Chapter 27: Printing the PC Manifest Audit Error Report

Purpose: Use the Manifest Audit Error Report to determine which upload records received an error when they were uploaded from the PC manifesting station.

Manifest audit error records are written to the PC Manifest Audit file (FLMUAU) during the upload process if:

• a duplicate pick control header exists in the Upload (FLMNUP) or Upload New (FLMNUL) file

• the pick control number does not exist in the Pick Control Header file

For more information: See PC Manifest Socket Interface for an overview on interactive PC manifesting.

About the PC Manifest Audit Error Report

This report prints in the PCMANASYNC job each time you bring down the background async jobs (fast path = MBJC). In order to generate the report, you must define the report in Work with Report Control (fast path = WRPT). The report control file defines how to handle printing the report; specifically:

• which printer to use

• the number of copies to print

• whether to hold the print job

• whether to save the print job

• the description of the report

• the special form to use for the report

The default program for the Manifest Audit Error Report is FLR0645. See System Operations Chapter 75: Working with Report Controls (WRPT).

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