Answering a Prompt by Defining a Filter Based on an Attribute

Some prompted reports require you to define the report's filtering conditions based on an attribute.

These types of Prompts include the following:


To answer a prompt by defining a filter based on an attribute:


Click the name of a prompted report or document to run it. The report or document presents a prompt question to be answered before the report data is displayed.

If the prompt does not have an answer in the Selected pane, or you want to add to or change filtering conditions, create your filter following these steps:

  1. In the Available pane, browse to and select the attribute that you want to use to filter data. Click Move a Selected pane icon to move it to the Selected pane. The new filtering condition is displayed as a series of drop-down lists.

  2. Click Qualify to display the first drop-down list. Do one of the following:

  3. To qualify on an attribute form, select Qualify from the drop-down list.

  4. Click the next drop-down list. A list of attribute form names for the current attribute is displayed:

ID: Each attribute element has a specific ID assigned to it. If you know the IDs that you want to filter data for, select ID.

DESC: Most attribute elements have a description provided for them. If you want to filter data based on descriptions, select DESC.

Other forms: There may be other forms from which to choose, depending on the attribute and on how your project was designed.

From the operator drop-down list, select the operator that will help you define your filter. For example, you might choose the Greater than operator to filter out data that is below a certain number.

  1. Click Value. Define the values for which you want to filter data by doing one of the following:

  2. Type the values for which you want to filter data. For example, if you are qualifying on ID, type the ID numbers to include in the filter.

  3. Import values from a file, which allow you to filter the data using values specified in a saved file instead of typing them directly. For steps, see Importing prompt values from a file.

To qualify on attribute elements selected from a list, click Select from the drop-down list.

  1. Click Empty to choose the list of attribute elements. The left pane contains individual elements of the selected attribute. For example, if the attribute is Year, the elements included in the left pane might include 2005, 2006, and so on.

  2. Click Add an Attribute Element icon to add an attribute element to the filter condition.

  3. Click OK to close the dialog box.

When the filter has been defined, if there is another prompt on the report or document, scroll down or click Next to answer the next prompt. Use the links below for steps to answer other types of prompts.

When you are finished answering prompts, review the summary of your answers and click Run Report or Run Document. The report or document is executed and your results are displayed.


To save and reuse answers, see Saving and reusing prompt answers.

To see how prompt answers were used to create the report’s filter, from the File menu select Report Details or Document Details. Prompt answers appear in the form of report filtering conditions or see whether a cache was used to supply the results. If a cache was not used, the results were taken from the latest data in the data source. For steps to change which report details are displayed, see Configuring the report details auto text code.

To see data filtered in a different way, click Re-prompt Reprompt icon on the toolbar that displays from the Home menu and answer the prompt again to create a different filter for the report results.

Related topics

Saving reports

Answering a prompt by selecting answers from a list

Answering a prompt by typing a specific value

Answering a prompt by defining a filter based on a metric calculation


