Answering a Prompt by Defining a Filter Based on a Metric

Some prompted reports require you to define your filtering conditions based on a metric. These are metric Prompts , in which you create a filter for a metric to define the data that is displayed on the report.


If you attempt to run a report that contains a required prompt without answering the required prompt, the report will not run, and a message stating this requirement is displayed.

To answer a prompt by defining a filter based on a metric:

  1. Click the name of a prompted report to run it. A prompted report will present a prompt question to be answered before the report data is displayed.

  2. If the prompt already has an answer (a filtering condition) in the right pane, you can do one of the following:

  3. If the prompt does not have an answer in the right pane, or you want to add to or change answers (filtering conditions), create your filter by performing all of the following:

  4. When you are finished defining your filter, if there is another prompt on the report or document scroll down or click Next to answer the next prompt. Use the appropriate steps to answer them.

  5. When you are finished answering all prompts, review the summary of your answers and click Run Report or Run Document. The report or document is executed and your results are displayed.

  6. If you want to save and reuse your answers, see Saving and reusing prompt answers.

  7. If you want to see how your prompt answers were used to create the report’s filter, select Report Details or Document Details from the File menu. Your prompt answers appear in the form of report filtering conditions. You can also see whether a cache was used to supply the results. If a cache was not used, the results were taken from the latest data in your data source.

To see data filtered in a different way, click the Re-prompt icon Reprompt icon.

Related topics

Saving reports

Answering a prompt by selecting answers from a list

Answering a prompt by typing a specific value

Answering a prompt by defining a filter based on an attribute


