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Look to Book Block Availability


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Block Availability

Look to Book Block Availability components


   Video_LTB Sales Screen - Quick Look  LTB Sales Screen - Quick Look  VScript_LTB Sales Screen - Quick Look

   Video - LTB Sales Screen Elements  LTB - The different elements of the Look To Book Sales Screen  VS - LTB Sales Screen Elements






FAQs icon   FAQs

How do I use the trip composer?

How do I get to the property brochure?

Can I see other rates available over the same Block stay dates?

Can I view only the Available Room Types for a Block when in Look to Book?

What happens if I don't have enough inventory within the Block to book the reservation?



The following information is for making sleeping room reservations for a group Block, and assumes that the Block has already been created with allocated rooms, and that the Block is in the Open for Pickup status.

Look to Book (LTB) Sales Screen Overview

Select a description in the image below for more detail.

Guest Options Search

Look to Book Sales Screen - Block Availability

Availability - by Room Types and Stay Duration Available Block Rooms, Block Primary Details, with links to Allocated Room Types, Transient Rate Display Sets Block Notes, Profile, Room and Rate information, Rate Details

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LTB Start Screen (Caller Info)

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