Upcoming Payments

Upcoming payment is a unique feature to the customer. It upfront reminds you the payments which are due for payment in the coming seven days or the following 30 days. By default the view of all the upcoming payments in next seven days for all the accounts mapped to you are listed. Whereas you can switch between weekly and monthly view options.

All the below transactions will be reflected in ‘Upcoming Payments’ as per the date of the transaction:


Transaction and account access is provided to corporate user

Features supported in application

Following transactions are allowed under Upcoming Payments


You are here How to reach here:

Dashboard > Payments > Upcoming Payments Inquiry

Upcoming Payment - Summary

Summarized view of all upcoming payments of next seven days, maintained under accounts mapped to you, is listed on Upcoming Payment Inquiry screen. An option is provided to view the upcoming payments of specific account. You also check the upcoming payment for next 30 days by clicking on, ‘Next Month’ tab.

To view the standing instruction details:

  1. To cancel the transaction or SI maintained for the transaction, click Cancel.
    The Upcoming Payment Inquiry screen with 'Cancel Transfer' pop-up appears.

Upcoming Payments - View & Delete

Further drill down is provided on the record to view the complete transaction details. Upcoming payment also can be cancelled by you. Transaction details specific fields are displayed on the screen.

To delete the transaction or SI maintained for the transaction:

Upcoming Payments - Cancel Transfer

  1. Click Cancel. The Verification screen appears if transaction is configured for OTP validation. For more information click here.
  2. The success message appears along with the reference number.
    Click Done to complete the transaction.


ClosedWhat are Standing Instructions?

Standing Instructions feature facilitates periodic recurring payment from user’s current and savings accounts.

ClosedWhat are the type of payments that are shown under "Upcoming Payments"?

Following type of payments will be shown under ‘Upcoming Payments’ based on the future transaction date:

ClosedCan I cancel the upcoming payment which is due today?

Cancellation of today’s upcoming payment is depends upon the host processing cycle of upcoming payments. If host processes all upcoming payments during same day’s BODBeginning Of Day process, then you will not be allowed to cancel payments due today.

ClosedCan I cancel a specific installment of recurring payment?

No, you cannot cancel the specific installment of recurrent payment, but you can cancel entire instruction given for recurring payment.

ClosedCan I cancel the upcoming payment booked from other channel?

Yes, you can cancel the upcoming payment booked from other channels provided you have an access of transaction and account.
