Source Code Analysis Report (RSCA)

How to print: Use the Source Code Analysis Screen (RSCA).

CWDirect Technical Class Source Code Analysis KLETENDRE FCR0058 6/15/98 14:17:47 Page 1

The KL Mail Order Company


Source T Ct Dr Cv B H Mail DFO Net Circ WTD Ord Orders $ Orders Avg Order Brkevn Brkevn Wgt Ord $ Rep % % Comp Actual$ Weighted Pruj Wgt Prj Order $/

Y C Date Orders % /1000 Books

Drop :


JOY K 10/16/97 1 618 618 109168.88 176.65 0 .00 109168.88 800.00 100.00 9168.88 9168.88 9168.88 9168.88 109168880.00


Category 1 618 618 109168.88 176.65 109168.88 800.00 100.00 9168.88 9168.88 9168.88 9168.88

Drop 1 618 618 109168.88 176.65 109168.88 800.00 100.00 9168.88 9168.88 9168.88 9168.88

Offer JOY totals: 1 618 618 109168.88 176.65 109168.88 800.00 100.00 9168.68 9168.88 9168.88 9168.88


• Offer code

• Offer description

• Type: the analysis type (defined in the source code), which is used for determining total sales for all or selected source codes. There are 3 types:

K = Known source

U = Unknown source

N = Do not analyze source

• The system performs a calculation to determine the percent that each known source code represents of the total known source code sales. The dollars from the unknown sources are proportionately redistributed to each known source code. See Type from Marketing Chapter 6: Working with Source Codes (WSRC).

• Category code: a code used to group source codes for reporting and forecasting purposes

• Drop: a code representing a mailing

• Cover code: a code for the catalog cover mailed to the source code

• Business/Consumer code: this value indicates whether the source includes businesses or consumers

• H: this value indicates whether the mailing segment associated with the source code was derived from a house list or a non-house (rented) list. If from a non-house list, this value will be blank.

• Mail date: the date the offer was mailed

• DFO: the date of the first order for this source, as updated by the system

• Net circ: the number of pieces mailed

• WTD ord: the number of orders booked week-to-date (except returns)

• Orders: the number of orders booked offer-to-date

• $ orders: the dollar amount booked in orders

• Avg order: the average dollar value of an order, calculated by dividing the number of orders by the dollar/orders

• Brkevn %: the percentage of orders needed to cover the cost of producing the offer, calculated by:


Break-even Amount * Net Circulation / Average Dollars per Order


• Brkevn: the dollar value of orders needed to cover the cost of producing the offer


Break-even Amount / Average Order


• Wgt Ord $: the projected weighted sales per book


(Sale/Book/Proj) * (Total Circ) / Running total cir. + Prev. wgt. proj.


• Rsp %: the actual response percentage to date for the offers shipped


# Orders / Net Circulation * 100


• % Compl: the cumulative percent complete for the list based on the curve being used. The source code projection will use the default curve unless the curve for a particular source code was overridden when the forecast was built. All percentage complete factors will be the same, except for an item override curve.

• Actual $: the dollar value of orders divided by the # books circulated

• Weighted: the weighted order dollars divided by the # books circulated

• Proj: total projected dollars / # books circulated (total projected = actual order dollars / percent complete)

• Wgt Prj: weighted projected dollars / # books circulated (weighted projected dollars = weighted dollars / % complete)

• Order $/1000 Books: number of orders / # books circulated * 1000

MK03_08r CWDirect 18.0 August 2015 OTN