean?

Can I view only the Available room types for the Block when I'm in the Look to Book screen?

Can I see other rates available over the same Block stay dates?

What happens if I don't have enough inventory within the block to book the reservation?


In the Available Block Rooms section the primary details will display important information about the Block including the Block code, Block name, start date, end date and inventory control selection. The inventory control determines the flexibility of the Block when it comes to making reservations when there is no inventory available in the selected room type.

Available Block Rooms

Link to Property Brochure Inventory Control Link with three view options: Allocated Room Types, All Room Types, Available Room Types Show all transient Display Sets for comparison

The grid-like format displays the availability for each room and rate combination by day with the following indications:

Allocated Room Types

When viewing availability, there are three display options: All Room Types, Available Room Types, and Allocated Room Types. (Allocated Room Types displays by default.).

Select the Allocated Room Types link for the other options:

Allocated Room Types – Room types that have inventory, rates, or both allocated will be displayed.

Available Room Types – Only room types with inventory available will be displayed.

All Room Types – All room types regardless of whether rates, inventory or both have been allocated

Allocated Room Type link options - Look to Book Block Availability

All Room Types; Available Room Types; and Allocated Room Types (default view)

Borrowing Inventory

When selecting a room and rate combination where the Block's allocated room type is insufficient, you will be prompted to borrow inventory. If there is other inventory in the Block, that inventory can be moved to the selected room type through the borrow process. In this scenario it is important to check House availability to ensure that the room type is available at the House level. The Borrow Inventory screen displays your choices (see image below).

If the Block inventory control is set as Elastic or Sell Limit, then you will have an additional option to borrow inventory from the House.

For example, if you need 5 DLK room types and you have 0 DLK room types allocated to the block, you will need to borrow from other room types within the block or borrow from the House availability if your block is Elastic or Sell Limit.

Borrow Inventory from other Block Inventory or from House


Borrow Inventory for DLK rooms from STTD rooms within the Block, or from House inventory if the Block is Elastic or Sell Limit


Show Display Sets

Select Show Display Sets at the bottom of the Available Block Rooms section for the selected property to compare the available transient rates and the Block rates simultaneously. This can be very useful when a guest wants to compare the group rates with other rates which are available for the same time periods.

Look to Book Blocks Availability - Display Sets

Available Block Rooms section with transient rate Display Sets

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