Siebel Email Administration Guide > Managing Email, Fax, and Other Communications Products > Managing Integrations with Email and Fax Servers >

Parameters for Internet SMTP/IMAP Server Driver and Internet SMTP/POP3 Server Driver

Table 19 lists the supported parameters for the Internet SMTP/IMAP Server and Internet SMTP/POP3 Server communications drivers. Some parameters apply only to inbound email processing of messages retrieved from an IMAP server or a POP3 server (for Siebel Email Response). Some parameters apply only to outbound email sent using an SMTP server.

NOTE:  Required parameters might be required only for profiles used for inbound IMAP or POP3 messages, or only for profiles used for outbound SMTP messages, The applicable profiles depend on the function of the parameter.

Table 19. Internet SMTP/IMAP Server and Internet SMTP/POP3 Server Driver Parameters
Default Value




The character set that might apply to an outbound email message. For more information about character sets and how they apply to Siebel Business Applications, see Siebel Global Deployment Guide.

For an outbound email message that is a reply to an inbound email message, this parameter has effect only when the character set of the inbound message cannot be determined.

For all other outbound email messages, the value of this parameter for the driver profile determines the character set. If you do not define this parameter, then the UTF-8 character set applies.

When an inbound email message is received that uses a specific character set, the character set is stored on the activity record for the inbound message. When an agent replies to this message, the character set is retrieved from the activity record, so the reply uses the same character set.

If, however, the character set of the inbound email message cannot be determined, then the character set for the value of the Charset parameter for the driver profile is used. If you do not define this parameter, then the UTF-8 character set applies.

Convert Incoming To Plain Text



A value that specifies whether incoming HTML email is converted to text/plain format.

You can set this parameter to TRUE, for example, if your incoming email accounts receive HTML spam messages that are image-based and consequently cannot be easily filtered out. When this setting is TRUE, such images do not appear for your contact center agents.

Create Plain Text From HTML



A value that specifies whether plain text is created from HTML. If this parameter is TRUE, and an outbound message contains text tagged with HTML but no plain text, then the plain text is synthesized (extracted) from the HTML and sent as an alternate to the HTML. This situation might apply in the following scenarios:

  • A user sends email using Send Email command when Send Email: Default Message Format is set to HTML in the Outbound Communications view of the User Preferences screen.
  • A user sends reply email using Siebel Email Response when Email Response: Default Message Format is set to HTML in the Outbound Communications view of the User Preferences screen.
  • A user sends outbound communication request for the email channel, for which a template contains either or both of the following:
    • HTML template text
    • At least one HTML template item.

Sending separate plain-text and HTML versions of the same message body is called MIME multipart or alternative support.

To increase performance when sending HTML messages to recipients known to use email clients that can read or convert HTML messages, set this parameter to FALSE. For more information about HTML email, see Using HTML Email. For more information about setting outbound communications user preferences, see Preference Settings for Outbound Communications.

NOTE:  When you set this parameter to TRUE, the results might not be compatible with all major email clients. Consider this factor before you set this parameter to TRUE.

Delete Processed Messages



A value that specifies whether processed messages are deleted.

If you set this parameter to TRUE, then messages are deleted from the incoming email directory after they are processed. If you set this parameter to FALSE, then messages are moved to the processed email directory after they are processed.

For more information, see the descriptions of the Incoming Email Directory and Processed Email Directory parameters.

Delivery Status Domain


Not applicable

The domain name for the email server that handles delivery status notification messages. Such messages might be generated in response to outbound mail messages sent using this profile.

This parameter and the Delivery Status Mailbox parameter specify the email address for delivery status notification messages that the SMTP command MAIL FROM uses.

NOTE:  Use these parameters only if delivery status notification messages are processed on a separate email server than the email server that processes normal customer responses.

Regular customer responses to outbound messages are sent to the email address in the Reply-To Address or From Address parameters.

For more information, see the description of the Delivery Status Mailbox parameter.

Delivery Status Mailbox


Not applicable

The email address, in the domain for the Delivery Status Domain parameter, that receives delivery status notification messages.

For more information, see the description of the Delivery Status Domain parameter.

Enable SSL for Backup SMTP



A value that specifies whether SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is used to encrypt the SMTP session (for the backup SMTP server) between the email server and the Siebel Server.

Use the SMTP Backup Server parameter to specify the backup SMTP server name.

For more information, see the descriptions of the Enable SSL for SMTP, Use EHLO, and SMTP Backup Server parameters.

Enable SSL for IMAP

(Internet SMTP/IMAP Server driver only)



A value that specifies whether SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is used to encrypt the IMAP session between the email server and the Siebel Server.

If an SSL session cannot be negotiated, then the IMAP connection is aborted. IMAP over SSL normally uses port 993.

Enable SSL for POP3

(Internet SMTP/POP3 Server driver only)



A value that specifies whether SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is used to encrypt the POP3 session between the email server and the Siebel Server.

If an SSL session cannot be negotiated, then the POP3 connection is aborted. POP3 over SSL normally uses port 995.

Enable SSL for SMTP



A value that specifies whether SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is used to encrypt the SMTP session between the email server and the Siebel Server.

The STARTTLS command executes after the EHLO command executes successfully.

If the STARTTLS command fails, then the connection is aborted. An attempt is made to use the backup SMTP server instead.

Use the SMTP Server parameter to specify the SMTP server name.

For more information, see the descriptions of the Enable SSL for Backup SMTP and Use EHLO parameters.

Enable TLS for Backup SMTP



A value that specifies whether TLS (Transport Security Layer) is used to encrypt the SMTP session (for the backup SMTP server) between the email server and the Siebel Server.

Use the SMTP Backup Server parameter to specify the backup SMTP server name.

For more information, see the descriptions of the Enable TLS for SMTP, Use EHLO, and SMTP Backup Server parameters.

NOTE:  Oracle provides the parameters for enabling TLS functionality that this guide describes as part of an accelerated delivery request (ADR). To use this functionality, you must install the required patch, and perform the postinstallation configuration tasks. To implement an ADR that is included in Siebel Fix Pack, see the applicable Siebel Maintenance Release Guide on My Oracle Support.

Enable TLS for IMAP

(Internet SMTP/IMAP Server driver only)



A value that specifies whether TLS (Transport Security Layer) is used to encrypt the IMAP session between the email server and the Siebel Server.

If a TLS session cannot be negotiated, then the IMAP connection is aborted. IMAP over TLS normally uses port 143.

NOTE:  Oracle provides the parameters for enabling TLS functionality that this guide describes as part of an accelerated delivery request (ADR). To use this functionality, you must install the required patch, and perform the postinstallation configuration tasks. To implement an ADR that is included in Siebel Fix Pack, see the applicable Siebel Maintenance Release Guide on My Oracle Support.

Enable TLS for POP3

(Internet SMTP/POP3 Server driver only)



A value that specifies whether TLS (Transport Security Layer) is used to encrypt the POP3 session between the email server and the Siebel Server.

If a TLS session cannot be negotiated, then the POP3 connection is aborted. POP3 over TLS normally uses port 110.

NOTE:  Oracle provides the parameters for enabling TLS functionality that this guide describes as part of an accelerated delivery request (ADR). To use this functionality, you must install the required patch, and perform the postinstallation configuration tasks. To implement an ADR that is included in Siebel Fix Pack, see the applicable Siebel Maintenance Release Guide on My Oracle Support.

Enable TLS for SMTP



A value that specifies whether TLS (Transport Security Layer) is used to encrypt the SMTP session between the email server and the Siebel Server.

The STARTTLS command executes after the EHLO command executes successfully.

If the STARTTLS command fails, then the connection is aborted. An attempt is made to use the backup SMTP server instead.

Use the SMTP Server parameter to specify the SMTP server name.

For more information, see the descriptions of the Enable TLS for Backup SMTP and Use EHLO parameters.

NOTE:  Oracle provides the parameters for enabling TLS functionality that this guide describes as part of an accelerated delivery request (ADR). To use this functionality, you must install the required patch, and perform the postinstallation configuration tasks. To implement an ADR that is included in Siebel Fix Pack, see the applicable Siebel Maintenance Release Guide on My Oracle Support.

Failed Email Directory


Not applicable

The directory where failed incoming email messages retrieved from the IMAP or POP3 server are stored.

An incoming message is a failed message if any error or exception occurs while the message is parsed. The communications driver breaks down the MIME data and mail structure content of each email message into event fields and message properties. This process is called parsing.

By default, failed email messages are saved to the bin/failed subdirectory of the Siebel Server installation directory.

From Address


Not applicable

The sender's default email address for outbound communications.

Use one of the following forms:

  • sender_display_name <>

Use the second form if you want the recipient to see a display name for the sender, in addition to the email address.

The specified address is passed to the SMTP server in the MAIL FROM command within the SMTP message transmission envelope, and is used as the From: address in the message header.

NOTE:  Users who create email or fax profiles for personal use can use a profile parameter override to specify their own email address for the From Address parameter. For more information, see Creating Communications Profiles for Personal Use.

If no parameter value is available, then the driver tries to use the SenderAddress that is passed to it when it composes and sends an email.

NOTE:  For a profile for inbound communications, the From Address parameter represents the recipient's email address. You specify this profile for a response group.

IMAP Account Name

(Internet SMTP/IMAP Server driver only)


Not applicable

The account name for the IMAP mailbox from which to retrieve inbound communications.

IMAP Account Password

(Internet SMTP/IMAP Server driver only)


Not applicable

The password for the IMAP mailbox account. The maximum length is 250 characters.

IMAP Server

(Internet SMTP/IMAP Server driver only)


Not applicable

The host name or IP address of the computer on which the IMAP server runs.

NOTE:  If you specify a host name instead of an IP address for this parameter value, then you must include a corresponding entry in your DNS server or the local hosts file. If an IP address parameter value works correctly, but a problem occurs when you specify a host name parameter value, then consult your network system administrator to verify that host name lookup is correctly configured.

IMAP Server Port

(Internet SMTP/IMAP Server driver only)



The port the IMAP server uses to listen for new socket connections.

IMAP Timeout

(Internet SMTP/IMAP Server driver only)



The number of seconds to wait for a response from the IMAP server before timing out.

Incoming Email Directory


Not applicable

The directory where email messages retrieved from the IMAP or POP3 server are stored prior to processing.

By default, incoming email messages are saved to the bin/incoming subdirectory of the Siebel Server installation directory.

Messages move to the processed email directory after processing. If Delete Processed Messages is TRUE, then messages are deleted from the processed email directory.

For more information, see the descriptions of the Delete Processed Messages and Processed Email Directory parameters.

NOTE:  When inbound email messages are processed, they are saved in a series of formats and filenames in the incoming email directory and related directories. Corresponding attachment files to the Email - Inbound activity record are saved to the Siebel File System. For more information, see Activity Attachments Stored for Incoming Messages.




The amount of detail in the log file. When the value is TRUE, data output in the log file is more detailed than when the value is FALSE. The additional detail in the log file can help you to troubleshoot.

Log files are created in the log subdirectory of the Siebel Server installation directory as follows:

  • Log files for the Internet SMTP/IMAP Server driver have the following name: IMAPSMTP_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.log, where xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx is a unique string of numerals.
  • Log files for the Internet SMTP/POP3 Server driver have the following name: POP3SMTP_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.log, where xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx is a unique string of numerals.

Loopback Detection Interval



An integer value that specifies the number of seconds between receipt an inbound email message and receipt of a previous email message from a sender with the same email address. Inbound email messages with this parameter value or less are flagged as loopback messages.

A message is a loopback message if the following factors apply:

  • The value for Loopback Detection Interval is greater than 0 (zero), and
  • The message is received no later than the specified number of seconds after a previous message was received from the same email address.

This parameter is based on the premise that a message received within a short period of time is probably an auto-response.

For example, if you receive a message, and an auto-acknowledgement is sent, then that auto-acknowledgement message can generate a return auto-response when the recipient processes it. Setting this parameter can prevent message looping that can occur in this scenario.

If you set this parameter value too high, then you might reject valid follow-up messages. If you set this parameter value too low, then the driver might not correctly detect an inbound message that is an auto-response.

Loopback messages are not auto-acknowledged or auto-responded. They might be moved to a loopback email directory or processed like other messages.

For more information, see the descriptions of the Loopback Email Directory and Process If Loopback Detected parameters.

Loopback Email Directory


Not applicable

The directory where email messages that are loopback messages are stored, if they are not to be processed.

By default, loopback messages are saved to the bin/loopback subdirectory of the Siebel Server installation directory.

For more information, see the description of the Loopback Detection Interval and Process If Loopback Detected parameters.

Max Line Length



An integer value that specifies the maximum line length, in characters, for outbound messages sent using this profile.

The parameter value is enforced only if you use a text/plain encoding or text/html encoding parameter value of None, 7bit, or 8bit, and one or more text lines exceed 998 bytes without a carriage return line feed. (The character set in use also determines the line length in bytes.)

The value must be between 40 and 124. If you specify no value, then the default line length is 74 characters.

If the encoding in effect is quoted-printable or base64, then the Max Line Length parameter is not enforced.

For more information, see the descriptions of the text/html encoding, text/plain encoding, and Charset parameters.

Max Sends Per Session



An integer value that forces the driver to log off of the SMTP server after sending the number of messages in this parameter. The driver then logs on again for the next send request.

Some SMTP servers might have problems sending a large number (1000 or more) of messages in one session.

A value of 0 (zero) means that the driver never logs off of the SMTP server.

Parse Embedded Messages



A value that specifies whether embedded messages are parsed to display inbound message content as attachments in the Siebel application.

If you set this parameter to FALSE, then embedded messages are not parsed, but are instead turned into attachments with the EML file extension. You can use programs that can view MIME files, including Microsoft Outlook Express, to view EML files. For more information, see Activity Attachments Stored for Incoming Messages.




The number of seconds the communications driver waits between consecutive POP3 and IMAP sessions before checking again for new inbound email on the POP3 or IMAP mail server.

It is recommended that you set the PollingInterval parameter to 120 when you assign parameter overrides for a communications driver profile. Increase the time in this way so that all email messages on the POP3 or IMAP proxy server are polled successfully, regardless of the message size.

POP3 Account Name

(Internet SMTP/POP3 Server driver only)


Not applicable

The account name for the POP3 mailbox from which to retrieve inbound communications.

POP3 Account Password

(Internet SMTP/POP3 Server driver only)


Not applicable

The password for the POP3 mailbox account. The maximum length is 250 characters.

POP3 Server

(Internet SMTP/POP3 Server driver only)


Not applicable

The host name or IP address of the computer on which the Internet POP3 server runs.

NOTE:  If you specify a host name instead of an IP address for this parameter value, then you must include a corresponding entry in your DNS server or the local hosts file. If an IP address parameter value works correctly, but a problem occurs when you specify a host name parameter value, then consult your network system administrator to verify that host name lookup is correctly configured.

POP3 Server Port

(Internet SMTP/POP3 Server driver only)



The port the Internet POP3 server uses to listen for new socket connections.

POP3 Timeout

(Internet SMTP/POP3 Server driver only)



The number of seconds to wait for a response from the POP3 server before timing out.




The priority level for an outbound message, such as a reply to an inbound email message for a customer.

Depending on the email client program a customer uses, additional information might appear with the message that the customer receives. For example, an exclamation point might appear for a high-priority message.

You can specify the priority level using an Internet standard number scheme (1 through 5) or the Microsoft priority scheme (Low, Normal, or High).

Processed Email Directory


Not applicable

The directory where email messages retrieved from the IMAP or POP3 server are moved after they are processed, unless they are to be deleted instead.

The Delete Processed Messages parameter determines whether processed messages are deleted or moved to this directory.

By default, if the Delete Processed Messages parameter is FALSE, then the processed email directory is the bin/processed subdirectory of the Siebel Server installation directory.

For more information, see the description of the Delete Processed Messages parameter.

Process If Loopback Detected



A value that specifies how to handle an incoming message that is a loopback message.

If you set this parameter to TRUE, then Communications Inbound Receiver, Communications Inbound Processor, and associated workflows process the loopback message like any other message. If you set this parameter to FALSE, then the loopback message is saved to the loopback email directory.

Loopback messages are not auto-acknowledged or auto-responded.

The Loopback Detection Interval parameter determines whether a message is flagged as a loopback message.

For more information, see the descriptions of the Loopback Detection Interval and Loopback Email Directory parameters.

Reply-To Address


Not applicable

An optional reply-to email address for the message, if the address is different than the address for the From Address parameter.

You can specify multiple email addresses. Separate the address with semicolons.

If you specify a reply-to address, then outgoing messages have a Reply-To: header field added to the message envelope with the specified value.

Use one of the following forms:

  • sender_display_name <>

Use the second form if you want the recipient to see a display name for the sender, in addition to the email address.

Return Attachments



A value that specifies whether to accept or discard attachments.

If you set this parameter to TRUE, then any attachments parsed from the incoming message are passed into the Siebel application. If you set this parameter to FALSE, then the attachments are discarded.

Save Sent Messages



A value that specifies whether to save sent messages.

If you set this parameter to TRUE, then sent messages are saved into the sent email directory. If you set this parameter to FALSE, then sent messages are not saved.

Each message is saved as a separate, MIME-encoded file in the exact format in which it was sent to the SMTP server.

For more information, see the description of the Sent Email Directory parameter.

Sent Email Directory


Not applicable

The directory where sent messages are saved, if the Save Sent Messages parameter is TRUE.

By default, if Save Sent Messages is TRUE, then messages are saved into the bin/sent subdirectory of the Siebel Server installation directory.

For more information, see the description of the Save Sent Messages parameter.

Siebel Server


Not applicable

The name of the Siebel Server that handles the delivery of outbound communications sent using this profile. For more information, see Specifying Siebel Server for Communications Outbound Manager.

SMTP Account Name


Not applicable

The account name to use for logging in to the Internet SMTP server. Use the AUTH LOGIN command to log in. Use this parameter if your SMTP server requires authentication.

When you define this parameter, also specify a password in the SMTP Account Password parameter.

Using the SMTP Server parameter to specify the SMTP server name

NOTE:  You can use authentication independent of SSL or TLS encryption using the Enable SSL for SMTP or Enable TLS for SMTP parameter. If you use both authentication and SSL or TLS encryption for SMTP, then the session is encrypted before authentication, so the account name and password are not sent in clear text.

For more information, see the descriptions of the Enable SSL for SMTP, Enable TLS for SMTP, and SMTP Server parameters.

SMTP Account Password


Not applicable

The password for the account to use for logging in to the Internet SMTP server.

For more information, see the description of the SMTP Account Name parameter.

SMTP Backup Account Name


Not applicable

The account name to use for logging in to the backup Internet SMTP server. Use the AUTH LOGIN command to log in. Use this parameter if your backup SMTP server requires authentication.

When you define this parameter, also specify a password in the SMTP Backup Account Password parameter.

Use the SMTP Backup Server parameter to specify the SMTP server name.

For more information, see the description of the SMTP Account Name parameter.

For more information, see the descriptions of the Enable SSL for Backup SMTP, Enable TLS for Backup SMTP, and SMTP Backup Server parameters.

SMTP Backup Account Password


Not applicable

The password for the account to use for logging in to the backup Internet SMTP server.

For more information, see the description of the SMTP Backup Account Name parameter.

SMTP Backup Server


Not applicable

The host name or IP address of the computer on which the backup Internet SMTP server runs.

You use this parameter when you implement a failover strategy for your SMTP server handling of outbound email or fax communications.

If the primary SMTP server fails, then outbound communications that use profiles that include these parameters are sent to the backup SMTP server instead, until the primary SMTP server restarts. Note the following points:

  • If you implement failover support for your SMTP server, then you must use both the SMTP Server and SMTP Backup Server parameters.
  • If you do not implement failover support for your SMTP server, then use only the SMTP Server parameter. Do not define the SMTP Backup Server parameter.

NOTE:  If a message cannot be sent to an SMTP server because it is unavailable, then the driver returns a message to Communications Outbound Manager. Later, another attempt is made to send the message. (This behavior is not specific to a failover configuration.)

For more information, see the description of the SMTP Server parameter.

SMTP Backup Server Port



An integer value that specifies the port to use for connecting to the backup Internet SMTP server.

For more information, see the description of the SMTP Backup Server parameter.

SMTP Server


Not applicable

The host name or IP address of the computer on which the Internet SMTP server runs.

NOTE:  If a message cannot be sent to an SMTP server because it is unavailable, then the driver returns a message to Communications Outbound Manager. Later, another attempt is made to send the message.

NOTE:  If you specify a host name instead of an IP address for this parameter value, then you must include a corresponding entry in your DNS server or the local hosts file. If an IP address parameter value works correctly, but a problem occurs when you specify a host name parameter value, then consult your network system administrator to verify that host name lookup is correctly configured.

For more information, see the description of the SMTP Backup Server parameter.

SMTP Server Port



The port the Internet SMTP server uses to listen for new socket connections.

If you use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), then set this parameter to 25. If you use Transport Layer Security (TLS), then set this parameter to 465.

SMTP Timeout



The number of seconds to wait for a response from the Internet SMTP server before timing out.

This parameter applies to both the primary SMTP server and the backup SMTP server.

text/html encoding



The content-transfer encoding behavior for text/html message parts.

You can specify one of the following values: base64, quoted-printable, 7bit, 8bit, Auto, or None. Auto is the default value if you do not specify this parameter, or you do not specify one of these values.

For the Auto value, the driver uses the simplest encoding that can safely be transported over SMTP, without needing to wrap the text. Note the following points.

  • If no line exceeds 998 bytes, and all characters are 7-bit, then 7-bit, then encoding is used.
  • If the character stream exceeds the SMTP transport restriction of 998 bytes for each line, and most of the character data is 7-bit, then quoted-printable encoding is used. If most of the character data is 8-bit, then base-64 encoding is used.

For the None value, the driver uses 7-bit or 8-bit encoding and wraps the text, if necessary, so that it can be safely transported over SMTP. Note the following points:

  • If the character data is all 7-bit, then 7-bit encoding is used.
  • If any of the character data is 8-bit, then 8-bit encoding is used.
  • In each case, if the character stream exceeds the SMTP transport restriction of 998 bytes for each line, then hard carriage return line feeds are inserted, so no line has more than the number of characters in the Max Line Length parameter.

For more information, see the description of the Max Line Length parameter.

text/plain encoding



The content-transfer encoding behavior for text/plain message parts.

NOTE:  For a detailed description of valid options, see the description of the text/html encoding parameter.




A value that specifies whether to user the EHLO command.

Set this parameter to TRUE if you use SMTP extension (ESMTP) commands on a particular email server. With this setting, the first command sent to the server is EHLO. Consequently, the extension commands are available.

Set this parameter to FALSE if you use an SMTP server that cannot handle the EHLO command.

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