Creating and Updating Ship-to Customers (WCST)

Purpose: Ship to customers can be stored in the system as temporary or permanent records.

You can create a temporary ship to record through Order Entry when you press F14. You might create a temporary ship to record for a gift order. The system stores the temporary ship to record in the Order Ship To file.

The system stores permanent ship to records in the Customer file. Permanent ship to customers are those to whom a sold to customer regularly directs merchandise. You can create permanent ship to customers directly through Customer Maintenance. You can also create permanent ship to records through Order Entry by pressing F7.

The system retains mail, item, and order history for permanent ship to customers, and captures information on address changes.

In this topic:

Work with Customer Ship Tos Screen

Create Ship-to Customer Screen

Change Ship to Customer Screen

Display Ship To Screen

Work with Ship To Phone Numbers Screen

Create Ship To Phone Number Screen

Work with Ticklers Screen (ship-to customer view)

Work with Customer Ship Tos Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to create a permanent ship-to customer, or to change, delete, or display customer ship-to information.

How to display this screen:

• enter 7 next to a customer at a Work with Customer scan screen (see Selecting Customers)

• press F7 at a Create, Change, or Display Customer screen in Work with Customers (see Creating and Updating Sold-to Customers (WCST)) or Order Inquiry (see Using the Order Inquiry Scan Screens (OIOM)

CSR0111 DISPLAY Work with Customer Ship Tos 7/16/02 17:10:56

EZK Mail Order


Opt Name (Last/Company) First Name St Zip Ship To #

Type options, press Enter

2=Change 4=Delete 5=Display 9=Phone #'s 15=Mail history 18=Item history

19=Order history 24=Prev Addr 96=Ticklers 97=Email history 99=Letter



F3=Exit F6=Create F12=Cancel F21=Print list



Last name

The customer's last name. Enter a full or partial last name to list customers who match your entry alphanumerically.

Alphanumeric, 25 positions; optional.

First name

The customer’s first name. Enter a full or partial last name to list customers whose names follow your entry alphanumerically. Enter a full or partial last name and first name to list customers with last names and first names that follow your entry alphanumerically.

Alphanumeric, 15 positions; optional.

St (State)

The state or province where the customer lives, or receives mail or shipments.

See Setting Up the Country File (WCTY) for more information on state codes.

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; optional.


The postal or zip code for this customer.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; optional.

Ship To #

A unique number assigned to the customer for identification purposes.

Numeric, 9 digits; display-only.


The name of the company placing the order.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; optional.

Screen Option


Create a permanent ship-to customer

Press F6 to advance to the Create Ship-to Customer Screen.

Change ship-to customer information

Enter 2 next to a customer to advance to the Change Ship to Customer Screen.

Delete a permanent ship-to customer

Enter 4 next to the customer to delete it.

If there is an unpurged order on the system for this ship-to customer, the system does not allow you to delete the record. Instead, a message displays: Record not deleted. Ship To 438-1 used on Order # 2664-1.

Display a ship-to customer

Enter 5 next to a customer to advance to the Display Ship To Screen.

Work with ship-to phone numbers

Enter 9 next to a customer to advance to the Work with Ship To Phone Numbers Screen.

Review ship-to customer mail history

Enter 15 next to a customer to advance to the Display Ship To Mail History screen. See Display Customer Mail History Screen for field descriptions.

Review ship-to customer item history

Enter 18 next to a customer to advance to the Display Ship To Item History Screen. (Note: You can review ship-to item history only if the Track item history field for the sold-to customer is set to 3.

Review ship-to order history

Enter 19 next to a customer to advance to the Display Ship To Order History Screen.

Review address changes

Enter 24 next to a customer to advance to the Display Address Changes Screen.

Work with ticklers associated with the ship-to customer

Enter 96 next to a customer to advance to the Work with Ticklers Screen (ship-to customer view).

Review email correspondence history

Enter 97 next to a customer to advance to the Work with Email by Customer Ship To Number Screen.

Send customer letters

This option is not currently supported.

Create Ship-to Customer Screen

Create a ship-to customer: At the Work with Customer Ship Tos Screen, press F6 to add a permanent ship-to customer.

CSR0137 ENTER Create Ship To 4/06/98 10:19:12

The KL Mail Order Company


Name . . .

Company .

Street . . Apt/Suite

Address .

Postal code City St Country USA

Delivery code R (B=Business, R=Residential) PO Box (Y/N)

Rent Y (Y/N) Mail Code Call Code Language code

Email address

Phone numbers: Day/business . Ext.

Evening/home . Ext.

Mobile . . . . Ext.

F3=Exit F12=Cancel




A number to identify the sold-to customer.

Numeric, 9 positions; display-only, assigned by the system.


The following 5 fields are available for you to enter the customer's full name:


A title that belongs before the customer's name (such as "Mrs." or "Dr."). The prefix value will print on labels, reports, etc.

If the Validate Prefix (I27) system control value is set to Y, your entry is validated against the Prefix file; see Working with Prefix Codes (WPFX).

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.

First Name

The customer's first name.

Alphanumeric, 15 positions; optional.


The customer's middle initial.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

Last Name

The customer's last name.

Alphanumeric, 25 positions; required if Company name is blank.


An addition to the customer's full name, such as ("M.D.", "Fr.", or "III").

Alphanumeric, 3 positions, optional.


The customer's street address. This is the primary delivery address. The United States Postal Service requires a street address for delivery.

Alphanumeric, 32 positions; required.


The apartment number or suite number of the delivery address. To enter an apartment or suite address:

Enter APT to indicate an apartment or STE to indicate a suite.

Insert a space and type the number of the apartment or suite, for example: APT 4 or STE 116.

Field contents must conform to United States Parcel Service (USPS) address formatting standards. Always precede the apartment or suite number with the applicable abbreviation (e.g., APT or STE), to meet USPS regulations and correctly identify this information on labels or reports.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; optional.


Three additional lines for the customer's delivery address. Field contents must conform to United States Postal Service (USPS) formatting standards. If the address represents a post office box, you must type P.O. Box on this line to meet USPS regulations and correctly identify this information on labels or reports.

Alphanumeric, three 32-position fields; optional.

Postal code

The postal code or zip code for this customer. This code represents a delivery area, and drives the city and state field contents. The system calls a user-defined program to validate postal code formats outside the CWDirect environment if you set the External Postal Code Validation (E62) system control value to Y.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; required.


The city where the customer lives, or receives mail or shipments. The system completes this field for you when you enter a valid zip code.

Alphanumeric, 25 positions; required.

St (State)

The state or province where the customer lives, or receives mail or shipments. State codes are defined in and validated against the State file, accessible through the Work with Countries menu option. See Setting Up the Country File (WCTY).

The system validates that the state you enter is assigned to the SCF in the first three positions of the postal code.

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; required.


The code for the customer's country. The system defines and validates this code against the Country file. This code will default if it is defined in the Default Country for Customer Address (B17) field in the System Control file.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; required.

Delivery code

This value identifies a business (commercial) or residential address. The value is a shipping rate indicator that applies when you ship an order by a carrier that uses or consumer rate tables (such as United Parcel Service). This code defaults from the Default Delivery Code for New Order Entry Customers (D13) system control value, but you can override it.

B = Business rate table determines shipping charges.

R = Residential rate table determines shipping charges.

N = No distinction between residential and business address. (This is not a valid delivery code for a U.P.S. shipper, as defined in the Ship Via file. See Fulfillment Working with SCF/Ship Via Values (WSHV).)

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

PO box

A flag that identifies the customer's address as a post office box. Whenever an address represents a post office box, orders must ship by Parcel Post. Commercial carriers cannot deliver to Post Office boxes.

Valid values are:

Y = The address is a post office box.

N (or blank) = The address is not a post office box.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.


This value identifies whether to include the customer's name on a mailing list that you rent. Valid values are:

Y = Rent the customer's name.

N = Do not rent the customer's name.

This value defaults from the Default Rent Name (D11) you have defined in the System Control file.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

Mail code

This value defines when, and under what circumstances, you will send mail to the customer. Mail codes are defined in and validated against the Mail/Call Code file; see Working with Mail/Call Codes (WMCC).

This value defaults from the Mail code specified for the sold-to customer. You must define this value (either Y or N) in the Mail/Call Code file, or the system displays an error message.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.

Call code

This value defines when, and under what circumstances, you will call the customer. Call codes are defined in and validated against the Mail/Call Code file; see Working with Mail/Call Codes (WMCC).

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.

Language code

This field is not currently implemented.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.

Email address

The customer's email address. See Email Address Validation for information on how the system verifies that your entry is formatted correctly.

Fraud checking: An order goes on ES hold if this email address matches an email address in the Miscellaneous Fraud file; see Working with Miscellaneous Frauds (WMFF).

Alphanumeric, 50 positions; optional.

Phone numbers

The customer's day, evening and third (fax or mobile) phone numbers.

The Third Phone Number Type (L53) system control value determines whether the third phone number is labeled the Fax or Mobile number.

You can define a telephone number format to map to the phone numbers operators enter into the system. Telephone number formats are defined by arranging numbers and special characters such as hyphens and parenthesis in the same order and position as the numbers in a phone number would display. When an operator enters a phone number, the system compares the number of numeric characters in the phone number with the telephone number formats you have defined. In order to match a format, the phone number must have the same number of numeric positions as a telephone number format. If the system cannot find a match, the phone number does not map to a telephone number format and displays as it was entered by the operator.


Telephone Number Format Examples

An operator enters a phone number containing 10 numbers: 5084293197

The telephone number format used in the United States to represent an area code, local exchange and local phone number is: (508) 429-3197

When an operator enters a phone number containing 10 numbers (as in the example), the phone number displays so that the first 3 positions are in parenthesis and a hyphen is between the sixth and seventh numbers, regardless of how the operator entered it into the system. If an operator enters a phone number containing 6 numbers, for example 4293197 and no format exists for 6 numbers, the phone number would display as it was entered (4293197). See Setting Up the Postal Code File (WZIP).

The system calls a user-defined program to validate phone numbers outside of CWDirect if you set the External Validation for Phone Number (E64) system control value to Y.


The system provides a "hook" to the program when an operator presses Enter on a screen containing a phone number associated with a country. This program can be used to validate country phone number rules for a specific country, for example, if a phone number for a country should only contain 6 numbers and more than 6 numbers are entered, an error message displays. Phone numbers that are not associated with a country, for example, phone numbers in the Bank, Salesman, Warehouse and Ship Via files, are not validated. The program validates phone numbers based on the following parameters:

• Company

• Country

• State

• City

• Phone Number

Alphanumeric, 14 positions (phone number) and 4 positions (phone extension); optional.

Change Ship to Customer Screen

To change: Enter 2 next to a ship-to customer at the Work with Customer Ship Tos Screen to advance to the Change Ship To screen. See Create Ship-to Customer Screen for field descriptions. You can change any information on this screen except the:

• Sold-to customer number and name

• Ship-to record number

• Match code

Customer Workflow Management window: The Customer Workflow Management Window automatically displays when you enter 2 next to a ship-to customer if open or in use ticklers exist for the ship-to customer. Press F10 at this window to advance to the Work with Ticklers Screen (ship-to customer view) where you can review and work with ticklers associated with the sold to customer and the specific ship to customer.

Display Ship To Screen

To display: Enter 5 next to a customer at the Work with Customer Ship Tos Screen to advance to the Display Ship To screen. See Create Ship-to Customer Screen for field descriptions. You cannot change any information on this screen.

Work with Ship To Phone Numbers Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to add, change, delete, or display ship-to customer phone numbers quickly. You can also work with phone numbers through the Create Ship-to Customer Screen and the Change Ship to Customer Screen.

How to display this screen: Enter 9 next to a customer at the Work with Customer Ship Tos Screen.

CSR0112 DISPLAY Work with Ship To Phone Numbers 4/06/98 10:30:47

The KL Mail Order Company



Opt Type Description Phone # Ext

Type options, press Enter.

2=Change 4=Delete

D Day/Business (508) 626-2600 EXT. 163

E Evening/Home (508) 533-0816 EXT.

F3=Exit F6=Create F12=Cancel F21=Print list




The type of phone number. You can define only one number of each type. Valid values are:

D = Day/business

E = Evening/home

F = Mobile/Fax

The Third Phone Number Type (L53) system control value determines whether the third phone number is labeled the Fax or Mobile number.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

See Create Ship-to Customer Screen for descriptions of the remaining fields.


Screen Option


Create a new phone number

Press F6 to advance to the Create Ship To Phone Number Screen.

Change a phone number

Enter 2 next to a phone number to change it. You can change the area code, number, and extension. See Create Ship To Phone Number Screen for field descriptions.

Delete a phone number

Enter 4 next to a phone number to delete it.

Create Ship To Phone Number Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to create a new day, evening, or third (fax or mobile) phone number for a ship-to customer.

See Create Ship-to Customer Screen for more information on phone number formats and validation.

How to display this screen: Press F6 at the Work with Ship To Phone Numbers Screen.

CSR0115 ENTER Create Ship To Phone Number 4/06/98 10:33:06

The KL Mail Order Company


Ship to : 1

Type . . . (D=Day, E=Evening, F=Fax/Mobile)

Phone Number . Ext.

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

About this screen: See Create Ship-to Customer Screen and Work with Ship To Phone Numbers Screen for field descriptions.

Work with Ticklers Screen (ship-to customer view)

Purpose: Use this screen to review, work with, and resolve ticklers associated with a ship-to customer.

Secured feature: If you do not have authority to the Update All Ticklers (B09) secured feature, you cannot update a tickler that is not assigned to you or your tickler groups or an error message displays: Not authorized to change.

This secured feature controls updating a tickler by:

• entering 2 next to a tickler to change it.

• entering 4 next to a tickler to delete it.

• entering 7 next to a tickler to assign the tickler to yourself.

• entering 11 next to a tickler to resolve it.

If you do not have access to this feature, you can update only ticklers assigned to you or your tickler groups. However, you can still release an order associated with the tickler from hold.

See Workflow Management Overview and Setup for an overview and required setup for workflow management processing.

How to display this screen:

• enter 96 next to a ship-to customer at the Work with Customer Ship Tos Screen.

• press F10 at the Customer Workflow Management Window (which displays when you advance to the Change Ship to Customer Screen screen).

CSR1317 DISPLAY Work with Ticklers 8/21/02 9:44:14



Ship To . . . . : 1 BOTTGER, KAREN A

Opt S P Assigned Ev Cat Tickler# User Group User Sts Order# Bill To

Type options, press Enter.

2=Change 4=Delete 5=Display 6=Release 7=In process 8=Notes 9=Detail

10=History 11=Resolve 12=Procedure

O 5 8/21/02 MN MAN 3050 KBOTTGER 0 0

F3=Exit F6=Create F8=Current/Future F9=Count F12=Cancel F14=Open/Resolved

F21=List F24=Select company



Sold to

The number and description of the sold to customer associated with the ship to customer.

Sold to number: Numeric, 9 positions; display-only.

Sold to description: Alphanumeric, 40 positions; display-only.

Ship to

The number and description of the ship to customer associated with the ticklers on this screen.

Ship to number: Numeric, 9 positions; display-only.

Ship to description: Alphanumeric, 40 positions; display-only.

S (tickler status)

The status of the tickler.

O = Open; the tickler is open and is available to work on in the assigned tickler work queue.

I = In use; the tickler is currently being worked on by the assigned user.

R = Resolved; the tickler has been resolved.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

P (tickler priority)

The priority of the tickler, indicating how important the issue associated with the tickler is to resolve (1 is the lowest priority and 9 is the highest priority).

Numeric, 1 position; optional.

Assigned (assign date)

The date the tickler was assigned to the user or tickler user group.

Numeric, 7 positions (CYYMMDD format); optional.

Ev (tickler event code)

The code for the tickler event that created the tickler.

AR = A/R accounts

BO = Backorders

CO = Cancelled orders

HO = Held orders

MN = Manually created

NO = New orders

OO = Aged open orders

SO = Sold out orders

UP = Unconfirmed pick tickets

VP = Voided pick tickets

WF = Remote workflow

See System Delivered Tickler Events.

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; optional.

Cat (tickler category)

The tickler category assigned to the tickler.

Tickler categories are defined in and validated against the Tickler Category file; see Working with Tickler Category (WTCT).

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.


The tickler number assigned to the tickler, from the Tickler Number number assignment record.

Numeric, 9 positions; optional.

User group

The group ID code for the tickler user group assigned to the tickler.

Tickler user groups are defined in and validated against the Tickler User Group file; see Working with Tickler User Groups (WTUG).

Tickler group ID: Alphanumeric, 10 positions; display-only.


The user ID of the user assigned to the tickler.

Users are defined in and validated against the User file; see Working with User Records (WUSR).

User ID: Alphanumeric, 10 positions; display-only.

Sts (order status)

The status of the order associated with the tickler.

blank = Open.

A = Archived to optical disk.

C = Cancelled.

H = Held. Note: The system highlights the held status in a different color (for example yellow) if the sold to customer is a new customer, based on purchase history. A new customer has placed an order, but no orders have shipped (# orders LTD is equal to or greater than 1 and # sales LTD is equal to 0 in the Customer Sold To Order History file).

P = Purged.

S = Suspended.

X = Closed.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; display-only.

Order #

The order associated with the tickler.

Numeric, 9 positions; display-only.

Bill to

The bill to customer associated with the tickler.

Numeric, 9 positions; display-only.

Screen Option


Change a tickler

Enter 2 next to a tickler to advance to the Change Tickler Screen.

Delete a tickler

Enter 4 next to a tickler to delete it.

You can only delete MN (manually created) ticklers.

Display a tickler

Enter 5 next to a tickler to advance to the Display Tickler Screen.

Release the order associated with the tickler from hold

Enter 6 next to a tickler to advance to the Release Reason Prompt Pop-Up Window (order header hold), Release Recipient Hold Reason Pop-Up Window (recipient hold), and/or Release Order Payment Method Window (paytype hold).

If you release an order from hold for an HO (held order) tickler, the system automatically resolves the tickler. Also, the system evaluates any other ticklers associated with the order to determine if they can be resolved.


If you enter 6 next to a tickler not associated with a held order, an error message displays: Order not on hold.

If you enter 6 next to a tickler not associated with an order, an error message displays: Tickler not eligible for this option.

Note: You must have authority to the Release Held Orders (ERHO) menu option to release the order from hold.

Select a tickler to work on

Enter 7 next to a tickler to change the status of the tickler from open (O) to in use (I).

You can only select to work with a tickler that is in an open status; if you enter 7 next to a tickler that is in an in use (I) or resolved (R) status, an error message displays: Tickler status cannot be changed - resolved or already in process.

Selecting this option automatically assigns the tickler to the user and creates a tickler history record.

Enter or review tickler work notes

Enter 8 next to a tickler to advance to the work notes screen, based on the note type defined for the tickler.

Note type A advances you to the Edit Customer Actions Window.

Note type B advances you to the Work with Bill To Notes Screen.

Note type O advances you to the Work with Order Messages Screen.

Note type S advances you to the Edit Customer Notes Screen.

Note type T advances you to the Work with Tickler Notes Screen.

Review the tickler source

Enter 9 next to a tickler to advance to the source screen, based on the tickler event associated with the tickler.

AR ticklers advance you to the Work with Open Items Screen.

BO, CO, HO, NO, OO, SO, UP, VP, and WF ticklers advance you to the Order Inquiry Header Screen.

You cannot view the source for MN ticklers: Requested tickler has no source reference.

Review tickler history

Enter 10 next to a tickler to advance to the Work with Tickler History Screen.

Resolve a tickler

Enter 11 next to a tickler to advance to the Resolve Tickler Window.

Review procedures for a tickler

Enter 12 next to a tickler to advance to the Work with Tickler Event Rule Procedure Screen.

You cannot add or change tickler procedures when you advance from the Work with Ticklers screen.

You cannot review procedures for MN ticklers.

Create a tickler for the MN (manually created) tickler event

Press F6 to advance to the Create Tickler Screen.

Note: To create a MN tickler, you must have authority to the Create Manual Tickler (B13) secured feature.

Review the number of ticklers in the work queue, based on the selection criteria you have defined

Press F9 to advance to the Current Tickler Count Window.

Toggle between displaying open and in use ticklers or resolved ticklers

Press F14. The system toggles between displaying:

• ticklers in an open (O) or in use (I) status.

• tickler in a resolved (R) status.

CS03_04 CWDirect 18.0.x 2018 OTN