Selecting Vendors for Drop Ship Processing (MDSP)

Overview: Use Select Vendors for Drop Ship Processing to select one, several, or all vendors for processing drop ship purchase orders or picks. Each vendor code entered on the screen is validated against Working with Vendors (WVEN). If you do not select any vendors, all vendors are eligible for drop ship processing. Completing this screen automatically faxes or prints drop ship purchase orders, pick slips, or invoices; also, if the vendor is flagged to use CWCollaborate or Locate, the drop ship purchase order is automatically downloaded to CWCollaborate or sent to Locate at this time. See Drop Ship Processing for a process overview.

Drop ship items are items that you do not stock in inventory. When a customer places an order for a drop ship item, you order the item from your supplier (vendor). The vendor ships the item directly to your customer.

Generating drop ship pick slips by batch: You can generate drop ship pick slips by batch for selected vendors using Processing Drop Ship Orders by Batch (MDSB); however, you cannot generate drop ship purchase orders, either through CWDirect or CWCollaborate, through the Processing Drop Ship Orders by Batch menu option. Batch processing of drop ship pick slips is available only for vendors whose Drop ship output field is set to P (Pick slips).

Hold purchase order? The system puts the purchase order on hold if it exceeds the Total Purchase Order Entry Dollar Limit (J91). See that system control value for more information.

Retail pickup and delivery orders: Before generating a drop ship pick slip or purchase order for a retail pickup or delivery order, the system first submits a status inquiry request to Locate to confirm that the order has not been canceled. See Fulfilling Retail Pickup and Delivery Orders in CWDirect for background.

In this topic:

Select Vendors for Drop Ship Screen

Drop Ship Processing

Possible Drop Ship Output


Select Vendors for Drop Ship Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to select vendors for drop ship processing and also to select whether to print drop ship purchase orders and/or to fax the pick slips/invoices to the vendor.

How to display this screen: Enter MDSP in the Fast path field at the top of any menu, or select Select Vendors for Drop Ship Picks from a menu.

FLR0139 ENTER Select Vendors for Drop Ship 3/18/14 17:22:05

EZK Mail Order

Vendors .

*Leave blank for all vendors.

Print Drop Ship Purchase Orders . . . . . V (V/P/N)

Fax Invoices/Picks to Vendors . . . . . . N (Y/N)

F3=Exit F9=Accept F12=Cancel




A code that defines the supplier of an item. Validated against the Vendor file; see Merchandising Working with Vendors (WVEN).

To select one or more vendors, enter the vendor number(s); otherwise, to select all vendors, leave the vendor fields blank.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.

Print drop ship purchase orders

Indicates whether drop ship purchase orders should be generated for the vendors specified in the Vendor field.

However, drop ship purchase orders are generated only for vendors whose Drop ship output field on the second Vendor screen is set to O (Drop ship purchase orders). For vendors whose Drop ship output field is set to P (drop ship pick slips), drop ship purchase orders are not generated, regardless of the setting of the Print drop ship purchase orders field; instead, drop ship pick slips/invoices are generated.

You can select the sort sequence in which the drop ship purchase orders print. The last sort used defaults the next time you enter this screen. Valid values are:

N = The system does not generate drop ship purchase orders.

P = The system generates drop ship purchase orders in purchase order number sequence. The system uses the PO Print Program for PO Print in PO Sequence (C76) system control value to print drop ship purchase orders in purchase order number sequence.

V = The system generates drop ship purchase orders in vendor number sequence. The system uses the PO Print Program (C64) system control value to print drop ship purchase orders in vendor number sequence.


Note: The system also generates a drop ship invoice when you generate a drop ship purchase order if the Print Drop Ship Invoice with PO (C85) system control value is set to Y.

See Possible Drop Ship Output for information on how to print or fax drop ship purchase orders or pick slips/invoices.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

Fax invoices/picks to vendors

Indicates whether the drop ship pick slips/invoices should be faxed to the vendor instead of, or in addition to, printing. If the FAX Available (B53) system control value is not set to Y, an error message displays at this screen; also, the vendor must be fax-enabled. See Possible Drop Ship Output for an overview.

Y = Fax drop ship pick slips/invoices to the vendor.

N or blank = Do not fax drop ship pick slips/invoices to the vendor; however, drop ship pick slips should still be generated, if appropriate.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

Screen Option


Process drop ships

Press F9. The system sends all records in the CC Authorization Transaction file to the Authorization Service, including the authorization associated with the non-drop ship order. See Drop Ship Processing for an overview of how to handle any errors.

Return to Drop Ship Processing without processing drop ships

Press F11. You return to the Select Vendors for Drop Ship Screen, where you can correct any pick slip generation error before processing drop ships. See Drop Ship Processing for an overview of how to handle any errors.

Drop Ship Processing

The system performs the following procedures during drop ship processing:

1. For an order that includes a drop ship item, the system checks the Item/SKU to determine the primary vendor assigned to the item/SKU.

2. The system processes credit card authorizations on the drop ship orders, if needed. Any orders whose credit cards are declined for authorization are not included in the drop ship process; see Authorization/Deposit Setup.

Note: If you process drop ships for all vendors, the system requests a single authorization for an order; however, if you process drop ships for selected vendors, the system requests a separate authorization for each vendor associated with a drop ship item on an order.

3. The system then checks the Vendor file to see if the Drop ship output field on the second Vendor screen is set to P (pick slips), O (purchase orders), C (CWCollaborate), or L (Locate).

If the Drop ship output field for the vendor is set to:

P, the system produces drop ship pick slips/invoices. Once the vendor confirms the order, you can confirm the shipment manually, using the Manually Confirming Shipments (MCON) menu option. The system then produces the Drop Ship Batch Confirmation Report, which allows you to review the total costs of items on the drop ship pick slips. See Possible Drop Ship Output for an overview of output options.

O, the system produces drop ship purchase orders. Once the vendor confirms the order, you can confirm the shipment manually, using the Purchase Order Receipts menu option. Additionally, the system also prints a drop ship invoice when you print a drop ship purchase order if the Print Drop Ship Invoice with PO (C85) system control value is set to Y.

C, the system automatically sends drop ship purchase orders through the CWCollaborate Interface for automated processing. The drop ship purchase order is automatically confirmed when your vendor ships it.

L, the system automatically sends drop ship purchase orders through the Locate Supplier Direct Fulfillment Interface for automated processing. The drop ship purchase order is automatically confirmed when your vendor ships it.


4. The system produces several reports related to drop ship processing; see Reports.

Note: A drop ship order line is not selected for processing until the current date plus the number of Lead days on the Create Vendor Item Screen equals or exceeds the Arrival date for the order line.

Example: On October 1, you enter an order for a drop ship item supplied to your customers by vendor ABC. At the customer’s request, you enter an Arrival date of December 15. The Lead days for this item in the vendor item file is specified as 10. The order line is not eligible for processing until December 5. If you run drop ship processing prior to December 5, the order line is not included. If you run drop ship processing on or after December 5, the order line is included.

About CWCollaborate: CWCollaborate provides an internet-based, collaborative environment for retailers and vendors to share and process information related to drop ship purchase orders. If you use the CWCollaborate Interface to process drop ship purchase orders for a vendor, your system generates a drop ship purchase order and automatically transmits the purchase order information to CWCollaborate, where your vendor can access it through a browser window to fulfill the orders, ship them, and process returns. You must purchase the CWCollaborate application.

About Locate: The Supplier Direct Fulfillment module in Locate provides an internet-based, collaborative environment for retailers and vendors to share and process information related to drop ship purchase orders. If you use the Locate Supplier Direct Fulfillment Interface to process drop ship purchase orders for a vendor, your system generates a drop ship purchase order and automatically transmits the purchase order information to Locate, where your vendor can access it through the Vendor Portal to fulfill the orders and ship them. You must purchase Locate and its Supplier Direct Fulfillment module.

PICKGEN auth records in W status: A pop-up window opens when you process drop ships if a pick control header record exists with a pick status of W (waiting for authorization) for a non-drop ship order paid with a credit card if the credit card did not receive an approved authorization during pick slip generation due to transmission failure.

The system creates a record in the Pick Control Header file when you generate pick slips. The pick control header record remains in a W pick status until the corresponding authorization transaction in the CC Authorization Transaction file receives an approved authorization. A pick slip is not produced until the credit card on the order receives an approved authorization.

When you see this pop-up window during drop ship processing, you can either:

• press F9 to generate drop ship orders without first re-sending the authorization transaction associated with the pick control header record in a W pick status for authorization. When you perform drop ship processing, the system sends all authorization records in the CC Authorization Transaction file to the authorization service for authorization, including the authorization transaction associated with the pick control header record in a W status. If you do this, a record remains in the Pick Control Header file for the non-drop ship order, but the corresponding authorization record no longer exists in the CC Authorization Transaction file. To generate a pick slip for the order, you need to delete the record from the Pick Control Header file and generate pick slips again. Note: When you generate pick slips again, the system sends an authorization transaction to the authorization service for the order that was stranded in the Pick Control Header file. You need to make sure that you do not receive a double authorization for the order since the authorization transaction associated with the order was sent to the authorization service when you performed drop ship processing.

Note: You continue to see this pop-up window when you process drop ships until you delete the record in the Pick Control Header file.

• press F11 to return to the Select Vendors for Drop Ship Screen without processing drop ships. You can verify with the authorization service whether the authorization associated with the pick control header record in a W status was received.

• If the authorization was received by the authorization service, use the Reprocess Authorizations Screen (RPAA) to receive the authorization file. If the order receives an approved authorization, the system generates the pick slip and updates the record in the Pick Control Header file to a Z (authorized) or M (submitted to PC Manifest) status.

• If the authorization was not received by the authorization service, check the CC Authorization Transaction file to verify that only the authorization transaction for the order exists. Then, use the Reprocess Authorizations Screen (RPAA) to resend the authorization transaction for authorization. If the order receives an approved authorization, the system generates the pick slip and updates the record in the Pick Control Header file to a Z (authorize) or M (submitted to PC Manifest) status. Note: If authorization transactions exist in the CC Authorization Transaction file for drop ship orders, the system sends the authorization transactions to the authorization service when you reprocess authorizations.

PICKGEN Auth records in 'W' status.

Press F9 to accept error and continue, F11 to exit processing.

F9=Accept F11=Reject

Possible Drop Ship Output

Depending on setup, the system can generate a fax and/or printed copy of a purchase order, a drop ship pick slip/invoice, or various combinations. The conditions required to produce each type of output are described below. Also, if the vendor meets the conditions for more than one type of output, the system produces all qualifying output types. For example, if the vendor meets the conditions to print and fax both drop ship purchase orders and pick slips/invoices, then all four outputs are produced.

Faxing drop ship pick slips/invoices or purchase orders: The FAX Interface allows you to fax documents to a vendor. To fax a drop ship pick slip/invoice, you must have purchased the FAX Interface, and set up the FAX Interface System Control file values. See Installation Setting Up FAX Interface Values. Additionally, you must set up the following values:

• specify a Fax# (Facsimile machine telephone number) for the vendor

• set the vendor’s Fax PO field to Y

• set PO Print Program (C64) to POR0401 (or a unique program that supports faxing purchase orders)

When does the system:

fax a PO?

• the faxing requirements above are met, and

• the vendor’s Drop ship output field = O

fax an invoice with a PO?

• the faxing requirements above are met, and

• the vendor’s Drop ship output field = O, and

• the Print Drop Ship Invoice with PO (C85) system control value = Y, and

• the Fax invoices/picks to vendors at the Select Vendors for Drop Ship Screen = Y

print a PO?

• the vendor’s Drop ship output field = O, and

• the vendor’s Print PO field = Y, and

• the Print drop ship purchase orders field at the Select Vendors for Drop Ship Screen = V or P

print an invoice with a PO?

• the vendor’s Drop ship output field = O, and

• the vendor’s Print PO field = Y, and

• the Print drop ship purchase orders field at the Select Vendors for Drop Ship Screen = V or P, and

• the Print Drop Ship Invoice with PO (C85) system control value = Y

fax and print a PO?

• the faxing requirements above are met, and

• the vendor’s Drop ship output field = O, and

• the vendor’s Print PO field = Y, and

• the Fax invoices/picks to vendors at the Select Vendors for Drop Ship Screen = Y

fax a pick slip?

• the faxing requirements above are met, and

• the vendor’s Drop ship output field = P, and

• the Fax invoices/picks to vendors at the Select Vendors for Drop Ship Screen = Y

Note: If the FAX and Print (B55) system control value is Y, the system both faxes and prints the pick slip.

print a pick slip?

• the vendor’s Drop ship output field = P, and

• if also faxing the pick slip, the FAX and Print (B55) system control value = Y

A separate drop ship invoice prints for each ship alone item if the Print One Drop Ship Invoice per Ship Alone Item (E38) system control value is set to Y.


The system produces the following reports during drop ship processing:

Vendor Drop Ship Worksheet (Produced whenever you run drop ship processing.)

Drop Ship Purchase Order List (Produced when you are processing drop ship purchase orders. This list does not include drop ship pick slips.)

Drop Ship Invoice/Pick Slip (Always produced for drop ship pick slips. Produced for drop ship purchase orders when system control value Print Drop Ship Invoice with PO (C85) is set to Y.)

Drop Ship Purchase Order (Produced for drop ship purchase orders when you enter P or V in the Print drop ship purchase orders field on the Select Vendors for Drop Ship screen.)

Declined Drop Ships (Produced whenever you run drop ship processing.)

Credit Card Authorization Listing (Produced for drop ship orders requiring credit card authorization.)

Address Verification Response List (Produced for drop ship orders requiring credit card authorization and AVS verification.)

Print program: The system uses the program name defined in the Drop Ship Pick Print Program (E92) system control value to print drop ship pick slips. If a program name has not been defined, the system uses the program name defined in the Pick Printing Program (C37) system control value. The standard pick slip printing program name is FLR0439.

Active procedure: When you accept you entries at this screen, the system creates an active procedure so that another user cannot process drop ship orders while the program is already running. A second batch job is aborted if submitted while the first batch job is active.

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