Siebel Remote and Replication Manager Administration Guide > Synchronizing the Remote Client > Options for Synchronizing and Starting the Remote Client >

Configuring the Remote Client to Automatically Synchronize

This topic describes how to configure Siebel Remote to synchronize without requiring the user to manually enter credentials. To automatically provide credentials, you can use either of the following information:

Situations Where the User Must Manually Enter Credentials

If any of the following situations is true, then Siebel Remote prompts the user to manually enter synchronization credentials:

  • The user has not configured the remote client to remember the synchronization password or to use the local database password to synchronize.
  • The user has configured the local database credentials to synchronize but those credentials are not valid synchronization credentials.
  • You modify the synchronization credentials on the Siebel Server. Siebel Remote prompts the user regardless of how the user provides synchronization credentials.

If you configure authentication for synchronization, then the user must provide credentials to synchronize. The user can manually enter credentials at each synchronization or you can configure the remote client to automatically synchronize.

Depending on the type of authentication, the user might not be able to modify the valid user name and password for synchronization from a Siebel application, although the user can do this task from outside of the Siebel application. The user can modify the local database password in the remote client. For more information, see Unicode Usage for the User Login ID.

Using Local Database Credentials to Automatically Synchronize

The user can use local database credentials that Siebel Remote sends automatically as part of a synchronization request. The local database password must be identical to the valid synchronization password. If synchronization uses the local database credentials, and if these credentials are valid synchronization credentials, then Siebel Remote does not prompt the user to enter credentials during synchronization.

For more information about:

To use local database credentials to automatically synchronize

  1. Log in to the remote client.
  2. Navigate to the User Preferences screen, and then the DB Synchronization view.
  3. In the DB Synchronization form, make sure the Use Local Credentials check box contains a check mark, and then click Save.

    If entries exist in the User ID field, Password field, or the Remember Credentials field, then Siebel Remote removes them.

To discontinue use of the local database credentials to automatically synchronize, make sure the Use Local Credentials check box in the DB Synchronization form does not contain a check mark.

Using the Remember Credentials Feature to Automatically Synchronize

The user can configure Siebel Remote to remember the synchronization credentials. For example, if the user modifies the local database password so that it is different from the valid synchronization password, then it is useful to remember the synchronization credentials. If the user sets synchronization to use the local database credentials, then remembering the synchronization credentials is not available.

If Siebel Remote remembers synchronization credentials, then it does not prompt the user for credentials during synchronization.

CAUTION:  If the user does not configure Siebel Remote to remember the synchronization password, or if you do not configure Siebel Remote to automatically use the local database credentials to synchronize, then Siebel Remote prompts the user to manually enter credentials during each synchronization.

To use the remember credentials feature to automatically synchronize

  1. Log in to the remote client.
  2. Navigate to the User Preferences screen, and then the DB Synchronization view.
  3. In the DB Synchronization form, make sure the Remember Credentials check box contains a check mark.
  4. Enter the User ID.
  5. In the Password field, enter the synchronization password that you assign on the Siebel Server.
  6. Make sure the Use Local Credentials check box does not contain a check mark.
  7. Click Save.
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