About Documents and Dashboards

A document displays data coming from multiple reports, with the data laid out and designed in presentation-quality format. Most data on a document is from one or more underlying datasets. A dataset is a standard report. Other document components that do not originate from the dataset, such as static text used for a title or heading, page numbers, and images, are added by the document's designer and are stored in the document's definition.

A dashboard is a special type of document. A dashboard is commonly only one page long, is intended to be viewed online, and usually provides interactive features that let analysts change how they view the dashboard’s data, as well as what data they are viewing.

Related topics

Opening and viewing documents

Choosing a display mode: Design, Editable, and Interactive

Quickly switching between a Grid and Graph view

Running prompted documents

Analyzing documents in Interactive Mode


Saving documents

Exporting a document


