2.3 Upgrading to Oracle Exalytics Release 2.1

This section consists of the following topics:

2.3.1 About Oracle Exalytics Release 2.1 on Non-Virtual Deployments

The Oracle Exalytics Release 2.1 comprises of updates to the system components that are listed in listed in Table 2-1.

Table 2-1 System Components and Supported Versions in Oracle Exalytics Release 2.1

System Component Version in Release 2 Kernel Version

Oracle Exalytics Base Image for Linux 6


For the latest information on the supported Application Software Components, see Oracle Exalytics Certification Matrix at the following location:


2.3.2 Upgrading to Oracle Exalytics Release 2.1 on Non-Virtual Deployments

This section contains the following topics: Who Should Upgrade to Oracle Exalytics Release 2.1?

The upgrade is available for all Oracle Exalytics customers who are currently on Oracle Exalytics Release 2.0 (Base Image

If you are currently on Oracle Exalytics Release 2.0 (Base Image and want to upgrade to Oracle Exalytics Release 2.1 (Base Image, then backup the current system running Oracle Exalytics Release 2.0 (Base Image, complete the full ISO installation of Oracle Exalytics Release 2.1 (Base Image, and restore the backup.


If you are on a release prior to Oracle Exalytics Release 2.0, you must upgrade to Oracle Exalytics Release 2.0 (Base Image before you can upgrade to Release 2.1. For information on applying Oracle Exalytics Release 2.0, see "Chapter 2 Patching" in Oracle Exalytics In-Memory Machine Installation and Administration Guide for Linux available at the following location:

http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E56045_01/bi.1/e57263/toc.htm Upgrading to Oracle Exalytics Release 2.1

To upgrade to Oracle Exalytics Release 2.1 from Oracle Exalytics Release 2.0, perform the following steps:

Step 1: Run the Oracle Exalytics Base Image Release 2.1 Upgrade Script

Run the upgrade script to upgrade Oracle Exalytics base image to


If you are upgrading to Oracle Exalytics Release 2.1 from Oracle Exalytics Release 2.0 (Base Image, the script installs new rpms without affecting your existing installation.

To run the Oracle Exalytics Base Image Upgrade Script:

  1. Stop and backup all Oracle Business Intelligence, Oracle TimesTen, and (if installed) Enterprise Performance Management services.

    For information on stopping Oracle Business Intelligence services, see "Starting and Stopping Oracle Business Intelligence" in System Administrator's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.

    For information on starting and stopping Oracle TimesTen services, see "Working with the TimesTen Data Manager Daemon" in .

    For more information on starting and stopping Enterprise Performance Management services, see "Chapter 12, Starting and Stopping EPM System Products" in Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System Installation and Configuration Guide at the following locations:

    Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System Installation and Configuration Guide Release at http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E40248_01/epm.1112/epm_install.pdf.

    Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System Installation and Configuration Guide Release at http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E57185_01/EPMIS/toc.htm.

  2. Navigate to My Oracle Support and download the required patch number:

    Patchset Upgrade Utility for Exalytics Base Image for Linux x86-64: Patch number 23322047. The patch contains the p23322047_20010_Linux-x86-64.zip file.

  3. Unzip the patch file into a temporary (/tmp) directory.

  4. Navigate to the temporary directory.

    The zipped file contains the nodeupdate.sh located in the directory with the patch ID for upgrade and the bug number for compute node (For the release it is /tmp/2332047/23332931/).

  5. To validate the patch for the Exalytics Machine, enter the following command:

    # ./nodeupdate.sh -v

  6. To apply the patch and upgrade the Oracle Exalytics base image, enter the following command:

    # ./nodeupdate.sh -a

    After the patch is successfully applied, restart the Exalytics Machine using Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM).

  7. Optional: View the log files at /var/log/exalytics/update- and /var/log/exalytics/exalytics.log.

  8. Restart the Oracle Business Intelligence, Oracle TimesTen, and Enterprise Performance Management services.

  9. To confirm the base image, enter the following command as a root user:

    # /opt/exalytics/bin/exalytics_imageinfo

    The output looks similar to the following:

    Image version :
    Creation timestamp : Day Date Month YEAR HOUR:MIN:SEC
    Kernel version : 2.6.39-400.277.1.el6uek
    RPM versions:


    Even though the build numbers may be different than the ones listed above, ensure that the updated kernel version is the same as the one displayed above.

Step 2: (Optional) Configure ASR

To configure ASR:

Step 3: (Optional) Configure Exalytics Host for Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Discovery

To configure Exalytics Host for Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Discovery:

  • If you installed Oracle Exalytics Release 2.1 on a new machine with Enterprise Manager Cloud Control (EMCC) deployed, then perform the following steps to configure EMCC to identify the Exalytics host.

    1. Confirm that a SP System Identifier is set for the Exalytics Machine by performing the following steps:

      • Log on to Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM).

      • Expand System Information.

      • Select Summary.

      Confirm that a SP System Identifier is displayed.

    2. Log on to ILOM and in the left pane of the ILOM, expand ILOM Administration, then select Identification. Ensure that the SP System Identifier value is populated with a unique value, such as "Oracle Exalytics AK00026925".

    3. Log on to the Exalytics Machine.

    4. Execute the command chmod +x exalytics_configure_for_emcc.sh to grant execute permissions.

    5. Execute the following command as a root user to create the file:


    6. Review the output and ensure that the contents of the /var/exalytics/info/em-context.info file correctly displays the system identifier for the Oracle Exalytics machine. The system identifier should be identical to the system identifier you saw in Step (b) of this procedure.

  • If you upgraded to Oracle Exalytics Release 2.1 from Oracle Exalytics Release 2.0 with Enterprise Manager Cloud Control (EMCC) deployed, then complete the following step to verify that EMCC identifies the Exalytics host:

    • Review the contents of the /var/exalytics/info/em-context.info file and ensure that it correctly displays the system identifier for the Oracle Exalytics machine.

      The system identifier should be identical to the system identifier displayed in the Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) in Step (a) above. Upgrading or Patching Application Software Components

Depending on your deployment upgrade or patch the newly certified application software components for this release.


This section is for existing Exalytics customers that are already running application software components. New Exalytics customers, proceed to Installing Software on an Exalytics Machine

Before you upgrade or patch the application software components, ensure you are installing the latest Exalytics certified application software versions. See Oracle Exalytics Certification Matrix for the latest certifications. The Oracle Exalytics Certification Matrix is located at:


This section includes the following topics:

Download and Install Oracle BI EE or

To apply the latest Oracle BI EE Patchset to Oracle BI EE installation, see the instructions in the top-level patch of the Oracle BI EE Patchset.

To apply the latest Oracle BI EE Patchset to Oracle BI EE installation, see the instructions in the top-level patch of the Oracle BI EE Patchset.

To upgrade an Oracle BI EE installation to Oracle BI EE, see "Chapter 3, Applying the Latest Oracle Fusion Middleware Patch Set" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Patching Guide.


If you are installing Oracle Exalytics for the first time, you can install Oracle BI EE For information, see Installing Software on an Exalytics Machine See also, Installing and Configuring Oracle Business Intelligence.

If you are running an Oracle BI EE installation, you must upgrade to an Oracle BI EE, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Upgrade Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence.


You cannot use the Exalytics Domain Management Utility to install or manage an Oracle BI EE installation. You must first upgrade the Oracle BI EE installation to Oracle BI EE and then register the installation as an existing primary domain using the Exalytics Domain Management Utility.

Download and Install Oracle Timesten

Before you download and install Oracle TimesTen, ensure you are installing the latest Exalytics certified Oracle TimesTen version. See Oracle Exalytics Certification Matrix for the latest certifications. The Oracle Exalytics Certification Matrix is located at:


To download and install Oracle TimesTen:

  1. Navigate to My Oracle Support.

  2. Search for and download the latest Exalytics certified version of Oracle TimesTen.


If you are installing Oracle Exalytics for the first time, you can install the latest Oracle TimesTen certified version instead of applying patches to previous Oracle TimesTen versions.

During the installation of Oracle TimesTen, answer "Yes" to the question: Would you like to upgrade this instance?

Also, ensure that you do not delete existing files. For example, during the installation, answer "No" to the following questions:

  • Would you also like to remove all files in <installation_directory>/TimesTen/tt1122/network/admin/samples?

  • Would you like to replace the existing cluster.oracle.ini file?

  • Would you like to replace the existing <installation_directory>/TimesTen/tt1122/info/sys.odbc.ini file?

  • Would you also like to remove all files in <installation_directory>/TimesTen/tt1122/info?

For more information, see "Performing an in-place database upgrade" and "Performing an offline upgrade" in Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Installation Guide.


If required, you can install Oracle Database In-Memory for Oracle Exalytics. For instructions on installing Oracle Database In-Memory for Oracle Exalytics, see Installing Oracle Database In-Memory for Oracle Exalytics

Download and Install Oracle BI Applications

If deploying Oracle BI Applications, install Oracle BI Applications. For information, see Installing and Configuring Oracle BI Applications on an Exalytics Machine

To ensure you are installing the latest Exalytics certified Oracle BI Applications version, see Oracle Exalytics Certification Matrix for the latest certifications. The Oracle Exalytics Certification Matrix is located at:


Download and Install Oracle Endeca

To install Oracle Endeca, see "Oracle Endeca Information Discovery" documentation, the link to which is available from the Oracle Exalytics Documentation Library.

To ensure you are installing the latest Exalytics certified Oracle Endeca version, see Oracle Exalytics Certification Matrix for the latest certifications. The Oracle Exalytics Certification Matrix is located at:


2.3.3 Post installation Instructions for Upgrading or Patching Oracle Business Intelligence Software


This section is for existing customers that are upgrading or patching Oracle Business Intelligence software. New customers, proceed to Installing Software on an Exalytics Machine

To ensure that Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition and Oracle TimesTen data type mapping and other optimizations are consistent and can be leveraged, you must complete post installation steps for the following Oracle Exalytics components: Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database

This section contains the following topics: Configure Oracle TimesTen Checkpoint Frequency

To ensure Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition sets the Oracle TimesTen checkpoint frequency, perform the following configuration steps after upgrading Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database. Failure to perform this configuration may adversely affect Oracle TimesTen performance.

To configure Oracle TimesTen checkpoint frequency:

  1. Open the timesten-install-dir/info/sys.odbc.ini file.
  2. Find the DSN entry for the schema used for Aggregate Persistence.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • If you are loading data in Oracle TimesTen database using aggregate persistence, edit the three parameters as follows:

      • CkptFrequency=-1

      • CkptLogVolume=0

      • CkptRate=0

    • If you are loading data in Oracle TimesTen database without using aggregate persistence, use a different server DSN and edit the three parameters as follows:

      • CkptFrequency=30

      • CkptLogVolume=0

      • CkptRate=0 Other Postinstallation Steps

To complete other postinstallation steps in Oracle TimesTen:

  1. Re-create existing datastores for Oracle TimesTen.
  2. If you are installing Oracle Exalytics Release 2.1 on Oracle Exalytics Release 2.0, then rebuild aggregates using the nqcmd utility. For more information, see "Creating and Persisting Aggregates for Oracle BI Server Queries" in Metadata Repository Builder's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition. Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition

This section contains the following topics: Edit the opmn.xml File

For faster aggregation and better performance, Oracle recommends that you edit the opmn.xml file to include the appropriate elements. Ensure that you edit the opmn.xml file on each Exalytics Machine that is configured in a highly available clustered environment.

To edit the opmn.xml file to improve aggregation and performance:

  1. Open the opmn.xml file (which is located in MW_HOME/instances/instance1/config/OPMN/opmn).

  2. Insert the following child elements under <ias-component id="coreapplication_obis1" inherit-environment="true"><environment>:

    1. <variable id="ORACLE_BI_TT_DISABLE_REDO_LOGGING" value="1"/>

      Creates faster aggregation.

    2. <variable id="ORACLE_BI_TT_PARALLEL_INDEX_CREATION" value="1"/>

      Creates indexes in parallel, thereby creating faster aggregation.

    3. <variable id="ORACLE_BI_TT_BACKGROUND_CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL" value="6"/>

      This BI Server controlled parameter determines the frequency of Oracle TimesTen datastores that are stored to disk (datastore persistence). The default value is every 10 seconds. The smaller the number of the "value", the more often Oracle TimesTen stores datastores to disk.

  3. Stop and start the Notification Server.

    1. Go to the following directory that contains the OPMN command-line tool:


    2. Enter the following command:

      ./opmnctl stopall

      Stops OPMN and all Oracle Business Intelligence system components.

    3. Enter the following command:

      ./opmnctl startall

      Starts OPMN and all Oracle Business Intelligence system components. Reinstall Oracle Business Intelligence Client Installer

For information about installing Oracle Business Intelligence Client Tools, see "Installing and Uninstalling Oracle Business Intelligence Client Tools" in Installing and Configuring Oracle Business Intelligence.

2.3.4 Deinstallation Instructions for the Oracle Exalytics Release 2.1

If you experience any problems after upgrading, then Oracle recommends that you roll back all Oracle Exalytics component patches. Do not rollback one or two individual component patches. Instructions for rollback are included in the component-specific ReadMe files.

If you encounter any issues while applying the upgrade, then contact Oracle Support.