Source Analysis Summary Report (SSCA)

Description: This report runs automatically when you run the Detailed Source Code Analysis Report (SSCA). This report uses similar calculations as the Detailed Source Code Analysis Report (SSCA); however, information is summarized by drop, source code category, and recency code.

Recency code is a code used to group buyers who have made purchases within the same time frame, such as within the last 0-12 months. Each source code may be given a recency code to further identify buyers. A recency code may be assigned to a source code by entering a code in the Recency field in the Extended Source Code file. See Chapter 12: Working with Recency Codes (WRCC) and Chapter 6: Working with Source Codes (WSRC).

How to print: Use the Print Detailed Source Code Analysis Report (SSCA) menu option.

CWDirect Rel 16.0 Source Analysis Summary Report EKAPLAN MSR0734 6/20/13 15:32:03 Page 1

Sarah`s Fun Shop

Recency Net Circ Wgt/Proj Ord Wgt/Proj RR Wgt/Proj GD$ Wgt/Proj$/Bk $/Bk Index BE $/Bk Contr/Bk Wgt/Proj AOS % Comp

Drop 12/10/12

Category 99 A CATEGORY

100 248 800.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00

Subtotal Cat 99 100 248 800.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00

Total Drop 100 248 800.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00

Grand Total For All Drops 100 248 800.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00

Field descriptions: The fields on this report that differ from the Source Analysis Summary Report (SSCA) are:

Drop #: The number assigned to the mailing to this list. This value is used for forecasting and analysis reporting. Drop codes are assigned to each mailing; some customers may be included in several drops of the same catalog to spread out circulation and encourage purchases.

Net circulation: The number of names rented or generated for the mailing to this all source codes with this recency code, after removing duplicate names (Gross circulation - Duplicate names). This value is stored in the Net circulation field in the Source Code History file.


Note: See the Detailed Source Code Analysis Report (SSCA) for the calculation of each of the following fields:

Wgt/Proj Ord (Weighted Projected Orders): A calculated field. Calculated for each recency code.

Wgt/Proj RR (Weighted Projected Response Rate): A calculated field. Calculated for each recency code.

Wgt/Proj GD$ (Weighted Projected Gross Dollars): A calculated field. Calculated for each recency code.

Wgt/Proj$/Bk (Weighted Projected Dollars Per Book): A calculated field. Calculated for each recency code.

$/Bk Index (Dollars per Book Index): A calculated field. Calculated for each recency code.

BE $/Bk (Break Even Dollars per Book): A calculated field, based on the new fields added to the Source Code Extended file.

Contr/Bk (Contribution per Book): A calculated field. Calculated for each recency code.

Wgt/Proj AOS (Weighted Projected Average Order Size): A calculated field. Calculated for each recency code.

% Comp (Percent Complete): Based on the date of first order for the source code and the offer curve or override source code category curve. Calculated for each recency code.

MK03_08r CWDirect 18.0 August 2015 OTN