6 Installing Oracle Management Agent in Silent Mode

This chapter describes how you can install Oracle Management Agent (Management Agent) in silent mode. In particular, this chapter covers the following:

Overview of Installing a Management Agent in Silent Mode

Installing a Management Agent in silent mode is only an alternative to installing it using the Add Host Targets Wizard. While the Add Host Targets Wizard requires you to use its GUI-rich interview screens for providing all installation details, the silent mode requires you to use a response file for providing installation details and deployment scripts to install Management Agents on hosts.

Installing in silent mode is useful when you want to install an additional Management Agent on a destination host from the destination host itself, without using the Add Host Targets Wizard.

You can install Management Agents in silent mode using the following methods:

Using the AgentPull Script

In this method, you do not have to use EM CLI to download the Management Agent software onto the remote destination host before executing the script to install the Management Agent. This method supports only a few additional parameters, and is ideal for a basic Management Agent install.

Using the agentDeploy Script

In this method, you must use EM CLI to download the Management Agent software onto the remote destination host before executing the script to install the Management Agent. You can either choose to use EM CLI from the OMS host, or from the remote destination host. If you choose to use EM CLI from the OMS host, you must transfer the downloaded Management Agent software to the remote destination host before executing the script to install the Management Agent. This method supports many additional parameters, and is ideal for a customized Management Agent install.

Using the RPM File

In this method, you obtain the .rpm file using EM CLI on the OMS host, then transfer the file to the remote destination host before running the file to install the Management Agent. Using the .rpm file, you can also choose to install a Management Agent while provisioning an operating system on a bare metal host. For more information, see the Oracle Enterprise Manager Administrator's Guide for Software and Server Provisioning and Patching. This guide is available in the Enterprise Manager documentation library at:



  • The Management Agent .rpm file can be obtained using EM CLI only for Linux x86 and Linux x86-64 platforms.

  • For Enterprise Manager 13c (13.2.0.x), installing a Management Agent by downloading the Management Agent .rpm file from Oracle Technology Network (OTN) is not supported.

Once the installation is complete, you will see the following default contents in the agent base directory:



Before You Begin Installing a Management Agent in Silent Mode

Before you begin installing a Management Agent in silent mode, keep these points in mind:

  • You can install a Management Agent on only one host at a time by using the silent methods. Therefore, use this approach when you want to install a Management Agent on only a few hosts.

  • The Management Agent software for the platform of the host on which you want to install a Management Agent must be downloaded and applied, using Self Update. Only the Management Agent software for the OMS host platform is downloaded and applied by default. The Management Agent software contains the core binaries required for installation, the response file to be edited and passed, and the agentDeploy.sh script (agentDeploy.bat for Microsoft Windows).

    For information on how to download and apply the Management Agent software for a platform using Self Update, see Acquiring the Management Agent Software in Online Mode in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Basic Installation Guide.

  • In Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 2, you can save the Management Agent one-off patches that you want to apply on a particular version of the Management Agent software, such that these patches are automatically applied on the software whenever a new Management Agent of the same version is deployed, or an old Management Agent is upgraded to that version.

    For information on how to do this, see Applying Patches to Oracle Management Agents While Deploying or Upgrading Them.

    Also, you can apply one-off patches on a plug-in and create a custom patched plug-in, such that this custom patched plug-in is deployed on all the new Management Agents that you deploy, and all the old Management Agents that you upgrade.

    For information on how to do this, see Managing Plug-Ins in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Administrator's Guide.

  • From Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 2, parallel deployment of Management Agents using the AgentPull.sh script (AgentPull.bat for Microsoft Windows) is supported. This enables you to deploy Management Agents on multiple hosts, at the same time (in a parallel manner), using the AgentPull.sh or AgentPull.bat script.

  • If you want to install a Management Agent on a Microsoft Windows host in silent mode, ensure that you execute the AgentPull.bat or agentDeploy.bat script from the default command prompt, which is cmd.exe, and not from any other command prompt.

  • You cannot run any preinstallation or postinstallation scripts as part of the installation process. You can run them manually before or after the installation.

  • By default, installing a Management Agent in silent mode configures only the following types of plug-ins:

    • All discovery plug-ins that were configured with the OMS from where the Management Agent software is being deployed.

    • Oracle Home discovery plug-in

    • Oracle Home monitoring plug-in

  • Upgrading a lower release of Solaris by applying a kernel patch or a patch bundle is not equivalent to installing the actual Solaris 5.10 Update 10+. Oracle Management Agent 13c Release 2 was built, tested, and certified on a minimum update version of Solaris 5.10 Update 10+, so Oracle recommends that you install Oracle Management Agent only on Solaris 5.10 Update 10+, and not on any release that was upgraded using patches.

Prerequisites for Installing a Management Agent in Silent Mode

Before installing a Management Agent in silent mode, ensure that you meet the following prerequisites:

Table 6-1 Prerequisites for Installing Oracle Management Agent in Silent Mode

Requirement Description

Hardware Requirements

Ensure that you meet the hard disk space and physical memory requirements. For more information, see Hardware Requirements for Enterprise Manager Cloud Control in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Basic Installation Guide.

Operating System Requirements

Ensure that you install the Management Agent only on certified operating systems as mentioned in the Enterprise Manager certification matrix available on My Oracle Support.

To access the Enterprise Manager certification matrix, follow the steps outlined in Accessing the Enterprise Manager Certification Matrix in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Basic Installation Guide.

File System Requirements

Ensure that the file system mounted on the destination host does not permit buffered writes.

File Descriptor Requirements

  • Ensure that the maximum user process limit is set to 13312 or greater.

    To verify the current value set, run the following command:

    ulimit -u

    If the current value is not 13312 or greater, then contact your system administrator to set it to at least 13312.

  • Ensure that you set the soft limit of file descriptor to a minimum of 4096 and hard limit less then or equal to 16384.

    To verify the current value set, run the following commands:

    For Soft Limit:

    /bin/sh -c "ulimit -n"

    For Hard Limit:

    /bin/sh -c "ulimit -Hn"

    If the current value is not 4096 or greater, then as a root user, update the /etc/security/limits.conf file with the following entries:

    <UID> soft nofile 4096

    <UID> hard nofile 16384

Package Requirements

Ensure that you install all the operating system-specific packages. For more information, see the chapter on package requirements in the Package, Kernel Parameter, and Library Requirements for Enterprise Manager Cloud Control in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Basic Installation Guide.

If you choose to install a Management Agent using a .rpm file, ensure that the rpm-build package is installed on the host. To verify this, run the following command:

rpm -qa | grep rpm-build

CURL Utility Requirements

(For installing using the AgentPull script only)

Ensure that you install the CURL utility on the destination host.

You can download the CURL utility from the following URL:


Note: For destination hosts running on Microsoft Windows, Oracle recommends that you install CURL in c:\.

ZIP and UNZIP Utility Requirements

Ensure that the ZIP and the UNZIP utilities are present on the destination host.

The ZIP utility must be of version 3.0 2008 build or higher.

The UNZIP utility must be of version 6.0 or higher.

User and Operating System Group Requirement

Ensure that the destination host where you want to install the Management Agent has the appropriate users and operating system groups created.

For more information, see the chapter on creating operating system groups and users in the Creating Operating System Groups and Users for Enterprise Manager Cloud Control in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Basic Installation Guide.

Note: If your enterprise has a policy against installing Management Agents using the OMS install operating system user account, you can use a different operating system user account to install Management Agents. However, ensure that the user account you use and the OMS install user account belong to the same primary group.

/etc/hosts File Requirements

Ensure that the /etc/hosts file on the host has the IP address, the fully qualified name, and the short name in the following format: example.com mypc

(Only for Microsoft Windows) Ensure that the entry for local host in the etc/hosts file is always against and against any other address.

Time Zone Requirements

Ensure that the host time zone has been set correctly. To verify the host time zone, run the following command:

echo $TZ

If the time zone displayed is incorrect, run the following commands, before running the agentDeploy.sh or agentDeploy.bat scripts, to set the correct time zone:

  • For Korn shell:


    export TZ

  • For Bourne shell or Bash shell:

    export TZ=<value>

  • For C shell:

    setenv TZ <value>

For example, in the Bash shell, run the following command to set the time zone to America/New_York:

export TZ='America/New_York'

To set the time zone on a destination host that runs on Microsoft Windows, from the Start menu, select Control Panel. Click Date and Time, then select the Time Zone tab. Select your time zone from the displayed drop down list.

To view a list of the time zones you can use, access the supportedtzs.lst file present in the <AGENT_HOME>/sysman/admin directory of the central agent (that is, the Management Agent installed on the OMS host).

Note: If you had ignored a prerequisite check warning about wrong time zone settings during the Management Agent install, you must set the correct time zone on the host after installing the Management Agent. For information on setting time zones post install, refer After Installing a Management Agent in Silent Mode.

PATH Environment Variable Requirements

(For installing using the AgentPull script only)

Ensure that the location of zip and unzip is part of the PATH environment variable.

For example, if zip and unzip are present in /usr/bin, then /usr/bin must be part of the PATH environment variable.

Path Validation Requirements

Validate the path to all command locations. For more information, refer to the appendix on validating command locations in the Validating Command Locations in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Basic Installation Guide.

CLASSPATH Environment Variable Requirements

Unset the CLASSPATH environment variable. You can always reset the variable to the original value after the installation is complete.

Port Requirements

Ensure that the default ports described in What Default Ports Are Used for Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Installation? are free.

Temporary Directory Space Requirements

Ensure that you allocate 400 MB of space for a temporary directory where the executables can be copied.

By default, the temporary directory location set to the environment variable TMP or TEMP is honored. If both are set, then TEMP is honored. If none of them are set, then the following default values are honored: /tmp on UNIX hosts and c:\Temp on Microsoft Windows hosts.

/var/tmp Requirements

(For installing using the .rpm file only)

Ensure that the /var/tmp directory has at least 700 MB of free space.

/usr/lib/oracle Requirements

(For installing using the .rpm file only)

Ensure that the /usr/lib/oracle directory exists and has at least 2 GB of free space. If it does not exist, create it, and ensure that the install user has write permissions on it.

Agent Base Directory Requirements

Ensure the following:

  • The agent base directory is empty and has at least 1 GB of free space.

  • The directory name does not contain any spaces.

  • The install user owns the agent base directory. The agent base directory and the parent directories of the agent base directory have read, write, and execute permissions for the install user. Ensure that the install user or the root user owns all the parent directories of the agent base directory, and that the parent directories have read and execute permissions for the install user group and all the other users. Also, ensure that the root user owns the root directory.

    For example, if the agent base directory is /scratch/OracleHomes/agent, and oracle is the install user, then the /scratch/OracleHomes/agent directory must be owned by oracle, directories scratch and OracleHomes must be owned by either oracle or the root user, and the root directory (/) must be owned by the root user.

  • If the agent base directory is mounted, it is mounted with the setuid option turned on.

Agent Instance Home Requirements

(For installing using the agentDeploy script only)

Ensure that the agent instance home location you specify in the response file is empty.

Permission Requirements

  • Ensure that you have write permission in the agent instance home.

  • Ensure that you have write permission in the temporary directory.

Installing User Requirements

If the central inventory owner and the user installing the Management Agent are different, then ensure that they are part of the same group, and have read and write permissions on the inventory directory.

For example, if the inventory owner is abc and the user installing the Management Agent is xyz, then ensure that abc and xyz belong to the same group, and they have read and write access to the inventory.

Central Inventory (oraInventory) Requirements

  • Ensure that you allocate 100 MB of space on all destination hosts for the Central Inventory.

  • Ensure that you have read, write, and execute permissions on oraInventory on all destination hosts.

    If you do not have these permissions on the default inventory (typically in the location mentioned in the /etc/oraInst.loc file) on any destination host, then ensure that you enter the path to an alternative inventory location using the INVENTORY_LOCATION or -invPtrLoc arguments as described in Table 6-7. Note that these parameters are supported only on UNIX platforms, and not on Microsoft Windows platforms.

Agent User Account Permissions and Rights

(For installing using the AgentPull or agentDeploy scripts only)

(For Microsoft Windows) If you are installing the Management Agent on a Microsoft Windows-based operating system, then ensure that the agent user account has permissions and rights to perform the following:

  • Act as part of the operating system.

  • Adjust memory quotas for a process.

  • Replace process level token.

  • Log on as a batch job.

To verify whether the agent user has these rights, follow these steps:

  1. Launch the Local Security Policy.

    From the Start menu, click Settings and then select Control Panel. From the Control Panel window, select Administrative Tools, and from the Administrative Tools window, select Local Security Policy.

  2. In the Local Security Policy window, from the tree structure, expand Local Policies, and then expand User Rights Assignment.

Permissions for cmd.exe

(For installing using the AgentPull or agentDeploy scripts only)

(For Microsoft Windows) If you are installing the Management Agent on a Microsoft Windows-based operating system, then ensure that you grant the Cmd.exe program Read and Execute permissions for the user account that the batch job runs under. This is a restriction from Microsoft.

For more information on this restriction and to understand how you can grant these permissions, access the following URL to Microsoft Web site:


Runtime Library File Requirements

(For Microsoft Windows) If you are installing the Management Agent on a Microsoft Windows-based operating system, then ensure that the Msvcp71.dll and Msvcr71.dll runtime library files are present in c:\windows\system32.

Installing a Management Agent in Silent Mode

This section describes the actions involved in installing a Management Agent in silent mode. It consists of the following:


If the OMS host is running on Microsoft Windows, and the OMS software was installed in a drive other than C:\, then update the SCRATCH_PATH variable in ORACLE_HOME\oui\prov\resources\ssPaths_msplats.properties.

For example, if the OMS software was installed in D:\, ensure that you update the SCRATCH_PATH variable to D:\tmpada

Installing a Management Agent Using the AgentPull Script

To install a Management Agent using the AgentPull script, follow these steps:

  1. Acquiring the Management Agent Software

  2. Installing a Management Agent Using the AgentPull Script

  3. Installing a Management Agent Using an Agent Gold Image, Using the AgentPull Script


To install a Management Agent using the AgentPull script, you do not need to download the Management Agent software onto the destination host. The AgentPull script performs this action automatically.

Acquiring the Management Agent Software

  1. If the destination host runs on UNIX, access the following URL from the host, and save the file as AgentPull.sh (AgentPull.bat for Microsoft Windows) to a temporary directory. For example, /tmp (c:\temp for Microsoft Windows).


    If the destination host runs on Microsoft Windows, access the following URL from the host:



    You can also use the following command to obtain the AgentPull.sh script:

    curl "https://<OMS_HOST>:<OMS_PORT>/em/install/getAgentImage" --insecure -o AgentPull.sh

    To use this command, ensure that you have the CURL utility installed, as described in Table 6-1.

  2. (Only for UNIX Operating Systems) Provide the execute permission to the AgentPull.sh script by running the following command:

    chmod +x <absolute_path_to_AgentPull.sh>

    For example, run the command chmod +x /tmp/AgentPull.sh.

  3. Identify the platforms for which the Management Agent software is available on the OMS host. To do so, run the AgentPull.sh script (AgentPull.bat for Microsoft Windows) passing the -showPlatforms option.

    <absolute_path_to_AgentPull.sh> -showPlatforms

    The following is a sample output of the command.

    Platforms Version
    Linux x86-64
    Microsoft Windows x64 (64-bit)
    IBM AIX on POWER Systems (64-bit)

    If the output lists the platform on which you want to install the Management Agent, then proceed to Installing a Management Agent Using the AgentPull Script. Otherwise, acquire and apply the Management Agent software for the required platform using Self Update.

    For information on how to acquire and apply the Management Agent software for a platform using Self Update, see Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Basic Installation Guide.

Installing a Management Agent Using the AgentPull Script

  1. If the destination host runs on UNIX, and the OMS host runs on Microsoft Windows, run the following command:

    dos2unix <absolute_path_to_AgentPull.sh>

    For example, run the command dos2unix /tmp/AgentPull.sh.

  2. Create a response file (in any location on the destination host) specifying the parameters described in Table 6-3. Ensure that you do not name the response file agent.rsp.

    The following are the contents of a sample response file, agent.properties.

    PLATFORM="Linux x86-64"

    If you want the script to ignore a particular response file parameter, specify a '#' before the parameter. For example, #VERSION.

  3. Run the AgentPull.sh script for Unix and AgentPull.bat for Microsoft Windows specifying the AGENT_BASE_DIR and RSPFILE_LOC parameters:

    AgentPull.sh LOGIN_USER=<value> LOGIN_PASSWORD=<value> CURL_PATH=<value> PLATFORM=<value> [VERSION=<value> AGENT_BASE_DIR=<value> RSPFILE_LOC=<value> AGENT_REGISTRATION_PASSWORD=<value> -download_only -showPlatforms -ignoreDiscoveryPlugin]

    AgentPull.bat AGENT_BASE_DIR=<value> RSPFILE_LOC=<value> CURL_PATH=<value> [AGENT_REGISTRATION_PASSWORD=<value> VERSION=<value> -download_only -showPlatforms -ignoreDiscoveryPlugin -help]

    For example, run the following command:

    /tmp/AgentPull.sh RSPFILE_LOC=/tmp/agent.properties AGENT_BASE_DIR=/scratch/agent

    The AgentPull.sh script (and AgentPull.bat) supports certain options, such as -download_only, which downloads the Management Agent software, but does not deploy the Management Agent. These supported options are described in Table 6-6.

    If you are installing a Management Agent on a Microsoft Windows host using AgentPull.bat, ensure that you execute AgentPull.bat from the default command prompt, which is cmd.exe, and not from any other command prompt.

    If the Management Agent install fails, diagnose the problem by viewing the Management Agent install logs. For information on the location of these logs, see Manual Management Agent Installation Logs.

Installing a Management Agent Using an Agent Gold Image, Using the AgentPull Script

To install a Management Agent using the AgentPull script, follow these steps:

  1. Meeting the Prerequisites for Installing a Management Agent Using an Agent Gold Image, Using the AgentPull Script

  2. Installing a Management Agent Using an Agent Gold Image, Using the AgentPull Script

Meeting the Prerequisites for Installing a Management Agent Using an Agent Gold Image, Using the AgentPull Script

  1. Ensure that there is at least one standalone 13c Management Agent installed in your environment.
  2. Create an Agent Gold Image. See Creating an Agent Gold Image.
  3. Create an Agent Gold Image version. See Creating an Agent Gold Image Version.
  4. Set a particular Agent Gold Image version as the current version that can be used for deployment. Setting a Particular Agent Gold Image Version as the Current Version.
  5. To acquire the Management Agent software, follow the instructions outlined in Acquiring the Management Agent Software.

Installing a Management Agent Using an Agent Gold Image, Using the AgentPull Script

To install a Management Agent using an Agent Gold Image, using the AgentPull script, follow these steps:

  1. If the destination host runs on UNIX, and the OMS host runs on Microsoft Windows, run the following command:

    dos2unix <absolute_path_to_AgentPull.sh>

    For example, run the command dos2unix /tmp/AgentPull.sh.

  2. Create a response file (in any location on the destination host) specifying the parameters described in Table 6-3. Ensure that you do not name the response file agent.rsp.

    The following are the contents of a sample response file, agent.properties.

    PLATFORM="Linux x86-64"

    If you want the script to ignore a particular response file parameter, specify a '#' before the parameter. For example, #VERSION.

  3. Run the AgentPull.sh script (AgentPull.bat for Microsoft Windows) in the following way. Table 6-2 describes the parameters passed to this command.

    <absolute_path_to_AgentPull.sh> LOGIN_USER=<username> LOGIN_PASSWORD=<password> CURL_PATH=/usr/curl VERSION_NAME=<value>|IMAGE_NAME=<value> [ AGENT_BASE_DIR=<value> RSPFILE_LOC=<value> AGENT_REGISTRATION_PASSWORD=<password> -download_only -showGoldImages -showGoldImageVersions -ignoreAuthentication]

    For example, the following command downloads the latest revision of the Agent Gold Image available in the production system, and uses it to deploy the Management Agent:

    AgentPull.sh LOGIN_USER=username LOGIN_PASSWORD=password CURL_PATH=/usr/curl IMAGE_NAME=DB_MONITORING AGENT_BASE_DIR=/tmp/agentpull

    Table 6-2 Parameters Passed to the AgentPull.sh Script While Installing a Management Agent Using an Agent Gold Image

    Parameter Description


    Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Console login user name.


    Absolute path to the curl software.


    Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Console login password.


    Agent Gold Image version name to be used for deployment.


    Agent Gold Image name from which the Agent Gold Image version should be used for deployment.


    Directory where the Agent Gold Image should be downloaded and where the Management Agent should be installed.


    Agent registration password to secure the Management Agent.


    Absolute path to the response file location.


    Downloads the Agent Gold Image, but does not deploy the Management Agent using that image.


    Lists the Agent Gold Images.

    -showGoldImageVersions IMAGE_NAME=<value>

    Lists the Agent Gold Image versions available for a particular Agent Gold Image.


    Bypasses the Enterprise Manager credentials.

    If you are installing a Management Agent on a Microsoft Windows host using AgentPull.bat, ensure that you execute AgentPull.bat from the default command prompt, which is cmd.exe, and not from any other command prompt.

    If the Management Agent install fails, diagnose the problem by viewing the Management Agent install logs. For information on the location of these logs, see Manual Management Agent Installation Logs.

    If the source Management Agent was installed using the Add Host Targets Wizard, ensure that you specify the START_AGENT=true and the b_secureAgent=true parameters while invoking the deployment script.

Installing a Management Agent Using the agentDeploy Script

You can install a Management Agent using the agentDeploy.sh or agentDeploy.bat script in the following ways:

Using EM CLI from the Remote Destination Host

To install a Management Agent using the agentDeploy script, and EM CLI from the destination host, follow these steps:

  1. Acquiring the Management Agent Software and Downloading it onto the Destination Host Using EM CLI.

    1. Set up EM CLI on the destination host.

      For information on how to set up EM CLI on a host that is not running the OMS, see EM CLI Overview and Concepts in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Command Line Interface Guide.

    2. On the destination host, from the EM CLI install location, log in to EM CLI:

      <emcli_install_location>/emcli login -username=<username>

      For example,

      <emcli_install_location>/emcli login -username=sysman

      Specify the password when you are prompted for it.


      Ensure that the EM CLI log in user has the ADD_TARGET privilege.

    3. Synchronize EM CLI:

      <emcli_install_location>/emcli sync

    4. Identify the platforms for which the Management Agent software is available in Software Library:

      <emcli_install_location>/emcli get_supported_platforms

      This command lists all the platforms for which the Management Agent software is available in Software Library. The following is the sample output of the command.

      Version =
      Platform Name = Linux x86-64
      Version =
      Platform Name = Oracle Solaris on x86-64 (64-bit)
      Version =
      Platform Name = HP-UX PA-RISC (64-bit)

      If the output lists the platform on which you want to install the Management Agent, then proceed to the next step. Otherwise, acquire and apply the Management Agent software for the required platform using Self Update.

      For information on how to acquire and apply the Management Agent software for a platform using Self Update, see Acquiring the Management Agent Software in Online Mode in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Basic Installation Guide.

    5. Download the Management Agent software from Software Library to a temporary directory on the destination host. The command downloads the core Management Agent software to the destination directory you entered. For example, for Linux x86-64, you will see the file For information on the contents of this core software, see Contents of the Downloaded Management Agent Software.

      <emcli_install_location>/emcli get_agentimage -destination=<download_directory> -platform="<platform>" -version=<version>

      For example,

      ./emcli get_agentimage -destination=/tmp/agentImage -platform="Linux x86-64" -version=

      In the command, note the following:

      -destination is a directory on the destination host where you want the Management Agent software to be downloaded. Ensure that you have write permission on this location.

      -platform is the platform for which you want to download the software; this must match one of the platforms listed in the previous step for which the software is available in Software Library.

      -version is the version of the Management Agent software that you want to download; this is an optional argument. If you do not pass this argument, then the version is defaulted to the OMS version.


      If you use the get_agentimage EM CLI verb to download the Management Agent software for a platform different from the destination host platform, then meet the following requirements:

      • Ensure the ZIP utility is of version 3.0 2008 build or higher, and the UNZIP utility is of version 6.0 or higher.

      • Set the ZIP_LOC environment variable to the subdirectory where the ZIP utility is present. For example, if the ZIP utility is present in /usr/bin/zip, then set ZIP_LOC=usr/bin/zip.

      • Set the UNZIP_LOC=usr/bin/unzip environment variable to the parent directory of the subdirectory where the UNZIP utility is present. For example, if the UNZIP utility is present in the subdirectory /usr/bin/unzip, then set UNZIP_LOC=usr/bin/, where usr/bin is the parent directory.

      Similarly, if you use the get_agentimage EM CLI verb to download the Management Agent software for a platform different from the OMS host platform, then meet the following requirements:

      • Ensure the ZIP utility is of version 3.0 2008 build or higher, and the UNZIP utility is of version 6.0 or higher.

      • Set the ZIP_LOC environment variable to $OMS_HOME/bin/zip, that is, the subdirectory where the ZIP utility is present on the OMS host.

      • Set the UNZIP_LOC=<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/unzip environment variable to <ORACLE_HOME>/bin/, that is, the parent directory of the subdirectory where the UNZIP utility is present in the Oracle home of the OMS host.

  2. Installing the Management Agent Using the agentDeploy Script.

    1. On the destination host, extract the contents of the ZIP file using the unzip utility:

      unzip <software_zip_file_location> -d <software_extract_location>

      For example,

      unzip /tmp/agentImage/ -d /tmp/agtImg

    2. Edit the response file agent.rsp as described in Table 6-4.


      The following are the contents of a sample response file.


      If you want the script to ignore a particular response file parameter, specify a '#' before the parameter. For example, #AGENT_PORT.

    3. Invoke the deployment script and pass the response file:

      <software_extract_location>/agentDeploy.sh AGENT_BASE_DIR=<absolute_path_to_agentbasedir> RESPONSE_FILE=<software_extract_location>/agent.rsp

      If a proxy is set up between the destination host and the OMS host, you must specify the REPOSITORY_PROXYHOST and REPOSITORY_PROXYPORT parameters in a properties file, then specify the PROPERTIES_FILE parameter while running agentDeploy.sh to install a Management Agent on the destination host:

      <software_extract_location>/agentDeploy.sh AGENT_BASE_DIR=<absolute_path_to_agentbasedir> RESPONSE_FILE=<absolute_path_to_responsefile> PROPERTIES_FILE=<absolute_path_to_properties_file>

      For example, /tmp/agtImg/agentDeploy.sh AGENT_BASE_DIR=/scratch/agent13c RESPONSE_FILE=/tmp/agtImg/agent.rsp PROPERTIES_FILE=/tmp/agent.properties

      The properties file you use must have the following format:



      • Instead of passing a response file, you can choose to pass response file parameters explicitly while invoking the deployment script.

        The mandatory response file parameters are OMS_HOST, EM_UPLOAD_PORT and AGENT_REGISTRATION_PASSWORD.

        For example,

        /tmp/agtImg/agentDeploy.sh AGENT_BASE_DIR=/u01/software/em13c/agentbasedir OMS_HOST=example.com EM_UPLOAD_PORT=14511 AGENT_REGISTRATION_PASSWORD=2bornot2b

      • When you pass the arguments while invoking the deployment script, these values need not be given with double quotes. However, when you provide them in a response file, the values need to be in double quotes (except for the argument START_AGENT).

      • In addition to passing the agent base directory and a response file (or individual mandatory arguments with installation details), you can also pass other options that are supported by the deployment script. For more information, see Options Supported by the agentDeploy Script.

      • If you are installing a Management Agent on a Microsoft Windows host using agentDeploy.bat, ensure that you execute agentDeploy.bat from the default command prompt, which is cmd.exe, and not from any other command prompt.

    4. Run the root scripts after the install. For more information, see After Installing a Management Agent in Silent Mode.

If you want to install a Management Agent on a physical host, and install another Management Agent on a virtual host that is installed on the physical host, ensuring that both the Management Agents use the same port for communication, follow these steps:

  1. Install a Management Agent on the physical host. Stop the Management Agent.

  2. Install a Management Agent on the virtual host. Stop the Management Agent.

  3. Set AgentListenOnAllNICs=false in the $<AGENT_HOME>/sysman/config/emd.properties file. Ensure that you perform this step for both the Management Agents.

  4. Start up both the Management Agents.

If the Management Agent install fails, diagnose the problem by viewing the Management Agent install logs. For information on the location of these logs, see Manual Management Agent Installation Logs.

Using EM CLI from the OMS Host

To install a Management Agent using the agentDeploy script, and EM CLI from the OMS host, follow these steps:

  1. Acquiring the Management Agent Software and Downloading it onto the OMS Host Using EM CLI.

    1. On the OMS host, from the Oracle home, log in to EM CLI. EM CLI is available by default with every OMS installation, so you need not install the client separately on the OMS host.

      $<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emcli login -username=<username>

      For example,

      /u01/software/em13c/oraclehome/bin/emcli login -username=sysman

      Specify the password when you are prompted for it.


      • Ensure that the EM CLI log in user has the ADD_TARGET privilege.

      • If you have configured a load balancer for a multiple OMS setup, ensure that you run the EM CLI commands on one of the local OMS hosts, and not on the load balancer hosts.

      • If you have configured a load balancer for a multiple OMS setup, and you choose to use the EM CLI setup command, ensure that you pass the OMS host and port as parameters, and not the load balancer host and port.

        For example, emcli setup -url=https://<OMS_HOST>:<OMS_PORT>/em -user=sysman -password=sysman

    2. Synchronize EM CLI:

      $<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emcli sync

    3. Identify the platforms for which the Management Agent software is available in Software Library:

      $<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emcli get_supported_platforms

      This command lists all the platforms for which the Management Agent software is available in Software Library. The following shows the sample output of the command.

      Version =
      Platform Name = Linux x86-64
      Version =
      Platform Name = Oracle Solaris on x86-64 (64-bit)
      Version =
      Platform Name = HP-UX PA-RISC (64-bit)

      If the output lists the platform on which you want to install the Management Agent, then proceed to the next step. Otherwise, acquire and apply the Management Agent software for the required platform using Self Update.

      For information on how to acquire and apply the Management Agent software for a platform using Self Update, see Acquiring the Management Agent Software in Online Mode in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Basic Installation Guide.

    4. Download the Management Agent software from the Software Library to a temporary directory on the OMS host:

      $<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emcli get_agentimage -destination=<download_directory> -platform="<platform>" -version=<version>

      For example,

      ./emcli get_agentimage -destination=/tmp -platform="Linux x86-64" -version=


      If you use the get_agentimage EM CLI verb to download the Management Agent software for a platform different from the OMS host platform, then you must set the ZIP_LOC environment variable to $OMS_HOME/bin/zip, which is the location of the ZIP utility on the OMS host.

      If you use the get_agentimage EM CLI verb to download the Management Agent software for a platform different from the destination host platform, then you must set the ZIP_LOC environment variable to the location of the ZIP utility. For example, if the ZIP utility is present in /usr/bin/zip, set ZIP_LOC=usr/bin/zip.

      Also, ensure that the ZIP utility is of version 3.0 2008 build or higher.


      In the command, note the following:

      • -destination is a directory on the OMS host where you want the Management Agent software to be downloaded. Ensure that you have write permission on this location.

        If the destination directory is titled with two or more words separated by a space, then enclose the directory name with double quotes.

        For example, if the destination directory is titled /tmp/linux agentimage, then enter the value as -destination="/tmp/linux agentimage"

      • -platform is the platform for which you want to download the software; this must match one of the platforms listed in the previous step for which the software is available in Software Library.

      • -version is the version of the Management Agent software that you want to download; this is an optional argument. If you do not pass this argument, then the version is defaulted to the OMS version.

      The command downloads the core Management Agent software to the destination directory you entered. For example, for Linux x86-64, you will see the file For information on the contents of this core software, see Contents of the Downloaded Management Agent Software.

  2. Transferring the Management Agent Software to the Destination Host.

    Transfer the downloaded ZIP file to a temporary directory (/tmp) on the destination host where you want to install the Management Agent. You can use any file transfer utility to transfer the file.

  3. Installing the Management Agent Using the agentDeploy Script.

    Follow Step 2 mentioned in Using EM CLI from the Remote Destination Host to install the Management Agent.

Installing a Management Agent Using the RPM File

To install a Management Agent using a .rpm file, follow these steps:

  1. Acquiring the Management Agent Software and Downloading the RPM File onto the OMS Host.

  2. Transferring the RPM File to the Destination Host.

  3. Installing the Management Agent Using the RPM File.

Acquiring the Management Agent Software and Downloading the RPM File onto the OMS Host

  1. On the OMS host, from the Oracle home, log in to EM CLI. EM CLI is available by default with every OMS installation, so you need not install the client separately on the OMS host.

    $<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emcli login -username=<username>

    For example,

    /u01/software/em13c/oraclehome/bin/emcli login -username=sysman

    Specify the password when you are prompted for it.


    Ensure that the EM CLI log in user has the ADD_TARGET privilege.

  2. Synchronize EM CLI:

    $<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emcli sync

  3. Identify the platforms for which the Management Agent software is available in Software Library:

    $<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emcli get_supported_platforms

    This command lists all the platforms for which the Management Agent software is available in Software Library. The following is the sample output of the command.

    Version =
    Platform Name = Linux x86-64
    Version =
    Platform Name = Oracle Solaris on x86-64 (64-bit)
    Version =
    Platform Name = HP-UX PA-RISC (64-bit)

    If the output lists the platform on which you want to install the Management Agent, then proceed to the next step. Otherwise, acquire and apply the Management Agent software for the required platform using Self Update.

    For information on how to acquire and apply the Management Agent software for a platform using Self Update, see Acquiring the Management Agent Software in Online Mode in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Basic Installation Guide.

  4. Download the .rpm file of the Management Agent from Software Library to a temporary directory on the OMS host:

    $<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emcli get_agentimage_rpm -destination=<download_directory> -platform="<platform>" -version=<version>

    For example,

    ./emcli get_agentimage_rpm -destination=/tmp/agentRPM -platform="Linux x86-64" -version=

    In the command, note the following:

    • -destination is a directory on the OMS host where you want the .rpm file to be downloaded. Ensure that you have write permission on this location.

    • -platform is the platform for which you want to download the .rpm file; this must match one of the platforms listed in the previous step for which the software is available on the OMS host.

    • -version is the version of the Management Agent for which you want to download the .rpm file; this is an optional argument. If you do not pass this argument, then the version is defaulted to the OMS version.

    The command downloads the .rpm file of the core Management Agent to the destination directory you entered. For example, oracle-agt-

    Also, this command retrieves the Management Agent software, patches, and plug-ins present in the OMS home. For information on how to save Management Agent patches to the OMS home such that they are applied whenever a Management Agent is deployed, see Saving Management Agent Patches to an OMS Host.


    Creating an agent rpm file for Linux is not supported when OMS is running on AIX.

Transferring the RPM File to the Destination Host

  1. Transfer the downloaded .rpm file to a temporary directory (/tmp) on the destination host where you want to install the Management Agent. You can use any file transfer utility to transfer the file.

Installing the Management Agent Using the RPM File

  1. On the destination host, install the .rpm file as a root user to install the Management Agent:

    rpm -ivh <download_directory>/<rpm_file>

    For example,

    rpm -ivh /tmp/oracle-agt-


    The following is the output of the command:

    Preparing... ########################################### [100%]
    Running the prereq
    1:oracle-agt ########################################### [100%]
    Follow the below steps to complete the agent rpm installation:
    1. Edit the properties file: /usr/lib/oracle/agent/agent.properties with the correct values
    2. Execute the command /etc/init.d/oracle-agt RESPONSE_FILE=<location_to_agent.properties>

    When you use a .rpm file to install a Management Agent, the default agent base directory location is /usr/lib/oracle/agent. To install the Management Agent using a custom agent base directory location, run the following command as a root user:

    rpm -ivh --relocate /usr/lib/oracle/agent=<custom_agent_base_directory_location> <download_directory>/<rpm_file>

    For example,

    rpm -ivh --relocate /usr/lib/oracle/agent=/scratch/aime/agent tmp/agent_rpm/oracle-agt-

    When you use a .rpm file to install a Management Agent, the inventory location is always <agent_base_directory>/oraInventory. As the default agent base directory location is /usr/lib/oracle/agent, the default inventory location is /usr/lib/oracle/agent/oraInventory. If you choose to install the Management Agent in a custom agent base directory location (using the --relocate option), say in /oem/agent, then the inventory location is /oem/agent/oraInventory.

  2. Edit the agent.properties file as described in Table 6-5. The file is available in the following location:


  3. Run the following command to complete the installation:

    /etc/init.d/oracle-agt RESPONSE_FILE=<location_to_agent.properties>

    If the Management Agent install fails, diagnose the problem by viewing the Management Agent install logs. For information on the location of these logs, see Manual Management Agent Installation Logs.

Installing a Management Agent on a Virtual Host

To install a Management Agent on a virtual host, follow these steps:

  1. Follow the steps described in Using EM CLI from the Remote Destination Host or Using EM CLI from the OMS Host. While invoking the agentDeploy.sh or the agentDeploy.bat script, ensure that you specify the ORACLE_HOSTNAME parameter.

    For example, <software_extract_location>/agentDeploy.sh AGENT_BASE_DIR=<absolute_path_to_agentbasedir> RESPONSE_FILE=<absolute_path_to_response_file> ORACLE_HOSTNAME=<name_of_virtual_host>

    For more information about the ORACLE_HOSTNAME parameter, see Table 6-4.

  2. If the virtual host is associated with a virtual Network Interface Controller (NIC), set AgentListenOnAllNICs=false in the $<AGENT_HOME>/sysman/config/emd.properties file, then run the following command:

    $<AGENT_HOME>/bin/emctl reload

Response File Parameters for Installing a Management Agent in Silent Mode Using the AgentPull Script

Table 6-3 describes the mandatory parameters that you must include, and the optional parameters that you can include in the response file, while installing a Management Agent using the AgentPull script.

Table 6-3 Creating a Response File for Installing Oracle Management Agent Using AgentPull Script

Parameter Description


(Mandatory) Enter the Enterprise Manager console login user name.

For example, LOGIN_USER=sysman


(Mandatory) Enter the Enterprise Manager console login password.

For example, LOGIN_PASSWORD=welcome1


(Mandatory) Enter the platform for which you want to download the Management Agent software.

For example, PLATFORM="Linux x86-64"

Note: The value of this parameter must be in " ".


(Mandatory) Enter a password for registering new Management Agents that join the Enterprise Manager system.

By default, the communication between the OMS and the Management Agents is secured and locked. Any new Management Agents that join the Enterprise Manager system must be authenticated before they become part of the system. The password you enter here will be used for authenticating those new Management Agents.



(Optional) Enter the version of the Management Agent software you want to download.

For example, VERSION=

If you do not specify this parameter, it is assigned the OMS version.


(For Microsoft Windows hosts only)

(Optional) Enter the absolute path of the installed CURL utility.

For example, CURL_PATH=c:\Program Files\curl

If you do not include this parameter, it is assigned the value c:\.


(Optional) Enter the OMS host name.

For example, OMS_HOST=example.com


(Optional) Enter the upload port (HTTP or HTTPS) for communicating with the OMS.

For example, EM_UPLOAD_PORT=14511


(Optional) Enter a directory location on the destination host where all Management Agent-related configuration files can be stored. For this parameter, you can do one of the following:

  • Leave it blank.

    In this case, by default, an instance directory titled agent_inst is created in the agent installation base directory.

    For example, if the installation base directory is /john/oracle/, then the instance directory is defaulted to /john/oracle/agent_inst

  • Enter the absolute path to a custom directory.

    Although you can enter any location as a custom location, Oracle recommends you to maintain the instance directory inside the installation base directory.

    For example, AGENT_INSTANCE_HOME=/u01/software/em13c/agentbasedir/agent_inst


(Optional) Enter a free port on which the Management Agent process should be started. The same port is used for both HTTP and HTTPS.

For example, AGENT_PORT=1832

If you do not enter any value, then either 3872 or any free port between 1830 and 1849 is honored.


(Optional) Enter TRUE if you want the Management Agent to start automatically once it is installed and configured. Otherwise, enter FALSE.


If you do not include this parameter, it defaults to TRUE.


(Optional) Enter the fully qualified domain name of the host where you want to install the Management Agent.

For example, ORACLE_HOSTNAME=example.com

If you do not include this parameter, it defaults to the physical host name.


(Optional) Enter TRUE if you want to specify an IP address for ORACLE_HOSTNAME. If ALLOW_IPADDRESS is set to FALSE, a prerequisite check fails when you specify an IP address for ORACLE_HOSTNAME while installing a Management Agent.


If you do not include this parameter, it defaults to FALSE.


(Optional) Enter the custom inventory location.


(Optional) Use this parameter to specify the absolute location of the properties file.

For example, PROPERTIES_FILE=/tmp/agent.properties

In the properties file, specify the parameters that you want to use for the Management Agent deployment. The list of parameters that you can specify in the properties file is present in $<AGENT_INSTANCE_HOME>/sysman/config/emd.properties. In the properties file, you must specify the parameters in name value pairs, for example:



The properties file does not support parameter values that have spaces. If the value of a particular parameter contains a space, then run the following command after deploying the Management Agent:

$<AGENT_INSTANCE_HOME>/bin/emctl setproperty agent -name <parameter_name> -value <parameter_value>


(Only for Microsoft Windows hosts)

(Optional) Enter the customized Management Agent service name.

For example, s_agentSrvcName=agentsrvc1

If you do not include this parameter, it defaults to Oracle+<oracle_home_name>+Agent.

Note: (For Microsoft Windows hosts) If you upgrade a 13.2.0.x Management Agent installed on a host and you want to install another Management Agent on the same host, which points to a different OMS, specify the s_agentSrvcName parameter while installing the Management Agent.

Access Permission

Add write permission to the agent.rsp file

Response File Parameters for Installing a Management Agent in Silent Mode Using the agentDeploy Script

Table 6-4 describes the mandatory parameters that you must include, and the optional parameters that you can include in the response file, while installing a Management Agent using the agentDeploy script.

Table 6-4 Creating a Response File for Installing Oracle Management Agent Using agentDeploy Script

Parameter Description


(Mandatory) Enter the OMS host name.

For example, OMS_HOST=example.com


(Mandatory) Enter the upload port (HTTP or HTTPS) for communicating with the OMS.

For example, EM_UPLOAD_PORT=14511


(Mandatory) Enter a password for registering new Management Agents that join the Enterprise Manager system.

By default, the communication between the OMS and the Management Agents is secured and locked. Any new Management Agents that join the Enterprise Manager system must be authenticated before they become part of the system. The password you enter here will be used for authenticating those new Management Agents.



(Optional) Enter a directory location on the destination host where all Management Agent-related configuration files can be stored. For this parameter, you can do one of the following:

  • Leave it blank.

    In this case, by default, an instance directory titled agent_inst is created in the agent installation base directory.

    For example, if the installation base directory is /john/oracle/, then the instance directory is defaulted to /john/oracle/agent_inst

  • Enter the absolute path to a custom directory.

    Although you can enter any location as a custom location, Oracle recommends you to maintain the instance directory inside the installation base directory.

    For example, AGENT_INSTANCE_HOME=/u01/software/em13c/agentbasedir/agent_inst


(Optional) Enter a free port on which the Management Agent process should be started. The same port is used for both HTTP and HTTPS.

For example, AGENT_PORT=1832

If you do not enter any value, then either 3872 or any free port between 1830 and 1849 is honored.


(Optional) Enter TRUE if you want the Management Agent to start automatically once it is installed and configured. Otherwise, enter FALSE.


If you do not include this parameter, it defaults to TRUE.


(Optional) Enter the fully qualified domain name of the host where you want to install the Management Agent.

For example, ORACLE_HOSTNAME=example.com

If you do not include this parameter, it defaults to the physical host name.


(Optional) Enter TRUE if you want to specify an IP address for ORACLE_HOSTNAME. If ALLOW_IPADDRESS is set to FALSE, a prerequisite check fails when you specify an IP address for ORACLE_HOSTNAME while installing a Management Agent.


If you do not include this parameter, it defaults to FALSE.


(Optional) Enter the custom inventory location.


(Optional) Use this parameter to specify the absolute location of the properties file.

For example, PROPERTIES_FILE=/tmp/agent.properties

In the properties file, specify the parameters that you want to use for the Management Agent deployment. The list of parameters that you can specify in the properties file is present in $<AGENT_INSTANCE_HOME>/sysman/config/emd.properties. In the properties file, you must specify the parameters in name value pairs, for example:



The properties file does not support parameter values that have spaces. If the value of a particular parameter contains a space, then run the following command after deploying the Management Agent:

$<AGENT_INSTANCE_HOME>/bin/emctl setproperty agent -name <parameter_name> -value <parameter_value>


(Only for Microsoft Windows hosts)

(Optional) Enter the customized Management Agent service name.

For example, s_agentSrvcName=agentsrvc1

If you do not include this parameter, it defaults to Oracle+<oracle_home_name>+Agent.

Note: (For Microsoft Windows hosts) If you upgrade a 13.2.0.x Management Agent installed on a host and you want to install another Management Agent on the same host, which points to a different OMS, specify the s_agentSrvcName parameter while installing the Management Agent.

Response File Parameters for Installing a Management Agent in Silent Mode Using an RPM File

Table 6-5 describes the mandatory parameters that you must include, and the optional parameters that you can include in the response file, while installing a Management Agent using a.rpm file.

Table 6-5 Creating a Response File for Installing Oracle Management Agent Using an RPM File

Parameter Description


(Mandatory) Enter the host name of the OMS to which you want to connect.

For example, OMS_HOST=example.com


(Mandatory) Enter the upload port (HTTP or HTTPS) to communicate with the OMS.

For example, OMS_PORT=1835


(Mandatory) Enter a password for registering new Management Agents that join the Enterprise Manager system.

By default, the communication between the OMS and the Management Agents is secured and locked. Any new Management Agents that join the Enterprise Manager system must be authenticated before they become part of the system. The password you enter here will be used for authenticating those new Management Agents.



(Mandatory) Enter the user name with which you want to install the Management Agent.

For example, AGENT_USERNAME=oracle


(Mandatory) Enter the group to which the Management Agent user should belong.

For example, AGENT_GROUP=dba


(Optional) Enter the port used for the Management Agent process.

For example, AGENT_PORT=1832

If you do not enter any value, then either 3872 or any free port between 1830 and 1849 is honored.


(Only for Virtual Hosts) Enter the virtual host name where you want to install the Management Agent.

For example, ORACLE_HOSTNAME=example.com

Options Supported by the AgentPull Script

Table 6-6 lists the options supported by the AgentPull.sh script. On Microsoft Windows, these options apply to the AgentPull.bat file.

Table 6-6 Understanding the Options Supported by AgentPull.sh/AgentPull.bat

Option Description


Only downloads the Management Agent software. Does not deploy the Management Agent.


Displays the platforms for which the Management Agent software is available on the OMS host. Does not install the Management Agent.


Displays command line help and describes the usage of the AgentPull.sh script.


Ignores all the discovery plug-ins and allows only Oracle home plug-in.


Enter the absolute path to the inventory file that has the location of the Central Inventory (oraInventory).

For example, -invPtrLoc /tmp/oraInst.loc


  • This option is supported only on Unix platforms, and not on Microsoft Windows platforms.

  • You can use this option even when another Oracle product is already installed on the remote host, and the Central Inventory pointer /var/opt/oracle/oraInst.loc (for Solaris and HP-UX platforms) or /etc/oraInst.loc (for other Unix platforms) exists.

  • If you use this option, ensure that you do not use the INVENTORY_LOCATION option.

Options Supported by the agentDeploy Script

Table 6-7 lists the options supported by the agentDeploy.sh script. On Microsoft Windows, these options apply to the agentDeploy.bat file.

Table 6-7 Understanding the Options Supported by agentDeploy.sh/agentDeploy.bat

Option Description


Runs only the prerequisite checks. Does NOT actually install the Management Agent.

This option is useful when you want to verify whether your environment meets all the prerequisites for a successful Management Agent installation.


Skips running the prerequisite checks. Use this when you have already used the -prereqOnly option and verified the prerequisites, and only want to install the software binaries.


Enter the absolute path to the Central Inventory (oraInventory).

For example, INVENTORY_LOCATION=$HOME/oraInventory


  • This option is supported only on Unix platforms, and not on Microsoft Windows platforms.

  • Ensure that you use this option only when no other Oracle product is installed on the remote host, and the Central Inventory pointer /var/opt/oracle/oraInst.loc (for Solaris and HP-UX platforms) or /etc/oraInst.loc (for other Unix platforms) does not exist.

  • If you use this option, ensure that you do not use the -invPtrLoc option.


Enter the absolute path to the inventory file that has the location of the Central Inventory (oraInventory).

For example, -invPtrLoc /tmp/oraInst.loc


  • This option is supported only on Unix platforms, and not on Microsoft Windows platforms.

  • You can use this option even when another Oracle product is already installed on the remote host, and the Central Inventory pointer /var/opt/oracle/oraInst.loc (for Solaris and HP-UX platforms) or /etc/oraInst.loc (for other Unix platforms) exists.

  • If you use this option, ensure that you do not use the INVENTORY_LOCATION option.


Displays command line help and describes the usage of the deployment script.


Logs more debug messages useful for debugging and resolving errors.


Skips extracting the software binaries of the Management Agent software. Use this when you do not want to copy the binaries again, but only want to configure the available binaries.


Installs only the software binaries, and does NOT configure the installation. Use this when you want to perform a software-only installation of the Management Agent. For more information, see Installing the Oracle Management Agent Software Now and Configuring It Later.

Note: This option does not apply if you are cloning using a ZIP file.


Configures the software binaries, and does not install any software binaries. Use this when you have performed a software-only installation using the -softwareOnly option, so that only the configuration is done to the copied software binaries. For more information, see Installing the Oracle Management Agent Software Now and Configuring It Later.

Note: This option does not apply if you are cloning using a ZIP file.


Forcefully configures the Management Agent even when the OMS is unreachable. Use this option only when you are installing the Management Agent before installing the OMS, and when you know for sure that you will install the OMS later on the same host and port mentioned for the parameters OMS_HOST and EM_UPLOAD_PORT, respectively, in the response file you pass.

If you pass this option, then do not pass -configOnly, -softwareOnly, and -prereqOnly.

Note: When you pass this option, the Management Agent is configured to use HTTP (non-secure) communication. To establish a secure HTTPS communication between the Management Agent and the OMS, you must manually secure the Management Agent after the OMS is available.

Contents of the Downloaded Management Agent Software

Table 6-8 describes the contents of the core Management Agent software you download before installing the Management Agent using the agentDeploy script.

Table 6-8 Contents of the Downloaded Management Agent Software

Files Description


Plug-in directory containing all the discovering plug-ins, which were installed with the OMS, Oracle Home discovery plug-in, and Oracle Home monitoring plug-in.


Binary file containing the core agent bits and agent set-uid binaries.


Script used for deploying the Management Agent.


Utility used for unarchiving the ZIP files.


Properties file used for getting the version, platform ID, and so on.


Response file to be edited and passed for installing the Management Agent.

Contents of the Management Agent RPM File

If you choose to install a Management Agent using the .rpm file, the .rpm file you download contains an agent base directory. Table 6-9 describes the contents of this agent base directory:

Table 6-9 Contents of the Agent Base Directory Present in RPM File

Element Description


Contains the Management Agent software.


Response file specifying the plug-ins deployed on the Management Agent.


Contains the plug-in software.


Properties file used for getting the version, platform ID, and so on.


Response file to be edited and passed for installing the Management Agent.


Management Agent configuration script.

After Installing a Management Agent in Silent Mode

After you install the Management Agent, follow these steps:

  1. (Only for UNIX Operating Systems) Manually run the following scripts as a root user:

    • If this is the first Oracle product you just installed on the host, then run the orainstRoot.sh script from the inventory location specified in the oraInst.loc file that is available in the Management Agent home. This location is also displayed when you run the agentDeploy script with the -configOnly option.

      For example, if the inventory location specified is $HOME/oraInventory, then run the following command:


    • Run the root.sh script from the Management Agent home:



    You do not need to run the orainstRoot.sh and root.sh scripts if you are installing a Management Agent using a .rpm file.

  2. Verify the installation:

    1. Navigate to the Management Agent home and run the following command to see a message that confirms that the Management Agent is up and running:

      $<AGENT_INSTANCE_HOME>/bin/emctl status agent

    2. Navigate to the Management Agent home and run the following command to see a message that confirms that EMD upload completed successfully:

      $<AGENT_INSTANCE_HOME>/bin/emctl upload agent

  3. Verify whether all the plug-ins listed in $<AGENT_BASE_DIRECTORY>/plugins.txt were installed successfully. To do so, run the following command:

    $<AGENT_INSTANCE_HOME>/bin/emctl listplugins agent -type all

  4. If you had ignored a prerequisite check warning about wrong time zone settings, run the following command and follow the steps it displays:

    $<AGENT_INSTANCE_HOME>/bin/emctl resetTZ agent

  5. By default, the host and the Management Agent get automatically added to the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control console for monitoring. None of the targets running on that host get automatically discovered and monitored.

    To monitor the other targets, you must add them to Enterprise Manager Cloud Control either using the Auto Discovery Results page, the Add Targets Manually page, or the discovery wizards offered for the targets you want to monitor.

    For information about discovering targets and adding targets in Enterprise Manager Cloud Control, see Overview of Discovering and Adding Targets in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Administrator's Guide.


  • To know the location where a Management Agent is deployed on a Microsoft Windows host, that is, the Management Agent Oracle home, access <INVENTORY_LOCATION>\inventory.xml, then search for HOME NAME="agent13c2". The value of the LOC parameter denotes the Management Agent Oracle home.

    For example, in the following line of C:\Program Files\Oracle\inventory.xml, D:\agent13cr1\ denotes the Management Agent Oracle home:

    <HOME NAME="agent13c2" LOC="D:\agent13cr1\" TYPE="O" IDX="10">

  • You can repoint your existing Management Agents to a new Oracle Management Service (OMS). For information on how to do this, see the Redirecting Oracle Management Agent to Another Oracle Management Service Appendix present in Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation Guide.

    When you repoint your existing Management Agents to a new OMS, you cannot move the targets monitored by the Management Agents, the target history, and the Management Agent history. The monitored targets and the history data is lost.