Part L: Managing Soldouts and Backorders

In this part:

Chapter 113: Working with Soldout Controls (WSLD) shows you how to create, change, delete, and display soldout controls in the Soldout Control file.

Chapter 114: Processing Auto Soldout Cancellations (MASO) presents the screen you use to cancel soldout items from those orders that contain them.

Chapter 115: Printing Soldout Notifications (MSON) shows you how to use the Print Soldout Notifications screen to produce soldout notifications that you send to your customers.

Chapter 116: Purchase Order Layering and Backorder Notifications shows you how to use the Generate Backorder Cards function to print backorder notification cards and the Backorder Cancellation Register.

Chapter 117: Working with Held Detail Lines (WOHD) shows you how to use the Work with Order Hold Detail screen. You use this screen to work with items that were held because they were coordinate grouped with items canceled through Process Auto Soldouts.

Chapter 118: Working with Backorders Pending Cancellation (WBPC) shows you how to use this menu option to continue to work with backorders once you have generated a second notice if the FTC--second notice output system control value is set to FILE or FILE/PRINT.

Chapter 119: Processing Item Substitutions (PSUB) shows you how to cancel all open, unreserved order lines for a particular item and add a substitute item to each order.

Chapter 120: Working with Backorder First Notices (WBFN) explains how to work with and print first backorder notices.

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