3.6 Changing Web Service Credentials

Sometimes problems occur when accessing the web service, because the credentials provided are incorrect. Whenever this happens, you receive an HTTP 403 error from the web service. You first want to check the specified credentials and verify that you entered the correct information. If the credentials you have specified appear to be correct, but you still receive the 403 error, the best option is to reset the web service credentials.

Perform the following steps to reset the web service credentials:

  1. Open a command prompt window and change the working directory to:


    ... where <CASD_ADAP_INSTALL> is the installation directory for the CASD connector.

  2. Enter the following command to change the user name and password for accessing the CASD web service:

    ../bin/propertiesEditor.sh –h 
    framework.username="<username>" –e 
    framework.password=“<password>" framework.properties

    … where <username> is the user name to specify for the web service and <password> is the password.

    The propertiesEditor.sh script is specifically for the UNIX platform. The equivalent script for Windows platforms is propertiesEditor.bat.

  3. Stop and then start the web service as instructed in Installing and Running the CASD Adapter on Unix and Installing and Running the CASD Adapter on Windows.