Item/SKU Coverage Report

How to print: Use the Item/SKU Coverage Selection Prompt Screen (UBOR).

CWDirect Rel 16.0 Item/Sku Coverage Report EKAPLAN INR0888 7/01/13 16:16:41 Page 1

EZK Mail Order


Item SKU Description Qty Open B/O Qty O/H Qty Future On Order Required Current Short(-)/ S/O

Qty Coverage Coverage Over(+) Code

JMNSKU BLUE LRGE TOFU TEE 0 0 54 0 1,000 0 1,054 1,054

P/O # Ln# Expected date Open qty

775 1 5/31/13 100

776 1 6/10/13 200

777 1 6/25/13 300

780 1 7/01/13 400

JMNSKU BLUE SML TOFU TEE P/O # Ln# Expected date Open qty 327 0 1,579 1,579

100 3 10/20/12 100

203 2 10/10/12 200

108 1 10/15/12 102

644 1 1/30/12 25


• Item number

• SKU code

• Item description

• Qty open (quantity open): the number of units of the item currently reserved and on backorder. The calculation is:


Quantity backordered + Quantity reserved (across all warehouses)


• B/O qty (backorder quantity): the number of units of the item ordered, but currently unavailable

• O/H qty (on-hand quantity): the number of units of the item currently available across all warehouses. This value is stored in the Item/Warehouse (INIWRE) file(s).

• Future qty (future quantity): the number of units of the item for future orders. A future order is an order in which the customer specifies an arrival date greater than the number of reservation lead days specified in the System Control file.

• On order: the number of units of the item on open (unreceived) purchase orders.

• Required coverage: the amount required to fulfill the projected orders forecasted for the active offers, as defined in the Active Offer file. This is calculated by:


Quantity ordered / % Complete


• % Complete is calculated by:

1. Checking for the presence of a curve in the SKU/Offer file, Item/Offer file, or Item Class file. If a curve is found, use the value in the % Complete field from the current period of the curve. The current period is determined based on the date of first order in the Offer file. Based on this date, the system calculates the number of periods between the date of the first order and today's date using the period definition in the System Control file (such as a period is measured in weeks or days).

2. If a curve is found, but the % Complete is 0, then use the value in the Proj units field in the SKU/Offer file, but do not perform the standard calculation of Quantity ordered / % Complete as shown above; instead, use the following calculation:


Total demand $$$ catalog-to-date / Budgeted $$$ for all drops (as defined in the Forecast file)


If % Complete is equal to 0, use projected units from the SKU/Offer file.


• Current coverage: the number of units of the item you currently have available to cover projected orders for the active offers, calculated by:


On hand + Open purchase orders


• Shortage/Overage: the number of units short (negative quantity) or in excess (positive quantity) of the quantity required for the forecast, calculated by:


Current coverage - Required coverage


• Sold out indicator: indicates whether the item is sold out and unavailable for sale (based on a value in the S/O control field in the Item record). Valid values include:

Y = system will sell out the item immediately, when quantity available is less than or equal to zero, or when the quantity available plus the quantity on-order (on purchase orders) is less than or equal to zero

N = item is not flagged as "sold out"


• P/O # (purchase order number): the number of the purchase order on which this item has been ordered from the vendor

• Ln# (line number): the line number of the item on the purchase order

• Expected date: the date on which the item is expected to be delivered

• Open qty (open quantity): the number of units of the item remaining to be received on the purchase order

MK03_08r CWDirect 18.0 August 2015 OTN