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Oracle® ILOM Web Service REST API

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Updated: December 2019

Perform Actions on Resources Using POST Requests

Note -  Some operations on Oracle ILOM management entities cannot be matched to methods in an HTTP request as they do not fall into the CRUD (Create/Read/Update/Delete) scope. These operations are implemented by 'actions' in the Oracle ILOM REST API.

Use a POST request to perform non-CRUD actions on supported Oracle ILOM resources. Resources supporting non-CRUD actions will include an Action [] array in the response body of a given GET request. The following types of non-CRUD actions are supported by the Oracle ILOM REST API:

  • System reset actions – "reset" SP, "reset" host, "reset" certificates, "reset" keys, "reset" /HOST/diag/data

  • System power actions – "soft-reset" (gracefully reset host), "power-on" (power-on the host), "power-off" (power-off the host), "soft-power-off" (soft power-off the host)

  • System service actions – "prepare-to-remove" (prepare system for removal), "return-to-service" (return system to service), "start" or "stop" /HOST/diag tests, "version" (get firmware version information).

  • SYS fault management actions – "acquit" (manually acquit problems on a FRU), "replace" (manually mark a fru fixed as a result of replacement) "repair" (mark a fru fixed), "clear" (manually clear fault associated with FRU or UUID)

Request Format

POST <Resource_Path> HTTP/1.1
<Header Name> : <Header Value>

  "op": "<action>"

The request body identifies the supported non-CRUD action of the resource.


  • <action> identifies the supported resource action (such as "reset", "repair-to-remove", "acquit", and so on).

Note -  The set of actions supported by any given resource is available in the 'Actions[]' array in the response to the GET request for that resource.

Request Header Fields Required

The required request header fields are as follows: Authorization, Content-Type, and Host.

Note -  For system service actions such as op=version, an Accept header must be specified in the request with a value of 'application/json'.

For a description of these required header fields, see Common Request Header Fields.

Response Status Codes

  • Success: HTTP Status = 200-OK or 204-No content

    Note -  A 200 status code is shown when a response body is included for the "action" specified.

    Note -  A 204 status code is shown when a response body is not included for the "action" specified.
  • Failure: HTTP Status = 4xx, 5xx, JSON formatted error response body.

Response Body

A response body is not provided for non-CRUD actions, unless the specified action is for "op"="version." In this case, a response body similar to the following is returned from the server.

    "Firmware Version":"",
    "Firmware Build Number":"127654",
    "Firmware Build Date":"Mon Oct 15 11:07:17 PDT 2018",
    "Firmware File System Version":"0.3.180406"

Example: HTTP Request

In the following HTTP example, a request is made to the server to reset the Oracle ILOM SP.

Content-Type: application/json
