Detailed Source Code Analysis Report (SSCA)

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CWDirect Rel 16.0 Source Code Analysis Report EKAPLAN MSR0727 6/20/13 15:32:03 Page 1

Sarah`s Fun Shop

Source T CV H DFO Net Circ Act Ord Wgt/Proj Ord Wgt/Proj RR Act Dmd Wgt/Proj GD$ Wgt/Proj$/Bk $/Bk Index BE $/Bk Contr/Bk Wgt/Proj AOS Rsp % % Comp


Drop . . . : 12/10/12

Category . : 99 A CATEGORY

Recency . :

SRC123 SOURCE ONE K 12/16/12 1 248 248 800.00 24744.98 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 498.00 .00

SRC345 SOURCE TWO K 0 0 0 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00

Subtotal Recency 1 248 248 800.00 24744.98 .00 .00 N.A. N.A. N.A. .00 498.00 .00

Subtotal Cat 99 1 248 248 800.00 24744.98 .00 .00 100.00 .00 .00 .00 498.00 .00

Subtotal Drop 1 248 248 800.00 24744.98 .00 .00 N.A. .00 .00 .00 498.00 .00

Subtotal Offer OFR 1 248 248 800.00 24744.98 .00 .00 N.A. .00 .00 .00 498.00 .00

Grand Total For All Offers 1 248 248 800.00 24744.98 .00 .00 N.A. .00 .00 .00 498.00 .00

Contents: The Source Code Analysis report subtotals and page breaks by:

1. Company

2. Offer

3. Drop code

4. Source code category

5. Recency, defined in the Source Code Extended file.

6. Source code

Field descriptions:

Source: A code for a list of names (extracted from your own customer base or rented from a list broker) to whom you mail an offer

T (Type): A code that indicates whether this source code should be included in analysis calculations. This code is defined in the Type field in the Source Code file.

Valid values are:

K = Known

U = Unknown

N = Unknown/Do not analyze

CV (Cover code): A code for the cover on the catalog mailed to this source code. Analyses can be performed by cover code to determine whether one cover generated more sales than another. This code is defined in the Cover code field in the Source Code file.

H (House account code): A code that indicates whether this list was extracted from your company's own "house" list or from a list rented from a list broker. This code is defined in the House acct code in the Source Code file.

Valid values are:

H = List extracted from customer base (house list)

• ' ' = List purchased from list broker

DFO (Date of first order): The date on which the first order was placed from someone using this source code. This date is stored in the D.F.O. field in the Source Code History file.

Net circ (Net circulation): The number of names rented or generated for the mailing to this source code, after removing duplicate names (Gross circulation - Duplicate names). This value is stored in the Net circulation field in the Source Code History file.

Wgt/Proj Ord (Weighted projected orders): A calculated field that takes actual orders received and applies a factor for the allocation of the "unknown" orders and applies a factor for the % complete.

Wgt/Proj RR (Weighted projected response rate): A calculated field that uses values from the previous 2 fields on this report (net circulation and weighted projected orders). The calculation is:

Wgt/Proj Order / Net Circ

Wgt/Proj GD$ (Weighted projected gross demand): A calculated field that takes actual gross demand dollars and applies a factor for the allocation of the "unknown" orders and applies a factor for the % complete.

The calculation for actual gross demand dollars (also known as adjusted order dollars) is:


Source $ + ((Known total $ / Source $ orders) * unknown total #)


The source dollars of orders is from the Source Code History file. The known total dollars of orders is from the Source Code History file for all K (Known) type source codes; the unknown total dollars of orders is from the Source Code History file for all U (Unknown) type source codes.

The calculation for Wgt/Proj GD$ is:

Adjusted order dollars / % complete / 100

The % complete is the cumulative percent complete for the report, based on the curve assigned to the offer and the date of the first order for the source code. You may assign a curve code to an offer to project the number of orders (demand) for the offer. A curve is a forecasting model which simulates order activity, which starts off slowly, peaks after a certain amount of time, then winds down

Wgt/Proj$/Bk (Weighted projected dollars per book): A calculated field that uses values from 2 previous fields on this report. The calculation is:

Wgt/Proj GD$ / Net circ

$/Bk Index (Dollars per book index): This field always equals 100.

BE $/Bk (Break even dollars per book): The calculation for this field is:

Variable advertising expense / (% Net fill / 100) / ((% Margin / 100)


- ((Cost per order * Wgt/Proj Ord) / Wgt/Proj GD$))

The values for the variable ad expense, % net fill, % margin, and cost per order are taken from the Source Code file.

The values for the Wgt/Proj Ord and Wgt/Proj GD$ fields in this calculation are taken from other calculations (described previously) on this report.

Contr/Bk (Contribution per book): The calculation for this field is:

((Wgt/Proj GD$ * (% Net Fill / 100) * (% Margin / 100) - (Var Adv Exp * Net Circ)


- (Cost per Order * Wgt Proj Ord )) / Net Circ

The values for the % net fill, % margin, variable ad expense, and cost per order are taken from the Source Code file.

The value for the Net circ field is taken from the Source Code History file.

The values for the Wgt/Proj GD$ and Wgt Proj Ord fields are taken from other calculations (described previously) on this report.

Wgt/Proj AOS (Weighted projected average order size): The calculation for this field is:

Wgt/Proj GD$ / Wgt/Proj Ord

The values for the Wgt/Proj GD$ and Wgt Proj Ord fields are taken from other calculations (described previously) on this report.

% Comp (Percent complete): The cumulative percent complete for the report, based on the curve assigned to the offer and the date of the first order for the source code. You may assign a curve code to an offer to project the number of orders (demand) for the offer. A curve is a forecasting model which simulates order activity, which starts off slowly once a catalog is dropped, peaks after a certain amount of time, then winds down.

Drop: The number assigned to the mailing to this list. This value is used for forecasting and analysis reporting. Drop codes are assigned to each mailing; some customers may be included in several drops of the same catalog to spread out circulation and encourage purchases.

A code that describes this group of names, such as buyers, recipients, house list, or rented list. Source code categories are user-defined in the Source Category file.

Source Code Category Subtotals:

$/Bk Index Subtotal per Category: The dollars per book index; subtotaled by source code category.

This field should always equal 100, since the calculation is dividing the subtotal by itself * 100. The calculation is:


(Subtotal Wgt/Proj$/Bk for the recency within a category within a drop and within an offer /


Subtotal Wgt/Proj$/Bk for the recency within a category within a drop and within an offer) * 100


The calculation for Wgt/Proj$/Bk is described previously.

BE $/Bk Subtotal per Category: The break-even dollars per book, subtotaled by source code category. The calculation is:

(Var Adv Exp for the category / % Net Fill / 100) / ((% Margin / 100) -


Individual source code's extended cost subtotal for the category / Wgt/Proj GD$ subtotal for the category)

The variable advertising expense is the same for all source codes within a source code category. This value, along with the values for % net fill and % margin, are taken from the Extended Source Code file. The Wgt/Proj GD$ is a value calculated elsewhere on this report.

Contr/Bk Subtotal per Category: The contribution per book, subtotaled by source code category. The calculation is:

((Wgt/Proj GD$ subtotal for the source code category * (% Net fill / 100) * (% Margin / 100)) -


(Var Adv Exp for the source code category * Net circulation subtotal for the source code category)) -


Individual source code's extended cost subtotal for the source code category / Net circulation subtotal for


the source code category


The Wgt/Proj GD$ value is calculated elsewhere on this report.

The % net fill, % margin, and variable advertising expense are taken from the Extended Source Code file.

The Net circulation value is taken from the Source Code History file.

Drop Subtotals:

$/Bk Index Subtotal per Drop: This field is blank on the report.

BE $/Bk Subtotal per Drop: The break-even dollars per book, subtotaled by drop. The calculation is:


((Net circulation subtotal for category (X) * BE $/Book Subtotal Category (X))


+ (Net circulation subtotal for category (X+1) * BE $/Book subtotal category (X+1))


+ (Net circulation subtotal for category (X+2) * BE $/ Book subtotal category (X+2))


+ [...repeat for all categories...] / Net circulation subtotal for drop


The net circulation value is taken from the Source Code History file. The BE $/Bk is calculated elsewhere on this report.

Contr/Bk Subtotal per Drop: The contribution per book, subtotaled by drop. The calculation is:

((Net circulation subtotal for source code category (X) *


Contribution/Book subtotal for source code category (X)) +


(Net circulation subtotal for source code category (X+1) *


Contribution/Book subtotal for source code category (X+1)) +


(Net circulation subtotal for source code category (X+2) *


Contribution/Book subtotal for source code category (X+2)) +


...repeat for all source code categories...) /


Net circulation subtotal for drop


Offer Subtotals:

$/Bk Index Subtotal per Offer: This field is blank on the report.

BE $/Bk Subtotal per Offer: The break-even dollars per book, subtotaled by offer. The calculation is:

((Net circulation subtotal for drop (X) * BE $/Book subtotal for drop (X))


+ (Net circulation subtotal for drop (X+1) * BE $/book subtotal for drop (X+1)


+ (Net circulation subtotal for drop (X+2) * BE $/book subtotal for drop


(X+2)) + ...repeat for all drops ...) / Net circulation subtotal for offer


Contr/Bk Subtotal per Offer: The contribution per book, subtotaled by offer. The calculation is:

((Net circulation subtotal for drop (X) * Contribution per book subtotal for


drop (X)) + (Net circulation subtotal for drop (X+1) * Contribution per book


subtotal for drop (X+1)) + (Net circulation subtotal for drop (X+2) *


Contribution per book subtotal for drop (X+2)) + ...repeat for all drops...) /


Net circulation subtotal for offer

Grand Totals for All Offers:

BE $/Bk Grand Total: The grand total for break-even dollars per book, for all offers included on this report. The calculation is:

((Net circulation subtotal for offer (X) * BE $/Book subtotal offer (X)) +


Net circulation subtotal for offer (X+1) * BE $/Book subtotal offer (X+1)) +


(Net circulation subtotal for offer (X+2) * BE $/


Book subtotal for offer (X+2)) + ...repeat for all offers...) /


Net circulation grand total


Contr/Bk Grand Total: The grand total for contribution per book, for all offers included on this report. The calculation is:

((Net circulation subtotal for offer (X) * Contribution per book subtotal for offer (X))


+ (Net circulation subtotal for offer (X+1) * Contribution per book subtotal for offer (X+1))


+ (Net circulation subtotal for offer (X+2) * Contribution per book subtotal for offer (X+2))


+ ...repeat for all offers...) / Net circulation grand total

MK03_08r CWDirect 18.0 August 2015 OTN