Setting Up Warehouse Interface System Values

Purpose: The warehouse interface values in the inventory section of the System Control file define parameters that control:

• system information

• program names

• program information

These values are used only for the PkMS interface or another warehouse management interface.

Note: If you have not purchased the PkMS interface or another warehouse management interface, you do not need to complete the system control values in this section.

For more information: For instructions and screen samples on how to create, change, delete, and copy a system control value, see System Control File Components.

PkMS is a warehouse management system that controls inventory movement, such as inventory transactions, fulfilling orders, and shipping inventory to a customer.

The PkMS Interface allows CWDirect and the PkMS Warehouse Management System to pass inventory information in order to keep inventory information in both systems accurate. PkMS is where the actual inventory is located, but CWDirect needs to keep track of the changes to inventory that occur in PkMS so that the data in CWDirect remains accurate. For example, if PkMS adjusts the inventory for an item and does not notify CWDirect, orders placed in CWDirect may reserve items that do not have enough inventory in the warehouse.

The PkMS Interface creates a bridge between CWDirect and the PkMS Warehouse Management System. This bridge contains files that CWDirect and PkMS populate with information that needs to be passed between the two systems.

Note: You can also use the system control values described in this section to define parameters for another warehouse management interface.

See Warehousing Warehouse Management System Interface Overview to understand what information is passed between CWDirect and the PkMS interface.

Quick Reference of Warehouse Interface System Control Values

This table describes briefly each system control value for a warehouse management system interface such as PkMS and lists the control code, control value, a short definition, other control values to which you should refer in this section, if necessary, and a column where you can indicate the value that you assigned for your company.

If you have more than one company on your system, make a copy of this table for each company on your system.

Company: ___________________________________________________________________

System Control Value


Your Value

PkMS Vendor Interface Program (F30)

Defines the program name CWDirect uses to send vendor information to a warehouse management interface.

System name:

Use PkMS Interface Values (F31)

Indicates whether a warehouse management interface will be used.


PkMS Purchase Order Interface Program (F32)

Defines the program name CWDirect uses to send purchase order information to a warehouse management interface.

System name:

PkMS Item Interface Program (F33)

Defines the program name CWDirect uses to send item and SKU information to a warehouse management interface.

System name:

PkMS Pick Program (F34)

Defines the program name CWDirect uses to send pick ticket information to a warehouse management interface.

System name:

PkMS Return/Case Interface Program (F38)

Defines the program name CWDirect uses to send return information to a warehouse management interface.

System name:

PkMS Item Notes Program (F47)

Defines the program name CWDirect uses to send item and SKU note information to a warehouse management interface.

System name:

PkMS Vendor Contact Program Name (F48)

Defines the program name CWDirect uses to send vendor contact information to a warehouse management interface.

System name:

PkMS Void Pick Check Program (F49)

Defines the program name CWDirect uses to determine if a pick slip is eligible for void, reprint, and maintenance.

System name:

Send Average Cost Changes to PkMS (F92)

Defines whether CWDirect populates the PkMS Item Interface when the average cost for an item is changed.


Warehouse Management Interface (PkMS/WMS) (F96)

Defines the warehouse management system with which CWDirect sends and receives information.


Include Estimated Charges in Receiving Cost with WMS Interface (F99)

Defines whether CWDirect includes purchase order estimated charges in the receipt cost when you use the WMS Interface to process purchase order receipts.


PkMS Company Designator (G61)

Defines the PkMS code that cross-references to the CWDirect company code.


Number of Times to Reprocess PIX Errors (G76)

(Version 19 and 2001 of PkMS)

Defines the maximum number of times a PkMS inventory transaction will be automatically reprocessed through the PIX_REPROC Async.


Mode to Process Sync Transactions (G77)

(Version 19 and 2001 of PkMS)

Defines how physical inventory counts from PkMS are processed by the PIX ASYNC.


Process PkMS Overlays as Adjustments (G78)

(Version 19 and 2001 of PkMS)

Defines whether overlay transactions from PkMS are processed by the PIX ASYNC as an overlay transaction or as an adjustment transaction.


PkMS Transport Type (G80)

(Version 19 and 2001 of PkMS)

Defines the method CWDirect uses to send information to PkMS.


FTP Code for Item Interface (G81)

(Version 19 and 2001 of PkMS)

Defines the FTP application code for the Item Interface.


FTP Code for Item Notes Interface (G82)

(Version 19 and 2001 of PkMS)

Defines the FTP application code for the Item Notes Interface.


FTP Code for PO Header Interface (G83)

(Version 19 and 2001 of PkMS)

Defines the FTP application code for the PO Header interface.


FTP Code for PO Detail Interface (G84)

(Version 19 and 2001 of PkMS)

Defines the FTP application code for the PO Detail interface.


FTP Code for Vendor Interface (G85)

(Version 19 and 2001 of PkMS)

Defines the FTP application code for the Vendor interface.


FTP Code for Returns Interface (G86)

(Version 19 and 2001 of PkMS)

Defines the FTP application code for the Returns interface.


FTP Code for Pick Ticket Header Interface (G87)

(Version 19 and 2001 of PkMS)

Defines the FTP application code for the Pick Ticket Header interface.


FTP Code for Pick Ticket Detail Interface (G88)

(Version 19 and 2001 of PkMS)

Defines the FTP application code for the Pick Ticket Detail interface.


FTP Code for Pick Ticket Special Instructions Interface (G89)

(Version 19 and 2001 of PkMS)

Defines the FTP application code for the Pick Ticket Special Instructions interface.


FTP Code for Stop Shipments Interface (G90)

(Version 19 and 2001 of PkMS)

Defines the FTP application code for the Stop Shipments interface.


FTP Code for Immediate Needs Interface (G91)

(Version 19 and 2001 of PkMS)

Defines the FTP application code for the Immediate Needs interface.


PkMS System Library FTP Xfer (G93)

(Version 19 and 2001 of PkMS)

Defines the library name for the library on the remote system to which CWDirect transfers PkMS files.

System name:

PkMS Data Base Library (H03)

(Version 19 and 2001 of PkMS)

Defines the library name that contains all PkMS data base files.

System name:

PkMS File Transfer Library (H04)

(Version 19 and 2001 of PkMS)

Defines the library name that contains PkMS data base files for FTP file transfers.

System name:

Item XML Message Format (H38)

(Version 2001 of PkMS)

Defines the XML message format CWDirect generates when it sends item and SKU information to a warehouse management system.


Item Notes XML Message Format (H39)

(Version 2001 of PkMS)

Defines the XML message format CWDirect generates when it sends item note information to a warehouse management system.


Purchase Orders XML Message Format (H40)

(Version 2001 of PkMS)

Defines the XML message format CWDirect generates when it sends purchase order information to a warehouse management system.


Vendor XML Message Format (H41)

(Version 2001 of PkMS)

Defines the XML message format CWDirect generates when it sends vendor information to a warehouse management system.


Vendor Contacts XML Message Format (H42)

(Version 2001 of PkMS)

Defines the XML message format CWDirect generates when it sends vendor contact information to a warehouse management system.


Pick XML Message Format (H43)

(Version 2001 of PkMS)

Defines the XML message format CWDirect generates when it sends pick slip information to a warehouse management system.


Pick Void XML Message Format (H44)

(Version 2001 of PkMS)

Defines the XML message format CWDirect generates when it sends pick slip void information to a warehouse management system.


RA Program XML Message Format (H45)

(Version 2001 of PkMS)

Defines the XML message format CWDirect generates when it sends return information to a warehouse management system.


Number of Days to Purge WMS Inbound Files (H48)

Defines the number of days CWDirect uses to determine if a record in the WMS inbound files should be purged.


XML Begin Message Indicator (H49)

(Version 2001 of PkMS)

Defines the beginning of a WMS XML message.


XML End Message Indicator (H50)

(Version 2001 of PkMS)

Defines the ending of a WMS XML message.


PkMS Use SKU Retail Reference (I86)

(Version 2001 of PkMS)

Indicates if the system uses the SKU retail reference number field in the SKU file to identify the CWDirect item and SKU in messages sent to and from PkMS.


PkMS Interface Values

Purpose: Use these screens to indicate if you will use a warehouse management system interface. You can advance to these screens by selecting the Use PkMS Interface Values (F31) umbrella system control value.

IFR0033 ENTER Edit PkMS Interface Values (1 of 2) 6/28/01 8:48:29


Use PkMS Interface . . . . . Y Whse Interface . . . . . . . PKMS

Send Avg Cost Changes . . . . N Company Designator . . . . . 1GH

Include PO Est Charges . . . N Sync Transaction Mode . . . BATCH

Proc INT Overlays as Adjust . N # Times to Reprocess PIX Errors 10

# of Days to Purge Inbound Recs

XML Begin Message Indicator

XML End Message Indicator .

Interface Programs: Program Name XML Format

Items . . . . . . . IFR0061 PKMS

Item Notes . . . . . IFR0066 PKMS

Purchase Orders . . IFR0075 PKMS

Vendors . . . . . . IFR0068 PKMS

Vendor Contacts . . IFR0072 PKMS

Picks . . . . . . . IFR0080 PKMS

Pick Void Check . .

RA Program . . . . . IFR0044 PKMS More...

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

How to display this screen: Press Enter at the first PkMS Interface Values screen to advance to the second PkMS Interface Values screen.

IFR0059 ENTER Edit PkMS Interface Values (2 of 2) 6/05/01 13:11:42


PkMS Transport Type . . . . . . . . . . MQ

PkMS Data Base Library . . . . . . . . CWK190QDTA

PkMS File Transfer Library . . . . . . CWKTRANSFR

PkMS System Library for FTP Transfers . PKMSTEST12

FTP Codes:

Item . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ITM

Item Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ITN

PO Header . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . POH

PO Detail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . POD

Vendor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VND

Returns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RTN

Pick Ticket Header . . . . . . . . . . PIH

Pick Ticket Detail . . . . . . . . . . PID

Pick Ticket Spec. Instr. . . . . . . . PII

Stop Shipments . . . . . . . . . . . . STP

Immediate Needs . . . . . . . . . . . . IMD

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Use PkMS Interface Values (F31)

Purpose: Use this screen to define whether CWDirect interfaces with a warehouse management system, such as PkMS. This screen also acts as the umbrella system control value where you can enter values for all of the system control values related to PkMS or other warehouse management system. You can press Enter at the first PkMS Interface Values screen to advance to the second PkMS Interface Values screen.

IFR0033 ENTER Edit PkMS Interface Values (1 of 2) 6/27/01 8:28:17


Use PkMS Interface . . . . . Y Whse Interface . . . . . . . PKMS

Send Avg Cost Changes . . . . N Company Designator . . . . . 1GH

Include PO Est Charges . . . N Sync Transaction Mode . . . BATCH

Proc INT Overlays as Adjust . N # Times to Reprocess PIX Errors 10

# of Days to Purge Inbound Recs

Interface Programs: Program Name XML Format

Items . . . . . . . IFR0061 PKMS

Item Notes . . . . . IFR0066 PKMS

Purchase Orders . . IFR0075 PKMS

Vendors . . . . . . IFR0068 PKMS

Vendor Contacts . . IFR0072 PKMS

Picks . . . . . . . IFR0080 PKMS

Pick Void Check . .

RA Program . . . . . IFR0044 PKMS More...

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Yes/No field: Enter Y in this field if you wish to interface with a warehouse management system.

The warehouse management interface allows CWDirect and a warehouse management system such as PkMS to pass inventory information in order to keep inventory information in both systems accurate. The warehouse management system is where the actual inventory is located, but CWDirect needs to keep track of the changes to inventory that occur in the warehouse management system so that the data in CWDirect remains accurate.

Enter N or leave this field blank if you do not want to interface with a warehouse management system.

For more information: See Warehousing Warehouse Management System Interface Overview.

Warehouse Management Interface (PkMS/WMS) (F96)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the warehouse management interface to which CWDirect sends and receives information. The value you define here determines which warehouse management interface files CWDirect populates.

MSR0051 CHANGE Change System Control Value 6/06/01 8:21:05

Description . : Warehouse Management Interface (PkMS/WMS)

Code . . . . . WMS PKMS

Narrative . . .

Application . : INV

Applic group . ALL

Sequence# . . . 99

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Code field: Enter the code for the warehouse management system with which CWDirect sends and receives information.

PkMS indicates you wish to send and receive information with the PkMS warehouse management system.

WMS indicates you wish to send and receive information with the WMS warehouse management system.

Leave this field blank if you do not wish to interface with a warehouse management system.

For more information: See Warehousing PkMS/Warehousing Interface for more information on the process, setup requirements, and functions available for the PkMS/Warehousing Management System Interface.

PkMS Company Designator (G61)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the PkMS company designator code that cross-references to the CWDirect company code.

MSR0051 CHANGE Change System Control Value 6/06/01 8:25:18

Description . : PkMS Company Designator

Code . . . . .

Narrative . . .

Application . : INV

Applic group . ALL

Sequence# . . . 100

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Code field: Enter the code in this field that represents the PkMS company designator. The system cross-references this code to the CWDirect company code. You may wish to define a PkMS company designator if you are using PkMS for more than one company.

Note: You should only define a PkMS company designator if PkMS is configured for company designator and you are using PkMS for more than one company that has the same company code.

Outbound transactions: When CWDirect sends outbound transactions to PkMS, the system places the PkMS company designator code defined in this system control value in a specified location on the PkMS outbound transaction.

An error message displays if you enter more than 3 characters in this field:

Company Designator cannot be more than three (3) characters.


If a company code and a PkMS company designator have been defined for the PkMS transaction, the system uses the company code.

If more than one CWDirect company has the same PkMS company designator code defined in this system control value, the system uses the first company in numeric order.

Leave this field blank if you do not want to define a PkMS company designator code.

Number of Times to Reprocess PIX Errors (G76)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the maximum number of times a PkMS inventory transaction will automatically reprocess through the PIX_REPROC ASYNC.

MSR0054 CHANGE Change System Control Value 6/06/01 8:29:36

Description . : Number of Times to Reprocess PIX Errors

Number . . . . 10

Narrative . . .

Application . : INV

Applic group . ALL

Sequence# . . . 99

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Number field: Enter the number that defines the maximum number of times a PkMS inventory transaction will automatically reprocess through the PIX_REPROC ASYNC.

When a PkMS transaction contains errors, CWDirect automatically re-processes the transaction through the PIX_REPROC ASYNC to see if the error has been corrected.

• If the PkMS transaction no longer contains errors, the transaction is processed through the PIX ASYNC.

• If the PkMS transaction still contains errors, the system updates the Reprocess count field for the transaction. If the reprocess count is less than the number defined in this system control value, the transaction will be reprocessed through the PIX_REPROC ASYNC. If the reprocess count is equal to or greater than the number defined in this system control value, the transaction will not be reprocessed through the PIX_REPROC ASYNC. You can manually reprocess the transaction by entering a 9 next to the transaction at the Work with PIX Transaction Errors Screen.

Leave this field blank if you do not want PkMS inventory transaction errors to automatically reprocess through the REPROC_PIX ASYNC.

For more information:

• PIX ASYNC and PIX_REPROC ASYNC: Warehousing WMS Background Jobs (WPBJ)

• PIX transaction errors: Warehousing Working with PkMS PIX Transaction Errors (WPTE)

Send Average Cost Changes to PkMS (F92)

Purpose: Use this screen to define whether CWDirect sends item information to PkMS when the average cost for an item is changed.

MSR0052 CHANGE Change System Control Value 6/06/01 8:38:29

Description . : Send Average Cost Changes to PkMS

Yes/No . . . . (Y,N)

Narrative . . .

Application . : INV

Applic group . ALL

Sequence# . . . 99

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Yes/No field: Enter Y in this field if you want CWDirect to send item information to PkMS when the average cost for an item is changed due to PO receipts.

The average cost is stored in the Cost field on the Change SKU (Base Information) Screen (Non-SKUed Items) for non-SKUed items and the Change SKU with Overrides screen for SKUed items.

In order for the system to send item information to PkMS when the average cost for an item is changed due to PO receipts:

• the Use PkMS Interface Values (F31) system control value must be set to Y.

• a program name must be defined in the PkMS Item Interface Program (F33) system control value.

• if you are using version 2001 of PkMS, an XML format must be defined in the Item XML Message Format (H38) system control value.

• if you are using version 19 of PkMS or greater, a data transport type must be defined in the PkMS Transport Type (G80) system control value.

• the Costing Method (A25) system control value must be set to AVERAGE.

Version 18 of PkMS: CWDirect updates the Misc1 numeric 5 field in the PkMS Style Detail File (STSTYLIN) with the average cost. If you are using version 18 of PkMS, the base program name for the PkMS Item Interface Program (F33) system control value is IFR0500.

Version 19 of PkMS: CWDirect updates the Retail price field in the PkMS Item Interface File (I5INPT00) with the average cost. If you are using version 19 of PkMS, the base program name for the PkMS Item Interface Program (F33) system control value is IFR0045.

Version 2001 of PkMS:

• CWDirect updates the MiscNumericField2 attribute in the PkMS Item XML Message (ItemMaster_1_0) with the average cost.

• CWDirect updates the sku_average_cost attribute in the Generic Item XML Message with the average cost.

If you are using version 2001 of PkMS, the base program name for the PkMS Item Interface Program (F33) system control value is IFR0061.

Enter N or leave this field blank if you do not want CWDirect to send item information to PkMS when the average cost for an item is changed.

The system sends item information to PkMS only when:

• a user adds, changes, or deletes an item or SKU in Working with Existing Items (MITM) or Using the SKU Generator (ESKG).

• a user creates or changes an item or SKU product comments or customer service comments in Work with Item/SKUs or Order Entry.

For more information: See Warehousing Sending Item and SKU Information to a Warehouse Management System.

Mode to Process Sync Transactions (G77)

Purpose: Use this screen to define how the PIX ASYNC processes physical inventory counts from PkMS.

MSR0051 CHANGE Change System Control Value 6/06/01 8:45:58

Description . : Mode to process sync transactions


Narrative . . .

Application . : INV

Applic group . ALL

Sequence# . . . 99

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Code field: Enter the code for how you want the PIX ASYNC to process physical inventory counts from PkMS.

Interactive physical inventory process: Enter INTERACTIV if you want CWDirect to process physical inventory counts from PkMS as soon as they are processed through the PIX ASYNC. CWDirect will not create physical inventory records.

• If the Process PkMS Overlays as Adjustments (G78) system control value is set to Y, CWDirect performs adjustments instead of overlays when a physical inventory count transaction is processed by the PIX ASYNC.

• If the Process PkMS Overlays as Adjustments (G78) system control value is set to N or blank, CWDirect performs overlays when a physical inventory count transaction is processed from PkMS.

Set the inventory transaction cross reference for a PkMS physical inventory transaction (transaction code 605, transaction type 01) to correspond to a CWDirect O (overlay) inventory transaction code.

Batch physical inventory process: Enter BATCH if you want CWDirect to process physical inventory counts from PkMS in a batch and perform the physical inventory update in CWDirect when you run the Physical Inventory Evaluation Report with Update.

Note: CWDirect updates the change quantity to zero for any items in the warehouse that were not counted and sent from PkMS.

Set the inventory transaction cross reference for a PkMS physical inventory transaction (transaction code 605, transaction type 01) to correspond to a CWDirect P (physical) inventory transaction code.

Batch/automatic physical inventory process: Enter BATCH/AUTO if you want CWDirect to process physical inventory counts from PkMS in a batch and perform the physical inventory update in CWDirect immediately once all of the records in the physical inventory batch are processed through the PIX ASYNC.

Note: CWDirect updates the change quantity to zero for any items in the warehouse that were not counted and sent from PkMS.

Set the inventory transaction cross reference for a PkMS physical inventory transaction (transaction code 605, transaction type 01) to correspond to a CWDirect P (physical) inventory transaction code.

Note: When the Mode to Process Sync Transaction system control value is set to BATCH or BATCH/AUTO, CWDirect ignores the value defined in the Process PkMS Overlays as Adjustments (G78) system control value.

Leave this field blank if you do not want to process physical inventory transactions from PkMS through the PIX ASYNC.

For more information: See Warehousing Receiving Physical Inventory Transactions from PkMS (PKST) for more information on the process CWDirect uses to perform a physical inventory in CWDirect using physical inventory transactions sent from PkMS.

Process PkMS Overlays as Adjustments (G78)

Purpose: Use this screen to define whether the PIX ASYNC processes overlay transactions from PkMS as an overlay transaction or as an adjustment transaction.

MSR0052 CHANGE Change System Control Value 6/06/01 8:50:09

Description . : Process PkMS overlays as adjustments

Yes/No . . . . (Y,N)

Narrative . . .

Application . : INV

Applic group . ALL

Sequence# . . . 99

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Yes/No field: Enter Y in this field if you want the PIX ASYNC to process overlay transactions from PkMS as adjustment transactions in CWDirect.

Enter N or leave the field blank if you want the PIX ASYNC to process overlay transactions from PkMS as overlay transactions in CWDirect.

Note: You must set the Mode to Process Sync Transactions (G77) system control value to INTERACTIV if you want to process PkMS overlays as adjustments.

For more information: See Warehousing Receiving Inventory Transactions from the Warehouse Management System.

PkMS Item Interface Program (F33)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the program name CWDirect uses to send item and SKU information to a warehouse management system.

MSR0053 CHANGE Change System Control Value 6/06/01 8:54:32

Description . : PkMS Item Interface Program

System name . .

Narrative . . .

Application . : INV

Applic group . ALL

Sequence# . . . 100

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

System name field: Enter the name of the program CWDirect uses to send item and SKU information to a warehouse management system, such as PkMS.

CWDirect sends item and SKU information to PkMS each time you create, change, or delete an item or SKU.

Version 18 of PkMS: The base program name is IFR0500.

Version 19 of PkMS: The base program name is IFR0045. Enter PKMSLOCAL in the PkMS Transport Type (G80) system control value to indicate CWDirect creates a flat file or enter FTP to indicate CWDirect creates a flat file and sends the file using FTP processing.

Version 2001 of PkMS: The base program name is IFR0061. Enter MQ in the PkMS Transport Type (G80) system control value to indicate CWDirect uses MQ Series to send XML messages to PkMS.

The Item XML Message Format (H38) system control value defines the XML message format CWDirect creates when it sends item and SKU information to a warehouse management system:

• enter PKMS to generate the PkMS Item XML Message (ItemMaster_1_0).

• enter GENERIC to generate the version 1.0 Generic WMS Item XML Message (CWItem).

• enter GENERIC_2 to generate the version 2.0 Generic WMS Item XML Message (CWItem).

Leave this field blank if you do not want CWDirect to pass item or SKU information to a warehouse management system.

For more information: See Warehousing Sending Item and SKU Information to a Warehouse Management System.

Item XML Message Format (H38)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the XML message format CWDirect generates when it sends item and SKU information to a warehouse management system.

MSR0051 CHANGE Change System Control Value 6/06/01 9:30:26

Description . : ..Item XML Message Format

Code . . . . . GENERIC PKMS

Narrative . . .

Application . : INV

Applic group . ALL

Sequence# . . . 99

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Code field: Enter the XML message format CWDirect generates when it sends item and SKU information to a warehouse management system, such as PkMS.

PKMS indicates CWDirect generates the PkMS Item XML Message (ItemMaster_1_0)

GENERIC indicates CWDirect generates the version 1.0 Generic WMS Item XML Message (CWItem)

GENERIC_2 indicates CWDirect generates the version 2.0 Generic WMS Item XML Message (CWItem)

See the CWIntegrate user reference for more information on the translation process CWIntegrate performs on generic XML messages.

CWDirect sends item and SKU information to a warehouse management system each time you create, change, or delete an item or SKU.

In order to send XML messages to PkMS, you must:

• use version 2001 of PkMS

• enter a program name for the PkMS Item Interface Program (F33) system control value; the base program name for version 2001 of PkMS is IFR0061

• enter MQ in the PkMS Transport Type (G80) system control value to indicate CWDirect sends XML messages to PkMS using MQ Series

Version 18 or 19 of PkMS: Leave this field blank; CWDirect sends flat files to PkMS.

Leave this field blank if you are not using version 2001 of PkMS or you do not want CWDirect to generate an XML message when it sends item and SKU information to a warehouse management system.

For more information: See Warehousing Sending Item and SKU Information to a Warehouse Management System.

PkMS Item Notes Program (F47)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the program name CWDirect uses to send item note information to PkMS.

MSR0053 CHANGE Change System Control Value 6/06/01 9:52:03

Description . : PkMS Item Notes Program

System name . .

Narrative . . .

Application . : INV

Applic group : ALL

Sequence# . . :

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

System name field: Enter the name of the program CWDirect uses to send item note information to a warehouse management system.

CWDirect sends item note information to a warehouse management system each time you create or change item or SKU customer service comments or product comments.

Version 18 of PkMS: The base program name is IFR0035.

Version 19 of PkMS: The base program name is IFR0053. Enter PKMSLOCAL in the PkMS Transport Type (G80) system control value to indicate CWDirect creates a flat file or enter FTP to indicate CWDirect creates a flat file and sends the file using FTP processing.

Version 2001 of PkMS: The base program name is IFR0066. Enter MQ in the PkMS Transport Type (G80) system control value to indicate CWDirect uses MQ Series to send XML messages to PkMS.

The Item Notes XML Message Format (H39) system control value indicates the XML message format CWDirect creates when it sends item notes to a warehouse management system; enter PKMS to generate the PkMS XML message or enter GENERIC to generate the generic XML message.

Leave this field blank if you do not want CWDirect to send item note information to a warehouse management system.

For more information: See Warehousing Sending Item and SKU Information to a Warehouse Management System.

Item Notes XML Message Format (H39)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the XML message format CWDirect generates when it sends item note information to a warehouse management system.

MSR0051 CHANGE Change System Control Value 6/06/01 10:02:30

Description . : ..Item Notes XML Message Format

Code . . . . . GENERIC PKMS

Narrative . . .

Application . : INV

Applic group . ALL

Sequence# . . . 99

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Code field: Enter the XML message format CWDirect generates when it sends item note information to a warehouse management system, such as PkMS.

PKMS is not currently implemented

GENERIC indicates CWDirect generates the Generic Item Notes XML Message

See the CWIntegrate user reference for more information on the translation process CWIntegrate performs on generic XML messages.

CWDirect sends item note information to a warehouse management system each time you create or change item or SKU customer service comments or product comments.

In order to send XML messages to PkMS, you must:

• use version 2001 of PkMS

• enter a program name in the PkMS Item Notes Program (F47) system control value; the base program name for version 2001 of PkMS is IFR0066

• enter MQ in the PkMS Transport Type (G80) system control value to indicate CWDirect uses MQ Series to send XML messages to PkMS

Version 18 or 19 of PkMS: Leave this field blank; CWDirect sends flat files to PkMS.

Leave this field blank if you are not using version 2001 of PkMS or you do not want CWDirect to generate an XML message when it sends item note information to a warehouse management system.

For more information: See Warehousing Sending Item and SKU Information to a Warehouse Management System.

PkMS Purchase Order Interface Program (F32)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the program name CWDirect uses to send purchase order information to a warehouse management system.

MSR0053 CHANGE Change System Control Value 6/06/01 10:34:50

Description . : PkMS Purchase Order Interface Program

System name . .

Narrative . . .

Application . : INV

Applic group . ALL

Sequence# . . . 100

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

System name field: Enter the name of the program CWDirect uses to send purchase order information to a warehouse management system, such as PkMS.

CWDirect sends purchase order information to a warehouse management system each time you create or maintain a purchase order.

Version 18 of PkMS: The base program name is IFR0028.

Version 19 of PkMS: The base program name is IFR0047. Enter PKMSLOCAL in the PkMS Transport Type (G80) system control value to indicate CWDirect creates a flat file or enter FTP to indicate CWDirect creates a flat file and sends the file using FTP processing.

Version 2001 of PkMS: The base program name is IFR0075. Enter MQ in the PkMS Transport Type (G80) system control value to indicate CWDirect uses MQ Series to send XML messages to PkMS.

The Purchase Orders XML Message Format (H40) system control value defines the XML message format CWDirect generates when it sends purchase order information to a warehouse management system; enter PKMS to generate the PkMS XML message or enter GENERIC to generate the generic XML message.

Leave this field blank if you do not want CWDirect to send purchase order information to a warehouse management system.

For more information: See Warehousing Sending Purchase Order Information to a Warehouse Management System.

Purchase Orders XML Message Format (H40)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the XML message format CWDirect generates when it sends purchase order information to a warehouse management system.

MSR0051 CHANGE Change System Control Value 6/06/01 10:41:13

Description . : ..Purchase Orders XML Message Format

Code . . . . . GENERIC PKMS

Narrative . . .

Application . : INV

Applic group . ALL

Sequence# . . . 99

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Code field: Enter the XML message format CWDirect generates when it sends purchase order information to a warehouse management system, such as PkMS.

PKMS indicates CWDirect generates the PkMS PO XML Message (InboundASN_1_0)

GENERIC indicates CWDirect generates the Generic PO XML Message

See the CWIntegrate user reference for more information on the translation process CWIntegrate performs on generic XML messages.

CWDirect sends purchase order information to a warehouse management system each time you create or maintain a purchase order.

In order to send XML messages to PkMS, you must:

• use version 2001 of PkMS

• enter a program name for the PkMS Purchase Order Interface Program (F32) system control value; the base program name for version 2001 of PkMS is IFR0075

• enter MQ in the PkMS Transport Type (G80) system control value to indicate CWDirect uses MQ Series to send XML messages to PkMS

Version 18 or 19 of PkMS: Leave this field blank; CWDirect sends flat files to PkMS.

Leave this field blank if you are not using version 2001 of PkMS or you do not want CWDirect to generate an XML message when it sends purchase order information to a warehouse management system.

For more information: See Warehousing Sending Purchase Order Information to a Warehouse Management System.

PkMS Vendor Interface Program (F30)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the program name CWDirect uses to send vendor information to a warehouse management system.

MSR0053 CHANGE Change System Control Value 6/06/01 10:55:05

Description . : PkMS Vendor Interface Program

System name . .

Narrative . . .

Application . : INV

Applic group . ALL

Sequence# . . . 100

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

System name field: Enter the name of the program CWDirect uses to send vendor information to a warehouse management system, such as PkMS.

CWDirect sends vendor information to a warehouse management system each time you create, change, or delete a vendor.

Version 18 of PkMS: The base program name is IFR0027.

Version 19 of PkMS: The base program name is IFR0048. Enter PKMSLOCAL in the PkMS Transport Type (G80) system control value to indicate CWDirect creates a flat file or enter FTP to indicate CWDirect creates a flat file and sends the file using FTP processing.

Version 2001 of PkMS: The base program name is IFR0068. Enter MQ in the PkMS Transport Type (G80) system control value to indicate CWDirect uses MQ Series to send XML messages to PkMS.

The Vendor XML Message Format (H41) system control value defines the XML message format CWDirect uses when it sends vendor information to a warehouse management system; enter PKMS to generate the PkMS XML message or enter GENERIC to generate the generic XML message.

Leave this field blank if you do not want CWDirect to send vendor information to PkMS.

For more information: See Warehousing Sending Vendor Information to a Warehouse Management System.

Vendor XML Message Format (H41)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the XML message format CWDirect generates when it sends vendor information to a warehouse management system.

MSR0051 CHANGE Change System Control Value 6/06/01 11:05:10

Description . : ..Vendor XML Message Format

Code . . . . . GENERIC PKMS

Narrative . . .

Application . : INV

Applic group . ALL

Sequence# . . . 99

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Code field: Enter the XML message format CWDirect generates when it sends vendor information to a warehouse management system, such as PkMS.

PKMS indicates CWDirect generates the PkMS Vendor XML Message (VendorMaster_1_0, VendorContact_1_0)

GENERIC indicates CWDirect generates the Generic Vendor XML Message and Generic Vendor Notes XML Message

See the CWIntegrate user reference for more information on the translation process CWIntegrate performs on generic XML messages.

CWDirect sends vendor information to a warehouse management system each time you create, change, or delete a vendor.

In order to send XML messages to PkMS, you must:

• use version 2001 of PkMS

• enter a program name in the PkMS Vendor Interface Program (F30)system control value; the base program name for version 2001 of PkMS is IFR0068

• enter MQ in the PkMS Transport Type (G80) system control value to indicate CWDirect uses MQ Series to send XML messages to PkMS

Version 18 or 19 of PkMS: Leave this field blank; CWDirect sends flat files to PkMS.

Leave this field blank if you are not using version 2001 of PkMS or do not want CWDirect to generate an XML message when it sends vendor information to a warehouse management system.

For more information: See Warehousing Sending Vendor Information to a Warehouse Management System.

PkMS Vendor Contact Program Name (F48)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the program name CWDirect uses to send vendor contact information to a warehouse management system.

MSR0053 CHANGE Change System Control Value 6/06/01 11:14:59

Description . : PkMS - Vendor Contact Program Name

System name . .

Narrative . . .

Application . : INV

Applic group . ALL

Sequence# . . . 100

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

System name field: Enter the name of the program CWDirect uses to send vendor contact information to a warehouse management system, such as PkMS.

CWDirect sends vendor contact information to a warehouse management system each time you create, change, or delete a vendor contact.

Version 18 of PkMS: The base program name is IFR0041.

Version 19 of PkMS: The base program name is IFR0049. Enter PKMSLOCAL in the PkMS Transport Type (G80) system control value to indicate CWDirect creates a flat file or enter FTP to indicate CWDirect creates a flat file and send the file using FTP processing.

Version 2001 of PkMS: The base program name is IFR0072. Enter MQ in the PkMS Transport Type (G80) system control value to indicate CWDirect uses MQ Series to send XML message to PkMS.

The Vendor Contacts XML Message Format (H42) system control value defines the XML message format CWDirect uses when it sends vendor contacts to a warehouse management system; enter PKMS to generate the PkMS XML message or enter GENERIC to generate the generic XML message.

Leave this field blank if you do not want CWDirect to send vendor contact information to a warehouse management system.

For more information: See Warehousing Sending Vendor Information to a Warehouse Management System.

Vendor Contacts XML Message Format (H42)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the XML message format CWDirect generates when it sends vendor contact information to a warehouse management system.

MSR0051 CHANGE Change System Control Value 6/06/01 11:22:40

Description . : ..Vendor Contacts XML Message Format

Code . . . . . GENERIC PKMS

Narrative . . .

Application . : INV

Applic group . ALL

Sequence# . . . 99

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Code field: Enter the XML message format CWDirect generates when it sends vendor contact information to a warehouse management system, such as PkMS.

PKMS indicates CWDirect generates the PkMS Vendor XML Message (VendorMaster_1_0, VendorContact_1_0)

GENERIC indicates CWDirect generates the Generic Vendor Contacts XML Message

See the CWIntegrate user reference for more information on the translation process CWIntegrate performs on generic XML messages.

CWDirect sends vendor contact information to a warehouse management system each time you create, change, or delete a vendor contact.

In order to send XML messages to PkMS, you must:

• use version 2001 of PkMS

• enter a program name in the PkMS Vendor Contact Program Name (F48) system control value; the base program name for version 2001 of PkMS is IFR0072

• enter MQ in the PkMS Transport Type (G80) system control value to indicate CWDirect uses MQ Series to send XML messages to PkMS

Version 18 or 19 of PkMS: Leave this field blank; CWDirect sends flat files to PkMS.

Leave this field blank if you are not using version 2001 of PkMS or do not want CWDirect to generate an XML message when it sends vendor contact information to a warehouse management system.

For more information: See Warehousing Sending Vendor Information to a Warehouse Management System.

PkMS Pick Program (F34)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the program name CWDirect uses to send pick slip information to a warehouse management system.

MSR0053 CHANGE Change System Control Value 6/06/01 11:33:12

Description . : PkMS Pick Program

System name . .

Narrative . . .

Application . : INV

Applic group . ALL

Sequence# . . . 100

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

System name field: Enter the name of the program CWDirect uses to send pick slip information to a warehouse management system, such as PkMS.

CWDirect sends pick slip information to a warehouse management system each time you generate a pick slip.

Version 18 of PkMS: The base program name is IFR0036.

Version 19 of PkMS: The base program name is IFR0046. Enter PKMSLOCAL in the PkMS Transport Type (G80) system control value to indicate CWDirect creates a flat file or enter FTP to indicate CWDirect creates a flat file and sends the file using FTP processing.

Version 2001 of PkMS: The base program name is IFR0080. Enter MQ in the PkMS Transport Type (G80) system control value to indicate CWDirect uses MQ Series to send XML messages to PkMS.

The Pick XML Message Format (H43) system control value defines the XML message format CWDirect uses when it sends pick slip information to a warehouse management system; enter PKMS to generate the PkMS XML message or enter GENERIC to generate the generic XML message.

Leave this field blank if you do not want CWDirect to send pick slip information to a warehouse management system.

For more information: See Warehousing Sending Pick Slip Information to a Warehouse Management System and Sending Stop Shipment Requests to a Warehouse Management System (MRSS).

Pick XML Message Format (H43)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the XML message format CWDirect generates when it sends pick slip information to a warehouse management system.

MSR0051 CHANGE Change System Control Value 6/06/01 11:45:11

Description . : ..Pick XML Message Format

Code . . . . . GENERIC PKMS

Narrative . . .

Application . : INV

Applic group . ALL

Sequence# . . . 99

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Code field: Enter the XML message format CWDirect generates when it sends pick slip information to a warehouse management system, such as PkMS.

PKMS indicates CWDirect generates the PkMS Pick XML Message (Pickticket_1_0)

GENERIC indicates CWDirect generates the Generic Pick XML Message

See the CWIntegrate user reference for more information on the translation process CWIntegrate performs on generic XML messages.

CWDirect sends pick slip information to a warehouse management system each time you generate a pick slip.

In order to send XML messages to PkMS, you must:

• use version 2001 of PkMS

• enter a program name for the PkMS Pick Program (F34) system control value; the base program name for version 2001 of PkMS is IFR0080

• enter MQ in the PkMS Transport Type (G80) system control value to indicate you are using MQ Series to send the XML messages to PkMS

Version 18 or 19 of PkMS: Leave this field blank; CWDirect only sends flat files to PkMS.

Leave this field blank if you are not using version 2001 of PkMS or do not want CWDirect to generate an XML message when it sends pick slip information to a warehouse management system.

For more information: See Warehousing Sending Pick Slip Information to a Warehouse Management System and Sending Stop Shipment Requests to a Warehouse Management System (MRSS).

PkMS Void Pick Check Program (F49)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the program name CWDirect uses to send pick void, pick reprint, and pick maintenance information to a warehouse management system.

MSR0053 CHANGE Change System Control Value 6/06/01 12:36:57

Description . : PkMS Void Pick Check Program

System name . .

Narrative . . .

Application . : INV

Applic group . ALL

Sequence# . . . 100

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

System name field: Enter the name of the program CWDirect uses to send pick void, pick reprint, and pick maintenance information to a warehouse management system.

Version 18 of PkMS: Enter a program name in this field if you are using version 18 of PkMS. CWDirect sends pick slip void information to PkMS each time you void a pick slip.

Version 19 or 2001 of PkMS: You can send void requests to PkMS by submitting a stop shipment request at the Confirm Stop Shipment Screen; do not enter a program name in this field.

The Pick XML Message Format (H43) system control value defines the XML message format CWDirect uses when it sends pick slip void information to a warehouse management system; enter PKMS to generate the PkMS XML message or enter GENERIC to generate the generic XML message.

Leave this field blank if you do not want CWDirect to determine if a pick slip is eligible for void, reprint and maintenance or you are using version 19 or 2001 of PkMS.

For more information: See Warehousing Sending Stop Shipment Requests to a Warehouse Management System (MRSS).

Pick Void XML Message Format (H44)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the XML message format CWDirect generates when it sends pick slip void information to a warehouse management system.

MSR0051 CHANGE Change System Control Value 6/06/01 12:42:45

Description . : ..Pick Void XML Message Format

Code . . . . . GENERIC PKMS

Narrative . . .

Application . : INV

Applic group . ALL

Sequence# . . . 99

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Code field: Enter the XML message format CWDirect generates when it sends pick slip void information to a warehouse management system, such as PkMS.

PKMS indicates CWDirect generates the PkMS Pick XML Message (Pickticket_1_0)

GENERIC indicates CWDirect generates the Generic Pick XML Message

See the CWIntegrate user reference for more information on the translation process CWIntegrate performs on generic XML messages.

Version 18 of PkMS: CWDirect sends void pick slip information to PkMS each time you void a pick slip.

Version 19 or 2001 of PkMS: If you are using version 19 or 2001 of PkMS, you can send void requests to PkMS by submitting a stop shipment request at the Confirm Stop Shipment Screen.

In order to send XML messages to PkMS, you must:

• use version 2001 of PkMS

• enter MQ in the PkMS Transport Type (G80) system control value to indicate CWDirect uses MQ Series to send XML messages to PkMS

Leave this field blank if you are not using version 2001 of PkMS or do not want CWDirect to generate an XML message format when it sends pick slip void information from CWDirect to a warehouse management system.

PkMS Return/Case Interface Program (F38)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the program name CWDirect uses to send return information to a warehouse management system.

MSR0053 CHANGE Change System Control Value 6/06/01 12:51:05

Description . : PkMS - Return/Case Interface Program

System name . .

Narrative . . .

Application . : INV

Applic group . ALL

Sequence# . . . 100

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

System name field: Enter the name of the program CWDirect uses to send return information to a warehouse management system, such as PkMS.

CWDirect sends return information to a warehouse management system each time you process a return in order maintenance or through Work with Return Authorizations (fast path = WRTA).

Version 18 of PkMS: The base program name is IFR0038.

Version 19 of PkMS: The base program name is IFR0044. Enter PKMSLOCAL in the PkMS Transport Type (G80) system control value to indicate CWDirect creates a flat file or enter FTP to indicate CWDirect creates a flat file and sends the file using FTP processing.

Version 2001 of PkMS: The base program name IFR0086. Enter MQ in the PkMS Transport Type (G80) system control value to indicate CWDirect uses MQ Series to send XML messages to a warehouse management system.

The RA Program XML Message Format (H45) system control value defines the XML message format CWDirect creates when it sends return information to a warehouse management system:

PKMS indicates CWDirect generates the PkMS Customer Return XML Message (CaseBridge_1_0)

GENERIC indicates CWDirect generates version 1.0 of the Generic WMS Customer Return XML Message (CWCustomerReturn)

GENERIC_2 indicates CWDirect generates version 2.0 of the Generic WMS Customer Return XML Message (CWCustomerReturn)

Leave this field blank if you do not want CWDirect to send return information to a warehouse management system.

For more information: See Warehousing Sending Return Information to a Warehouse Management System.

RA Program XML Message Format (H45)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the XML message format CWDirect generates when it sends return information to a warehouse management system.

MSR0051 CHANGE Change System Control Value 6/06/01 12:57:02

Description . : ..RA Program XML Message Format


Narrative . . .

Application . : INV

Applic group . ALL

Sequence# . . . 99

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Code field: Enter the XML message format CWDirect generates when it sends return information to a warehouse management system, such as PkMS.

PKMS indicates CWDirect generates the PkMS Customer Return XML Message (CaseBridge_1_0)

GENERIC indicates CWDirect generates version 1.0 of the Generic WMS Customer Return XML Message (CWCustomerReturn)

GENERIC_2 indicates CWDirect generates version 2.0 of the Generic WMS Customer Return XML Message (CWCustomerReturn)

In order to send XML messages to a warehouse management system, you must:

• use version 2001 of PkMS

• enter a program name in the PkMS Return/Case Interface Program (F38) system control value; the base program name for version 2001 of PkMS is IFR0086

• enter MQ in the PkMS Transport Type (G80) system control value to indicate you are using MQ Series to send XML messages to the warehouse management system

When is the CWCustomerReturn message generated? The system evaluates the Send RA Message for RA Create (J57) system control value to determine when to generate a Generic WMS Customer Return XML Message (CWCustomerReturn) when you create a return through:

• the Work with Return Authorizations (WRTA) menu option; see Introducing Return Authorizations.

• the E-Commerce Return Request Message (CWReturn); see Creating Return Authorizations from the Web Storefront.

If the Send RA Message for RA Create (J57) system control value is set to:

CREATED, the system generates a CWCustomerReturn message when an RA is created, but not yet received or credited.

PROCESSED or blank, the system generates a CWCustomerReturn message when an RA is completely processed (created, received, and credited).

BOTH, the system generates a CWCustomerReturn message when an RA is created and also when an RA is completely processed (created, received, and credited). However, if the return is created in one step, such as during streamlined return processing, the system generates the CWCustomerReturn message only when the RA is completed.

Regardless of the setting of the Send CWCustomerReturn for RA Create system control value, the system generates the Generic WMS Customer Return XML Message (CWCustomerReturn) when the RA is completed (created, received, and credited) when:

• you create a return through interactive order entry/maintenance.

• you create a return by entering a negative quantity on an order line if the Send RA Message for Negative Quantity in OE/OM (J58) system control value is set to Y.

• you create a return through the Return Request Message (CWReturnIn); see Generic Return API.

• you use streamlined return processing and have full authority to create, receive, and credit the return.

In addition, the system generates a Generic WMS Customer Return XML Message (CWCustomerReturn) when you delete an RA if the Send RA Message for RA Delete (J59) system control value is set to Y.

Version 18 or 19 of PkMS: Leave this field blank; CWDirect sends flat files to PkMS.

Leave this field blank if you are not using version 2001 of PkMS or do not want CWDirect to generate an XML message when it sends return information to a warehouse management system.

For more information: See Warehousing Sending Return Information to a Warehouse Management System.

PkMS Transport Type (G80)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the data transport method CWDirect uses to send information to a warehouse management system.

MSR0051 CHANGE Change System Control Value 6/06/01 13:02:59

Description . : ..PkMS Transport Type

Code . . . . . FTP MQ PKMSLOCAL

Narrative . . .

Application . : INV

Applic group . ALL

Sequence# . . . 120

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Code field: Enter the data transport type CWDirect uses to send information to a warehouse management system, such as PkMS.

FTP indicates CWDirect sends flat files to a warehouse management system using FTP processing. You can send information to PkMS using FTP processing if you use version 19 of PkMS.

MQ indicates CWDirect sends XML messages to a warehouse management system using MQ Series. You can send information to PkMS using MQ Series if you use version 2001 of PkMS.

PKMSLOCAL indicates CWDirect sends flat files to a warehouse management system. You can send information to PkMS using a flat file if you use version 19 of PkMS or lower.

FTP: You can send the following information to PkMS using FTP processing:

• Item and SKU information; see FTP Code for Item Interface (G81).

• Item note information; see FTP Code for Item Notes Interface (G82).

• Purchase order header information; see FTP Code for PO Header Interface (G83).

• Purchase order detail information; see FTP Code for PO Detail Interface (G84).

• Vendor information; see FTP Code for Vendor Interface (G85).

• Return information; see FTP Code for Returns Interface (G86).

You can receive the following information from PkMS using FTP processing:

• Pick ticket header information; see FTP Code for Pick Ticket Header Interface (G87).

• Pick ticket detail information; see FTP Code for Pick Ticket Detail Interface (G88).

• Pick ticket special instructions information; see FTP Code for Pick Ticket Special Instructions Interface (G89).

• Stop pick slip shipment information; see FTP Code for Stop Shipments Interface (G90).

• Immediate backorder fulfillment information; see FTP Code for Immediate Needs Interface (G91).

For more information: See Sending and Receiving WMS Information using FTP Processing for more information on sending and receiving PkMS information using FTP processing.

Conversion program for versions 19 and 2001 of PkMS: If you use version 19 or 2001 of PkMS, you need to run this conversion program to convert the FTP PkMS Interface Files to Remote System (G80) system control value to the PkMS Transport Type (G80) system control value.




When you run this conversion program, CWDirect performs the following conversions.

If the value for this system control value was...

It is converted to...







PkMS Data Base Library (H03)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the library name where the files that CWDirect sends to a warehouse management system using FTP processing are located.

MSR0053 CHANGE Change System Control Value 6/06/01 13:07:17

Description . : ..PkMS Data Base Library

System name . .

Narrative . . .

Application . : INV

Applic group . ALL

Sequence# . . . 133

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

System name field: Enter the name of the library where the files in CWDirect are located. The library is located on the iSeries where CWDirect resides.

You need to add these libraries to your library list above the other CWDirect libraries:




Version 18 or 2001 of PkMS: CWDirect does not send files to a warehouse management system using FTP processing for version 18 or 2001 of PkMS.

Leave this field blank if you are not using version 19 of PkMS or do not want CWDirect to send information to PkMS using FTP processing.

PkMS File Transfer Library (H04)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the library name where copies of the files CWDirect sends to a warehouse management system are located for FTP file transfer.

MSR0053 CHANGE Change System Control Value 6/06/01 13:12:09

Description . : ..PkMS File Transfer Library

System name . .

Narrative . . .

Application . : INV

Applic group . ALL

Sequence# . . . 134

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

System name field: Enter the name of the library where copies of the files CWDirect sends to a warehouse management system, such as PkMS, are located for FTP file transfer. The library can be located on the iSeries where CWDirect resides.

Version 18 or 2001 of PkMS: CWDirect does not send files to PkMS using FTP processing for version 18 or 2001 of PkMS.

In order to send information to PkMS using FTP processing correctly, you must copy the physical and logical files CWDirect sends to PkMS to the PkMS File Transfer library located on the iSeries where CWDirect is located.

File Name

File Type




PkMS - Case Comments File



PkMS - Case Comments File



Case Comments File



PkMS - Immediate Needs Interface



PkMS - Immediate Needs Interface



PkMS - Immediate Needs Interface



PkMS - Immediate Needs Interface



PkMS - Vendor Master File



PkMS - Vendor Master File



Vendor Master File



PkMS - Case Interface



PkMS - Case Interface



PkMS - Case Interface File



PkMS - Pick Header



PkMS - Pick Header



Pickticket Header File



PkMS - Pick Slip Details



PkMS - Pick Slip Details



Pickticket Detail File



PkMS - Pick Special Instructions



PkMS - Pick Special Instructions



PIPICK00 - Pickticket Special Instructions



PkMS - Item Interface



PkMS - Item Interface



PkMS - Item Interface



PkMS - Item Interface



PkMS - PO/ASN Header Interface



PkMS - PO/ASN Header Interface



ASN Header Interface File



PkMS - PO/ASN SKU Detail Interface



PkMS - PO/ASN SKU Detail Interface



ASN SKU Detail Interface File

Leave this field blank if you are not using version 19 of PkMs or do not want CWDirect to send information to PkMS using FTP processing.

PkMS System Library FTP Xfer (G93)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the library name where the files CWDirect sends to a warehouse management system are transferred to on the remote system.

MSR0053 CHANGE Change System Control Value 6/06/01 13:15:25

Description . : PkMS System Lib FTP Xfer

System name . .

Narrative . . .

Application . :

Applic group :

Sequence# . . :

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Code field: Enter the name of the library where the files CWDirect sends to a warehouse management system, such as PkMS, are transferred to on the remote system. The library is located on the iSeries where the warehouse management system is located.

Version 18 or 2001 of PkMS: CWDirect does not send files to PkMS using FTP processing for version 18 or 2001 of PkMS.

In order to send information to a warehouse management system using FTP processing correctly, you must copy the files CWDirect sends to the warehouse management system to the PkMS System FTP Transfer library located on the iSeries where the warehouse management system is located.

File Name

File Type




Case Comments File



PkMS - Immediate Needs Interface



Vendor Master File



PkMS - Case Interface File



Pickticket Header File



Pickticket Detail File



PIPICK00 - Pickticket Special Instructions



PkMS - Item Interface



ASN Header Interface File



ASN SKU Detail Interface File



Transfer Batch Control

Leave this field blank if you are not using version 19 of PkMS or do not want CWDirect to send information to a warehouse management system using FTP processing.

FTP Code for Item Interface (G81)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the FTP application code CWDirect uses to transfer item and SKU information to a warehouse management system using FTP processing.

MSR0051 CHANGE Change System Control Value 6/06/01 13:18:30

Description . : ..FTP Code for Item Interface

Code . . . . .

Narrative . . .

Application . : INV

Applic group . ALL

Sequence# . . . 121

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Code field: Enter the FTP application code for the item interface.

Version 18 or 2001 of PkMS: CWDirect does not send files to PkMS using FTP processing for version 18 or 2001 of PkMS.

Leave this field blank if you are not using version 19 of PkMS or do not want CWDirect to send item and SKU information to a warehouse management system using FTP processing.

For more information: See Sending Information to the Warehouse Management System using FTP Processing for more information on the process the FTP ASYNC performs to send information to a warehouse management system using FTP processing.

FTP Code for Item Notes Interface (G82)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the FTP application code CWDirect uses to transfer item note information to a warehouse management system using FTP processing.

MSR0051 CHANGE Change System Control Value 6/06/01 13:22:48

Description . : ..FTP Code for Item Notes Interface

Code . . . . .

Narrative . . .

Application . : INV

Applic group . ALL

Sequence# . . . 122

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Code field: Enter the FTP application code for the item notes interface.

Version 18 or 2001 of PkMS: CWDirect does not send files to PkMS using FTP processing for version 18 or 2001 of PkMS.

Leave this field blank if you are not using version 19 of PkMS or do not want CWDirect to send item note information to a warehouse management system using FTP processing.

For more information: See Sending Information to the Warehouse Management System using FTP Processing for more information on the process the FTP ASYNC performs to send information to a warehouse management system using FTP processing.

FTP Code for PO Header Interface (G83)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the FTP application code CWDirect uses to transfer purchase order header information to a warehouse management system using FTP processing.

MSR0051 CHANGE Change System Control Value 6/06/01 13:34:17

Description . : ..FTP Code for PO Header Interface

Code . . . . .

Narrative . . .

Application . : INV

Applic group . ALL

Sequence# . . . 123

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Code field: Enter the FTP application code for the PO header interface.

Version 18 or 2001 of PkMS: CWDirect does not send files to PkMS using FTP processing for version 18 or 2001 of PkMS.

Leave this field blank if you are not using version 19 of PkMS or do not want to send purchase order header information to a warehouse management system using FTP processing.

For more information: See Sending Information to the Warehouse Management System using FTP Processing for more information on the process the FTP ASYNC performs to send information to a warehouse management system using FTP processing.

FTP Code for PO Detail Interface (G84)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the FTP application code CWDirect uses to transfer purchase order detail information to a warehouse management system using FTP processing.

MSR0051 CHANGE Change System Control Value 6/06/01 13:39:15

Description . : ..FTP Code for PO Detail Interface

Code . . . . .

Narrative . . .

Application . : INV

Applic group . ALL

Sequence# . . . 124

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Code field: Enter the FTP application code for the PO detail interface.

Version 18 or 2001 of PkMS: CWDirect does not send files to PkMS using FTP processing for version 18 or 2001 of PkMS.

Leave this field blank if you are not using version 19 of PkMS or do not want CWDirect to send purchase order detail information to a warehouse management system using FTP processing.

For more information: See Sending Information to the Warehouse Management System using FTP Processing for more information on the process the FTP ASYNC performs to send information to a warehouse management system using FTP processing.

FTP Code for Vendor Interface (G85)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the FTP application code CWDirect uses to transfer vendor information to a warehouse management system using FTP processing.

MSR0051 CHANGE Change System Control Value 6/06/01 13:44:00

Description . : ..FTP Code for Vendor Interface

Code . . . . .

Narrative . . .

Application . : INV

Applic group . ALL

Sequence# . . . 125

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Code field: Enter the FTP application code for the vendor interface.

Version 18 or 2001 of PkMS: CWDirect does not send files to PkMS using FTP processing for version 18 or 2001 of PkMS.

Leave this field blank if you are not using version 19 of PkMS or do not want to send vendor information to a warehouse management system using FTP processing.

For more information: See Sending Information to the Warehouse Management System using FTP Processing for more information on the process the FTP ASYNC performs to send information to a warehouse management system using FTP processing.

FTP Code for Returns Interface (G86)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the FTP application code CWDirect uses to transfer return information to a warehouse management system using FTP processing.

MSR0051 CHANGE Change System Control Value 6/06/01 13:47:30

Description . : ..FTP Code for Returns Interface

Code . . . . .

Narrative . . .

Application . : INV

Applic group . ALL

Sequence# . . . 126

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Code field: Enter the FTP application code for the returns interface.

Version 18 or 2001 of PkMS: CWDirect does not send files to PkMS using FTP processing for version 18 or 2001 of PkMS.

Leave this field blank if you are not using version 19 of PkMs or do not want to send return information to a warehouse management system using FTP processing.

For more information: See Sending Information to the Warehouse Management System using FTP Processing for more information on the process the FTP ASYNC performs to send information to a warehouse management system using FTP processing.

FTP Code for Pick Ticket Header Interface (G87)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the FTP application code CWDirect uses to receive pick ticket header information from a warehouse management system using FTP processing.

MSR0051 CHANGE Change System Control Value 6/06/01 13:49:47

Description . : ..FTP Code for Pick Ticket Header Interface

Code . . . . .

Narrative . . .

Application . : INV

Applic group . ALL

Sequence# . . . 127

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Code field: Enter the FTP application code for the pick header interface.

Version 18 or 2001 of PkMS: CWDirect does not send files to PkMS using FTP processing for version 18 or 2001 of PkMS.

Leave this field blank if you are not using version 19 of PkMS or do not want to send pick ticket header information to a warehouse management system using FTP processing.

For more information: See Sending Information to the Warehouse Management System using FTP Processing for more information on the process the system uses to send information from a warehouse management system using FTP processing.

FTP Code for Pick Ticket Detail Interface (G88)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the FTP application code CWDirect uses to send pick ticket detail information from a warehouse management system using FTP processing.

MSR0051 CHANGE Change System Control Value 6/06/01 13:52:43

Description . : ..FTP Code for Pick Ticket Detail Interface

Code . . . . .

Narrative . . .

Application . : INV

Applic group . ALL

Sequence# . . . 128

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Code field: Enter the FTP application code for the pick ticket detail interface.

Version 18 or 2001 of PkMS: CWDirect does not send files to PkMS using FTP processing for version 18 or 2001 of PkMS.

Leave this field blank if you are not using version 19 of PkMS or do not want to send pick ticket detail information to a warehouse management system using FTP processing.

For more information: See Sending Information to the Warehouse Management System using FTP Processing for more information on the process the system uses to send information from a warehouse management system using FTP processing.

FTP Code for Pick Ticket Special Instructions Interface (G89)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the FTP application code CWDirect uses to send pick ticket special instruction information from a warehouse management system using FTP processing.

MSR0051 CHANGE Change System Control Value 6/06/01 13:56:20

Description . : ..FTP Code for Pick Ticket Special Instructions Interface

Code . . . . .

Narrative . . .

Application . : INV

Applic group . ALL

Sequence# . . . 129

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Code field: Enter the FTP application code for the pick ticket special handling instructions interface.

Version 18 or 2001 of PkMS: CWDirect does not send files to PkMS using FTP processing for version 18 or 2001 of PkMS.

Leave this field blank if you are not using version 19 of PkMS or do not want to send pick ticket special instruction information to a warehouse management system using FTP processing.

For more information: See Sending Information to the Warehouse Management System using FTP Processing for more information on the process the system uses to send information from a warehouse management system using FTP processing.

FTP Code for Stop Shipments Interface (G90)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the FTP application code CWDirect uses to send stop pick slip shipment information to a warehouse management system using FTP processing.

MSR0051 CHANGE Change System Control Value 6/06/01 14:00:33

Description . : ..FTP Code for Stop Shipments Interface

Code . . . . .

Narrative . . .

Application . : INV

Applic group . ALL

Sequence# . . . 130

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Code field: Enter the FTP application code for the stop shipments interface.

Version 18 or 2001 of PkMS: CWDirect does not send files to a warehouse management system using FTP processing for version 18 or 2001 of PkMS.

Leave this field blank if you are not using version 19 of PkMs or do not want to send stop shipment information to a warehouse management system using FTP processing.

For more information: See Sending Information to the Warehouse Management System using FTP Processing for more information on the process the system uses to send information to a warehouse management system using FTP processing.

FTP Code for Immediate Needs Interface (G91)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the FTP application code CWDirect uses to send immediate backorder fulfillment information to a warehouse management system using FTP processing.

MSR0051 CHANGE Change System Control Value 6/06/01 14:05:50

Description . : ..FTP Code for Immediate Needs Interface

Code . . . . .

Narrative . . .

Application . : INV

Applic group . ALL

Sequence# . . . 131

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Code field: Enter the FTP application code for the immediate needs interface.

Version 18 or 2001 of PkMS: CWDirect does not receive files from PkMS using FTP processing for version 18 or 2001 of PkMS.

Leave this field blank if you are not using version 19 of PkMS or do not want to send backorder information to a warehouse management system using FTP processing.

For more information: See Sending Information to the Warehouse Management System using FTP Processing for more information on the process the system uses to send information to a warehouse management system using FTP processing.

Include Estimated Charges in Receiving Cost with WMS Interface (F99)

Purpose: Use this screen to define whether CWDirect includes purchase order estimated charges in the receipt cost when you use the WMS Interface to process purchase order receipts.

MSR0052 CHANGE Change System Control Value 6/17/99 10:33:09

Description . : Include Est. Charges in receiving cost with WMS Interface

Yes/No . . . . (Y,N)

Narrative . . .

Application . : P/O

Applic group . POR

Sequence# . . . 99

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Yes/no field: Enter Y in this field is you wish to include purchase order estimated charges in the receipt cost when you use the WMS Interface to process purchase order receipts.

Note: In order to use this system control value, the Use PkMS Interface Values (F31) system control value must be set to Y and a value must be defined in the P/O Receipt Costing Calculation Method (A57) system control value.

When CWDirect receives a purchase order receipt transaction from the WMS system and the Include Estimated Charges in Receiving Cost with WMS Interface system control value is set to Y, the system:

• updates the Units field in the PO Receipt Control file with the units from the WMS system.

• multiplies the weight defined in the Ship weight field for the item (or SKU if the item contains SKUs) by the number of units passed from the WMS system, and updates the Weight field in the PO Receipt Control file with this value.

• multiplies the cube defined in the Cube field for the item (or SKU if the item contains SKUs) by the number of units passed from the WMS system, and updates the Cube field in the PO Receipt Control file with this value.

Enter N or leave this field blank, if you do not wish to include purchase order estimated charges in the receipt cost when you use the WMS Interface to process purchase order receipts.

Number of Days to Purge WMS Inbound Files (H48)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the number of days CWDirect uses to determine if a record in the WMS inbound files should be purged.

MSR0054 CHANGE Change System Control Value 6/28/01 8:52:52

Description . : # Days to Purge WMS Inbound Files

Number . . . .

Narrative . . .

Application . : INV

Applic group . ALL

Sequence# . . . 99

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Number field: Enter the number of days CWDirect uses to determine if a record in the WMS inbound files should be purged.

CWDirect compares the number defined in this system control value with the current date. When a record in one of the WMS inbound files is older than or equal to the number defined in this system control value, CWDirect purges the record from the file.

CWDirect purges records from the following WMS inbound files:

PIX Inventory Transaction File (PXSTYL00)

• WMS Invoice/Shipment Confirmation files

PkMS Invoice Header File (O1OPUT00)

PkMS Invoice Detail File (O2OPUT00)

PkMS Invoice Carton Header File (O3OPUT00)

PkMS Invoice Carton Detail File (O4OPUT00)

Periodic process: You can run the Purge WMS Inbound Files periodic process (program name PKR0207 to purge invoice records and program name PKR0206 to purge PIX records) to purge records in the WMS inbound files that are older than or equal to the number of days defined in this system control value. When you run this periodic process, CWDirect:

1. looks at records in the WMS PIX Inventory Transaction file and WMS Invoice/Shipment Confirmation files.

2. For each record in a P (processed) status, CWDirect compares the Processed date to the current date.

3. If the Processed date defined for the record is greater than or equal to the number of days defined in this system control value, CWDirect purges the record from the file.

4. If the Processed date defined for the record is more recent than the number of days defined in this system control value, the record remains in the file.

Determining the company: CWDirect purges records from the CWDirect company you defined when you ran the periodic process.

Note: If this system control value is blank or zero, CWDirect does not purge records from the WMS inbound files.


Number of Days to Purge WMS Inbound Files = 10

Current date = June 30 (June 30 - 10 = June 20)

Processed date

Current date


Purge record?

June 15

June 30

June 15 is older than June 20


June 20

June 30

June 20 is equal to June 20


June 21

June 30

June 21 more recent than June 20


Leave this field blank if you do not want CWDirect to purge records from the WMS inbound files.

XML Begin Message Indicator (H49)

Purpose: Use this screen to define whether the WMS Controller job generates a begin WMS XML message to indicate the beginning of a new WMS XML message.

MSR0051 CHANGE Change System Control Value 7/25/01 9:23:10

Description . : ..XML Begin Message Indicator

Code . . . . .

Narrative . . .

Application . : ALL

Applic group . ALL

Sequence# . . . 99

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Code field: Enter a code in this field to indicate the WMS Controller job generates a begin WMS XML message indicating the beginning of a new WMS XML message when it receives a new WMS XML message to process.

When you generate a WMS XML message and a code is defined in this field, CWDirect creates 2 XML messages: the first message indicates the beginning of a new WMS XML message for the company where the XML begin message indicator is defined and the type of XML message following. The second message is the actual WMS XML message.

You can also create an end WMS XML message indicating the ending of a WMS XML message by entering a code in the XML End Message Indicator (H50) system control value.

If both the XML Begin Message Indicator (H49) system control value and the XML End Message Indicator (H50) system control value contains codes, each WMS XML message is nestled between a begin XML message and an end XML message:

Begin XML message (code + type of message, for example KAB1Item)

WMS XML message

End XML message (code + type of message, for example, KAB2Item)

For more information: See Working with WMS MQ Job Control (WMJC) for more information on the WMS CONTROLLER job.

Leave this field blank if you do not want to generate a begin WMS XML message indicating the beginning of a new WMS XML message. When you generate a WMS XML message and this system control value is blank, CWDirect only creates 1 XML message: the actual WMS XML message.

XML End Message Indicator (H50)

Purpose: Use this screen to define whether the WMS Controller job generates an end WMS XML message to indicate the end of a new WMS XML message.

MSR0051 CHANGE Change System Control Value 7/25/01 9:23:10

Description . : ..XML End Message Indicator

Code . . . . .

Narrative . . .

Application . : ALL

Applic group . ALL

Sequence# . . . 99

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Code field: Enter a code in this field to indicate the WMS Controller job generates an end WMS XML message indicating the end of a new WMS XML message when it receives a new WMS XML message to process.

When you generate a WMS XML message and a code is defined in this field, CWDirect creates 2 XML messages: the first message is the actual WMS XML message. The second message indicates the end of the WMS XML message for the company where the XML end message indicator is defined and the type of XML message.

You can also create a begin WMS XML message indicating the beginning of a WMS XML message by entering a code in the XML Begin Message Indicator (H49) system control value.

If both the XML Begin Message Indicator (H49) system control value and the XML End Message Indicator (H50) system control value contains codes, each WMS XML message is nestled between a begin XML message and an end XML message:

Begin XML message (code + type of message, for example KAB1Item)

WMS XML message

End XML message (code + type of message, for example, KAB2Item)

For more information: See Working with WMS MQ Job Control (WMJC) for more information on the WMS CONTROLLER job.

Leave this field blank if you do not want to generate an end WMS XML message indicating the end of a new WMS XML message. When you generate a WMS XML message and this system control value is blank, CWDirect only creates 1 XML message: the actual WMS XML message.

PkMS Use SKU Retail Reference (I86)

Purpose: Use this screen to indicate if the system uses the SKU retail reference number field in the SKU file to identify the CWDirect item and SKU in messages sent to and from PkMS.

MSR0052 CHANGE Change System Control Value 8/13/04 9:02:37

Description . : PkMS Use SKU Retail Reference

Yes/No . . . . (Y,N)

Narrative . . .

Application . : INV

Applic group . W/M

Sequence# . . . 999

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Yes/no field: Enter Y in this field if you want the system to use the SKU retail reference number field in the SKU file to identify the CWDirect item and SKU in messages sent to and from PkMS.

If this system control value is set to Y, the system does not use the PkMS item cross reference defined at the Work with PkMS Item Cross Reference Screen to cross reference CWDirect's item number and SKU codes to the equivalent PkMS item.

Which messages? You must have version 2001 of PkMS to use the SKU retail reference number field in the SKU file to identify the CWDirect item and SKU in messages sent to and from PkMS. You can use the SKU retail reference number field for both the PkMS message format and Generic message format.

For the following outbound messages, the system defaults positions 1-8 of the SKU retail reference number to the Style (pkms_style) field and positions 9-15 to the StyleSuffix (pkms_style_suffix) field. If the SKU retail reference number field is blank, the system defaults 00000000 to the fields.

PkMS Item XML Message (ItemMaster_1_0)

Generic WMS Item XML Message (CWItem)

PkMS PO XML Message (InboundASN_1_0)

Generic WMS PO XML Message (CWPurchaseOrder)

PkMS Pick XML Message (Pickticket_1_0)

Generic WMS Pick XML Message (CWPickTicket)

PkMS Immediate Needs XML Message (ImmediateNeeds_1_0)

Generic WMS Immediate Needs XML Message (CWImmediateNeeds)

PkMS Customer Return XML Message (CaseBridge_1_0)

Generic WMS Customer Return XML Message (CWCustomerReturn)

For the following inbound messages, the system retrieves the SKU retail reference number value from the Style (pkms_style) and StyleSuffix (pkms_style_suffix) fields:

PkMS PIX XML Message (PIX_1_0)

Generic WMS PIX XML Message (CWPIX)

PkMS Batch Invoice XML Message (Invoice_1_0)

Generic WMS Invoice XML Message (CWInvoices)

Enter N or leave this field blank if you want the system to use the PkMS item cross reference defined at the Work with PkMS Item Cross Reference Screen to cross reference CWDirect's item number and SKU codes to the equivalent PkMS item.

IN03_15 CWDirect 18.0.x 2018 OTN