Subscribing to Reports and Documents

You can have a report or document automatically delivered to your History List, My Subscriptions page, or e-mail. You can arrange for reports to be delivered on a regular schedule or just when a specific event occurs. You can add alerts to reports so that they are only delivered when they trigger the alert.


To subscribe to a report or document, you can do either of the following:


Execute it first and then subscribe to it from the results page

Subscribe to it from a list of reports/documents in one of your project folders


To subscribe while viewing the report or document:

  1. Click the name of the report or document to execute it.

  2. From the Home menu, point to Subscribe to, and select one of the following:

    History List, to have the report or document automatically delivered to your History List on a schedule.

    Email, to have the report or document automatically emailed on a schedule.

  3. From the Schedule drop-down list, select a schedule or event for when to have the report automatically delivered.

  4. If you are subscribing to a document or report with formatting options, from the Format drop-down, select the format in which to send the document.
    : For reports, Email has formatting options, and for documents, History List and Email have formatting options.

  5. For a report or document with prompts, all prompts are displayed so you can provide answers now. The selections you make for these prompts are used when the report or document is automatically run and then delivered.

  6. Click OK.

  7. To verify that you are subscribed to the report or document, at the top of the page, click My Subscriptions. A list of the reports and documents to which you are subscribed is displayed.

To subscribe from a folder of reports or documents:

  1. Browse to the folder that contains the report or document for which to create a subscription.

  2. Depending on your display:

    Click the Subscriptions link below the report icon.

    Click the Subscriptions icon Subscriptions icon in the Actions column.

  3. Click Add Subscription.

  4. From the Schedule drop-down list, select a schedule or event.

  5. If you are subscribing to a document or report with formatting options, from the Format drop-down, select the format in which to send the document.

  6. Click OK.

  7. To verify that you are subscribed to the report or document, at the top of the page, click My Subscriptions. A list of the reports and documents to which you are subscribed is displayed.

Related Topics

Managing Subscriptions

Scheduling a Report or Document to be Sent to your History List folder

Scheduling a Report or Document to be E-mailed

Editing Subscriptions with Multiple Recipients

Adding Alerts to Report Subscriptions

Adding Alerts to Control Subscriptions


