Siebel Installation Guide for UNIX > Installing Siebel Web Clients and Siebel Tools >

Installing Siebel Web Clients and Siebel Tools in Unattended Mode

The installer programs for Siebel Mobile or Developer Web Client and Siebel Tools support an optional unattended installation, which is an installation that has been preconfigured to require no user input when the installation program runs. You can save a response file in a regular installer session. Then you can run the installer at the command line with certain flags appended to the installer command to execute the response file. Together, these tasks constitute installing in unattended mode.

You can perform unattended installations for better performance when installing software on multiple client computers. Or, you might perform unattended installations if user input during an installation is not allowed in your environment, as might be the case in some secure environments. An unattended installation prepackages all of the required parameters so that you only have to execute a command to perform the installation.

You can use unattended mode to perform a new installation or migration installation of the current release, or to add languages to an existing installation of the current release. To add languages, you must use this method.

CAUTION:  Unattended installations provide no direct feedback or error notification. Therefore, you must test your settings in a development environment before system-wide deployment in a production environment. It is strongly recommended that you become thoroughly familiar with GUI installation for any Siebel modules for which you intend to perform unattended installation.

This topic contains the following information:

Related Topics

Installing and Deploying Additional Languages

Installing the Siebel Web Client

Installing Siebel Tools

Installing and Using Oracle Database XE for the Local or Sample Database

Verifying Installation for the Siebel Web Client

Verifying Installation for Siebel Tools

Requirements for Installing Siebel Web Clients

Requirements for Installing Siebel Tools

Guidelines for Installing Siebel Web Clients and Siebel Tools in Unattended Mode

Review the following guidelines for installing Siebel Web Clients and Siebel Tools in unattended mode:

To install Siebel Web Client or Siebel Tools and the specified Siebel language packs using unattended mode, perform the following tasks:

Saving an Installation Response File

Perform the following steps to save an installation response file to be used in an unattended installation of Siebel Web Client or Siebel Tools.

NOTE:  If you are adding languages to an existing installation of the current release, then do not use this procedure. Instead, follow the procedure in Editing an Oracle-Provided Installation Response File.

To save an installation response file

  1. Navigate to the Siebel image location where the installer is located.
  2. Start the installer for Siebel Web Client or Siebel Tools.

    For information about starting these installers, see Installing the Siebel Web Client and Installing Siebel Tools.

  3. Provide input to the installer wizard, as in a normal GUI installation.
  4. In the Summary screen, click Save Response File.
  5. Specify the location of the response file, for example, C:\temp\clientinstall.rsp, and save the file.

    A response file is generated that includes data that is derived from the input that you made during the installer session.

  6. After the response file is saved, click Cancel.

    The installer session ends.

    In addition to saving the response file at the location that you specified at the command line, the installer creates the Siebel installation directory at the location that you specified in the installer session (for example, C:\temp\clientinstall.rsp). Although the Siebel module is not installed (because you clicked Cancel), this directory contains a subdirectory called inventory, which includes information about the product inventory.

    NOTE:  You might also edit the response file to add entries for different cases of installing Oracle Database XE for the local or sample database for Siebel Tools or Siebel Web Client, as described in Installation Response File Entries for Installing Oracle Database XE.

    See Performing an Installation in Unattended Mode for information about performing a Siebel Web Client or Siebel Tools installation in unattended mode, using the response file that you just generated.

Editing an Oracle-Provided Installation Response File

If you are adding languages to an existing Siebel Web Client or Siebel Tools installation, then you must edit an Oracle-provided installation response file instead of saving a response file from the installer. For detailed information about the task of adding languages, see Installing and Deploying Additional Languages.

Installation Response File Entries for Installing Oracle Database XE

You use different response file options for different cases of installing Oracle Database XE for the local or sample database for Siebel Tools or Siebel Web Client, as described here. For more information, see Installing and Using Oracle Database XE for the Local or Sample Database.

  • To install Siebel Tools with a local database, add entries like the following to your installation response file. Specify the same user name that you will use when you execute the response file (you must also use the -passwd option).


  • To install Siebel Tools without installing a local database (for example, where you plan to initialize a local database through Siebel Remote), add entries like the following to your installation response file:


  • To install Siebel Web Client where you plan to initialize a local database through Siebel Remote, add entries like the following to your installation response file:


  • To install Siebel Web Client with the sample database, add entries like the following to your installation response file:


Performing an Installation in Unattended Mode

Perform the following steps to perform an unattended installation of Siebel Web Client or Siebel Tools.

First, you must save an installation response file as described in Saving an Installation Response File or prepare an installation response file for adding languages as described in Editing an Oracle-Provided Installation Response File.

NOTE:  You might also edit the response file to add entries for different cases of installing Oracle Database XE for the local or sample database for Siebel Tools or Siebel Web Client, as described in Installation Response File Entries for Installing Oracle Database XE.

Then you run the installer command as shown in the following procedure. For detailed information about the task of adding languages, see Installing and Deploying Additional Languages.

To perform an installation in unattended mode

  1. (For add language operations only) Uninstall any Siebel Patchset release that you have installed on top of Siebel CRM version 17.0, for each installed Siebel module for which you are adding languages.
  2. Navigate to the Siebel image location where the installer is located.
  3. Place the response file that you previously generated or edited into the correct Siebel image directory for the Siebel module (where the installer program is located), so that the file can be read when you run the installer.

    NOTE:  Always back up any existing valid response file before replacing it with a new file.

  4. Open a DOS command window.
  5. Run a command like the following to run the Siebel Web Client or Siebel Tools installer in unattended mode:

    setup.bat -silent -responseFile path_to_installation_response_file -passwd password


    path_to_installation_response_file is the full path and name of a response file to be executed (for example, C:\temp\clientinstall.rsp).

    password is the password for the user name of the developer for this existing installation of Siebel Tools.

    NOTE:  The -passwd option applies only to Siebel Tools installation with Oracle Database XE. See also Installation Response File Entries for Installing Oracle Database XE.

    This command runs the installer in unattended mode and specifies the location of the response file to be executed. No installer screens are displayed, and no further user input is prompted for after the installer starts. The installation result depends on the content of the specified response file.

  6. Validate the installation after it has completed.

    For more information, see Verifying Installation for the Siebel Web Client and Verifying Installation for Siebel Tools. See also Verifying Installation for Oracle Database XE.

  7. (For add language operations only) Reinstall any previously installed Siebel Patchset release that you uninstalled in Step 1. Then validate the installation again.
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