Exporting Reports

Reports can be exported from:

the folder list

the history list

within the open report


The following steps give a brief explanation of how to do each. Please see Export by Format for options details within each format.


To export a report from a folder to pdf:

  1. Click the PDF icon PDF icon  in the Actions column. Alternately, click on the Home tab to select Run as.

  2. If the report contains prompts, answer the prompts and click Export.

  3. Specify the export options.

  4. Click Export.

To export a report from a folder to excel, CSV, plain text:


  1. Click the Export Export icon  in the Actions column. Alternately, click on the Home tab to select Run as.

  2. Specify the export options.

  3. Click Export.

To export to pdf:

  1. From the Home tab, click PDF icon PDF icon . Alternately, click on the Home tab to select Run as.

  2. Specify the export options and click Export.

  1. Answer prompts as needed and click Export.

  2. Using the Acrobat pdf tools, print or save as any other pdf.

To export a report from the history list:

  1. Click the Export Export icon  in the Actions column. Alternately, click on the Home tab to select Run as.

  2. Specify the export options.

  3. Click Export.

  1. Click the PDF icon PDF icon  in the Actions column. Alternately, click on the Home tab to select Run as.

  2. If the report contains prompts, answer the prompts and click Export.

  3. Specify the export options.

  4. Click Export.

Related topics

Exporting a document

Exporting a grid report

Exporting a graph report

Determining the export modes for a document

User Preferences for Exporting



