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Guide RESTful API des systèmes Oracle® ZFS Storage Appliance, version OS8.6.x

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Mis à jour : Septembre 2016

List Workflows

Répertorie tous les workflows installés sur un appareil. Si le paramètre de requête showhidden=true est défini, la liste inclut les paramètres qui sont normalement cachés.

Exemple de demande :

GET /api/workflow/v1/workflows HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic abcefgMWE=
Host: zfssa.example.com:215
Accept: application/json

Exemple de réponse :

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Zfssa-Appliance-Api: 1.0
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 1908

    "workflows": [{
        "description": "Clear locks held on behalf of an NFS client",
        "href": "/api/workflow/v1/workflows/10f25f2c-3a56-e733-d9c7-d4c6fd84e073",
        "description": "Sets up environment for Oracle Solaris Cluster NFS",
        "href": "/api/workflow/v1/workflows/2793f2dc-72de-eac4-c58b-cfbe527df92d",
        "description": "Removes the artifacts from the appliance used by Oracle Solaris Cluster NFS",
        "href": "/api/workflow/v1/workflows/9e2d5eed-cc72-67b0-e913-bf5ffad1d9e1",
        "description": "Sets up environment to be monitored by Oracle Enterprise Manager",
        "href": "/api/workflow/v1/workflows/bb5de1b8-b950-6da6-a650-f6fb19f1172c",
        "description": "Removes the artifacts from the appliance used by Oracle Enterprise Manager",
        "href": "/api/workflow/v1/workflows/bd7214fc-6bba-c7ad-ed1f-942c0189e757",