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Oracle MiniCluster S7-2 管理指南


更新时间: 2016 年 10 月

配置添加的存储阵列 (CLI)


注 -  安装 MiniCluster 时,安装过程会自动检测所有连接的存储(包括多个存储阵列),还会配置存储并使存储可供使用。此过程面向在安装之后将存储阵列添加到系统中的情况。


  1. 确保添加的存储阵列已物理连接到 MiniCluster。

    有关连接存储阵列硬件的详细信息,请参阅《Oracle MiniCluster S7-2 安装指南》。有关文档位置,请参见产品文档库

    可以通过 MCMU BUI "Hardware Topology"(硬件拓扑)页面验证存储阵列连接。请参见查看硬件拓扑 (BUI)

  2. 以主管理员(例如 mcinstall)身份登录到 mcmu CLI。

    请参见登录到 MCMU CLI

  3. 键入:
    % mcmu diskutil -e


    % mcmu diskutil -e
    [INFO    ] Log file path : mc12-n1:/var/opt/oracle.minicluster/setup/logs/mcmu_100416_160829.log
    [INFO    ] Log file path : /var/opt/oracle.minicluster/setup/logs/omc_diskutil_functionality_100416_160830.log
    [INFO    ] Log file path : mc12-n1:/var/opt/oracle.minicluster/setup/logs/omc_fmdservice_100416_160830.log
    [INFO    ] Ensure that fmd Service is Functional and the System Utilities have consistent view of JBODs ..
    [INFO    ] Ensure that fmd Service is Functional succeeded.
    [INFO    ] Cross-check the number of disks reported by diskinfo and format utilities succeeded.
    [INFO    ] Compare the disks in all JBODs across both compute nodes succeeded.
    [INFO    ] Ensure that fmd Service is Functional and the System Utilities have consistent view of JBODs .. Completed
    Oracle Corporation      SunOS 5.11      11.3    June 2016
    Minicluster Setup successfully configured
    Unauthorized modification of this system configuration strictly prohibited
    [INFO    ] Invoked by OS user: mcinstall
    [INFO    ] Find log at: mc12-n1:/var/opt/oracle.minicluster/setup/logs/omc_node1exec_100416_160835.log
    [INFO    ] ---------- Starting Executing Script on the 2nd Node
    [INFO    ] Executing Script on the 2nd Node started.
    [INFO    ] Check the existence of the script on the 2nd node
    [INFO    ] Execute the script on the 2nd node
    [INFO    ] Log file path : mc12-n2:/var/opt/oracle.minicluster/setup/logs/omc_fmdservice_100416_160836.log
    [INFO    ] Ensure that fmd Service is Functional and the System Utilities have consistent view of JBODs ..
    [INFO    ] Ensure that fmd Service is Functional succeeded.
    [INFO    ] Cross-check the number of disks reported by diskinfo and format utilities succeeded.
    [INFO    ] Ensure that fmd Service is Functional and the System Utilities have consistent view of JBODs .. Completed
    [INFO    ] Executing Script on the 2nd Node succeeded.
    [INFO    ] Executing Script on the 2nd Node Completed
    [INFO    ] Log file path : mc12-n1:/var/opt/oracle.minicluster/setup/logs/omc_partitiondisk_100416_160845.log
    [INFO    ]  Partitioning disk..
    [INFO    ] Labelling and resetting the size of disks..
    [INFO    ] Log file path : mc12-n1:/var/opt/oracle.minicluster/setup/logs/omc_verify_jbods_100416_160856.log
    [INFO    ]  Verifying the JBOD(s)..
    [INFO    ] Verifying number and size of disks in all JBOD(s)...
                                    --------- DISK VERIFICATION------
                            DISK                    CATEGORY STATUS          REASON
                    c0t5000CCA23B0B3508d0           HDD-8 OK
                    c0t5000CCA23B0BA71Cd0           HDD-8 OK
                    c0t5000CCA23B0BB1D4d0           HDD-8 OK
                    c0t5000CCA23B0BA6E0d0           HDD-8 OK
                    c0t5000CCA23B0BA768d0           HDD-8 OK
                    c0t5000CCA23B0B906Cd0           HDD-8 OK
                    c0t5000CCA0536C9078d0           SSD-1.6 OK
                    c0t5000CCA0536CAB44d0           SSD-1.6 OK
                    c0t5000CCA0536CAA48d0           SSD-1.6 OK
                    c0t5000CCA0536CA7D0d0           SSD-1.6 OK
                    c0t5000CCA0536CB368d0           SSD-1.6 OK
                    c0t5000CCA0536CB530d0           SSD-1.6 OK
                    c0t5000CCA0536C90D4d0           SSD-1.6 OK
                    c0t5000CCA0536CAB70d0           SSD-1.6 OK
                    c0t5000CCA0536C8BB0d0           SSD-1.6 OK
                    c0t5000CCA0536CB510d0           SSD-1.6 OK
                    c0t5000CCA0536CB518d0           SSD-1.6 OK
                    c0t5000CCA0536CB3A8d0           SSD-1.6 OK
                    c0t5000CCA0536CB498d0           SSD-1.6 OK
                    c0t5000CCA0536C90FCd0           SSD-1.6 OK
                    c0t5000CCA04EB4A994d0           SSD-200 OK
                    c0t5000CCA04EB47CB4d0           SSD-200 OK
                    c0t5000CCA04E0D6CD4d0           SSD-200 OK
                    c0t5000CCA04E0D65E4d0           SSD-200 OK
    [INFO    ] Verifying the JBOD(s).. Completed
    [INFO    ] Log file path : mc12-n1:/var/opt/oracle.minicluster/setup/logs/omc_partitiondisk_100416_160906.log
    [INFO    ]  Partitioning disk..
    [INFO    ] Erasing the disks, creating EFI labels,setting volume name...
    [INFO    ] Creating partitions...
    [INFO    ] Partitioning disk.. Completed
    Storage alias for JBOD ORACLE-DE3-24C:1621NMQ005 was already created. Skipping ..
    Creating alias JBODARRAY2 for JBOD ORACLE-DE3-24C.1539NMQ00D ..
    Log file location: /var/opt/oracle.minicluster/setup/logs/omc-crstoragealias.20161004.1609.log
    Oracle Corporation      SunOS 5.11      11.3    June 2016
    Minicluster Setup successfully configured
    Unauthorized modification of this system configuration strictly prohibited
    [INFO    ] Invoked by OS user: mcinstall
    [INFO    ] Find log at: mc12-n1:/var/opt/oracle.minicluster/setup/logs/omc_node1exec_100416_161002.log
    [INFO    ] ---------- Starting Executing Script on the 2nd Node
    [INFO    ] Executing Script on the 2nd Node started.
    [INFO    ] Check the existence of the script on the 2nd node
    [INFO    ] Execute the script on the 2nd node
    Storage alias for JBOD ORACLE-DE3-24C:1621NMQ005 was already created. Skipping ..
    Creating alias JBODARRAY2 for JBOD ORACLE-DE3-24C.1539NMQ00D ..
    Log file location: /var/opt/oracle.minicluster/setup/logs/omc-crstoragealias.20161004.1610.log
    [INFO    ] Executing Script on the 2nd Node succeeded.
    [INFO    ] Executing Script on the 2nd Node Completed