Siebel CTI Administration Guide > Configuring Advanced Communications Features > Using Macro Expansion for Character Fields >

Work Item Attributes

Table 24 describes work item attributes that you can specify in values for parameters that support macro expansion. Communications events and commands can reference these attributes as subparameters of the parameter Param, or as elements within other parameter values where macro expansion is supported. The following macros, when used in parameter values, can process these attributes: @SelectedWorkItem, @DeselectedWorkItem, and $GetWorkItemAttr.

You can use the WorkTrackingObj parameter in event log or command data definitions to store or update custom work item attributes. You can use the AfterWork event log parameter to update database records that store work item attributes after work items are released. (You can also use the WorkObject event response parameter to update database records for tracking work items.)

For example, if an event log includes a parameter definition like the following, then ContactId becomes a custom work item attribute that is available for use wherever work item attributes can be accessed. For example, commands that update the customer dashboard can access such attribute values:

WorkTrackingObj.ContactId = "{Contact.Id}"

Alternatively, if an event log includes a parameter definition like the following, then text that you specify is displayed in the Work Items list in the communications toolbar:

WorkTrackingObj.Description="your descriptive text goes here"

NOTE:  Of the predefined work item attributes described in Table 24, only ParentWorkItemID and Description can be updated.

For more information about the WorkTrackingObj and AfterWork event log parameters, see Event Logs. For more information about the WorkTrackingObj command data parameter, see Command Data. For more information about the WorkObject event response parameter, see Event Responses. For additional attributes that you can specify in event handlers, see Driver Event Attributes.

Table 24. Work Item Attributes
Attribute Name


The language-independent value representing the channel type of this work item.


The locale-dependent value for the channel type of this work item.


A description of this work item. The value for this attribute comes primarily from the client handle methods WorkItemStarted and IndicateNewWorkItem. For more information, see Developing a Communications Driver.


The ID number of this work item as tracked by the driver.


Indicates whether the work item has been rejected by an agent (using the Accept or Reject dialog box). Possible values are True or False (the default is False).

This attribute is True whenever the service handle method RevokeQueuedWorkItem has been invoked for the work item.


The ID number of the parent of this work item. Note the following behavior for parent and child work items:

  • When a parent work item is released, all child work items are released.
  • When a parent work item is suspended, all child work items are suspended.
  • When a parent work item is resumed, all child work items are resumed.
  • When a child work item is started or resumed, the parent work item gains the focus.
  • Agent can use the Work Items list in the communications toolbar to select a child work item and operate on this child work item individually.
  • Parent and child work items can be of different channels, such as when an outbound voice call is placed to a customer who initiated an email work item.

For more examples, see the sample communications configurations provided with Siebel Business Applications.


The communications driver profile for which this work item is applicable.


The bookmark for the view which was current when this work item was suspended. The bookmark data is serialized and compressed into a string.


The duration of this work item.

The value is the same as the @WorkDuration macro.


The ID number of this work item.


The work tracking object ID number.

The value is the same as the @WorkObjectID macro.


The start time of this work item.

The value is the same as the @WorkStartTime macro.

The value for this attribute comes primarily from the client handle method WorkItemStarted. For more information, see Developing a Communications Driver.


The state of this work item. Possible values are Created, Active, Suspended, and Released. The value for this attribute comes primarily from client handle methods.

  • When IndicateNewWorkItem is invoked, the WorkState value is Created.
  • When WorkItemStarted is invoked, the WorkState value is Active.
  • When WorkItemSuspended is invoked, the WorkState value is Suspended.
  • When WorkItemResumed is invoked, the WorkState value is Active.
  • When WorkItemReleased is invoked, the WorkState value is Released.

For more information, see Developing a Communications Driver.

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