Formatting a Graph visualization

You can format a Graph visualization, to determine the shape used to display graph elements, whether to have the application optimize space in the visualization by automatically sizing graph elements, and so on. For example:


You have already created the visualization that you want to format. For steps, see Creating a Graph visualization.


To format a Graph visualization:

  1. Click the name of a dashboard to run it. Right-click the part of the visualization to format, such as graph items, row or column text, or axis lines, then select Format.

  2. If the Properties panel is not displayed, from the View menu, ensure that Properties Panel is selected. If the Properties panel is hidden behind another panel, click the Properties icon Properties icon to display the Properties panel.

  3. To format a specific part of the visualization, such as the legend or graph axis, select the object to format, as follows:

  1. The Properties panel displays the relevant formatting options for the selected object, as described below. You can display formatting options for different parts of the Graph visualization by selecting items in the drop-down list at the top of the Properties panel, such as Legend or Rows and Columns. To display the formatting options for a specific part of the graph, select the part of the graph, such as a bar, line, graph legend, or row header. The Properties panel is automatically updated to display the relevant formatting properties.

  1. To exit formatting mode, right-click the visualization and select Exit Format.

To display a reference line in a Graph visualization:


Reference lines are available if the X or Y axis contains a metric. Reference lines are not available for 100% stacked graphs. You can add multiple reference lines, using different reference line types, to the same Graph visualization.

  1. Click the name of a dashboard to run it.

  2. On the numeric axis of the Graph visualization to add a reference line to, right-click the label of the metric to display a reference line for. Point to Add Reference Line, and determine the type of reference line to display by selecting one of the following:

Your reference line is created and displayed in the graph.

  1. Right-click the metric label on the numeric axis, and select Edit Reference Line. The Properties panel opens, displaying the reference line formatting properties.

To define the reference line:

  1. By default, a constant reference line is labeled Constant, but you can change the name. Select the reference line in the list and type the new name.

  2. Determine whether to display a single reference line across each graph in the visualization, or use the same reference line across each row, column, or individual graph. From the Level drop-down list, select one of the following:

The Level option is available for all reference line types except Constant.


To show a label for the reference line:

  1. Select the Show label check box.

  2. You can select multiple display options:

  1. If a label is displayed, format the label text using the following Font options:

  1. To add another reference line based on this metric, click Add in the Type field, and select the height of the reference line. (The different options are described above.) Continue creating the reference line, beginning with Define the reference line.

  2. To add a reference line based on another metric, select the metric from the drop-down list on the Properties panel. Click Add in the Type field, and select the height of the reference line. (The different options are described above.) Continue creating the reference line, beginning with Define the reference line.

  3. To remove a reference line, right-click the metric’s label on the numeric axis of the Graph visualization, point to Remove Reference Line, and select the reference line to remove.

To display a trend line in a Graph visualization:

Trend lines are not available for stacked or clustered graphs for which there is more than one metric series displayed in the graph, or for percent graphs. At least one axis must have numeric values displayed on it.

  1. Click the name of a dashboard to run it.

  2. On the numeric axis of the Graph visualization to add a trend line to, right-click the label of the metric to display a trend line for. Select Enable Trendline. A trend line is displayed for the metric.

  3. Right-click the metric label on the numeric axis, and select Edit Trendline. The Properties panel opens, displaying the trend line formatting properties.

  4. From the Line color palette, select the color to display the trend line.

  5. From the drop-down list next to Line, select the line style to use to display the trend line. The default is Thin.

  6. From the Model drop-down list, select the type of trend line to display. The options are:

  1. Determine whether to display a single trend line across each graph in the visualization, or use the same trend line across each row, column, or individual graph. From the Level drop-down list, select one of the following:

  1. By default, a separate trend line is displayed for each attribute in the Break By area. To display a single line for the break-by attributes, clear the Include Break By Attribute check box. Note: The Include Break By Attribute check box is available for graphs other than scatter or bubble, and if the graph has metrics displayed on only one axis.

  2. You can enable forecasting, which displays the trend line past the available data. To enable forecasting, do one of the following:

  1. Select the Enable forecasting check box.

  2. To display additional periods to the right of the graph, type the number of periods in the Forward field.

  3. To display additional periods to the left of the graph, type the number of periods in the Backward field.

  4. To display additional periods in the graph based on seasons, select the Seasonality check box. Note: The Seasonality check box is available for the time-based attributes Quarter, Month, and Day.

  1. Select the Enable forecasting check box.

  2. From the drop-down list, select the metric to display the trend line for.

  3. In the Min field, type the minimum value at which to display the trend line. This value must be less than the minimum value available in the data.

  4. In the Max field, type the maximum value at which to display the trend line. This value must be greater than the maximum value available in the data.

  1. To remove a trend line, right-click the metric label on the numeric axis, and select Enable Trendline. The trend line is removed for the metric.

To determine whether X-axis and Y-axis values in a Graph visualization are abbreviated:

  1. Click the name of a dashboard to run it.

  2. Click the Graph visualization to format.

  3. If the Editor panel is not displayed, from the View menu, select Editor Panel.

  4. In the Editor panel, right-click a metric in the Vertical or Horizontal area, and select one of the following:

  1. Right-click the metric in the Editor panel, and clear Condense Labels.

  2. Right-click the metric in the Editor panel, point to Number Format, then select the appropriate options to apply the same number formatting to this metric as the first metric that you formatted. Click OK to apply your changes. For detailed steps to apply number formatting to a metric, see To change the number formatting applied to a metric in a visualization.

  3. Repeat the appropriate steps above to format both X-axis and Y-axis values.

To change the color of an attribute element:

You can select the display color of a specific attribute element (such as the Southeast region or 2014) in a graph, and other graphs and heat maps in the dashboard will use the same color to display the element. All the graphs and heat maps must color the graph items based on the same attribute.

For example, a dashboard contains a bar graph and a pie chart, both showing data colored by geographical region. An area graph displays data colored by product category. If you select dark green for the Southeast region's bar riser in the graph, the slice for Southeast is colored dark green in the pie chart. Since the area graph is colored by category, the region's color does not apply to the area graph.

  1. Place the same attribute in the Color By area of all graph and heat map visualizations that will use the same color scheme. Web automatically selects the colors of the attribute elements.

  2. For each attribute element that you want to color, in the graph, do one of the following:

  1. To restore an attribute value to its default color, in the color palette, select Automatic. All visualizations that color graph items by the attribute automatically display the attribute element in the selected color.

Related topics

Creating a Graph visualization

Dashboard Editor: Graph: Properties

Formatting visualizations


