Using the Financial Data Interface

Purpose: Use the financial data interface to extract invoice information for the current date or for a range of dates.

In this topic:

Financial Data Interface Setup

Performing the Financial Data Interface Extract

Different Types of Detail Credit Records

Financial Sales Download File (IXSLDL)

Financial Data Interface Setup

This interface requires the following setup:

System control value: Use the Interface Staging Library (I07) system control value to specify the library where the system should write information in the Financial Sales Download File (IXSLDL). If this system control value is blank, the system uses the library specified in the Data Base Library (A37).

Periodic function: To perform the extract as part of a periodic process, you must first create a periodic function for the program FNR0008. You can then assign the periodic function to a periodic process, which you can run daily to capture all invoices for that system date. Alternatively, you can run the program at a command line to capture invoices for a range of dates; see Performing the Financial Data Interface Extract for details. Also, see Working with Periodic Functions (WPER) for an overview on working with periodic functions.

For more information: :

Working with Periodic Functions (WPER)

Working with Periodic Processes (WPPR)

Performing the Financial Data Interface Extract

You can use a periodic process to capture all invoices for the current system date as described above, or you can run the program from a command line to capture invoices for a range of dates. To run the program from a command line, enter:

CALL FNR0006 (' ' x'027F' x'1030102F' x'1070307F')

where 027 is the company code, and the second two numeric values represent dates (for example, 1070102 is January 2, 2007, and 1070307 is March 7, 2007).

The system generates a job which populates the Financial Sales Download File (IXSLDL) in the library specified in the Interface Staging Library (I07) system control value, if any; otherwise, the job populates this file in the Data Base Library (A37). The system does not clear the file before adding new information; if there are already records in the file, the new information will be appended.

Different Types of Detail Credit Records

The extract creates two different types of detail credit records when you process a return:

02 = created when you process a return that affects inventory

07 = created when you process a return that does not affect inventory

Determining which type of record to create: Typically, when you process a return against a shipment, you use a return disposition value that indicates to update inventory, and the warehouse and location where the returned item should be placed defaults. You can override the defaults and choose to update inventory in a different warehouse or location, or you can choose to process the return without updating inventory if, for example, the customer reports that one or more shipped units were damaged in transit.

Records are based on the Invoice Detail file: Both 02 and 07 records are created from information in the Invoice Detail record. You can review Invoice Detail records at the Display Invoice Detail screen in order inquiry. Each 02 or 07 record corresponds to a single Invoice Detail record, except when you partially update inventory for a single order detail line as described below.

Both 02 and 07 records are identified in the extract file by the credit invoice number created when you processed the return, not the original invoice created when you shipped the item.

Non-inventory items: The return disposition value specified for a return controls which type of record to create, even for items that you set up as non-inventory items such as gift certificates and membership items. For example, if you process a return for a gift certificate and select a return disposition value set to update inventory, the extract creates an 02 record; otherwise, it creates an 07 record.

“No-charge” items: When you process a return against an item that is added to the order at “no charge,” the extract program uses its standard logic to determine whether to create an 02 or 07 record; however, the extract record is created with a zero dollar amount.

Sets: Set master items are different from other non-inventory items, as they are the means to add the set components and their pricing to the order. When you process a return against a shipped set item, you select the set master for return, but then need to specify return information (including the return disposition value) for the set master item and each of its components. However, the extract always creates an 07 record for the set master item, regardless of the return disposition specified, while it creates either an 02 record or an 07 record for each of the components based on the return disposition entered for the return of each.

Applying the tax for multiple invoice detail records: Because individual Invoice Detail records do not specify the tax amount credited for each returned order line, the entire tax amount credited for a return is included in the extract record for the last invoice detail record (the one with the highest line number).

Note: If the system creates a credit invoice when you return a set and its components, the total tax is included in the 07 record for the set master item, even if the set has pricing at the component level and so the set master item is added at “no charge.”

If you partially update inventory for a single order line: It is possible for a credit invoice to include two returns against a single order detail line: one that is flagged to update inventory, and one that is not. You might choose to process a return this way if the customer reports that some of the units shipped were damaged, and you suggest that these units not be included in the return shipment to you. In this case, you might:

• Open the order for maintenance

• Enter the return for the undamaged units, using a return disposition flagged to update inventory

• Enter the return for the damaged units, using a return disposition value flagged to not update update inventory

• Accept your maintenance entries

The system creates a single credit invoice that includes a single Invoice Detail record for the returned order line; however, the extract creates an 02 record for the units flagged to update inventory, and an 07 record for the remaining units.

For more information: See:

• return disposition values: Establishing Return Disposition Values (WRDV)

• reviewing invoice information: Reviewing Financial Information

• processing returns:

• order maintenance: Returning and Exchanging Items

• return authorizations: Managing Returns

• generic order API: Processing a Return

• negative quantity: Posting a Return or Exchange Through Order Entry

• working with set items: Entering Set Information (WSET)

Financial Sales Download File (IXSLDL)

Note: Each of the fields listed below contains data only if indicated for the record type; otherwise, the field will be blank.




Record Types


Numeric, 3 positions

From Invoice Header file.


Invoice number

Numeric, 7 positions

From Invoice Header file.


Invoice type

Alphanumeric, 1 position

From Invoice Header file:

I = invoice

C = credit


Record type

Alphanumeric, 1 position

01 = sale (one record for each Invoice Detail record)

02 = credit (one record for each Invoice Detail record); excludes credits which create record types 06 and 07, described below

03 = Shipping and handling

04 = Pay type (one record for each invoice payment method)

05 = additional charges

06 = credit created by applying a discount to a shipped order detail line

07 = credit created by processing a return that does not update inventory

Note: See Different Types of Detail Credit Records for more information on how 02 and 07 records are created.


Sequence number

Numeric, 4 positions

Generated by the extract; restarts at 1 with each extract.


Customer number

Numeric, 9 positions

From Order Header file.


Order number

Numeric, 8 positions

From Invoice Header file.



Numeric, 3 positions

From the division associated with the source code on the Order Header.


Internet order

Alphanumeric, 1 position

I = internet order. Based on the setting of the Internet order (Future use sts 1) field in the Order Header file, which is used to indicate the channel where the order originated.


Invoice date

Numeric, 8 positions; YYYYMMDD format

From Invoice Header file.



Alphanumeric, 12 positions

From Order Detail file.

01 (sale)

02 (credit)

06 (discount shipped order line)

07 (return/no inventory update)


Alphanumeric, 14 positions

Split SKU is three 4-position fields, separated by blank spaces.

01 (sale)

02 (credit)

06 (discount shipped order line)

07 (return/no inventory update)

Long SKU style

Alphanumeric, 20 positions

From the L/S style (Long SKU style) in the SKU file. If no long SKU style is specified for the SKU, then this field is blank.

01 (sale)

02 (credit)

06 (discount shipped order line)

07 (return/no inventory update)

Long SKU color

Alphanumeric, 5 positions

From the L/S color (Long SKU color) in the SKU file. If no long SKU color is specified for the SKU, then this field is set to 00000.

Note: The L/S color in the SKU file is a numeric field.

01 (sale)

02 (credit)

06 (discount shipped order line)

07 (return/no inventory update)

Long SKU size

Alphanumeric, 5 positions

From the L/S size (Long SKU size) in the SKU file. If no long SKU size is specified for the SKU, then this field is set to 00000.

Note: The L/S size in the SKU file is a numeric field.

01 (sale)

02 (credit)

06 (discount shipped order line)

07 (return/no inventory update)

Long SKU width

Alphanumeric, 5 positions

From the L/S width (Long SKU width) in the SKU file. If no long SKU width is specified for the SKU, then this field is set to 00000.

Note: The L/S width in the SKU file is a numeric field.

01 (sale)

02 (credit)

06 (discount shipped order line)

07 (return/no inventory update)

SKU second language description

Alphanumeric, 40 positions

From the Item second language description if no second language description is specified for the SKU; otherwise, from the Second language description. If no second language description is specified for the SKU or the base item, then this field is blank.

01 (sale)

02 (credit)

06 (discount shipped order line)

07 (return/no inventory update)

Retail style number

Alphanumeric, 20 positions

From the Rtl Style # (Retail style number) in the Item file. From the base item, if specified; otherwise, this field is blank.

01 (sale)

02 (credit)

06 (discount shipped order line)

07 (return/no inventory update)

Quantity shipped

Numeric, 4 positions

The quantity shipped or returned, from the Ship qty (Shipped quantity) in the Invoice Detail file. Absolute value (i.e., both credits and invoices have positive quantities).

01 (sale) and 02 (credit)

Dollar amount

Numeric, 9 positions with a 2-place decimal

Depending on record type:

• record types 01, 02, 06, and 07: extended merchandise dollar total calculated by multiplying the Ship qty (Shipped quantity) by the Price from the Invoice Detail file

• record type 03: total of Freight, Handling (Handling charge), and Add'l freight (Additional freight charges) from the Invoice Header file

• record type 04: total of Merchandise, Freight, Additional freight balance, Additional charges, Handling (Handling charge), and Tax from the Invoice Payment Method file

• record type 05: total Add'l charges (Additional charges) from the Invoice Header file

Note: Absolute value (i.e., both credits and invoices have positive amounts).


Tax amount

Numeric, 9 positions with a 2-place decimal

• From the Tax in the Invoice Header file. The entire tax amount for the invoice is included in the first 01, 02, 06, and 07 record. If a credit invoice includes both an 02 and 07 record, then the tax amount is included in the first of these two record types.

Note: Absolute value (i.e., both credits and invoices have positive amounts).

01 (sale)

02 (credit)

06 (discount shipped order line)

07 (return/no inventory update)

Additional charge code

Alphanumeric, 2 positions

From the Code in the Order Additional Charge file.

05 (additional charges)

Pay type

Numeric, 2 positions

From the Pay method in the Invoice Payment Method file. Not zero-filled (for example, pay type 9 is represented as 9, not 09).

04 (pay type)

Credit card number

Alphanumeric, 16 positions

From the Credit card # in the Invoice Payment Method file. Used only for credit card payment methods (payment category 2).

Note: If you use credit card encryption, the credit card number will not be encrypted because the information in this file is extracted to an outside system. See Using Credit Card Encryption and Data Security for an overview.

04 (pay type)

Credit card expiration date

Alphanumeric, 4 positions

From the CC expiration date in the Invoice Payment Method file. Used only for credit card payment methods (payment category 2); otherwise, this field is set to 0000 for an 04 record.

04 (pay type)

Credit card authorization code

Alphanumeric, 6 positions

From the Auth # in the Invoice Payment Method file. Used only for credit card payment methods (payment category 2). Included on invoice records only.

04 (pay type)

SO02_14 CWDirect 18.0.x 2018 OTN