Modifying, renaming, showing, and hiding dataset objects in a dashboard

If a dataset in your dashboard contains many dataset objects, you can hide specific dataset objects from display in the Datasets panel. For example, if you decide to import a large amount of data from a file, but do not remove every unwanted data column before importing the data into Web, you can hide the unwanted attributes and metrics.

You can rename dataset objects, change the geo role assigned to an attribute, and so on. For steps, see the appropriate link below:

To hide dataset objects in the Datasets panel

To show hidden objects in the Datasets panel

To rename a dataset object

To create a metric based on an attribute

To create an attribute based on a metric

To define the geo role for an attribute

To create an attribute with additional time information

To replace a dataset object in the dashboard

To hide dataset objects in the Datasets panel:

  1. Click the name of the dashboard to run it.

  2. In the Datasets panel, select the dataset object to hide. You can select multiple objects at once by pressing CTRL and clicking each object to select it. Note: If the Datasets panel is not displayed, from the View menu, select Datasets Panel.

  3. Right-click the object and select Hide. The object is hidden from the Datasets panel.

To show hidden objects in the Datasets panel:

  1. Click the name of the dashboard to run it.

  2. In the Datasets panel, click the arrow icon in the top right. Point to Show Hidden Objects. A list of hidden objects is displayed, organized by dataset. You can view or collapse the list of hidden objects in a dataset by clicking the arrow icon next to the dataset's name. Note: If the Datasets panel is not displayed, from the View menu, select Datasets Panel

  3. Click the check box for each object to show in the Datasets panel.

  4. Click OK to apply your changes.

To rename a dataset object:

  1. Click the name of the dashboard to run it.

  2. In the Datasets panel, right-click the object and select Rename. Note: If the Datasets panel is not displayed, from the View menu, select Datasets Panel.

  3. Type a name for the object and press ENTER. The object is renamed and the new name is displayed in the Datasets panel, as well as any visualizations that contain the object. Attributes are renamed across all datasets in the dashboard. Metrics are renamed within the selected dataset.

To create a metric based on an attribute:

  1. Click the name of the dashboard to run it.

  2. In the Datasets panel, right-click the object and select Convert to Metric. A new metric is created based on the attribute and displayed in the Datasets panel. If the attribute contains numeric values, the values of the metric are calculated based on the sum of elements in the attribute. If the attribute does not contain numeric values, the metric is created as a count metric. The original attribute is not deleted from the dashboard. Note: If the Datasets panel is not displayed, from the View menu, select Datasets Panel.

To create an attribute based on a metric:

  1. Click the name of the dashboard to run it.

  2. In the Datasets panel, right-click the object and select Convert to Attribute. A new attribute is created based on the metric and displayed in the Datasets panel. Each value in the metric is displayed as a separate element in the attribute. The original metric is not deleted from the dashboard. Note: If the Datasets panel is not displayed, from the View menu, select Datasets Panel.

To define the geo role for an attribute:

  1. Click the name of the dashboard to run it.

  2. If the Datasets panel is not displayed, from the View menu, select Datasets Panel.

  3. In the Datasets panel, right-click the attribute and point to Mark Geographic Role. Select one of the following:

Select the check box next to each attribute you want to have automatically generated based on the data column, then click OK.

You can replace each instance of a dataset object in the dashboard with a dataset object that you select. The dataset object is replaced in any visualizations, filters, dynamic text, thresholds, and so on in the dashboard. For example, you can replace an attribute containing the days of the week with an attribute that contains the days of the business week.

If the dataset object being replaced is used in the definition of another dataset object in the dashboard, the definition remains unchanged. For example, if you have a derived metric defined as Sum (Cost), but choose to replace Cost with Revenue, the derived metric is still defined as Sum (Cost).

To replace a dataset object in the dashboard:

  1. Click the name of the dashboard to run it.

  2. In the Datasets panel, right-click the object and point to Replace Reference With. Click the name of the dataset object to replace the selected dataset object with. The object is replaced with the selected dataset object in any visualizations, filters, and so on in the dashboard. Note: If the Datasets panel is not displayed, from the View menu, select Datasets Panel.

Related topics

Creating a dashboard

Adding, replacing, and removing datasets from a dashboard


