Oracle® Fusion Middleware Upgrade Assistantによるアップグレード
12c (12.2.1)


2 アップグレード前の準備状況チェックの実行

Upgrade Assistantを-readinessモードで実行することにより、実際にアップグレードを実行する前に問題を検出できます。これは、GUIを使用して実行することも、レスポンス・ファイルを使用してサイレント・アップグレードで実行することもできます。 

Upgrade Assistantの準備状況チェックでは、既存のOracle Fusion MiddlewareスキーマおよびOracle WebLogic構成の読取り専用のアップグレード前確認を行います。




または、準備状況チェックを-responseモードで実行して、レスポンス・ファイルを使用してサイレント準備状況チェックを実行することもできます。Upgrade Assistantでのレスポンス・ファイルの使用の詳細は、「レスポンス・ファイル・モードでのUpgrade Assistantの起動」を参照してください。

準備状況チェックは、既存のOracle Fusion Middlewareドメインがオンライン(他のユーザーがアクティブに使用している間)またはオフラインである間に実行できます。




2.1 準備状況モードでのUpgrade Assistantの起動

アップグレード前の環境で準備状況チェックを実行するには、次に示すように、Upgrade Assistantを-readinessモードで実行します。

  1. ディレクトリを、UNIXオペレーティング・システムではORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/upgrade/binに、Windowsオペレーティング・システムではORACLE_HOME\oracle_common\upgrade\binに変更します。

  2. 次のコマンドを入力してアップグレード・アシスタントを起動します。


    ./ua -readiness


    ua.bat -readiness

    Upgrade Assistantの各画面で必要な情報を指定します。表示される画面は、選択するアップグレード・オプションによって異なります。次の項では、アップグレード・オプションおよび入力する必要がある情報を説明しています。

2.2 準備状況チェックの実行

Upgrade Assistantを-readinessモードで起動すると、次の画面が表示されます。

または、レスポンス・ファイルを使用して準備状況チェックを実行することもできます。Upgrade Assistantでのレスポンス・ファイルの使用の詳細は、「レスポンス・ファイル・モードでのUpgrade Assistantの起動」を参照してください。


表2-1 Upgrade Assistant画面: 準備状況チェック

画面 画面が表示されるタイミング 説明





  • 個別に選択されたスキーマ

  • ドメイン・ベース











この画面を使用して、選択したスキーマとそのスキーマをホストするデータベースへの接続に必要な情報を入力します。アップグレードするスキーマが以前のFusion MiddlewareのリリースでRCUによって作成された場合は、使用可能なスキーマ名がリストされたドロップダウン・メニューが表示されます。




Upgrade Assistantを—response (またはサイレント)モードで再実行する場合は、「レスポンス・ファイルの保存」をクリックします。











2.3 準備状況レポートの理解



レポートの情報 説明 必要な操作
全体的な準備状況ステータス: SUCCESSまたはFAILURE レポートの上部には、アップグレードの準備状況チェックが成功したか、または1つ以上のエラーが発生して完了したかが示されます。 1つ以上のエラーが発生してレポートが完了した場合、アップグレードを試みる前に、FAILを検索し、障害の原因となった問題を修正します。準備状況チェックは、アップグレードする前に必要に応じて何度でも再実行できます。
















ステータス: FAIL



ステータス: PASS



Upgrade readiness check completed with one or more errors.

This readiness check report was created on Tue Oct 30 11:15:52 EDT 2015
Log file is located at: /scratch/yourname/oracle/work/middleware_latest/oracle_common/upgrade/logs/ua2015-10-30-11-14-06AM.log
Readiness Check Report File: /scratch/yourname/oracle/work/middleware_latest/oracle_common/upgrade/logs/readiness2015-10-30-11-15-52AM.txt

Starting readiness check of components.

Oracle Metadata Services
   Starting readiness check of Oracle Metadata Services.
     Schema User Name: DEV11_MDS
     Database Type: Oracle Database
     Database Connect String: machinename@yourcompany.com
     VERSION Schema DEV11_MDS is currently at version  Readiness checks will now be performed.
   Starting schema test:  TEST_REQUIRED_TABLES  Test that the schema contains all the required tables
   Completed schema test: TEST_REQUIRED_TABLES --> Test that the schema contains all the required tables +++ PASS
   Starting schema test:  TEST_REQUIRED_PROCEDURES  Test that the schema contains all the required stored procedures
     EXCEPTION     Schema is missing a required procedure: GETREPOSITORYFEATURES
   Completed schema test: TEST_REQUIRED_PROCEDURES --> Test that the schema contains all the required stored procedures +++ FAIL
   Starting schema test:  TEST_REQUIRED_VIEWS  Test that the schema contains all the required database views
   Completed schema test: TEST_REQUIRED_VIEWS --> Test that the schema contains all the required database views +++ PASS
   Starting index test for table MDS_ATTRIBUTES:  TEST_REQUIRED_INDEXES --> Test that the table contains all the required indexes
   Completed index test for table MDS_ATTRIBUTES: TEST_REQUIRED_INDEXES --> Test that the table contains all the required indexes +++ PASS
   Starting index test for table MDS_COMPONENTS:  TEST_REQUIRED_INDEXES --> Test that the table contains all the required indexes
   Completed index test for table MDS_COMPONENTS: TEST_REQUIRED_INDEXES --> Test that the table contains all the required indexes +++ PASS
   Starting index test for table MDS_DEPENDENCIES:  TEST_REQUIRED_INDEXES --> Test that the table contains all the required indexes
   Completed index test for table MDS_DEPENDENCIES: TEST_REQUIRED_INDEXES --> Test that the table contains all the required indexes +++ PASS
   Starting index test for table MDS_DEPL_LINEAGES:  TEST_REQUIRED_INDEXES --> Test that the table contains all the required indexes
   Completed index test for table MDS_DEPL_LINEAGES: TEST_REQUIRED_INDEXES --> Test that the table contains all the required indexes +++ PASS
   Starting index test for table MDS_LABELS:  TEST_REQUIRED_INDEXES --> Test that the table contains all the required indexes
   Completed index test for table MDS_LABELS: TEST_REQUIRED_INDEXES --> Test that the table contains all the required indexes +++ PASS
   Starting index test for table MDS_LARGE_ATTRIBUTES:  TEST_REQUIRED_INDEXES --> Test that the table contains all the required indexes
   Completed index test for table MDS_LARGE_ATTRIBUTES: TEST_REQUIRED_INDEXES --> Test that the table contains all the required indexes +++ PASS
   Starting index test for table MDS_METADATA_DOCS:  TEST_REQUIRED_INDEXES --> Test that the table contains all the required indexes
   Completed index test for table MDS_METADATA_DOCS: TEST_REQUIRED_INDEXES --> Test that the table contains all the required indexes +++ PASS
   Starting index test for table MDS_NAMESPACES:  TEST_REQUIRED_INDEXES --> Test that the table contains all the required indexes
   Completed index test for table MDS_NAMESPACES: TEST_REQUIRED_INDEXES --> Test that the table contains all the required indexes +++ PASS
   Starting index test for table MDS_PARTITIONS:  TEST_REQUIRED_INDEXES --> Test that the table contains all the required indexes
   Completed index test for table MDS_PARTITIONS: TEST_REQUIRED_INDEXES --> Test that the table contains all the required indexes +++ PASS
   Starting index test for table MDS_PATHS:  TEST_REQUIRED_INDEXES --> Test that the table contains all the required indexes
   Completed index test for table MDS_PATHS: TEST_REQUIRED_INDEXES --> Test that the table contains all the required indexes +++ PASS
   Starting index test for table MDS_PURGE_PATHS:  TEST_REQUIRED_INDEXES --> Test that the table contains all the required indexes
   Completed index test for table MDS_PURGE_PATHS: TEST_REQUIRED_INDEXES --> Test that the table contains all the required indexes +++ PASS
   Starting index test for table MDS_SANDBOXES:  TEST_REQUIRED_INDEXES --> Test that the table contains all the required indexes
   Completed index test for table MDS_SANDBOXES: TEST_REQUIRED_INDEXES --> Test that the table contains all the required indexes +++ PASS
   Starting index test for table MDS_STREAMED_DOCS:  TEST_REQUIRED_INDEXES --> Test that the table contains all the required indexes
   Completed index test for table MDS_STREAMED_DOCS: TEST_REQUIRED_INDEXES --> Test that the table contains all the required indexes +++ PASS
   Starting index test for table MDS_TRANSACTIONS:  TEST_REQUIRED_INDEXES --> Test that the table contains all the required indexes
   Completed index test for table MDS_TRANSACTIONS: TEST_REQUIRED_INDEXES --> Test that the table contains all the required indexes +++ PASS
   Starting index test for table MDS_TXN_LOCKS:  TEST_REQUIRED_INDEXES --> Test that the table contains all the required indexes
   Completed index test for table MDS_TXN_LOCKS: TEST_REQUIRED_INDEXES --> Test that the table contains all the required indexes +++ PASS
   Starting schema test:  TEST_REQUIRED_TRIGGERS  Test that the schema has all the required triggers
   Completed schema test: TEST_REQUIRED_TRIGGERS --> Test that the schema has all the required triggers +++ PASS
   Starting schema test:  TEST_MISSING_COLUMNS  Test that tables and views are not missing any required columns
   Completed schema test: TEST_MISSING_COLUMNS --> Test that tables and views are not missing any required columns +++ PASS
   Starting schema test:  TEST_UNEXPECTED_TABLES  Test that the schema does not contain any unexpected tables
   Completed schema test: TEST_UNEXPECTED_TABLES --> Test that the schema does not contain any unexpected tables +++ PASS
   Starting schema test:  TEST_UNEXPECTED_PROCEDURES  Test that the schema does not contain any unexpected stored procedures
   Completed schema test: TEST_UNEXPECTED_PROCEDURES --> Test that the schema does not contain any unexpected stored procedures +++ PASS
   Starting schema test:  TEST_UNEXPECTED_VIEWS  Test that the schema does not contain any unexpected views
   Completed schema test: TEST_UNEXPECTED_VIEWS --> Test that the schema does not contain any unexpected views +++ PASS
   Starting index test for table MDS_ATTRIBUTES:  TEST_UNEXPECTED_INDEXES --> Test that the table does not contain any unexpected indexes
   Completed index test for table MDS_ATTRIBUTES: TEST_UNEXPECTED_INDEXES --> Test that the table does not contain any unexpected indexes +++ PASS
   Starting index test for table MDS_COMPONENTS:  TEST_UNEXPECTED_INDEXES --> Test that the table does not contain any unexpected indexes
   Completed index test for table MDS_COMPONENTS: TEST_UNEXPECTED_INDEXES --> Test that the table does not contain any unexpected indexes +++ PASS
   Starting index test for table MDS_DEPENDENCIES:  TEST_UNEXPECTED_INDEXES --> Test that the table does not contain any unexpected indexes
   Completed index test for table MDS_DEPENDENCIES: TEST_UNEXPECTED_INDEXES --> Test that the table does not contain any unexpected indexes +++ PASS
   Starting index test for table MDS_DEPL_LINEAGES:  TEST_UNEXPECTED_INDEXES --> Test that the table does not contain any unexpected indexes
   Completed index test for table MDS_DEPL_LINEAGES: TEST_UNEXPECTED_INDEXES --> Test that the table does not contain any unexpected indexes +++ PASS
   Starting index test for table MDS_LABELS:  TEST_UNEXPECTED_INDEXES --> Test that the table does not contain any unexpected indexes
   Completed index test for table MDS_LABELS: TEST_UNEXPECTED_INDEXES --> Test that the table does not contain any unexpected indexes +++ PASS
   Starting index test for table MDS_LARGE_ATTRIBUTES:  TEST_UNEXPECTED_INDEXES --> Test that the table does not contain any unexpected indexes
   Completed index test for table MDS_LARGE_ATTRIBUTES: TEST_UNEXPECTED_INDEXES --> Test that the table does not contain any unexpected indexes +++ PASS
   Starting index test for table MDS_METADATA_DOCS:  TEST_UNEXPECTED_INDEXES --> Test that the table does not contain any unexpected indexes
   Completed index test for table MDS_METADATA_DOCS: TEST_UNEXPECTED_INDEXES --> Test that the table does not contain any unexpected indexes +++ PASS
   Starting index test for table MDS_NAMESPACES:  TEST_UNEXPECTED_INDEXES --> Test that the table does not contain any unexpected indexes
   Completed index test for table MDS_NAMESPACES: TEST_UNEXPECTED_INDEXES --> Test that the table does not contain any unexpected indexes +++ PASS
   Starting index test for table MDS_PARTITIONS:  TEST_UNEXPECTED_INDEXES --> Test that the table does not contain any unexpected indexes
   Completed index test for table MDS_PARTITIONS: TEST_UNEXPECTED_INDEXES --> Test that the table does not contain any unexpected indexes +++ PASS
   Starting index test for table MDS_PATHS:  TEST_UNEXPECTED_INDEXES --> Test that the table does not contain any unexpected indexes
   Completed index test for table MDS_PATHS: TEST_UNEXPECTED_INDEXES --> Test that the table does not contain any unexpected indexes +++ PASS
   Starting index test for table MDS_PURGE_PATHS:  TEST_UNEXPECTED_INDEXES --> Test that the table does not contain any unexpected indexes
   Completed index test for table MDS_PURGE_PATHS: TEST_UNEXPECTED_INDEXES --> Test that the table does not contain any unexpected indexes +++ PASS
   Starting index test for table MDS_SANDBOXES:  TEST_UNEXPECTED_INDEXES --> Test that the table does not contain any unexpected indexes
   Completed index test for table MDS_SANDBOXES: TEST_UNEXPECTED_INDEXES --> Test that the table does not contain any unexpected indexes +++ PASS
   Starting index test for table MDS_STREAMED_DOCS:  TEST_UNEXPECTED_INDEXES --> Test that the table does not contain any unexpected indexes
   Completed index test for table MDS_STREAMED_DOCS: TEST_UNEXPECTED_INDEXES --> Test that the table does not contain any unexpected indexes +++ PASS
   Starting index test for table MDS_TRANSACTIONS:  TEST_UNEXPECTED_INDEXES --> Test that the table does not contain any unexpected indexes
   Completed index test for table MDS_TRANSACTIONS: TEST_UNEXPECTED_INDEXES --> Test that the table does not contain any unexpected indexes +++ PASS
   Starting index test for table MDS_TXN_LOCKS:  TEST_UNEXPECTED_INDEXES --> Test that the table does not contain any unexpected indexes
   Completed index test for table MDS_TXN_LOCKS: TEST_UNEXPECTED_INDEXES --> Test that the table does not contain any unexpected indexes +++ PASS
   Starting schema test:  TEST_UNEXPECTED_TRIGGERS  Test that the schema does not contain any unexpected triggers
   Completed schema test: TEST_UNEXPECTED_TRIGGERS --> Test that the schema does not contain any unexpected triggers +++ PASS
   Starting schema test:  TEST_UNEXPECTED_COLUMNS  Test that tables and views do not contain any unexpected columns
   Completed schema test: TEST_UNEXPECTED_COLUMNS --> Test that tables and views do not contain any unexpected columns +++ PASS
   Starting datatype test for table MDS_ATTRIBUTES:  TEST_COLUMN_DATATYPES_V2 --> Test that all table columns have the proper datatypes
   Completed datatype test for table MDS_ATTRIBUTES: TEST_COLUMN_DATATYPES_V2 --> Test that all table columns have the proper datatypes +++ PASS
   Starting datatype test for table MDS_COMPONENTS:  TEST_COLUMN_DATATYPES_V2 --> Test that all table columns have the proper datatypes
   Completed datatype test for table MDS_COMPONENTS: TEST_COLUMN_DATATYPES_V2 --> Test that all table columns have the proper datatypes +++ PASS
   Starting datatype test for table MDS_DEPENDENCIES:  TEST_COLUMN_DATATYPES_V2 --> Test that all table columns have the proper datatypes
   Completed datatype test for table MDS_DEPENDENCIES: TEST_COLUMN_DATATYPES_V2 --> Test that all table columns have the proper datatypes +++ PASS
   Starting datatype test for table MDS_DEPL_LINEAGES:  TEST_COLUMN_DATATYPES_V2 --> Test that all table columns have the proper datatypes
   Completed datatype test for table MDS_DEPL_LINEAGES: TEST_COLUMN_DATATYPES_V2 --> Test that all table columns have the proper datatypes +++ PASS
   Starting datatype test for table MDS_LABELS:  TEST_COLUMN_DATATYPES_V2 --> Test that all table columns have the proper datatypes
   Completed datatype test for table MDS_LABELS: TEST_COLUMN_DATATYPES_V2 --> Test that all table columns have the proper datatypes +++ PASS
   Starting datatype test for table MDS_LARGE_ATTRIBUTES:  TEST_COLUMN_DATATYPES_V2 --> Test that all table columns have the proper datatypes
   Completed datatype test for table MDS_LARGE_ATTRIBUTES: TEST_COLUMN_DATATYPES_V2 --> Test that all table columns have the proper datatypes +++ PASS
   Starting datatype test for table MDS_METADATA_DOCS:  TEST_COLUMN_DATATYPES_V2 --> Test that all table columns have the proper datatypes
   Completed datatype test for table MDS_METADATA_DOCS: TEST_COLUMN_DATATYPES_V2 --> Test that all table columns have the proper datatypes +++ PASS
   Starting datatype test for table MDS_NAMESPACES:  TEST_COLUMN_DATATYPES_V2 --> Test that all table columns have the proper datatypes
   Completed datatype test for table MDS_NAMESPACES: TEST_COLUMN_DATATYPES_V2 --> Test that all table columns have the proper datatypes +++ PASS
   Starting datatype test for table MDS_PARTITIONS:  TEST_COLUMN_DATATYPES_V2 --> Test that all table columns have the proper datatypes
   Completed datatype test for table MDS_PARTITIONS: TEST_COLUMN_DATATYPES_V2 --> Test that all table columns have the proper datatypes +++ PASS
   Starting datatype test for table MDS_PATHS:  TEST_COLUMN_DATATYPES_V2 --> Test that all table columns have the proper datatypes
   Completed datatype test for table MDS_PATHS: TEST_COLUMN_DATATYPES_V2 --> Test that all table columns have the proper datatypes +++ PASS
   Starting datatype test for table MDS_PURGE_PATHS:  TEST_COLUMN_DATATYPES_V2 --> Test that all table columns have the proper datatypes
   Completed datatype test for table MDS_PURGE_PATHS: TEST_COLUMN_DATATYPES_V2 --> Test that all table columns have the proper datatypes +++ PASS
   Starting datatype test for table MDS_SANDBOXES:  TEST_COLUMN_DATATYPES_V2 --> Test that all table columns have the proper datatypes
   Completed datatype test for table MDS_SANDBOXES: TEST_COLUMN_DATATYPES_V2 --> Test that all table columns have the proper datatypes +++ PASS
   Starting datatype test for table MDS_STREAMED_DOCS:  TEST_COLUMN_DATATYPES_V2 --> Test that all table columns have the proper datatypes
   Completed datatype test for table MDS_STREAMED_DOCS: TEST_COLUMN_DATATYPES_V2 --> Test that all table columns have the proper datatypes +++ PASS
   Starting datatype test for table MDS_TRANSACTIONS:  TEST_COLUMN_DATATYPES_V2 --> Test that all table columns have the proper datatypes
   Completed datatype test for table MDS_TRANSACTIONS: TEST_COLUMN_DATATYPES_V2 --> Test that all table columns have the proper datatypes +++ PASS
   Starting datatype test for table MDS_TXN_LOCKS:  TEST_COLUMN_DATATYPES_V2 --> Test that all table columns have the proper datatypes
   Completed datatype test for table MDS_TXN_LOCKS: TEST_COLUMN_DATATYPES_V2 --> Test that all table columns have the proper datatypes +++ PASS
   Starting permissions test for table MDS_ATTRIBUTES:  TEST_TABLE_GRANTS --> Test that tables have the proper GRANT permissions
   Completed permissions test for table MDS_ATTRIBUTES: TEST_TABLE_GRANTS --> Test that tables have the proper GRANT permissions +++ PASS
   Starting permissions test for table MDS_COMPONENTS:  TEST_TABLE_GRANTS --> Test that tables have the proper GRANT permissions
   Completed permissions test for table MDS_COMPONENTS: TEST_TABLE_GRANTS --> Test that tables have the proper GRANT permissions +++ PASS
   Starting permissions test for table MDS_DEPENDENCIES:  TEST_TABLE_GRANTS --> Test that tables have the proper GRANT permissions
   Completed permissions test for table MDS_DEPENDENCIES: TEST_TABLE_GRANTS --> Test that tables have the proper GRANT permissions +++ PASS
   Starting permissions test for table MDS_DEPL_LINEAGES:  TEST_TABLE_GRANTS --> Test that tables have the proper GRANT permissions
   Completed permissions test for table MDS_DEPL_LINEAGES: TEST_TABLE_GRANTS --> Test that tables have the proper GRANT permissions +++ PASS
   Starting permissions test for table MDS_LABELS:  TEST_TABLE_GRANTS --> Test that tables have the proper GRANT permissions
   Completed permissions test for table MDS_LABELS: TEST_TABLE_GRANTS --> Test that tables have the proper GRANT permissions +++ PASS
   Starting permissions test for table MDS_LARGE_ATTRIBUTES:  TEST_TABLE_GRANTS --> Test that tables have the proper GRANT permissions
   Completed permissions test for table MDS_LARGE_ATTRIBUTES: TEST_TABLE_GRANTS --> Test that tables have the proper GRANT permissions +++ PASS
   Starting permissions test for table MDS_METADATA_DOCS:  TEST_TABLE_GRANTS --> Test that tables have the proper GRANT permissions
   Completed permissions test for table MDS_METADATA_DOCS: TEST_TABLE_GRANTS --> Test that tables have the proper GRANT permissions +++ PASS
   Starting permissions test for table MDS_NAMESPACES:  TEST_TABLE_GRANTS --> Test that tables have the proper GRANT permissions
   Completed permissions test for table MDS_NAMESPACES: TEST_TABLE_GRANTS --> Test that tables have the proper GRANT permissions +++ PASS
   Starting permissions test for table MDS_PARTITIONS:  TEST_TABLE_GRANTS --> Test that tables have the proper GRANT permissions
   Completed permissions test for table MDS_PARTITIONS: TEST_TABLE_GRANTS --> Test that tables have the proper GRANT permissions +++ PASS
   Starting permissions test for table MDS_PATHS:  TEST_TABLE_GRANTS --> Test that tables have the proper GRANT permissions
   Completed permissions test for table MDS_PATHS: TEST_TABLE_GRANTS --> Test that tables have the proper GRANT permissions +++ PASS
   Starting permissions test for table MDS_PURGE_PATHS:  TEST_TABLE_GRANTS --> Test that tables have the proper GRANT permissions
   Completed permissions test for table MDS_PURGE_PATHS: TEST_TABLE_GRANTS --> Test that tables have the proper GRANT permissions +++ PASS
   Starting permissions test for table MDS_SANDBOXES:  TEST_TABLE_GRANTS --> Test that tables have the proper GRANT permissions
   Completed permissions test for table MDS_SANDBOXES: TEST_TABLE_GRANTS --> Test that tables have the proper GRANT permissions +++ PASS
   Starting permissions test for table MDS_STREAMED_DOCS:  TEST_TABLE_GRANTS --> Test that tables have the proper GRANT permissions
   Completed permissions test for table MDS_STREAMED_DOCS: TEST_TABLE_GRANTS --> Test that tables have the proper GRANT permissions +++ PASS
   Starting permissions test for table MDS_TRANSACTIONS:  TEST_TABLE_GRANTS --> Test that tables have the proper GRANT permissions
   Completed permissions test for table MDS_TRANSACTIONS: TEST_TABLE_GRANTS --> Test that tables have the proper GRANT permissions +++ PASS
   Starting permissions test for table MDS_TXN_LOCKS:  TEST_TABLE_GRANTS --> Test that tables have the proper GRANT permissions
   Completed permissions test for table MDS_TXN_LOCKS: TEST_TABLE_GRANTS --> Test that tables have the proper GRANT permissions +++ PASS
   Starting permissions test:  TEST_DBA_TABLE_GRANTS  Test that DBA user has privilege to view all user tables
   Completed permissions test: TEST_DBA_TABLE_GRANTS --> Test that DBA user has privilege to view all user tables +++ PASS
   Starting schema test:  TEST_ENOUGH_TABLESPACE  Test that the schema tablespaces automatically extend if full
   Completed schema test: TEST_ENOUGH_TABLESPACE --> Test that the schema tablespaces automatically extend if full +++ PASS
   Starting schema test:  TEST_USER_TABLESPACE_QUOTA  Test that tablespace quota for this user is sufficient to perform the upgrade
   Completed schema test: TEST_USER_TABLESPACE_QUOTA --> Test that tablespace quota for this user is sufficient to perform the upgrade +++ PASS
   Starting schema test:  TEST_ONLINE_TABLESPACE  Test that schema tablespaces are online
   Completed schema test: TEST_ONLINE_TABLESPACE --> Test that schema tablespaces are online +++ PASS
   Starting schema test:  TEST_DATABASE_VERSION  Test that the database server version number is supported for upgrade
     INFO   Database product version: Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
   Completed schema test: TEST_DATABASE_VERSION --> Test that the database server version number is supported for upgrade +++ PASS
   Finished readiness check of Oracle Metadata Services with status: FAILURE.

Common Infrastructure Services
   Starting readiness check of Common Infrastructure Services.
     Schema User Name: DEV1212_STB
     Database Type: Oracle Database
     Database Connect String: machinename@yourcompany.com
     VERSION Schema STB is currently at version  Readiness checks will now be performed.
   Starting schema test:  TEST_REQUIRED_TABLES  Test that the schema contains all the required tables
   Completed schema test: TEST_REQUIRED_TABLES --> Test that the schema contains all the required tables +++ PASS
   Completed schema test: TEST_REQUIRED_TABLES --> Test that the schema contains all the required tables +++ PASS
   Starting schema test:  TEST_UNEXPECTED_TABLES  Test that the schema does not contain any unexpected tables
   Completed schema test: TEST_UNEXPECTED_TABLES --> Test that the schema does not contain any unexpected tables +++ PASS
   Starting schema test:  TEST_REQUIRED_VIEWS  Test that the schema contains all the required database views
   Completed schema test: TEST_REQUIRED_VIEWS --> Test that the schema contains all the required database views +++ PASS
   Starting schema test:  TEST_MISSING_COLUMNS  Test that tables and views are not missing any required columns
   Completed schema test: TEST_MISSING_COLUMNS --> Test that tables and views are not missing any required columns +++ PASS
   Starting schema test:  TEST_UNEXPECTED_COLUMNS  Test that tables and views do not contain any unexpected columns
   Completed schema test: TEST_UNEXPECTED_COLUMNS --> Test that tables and views do not contain any unexpected columns +++ PASS
   Starting schema test:  TEST_UNEXPECTED_PROCEDURES  Test that the schema does not contain any unexpected stored procedures
   Completed schema test: TEST_UNEXPECTED_PROCEDURES --> Test that the schema does not contain any unexpected stored procedures +++ PASS
   Starting permissions test:  TEST_DBA_TABLE_GRANTS  Test that DBA user has privilege to view all user tables
   Starting permissions test:  TEST_DBA_TABLE_GRANTS  Test that DBA user has privilege to view all user tables
   Completed permissions test: TEST_DBA_TABLE_GRANTS --> Test that DBA user has privilege to view all user tables +++ PASS
   Completed permissions test: TEST_DBA_TABLE_GRANTS --> Test that DBA user has privilege to view all user tables +++ PASS
   Starting permissions test for table COMPONENT_SCHEMA_INFO:  TEST_TABLE_GRANTS --> Test that tables have the proper GRANT permissions
   Completed permissions test for table TEST_TABLE_GRANTS: Test that tables have the proper GRANT permissions --> PASS +++ {3}
   Starting permissions test for table SERVICETABLE:  TEST_TABLE_GRANTS --> Test that tables have the proper GRANT permissions
   Completed permissions test for table TEST_TABLE_GRANTS: Test that tables have the proper GRANT permissions --> PASS +++ {3}
   Starting datatype test for table COMPONENT_SCHEMA_INFO:  TEST_COLUMN_DATATYPES_V2 --> Test that all table columns have the proper datatypes
   Completed datatype test for table COMPONENT_SCHEMA_INFO: TEST_COLUMN_DATATYPES_V2 --> Test that all table columns have the proper datatypes +++ PASS
   Starting datatype test for table SERVICETABLE:  TEST_COLUMN_DATATYPES_V2 --> Test that all table columns have the proper datatypes
   Completed datatype test for table SERVICETABLE: TEST_COLUMN_DATATYPES_V2 --> Test that all table columns have the proper datatypes +++ PASS
   Starting index test for table COMPONENT_SCHEMA_INFO:  TEST_REQUIRED_INDEXES --> Test that the table contains all the required indexes
   Completed index test for table COMPONENT_SCHEMA_INFO: TEST_REQUIRED_INDEXES --> Test that the table contains all the required indexes +++ PASS
   Starting index test for table COMPONENT_SCHEMA_INFO:  TEST_UNEXPECTED_INDEXES --> Test that the table does not contain any unexpected indexes
   Completed index test for table COMPONENT_SCHEMA_INFO: TEST_UNEXPECTED_INDEXES --> Test that the table does not contain any unexpected indexes +++ PASS
   Starting index test for table SERVICETABLE:  TEST_REQUIRED_INDEXES --> Test that the table contains all the required indexes
   Completed index test for table SERVICETABLE: TEST_REQUIRED_INDEXES --> Test that the table contains all the required indexes +++ PASS
   Starting index test for table SERVICETABLE:  TEST_UNEXPECTED_INDEXES --> Test that the table does not contain any unexpected indexes
   Completed index test for table SERVICETABLE: TEST_UNEXPECTED_INDEXES --> Test that the table does not contain any unexpected indexes +++ PASS
   Starting schema test:  TEST_UNEXPECTED_TRIGGERS  Test that the schema does not contain any unexpected triggers
   Completed schema test: TEST_UNEXPECTED_TRIGGERS --> Test that the schema does not contain any unexpected triggers +++ PASS
   Starting schema test:  TEST_ENOUGH_TABLESPACE  Test that the schema tablespaces automatically extend if full
   Starting schema test:  TEST_ENOUGH_TABLESPACE  Test that the schema tablespaces automatically extend if full
   Completed schema test: TEST_ENOUGH_TABLESPACE --> Test that the schema tablespaces automatically extend if full +++ PASS
   Completed schema test: TEST_ENOUGH_TABLESPACE --> Test that the schema tablespaces automatically extend if full +++ PASS
   Starting schema test:  TEST_ONLINE_TABLESPACE  Test that schema tablespaces are online
   Starting schema test:  TEST_ONLINE_TABLESPACE  Test that schema tablespaces are online
   Completed schema test: TEST_ONLINE_TABLESPACE --> Test that schema tablespaces are online +++ PASS
   Completed schema test: TEST_ONLINE_TABLESPACE --> Test that schema tablespaces are online +++ PASS
   Starting schema test:  TEST_USER_TABLESPACE_QUOTA  Test that tablespace quota for this user is sufficient to perform the upgrade
   Starting schema test:  TEST_USER_TABLESPACE_QUOTA  Test that tablespace quota for this user is sufficient to perform the upgrade
   Completed schema test: TEST_USER_TABLESPACE_QUOTA --> Test that tablespace quota for this user is sufficient to perform the upgrade +++ PASS
   Completed schema test: TEST_USER_TABLESPACE_QUOTA --> Test that tablespace quota for this user is sufficient to perform the upgrade +++ PASS
   Starting schema test:  TEST_DATABASE_VERSION  Test that the database server version number is supported for upgrade
   Starting schema test:  TEST_DATABASE_VERSION  Test that the database server version number is supported for upgrade
     INFO   Database product version: Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
   Completed schema test: TEST_DATABASE_VERSION --> Test that the database server version number is supported for upgrade +++ PASS
   Completed schema test: TEST_DATABASE_VERSION --> Test that the database server version number is supported for upgrade +++ PASS
   Finished readiness check of Common Infrastructure Services with status: SUCCESS.

Finished readiness check of components.