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Oracle MiniCluster S7-2 管理指南


更新时间: 2016 年 10 月

验证系统设置 (CLI)

可以使用此过程验证在安装时执行的设置过程。此过程与列出系统设置步骤 (CLI)相似,但可提供有关设置过程的更多详细信息。

  1. 以主管理员(例如 mcinstall)身份登录到 MCMU CLI。

    请参见登录到 MCMU CLI

  2. 键入:
    % mcmu setupmc -v all
    [INFO    ] STEP 1: Gather User Inputs VERIFICATION STARTED
    To DO://
    [INFO    ] STEP 1: Gather User Inputs VERIFICATION COMPLETED
    [INFO    ] STEP 2: Prepare for System Install VERIFICATION STARTED
    [INFO    ] Invoked by OS user: mcinstall
    [INFO    ] Find log at: mc2-n1:/var/opt/oracle.minicluster/setup/logs/omc_crdb_verify_050516_164030.log
    [INFO    ] ---------- Starting Creating SQLite Database and Populating USER_INPUT Table Verification
    [INFO    ] Check existence of entries in USER_INPUT table started.
    [INFO    ] Check existence of entries in USER_INPUT table succeeded.
    [INFO    ] Creating SQLite Database / Populating USER_INPUT Table Verification Completed
    To DO://
    [INFO    ] STEP 2: Prepare for System Install VERIFICATION COMPLETED
    [INFO    ] STEP 3: Interconnect Setup VERIFICATION STARTED
    [INFO    ] Log file path : mc2-n1:/var/opt/oracle.minicluster/setup/logs/omc_fn_hangepvtip_verify_050516_164031.log
    [INFO    ] Verifying reconfiguration of Interconnect IP address..
    [INFO    ] Verifying reconfiguration of Interconnect IP address.. Completed