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Oracle® ILOM Web Service REST API

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Updated: December 2019

Create Resources Using POST Requests

Use a POST request to create an Oracle ILOM resource.

Note -  Resources supporting Post operations are listed in the Swagger model under the section post->parameters->name. Properties that can be specified for a resource during the creation operation are listed in the Swagger model under the section post->parameters->schema->properties. Required properties that must be specified for a resource during the creation operation are listed in Swagger model under the section post->parameters->schema->required. For more details about the Swagger model, see Discovering Management Resources.

Request Format

POST <Resource_Path> HTTP/1.1
<Header Name> : <Header Value>

<Request Body>
  • Where:

    • Request Body – Each HTTP POST request must specify a <request body> that contains non-default name-value pairs for the resource properties to be created.

Request Header Fields Required

The required request header fields are as follows: Authorization, Content-Type, and Host.

For a description of these required header fields, see Common Request Header Fields.

Response Status Codes

  • Success: HTTP Status = 201 Created, JSON formatted response body

  • Failure: HTTP Status = 4xx, 5xx, JSON formatted error response body.

Example: HTTP Request

In the following HTTP example, a request is sent to the server SP to create a new user resource with the specified name and password.

POST /SP/users HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json


Upon successful creation of the new resource, a JSON representation of the newly created user is returned in the response body.

  "password_expiration":"no expiry",