Siebel Email Administration Guide > Managing Email, Fax, and Other Communications Products > Managing Integrations with Email and Fax Servers >

Using HTML Email

HTML email messages are supported for both outbound and inbound email and for all Siebel application features that use Siebel Communications Server to process email.

For inbound email, the HTML email is rendered in the browser (running the Siebel client) according to the capabilities of the browser.

For outbound email, HTML tagging is applied in various ways or by various features, including any combination of the following:

  • The Web browser might apply tagging when you use HTML editing controls with the Send Email command with Siebel Email Response replies, or when you edit template text.
  • Tagging might be included in text or other elements you copy from a browser and paste into an email message or template text.
  • You might manually apply tagging to template items for advanced templates.
  • You might specify tagging in HTML wrapper templates.

User preferences determine whether users can access editing controls for formatting HTML outbound email. When you specify HTML, the tags that the HTML editing controls apply are subject to the capabilities of the supported browser. You specify the HTML editing preference separately for Send Email or for Siebel Email Response. Some tags are implicitly inserted, regardless of whether a user uses any specific HTML editing controls. The browser applies, or removes, other tags as the user formats the email text using these controls.

If HTML outbound email is generated, then an email message that is actually sent might be constructed as a MIME multipart or alternative email message, containing an HTML version and a plain-text version of the message. You can specify this behavior by setting the Create Plain Text From HTML parameter to TRUE for the Internet SMTP/IMAP Server driver (or the Internet SMTP/POP3 Server driver) or for applicable profiles.

The Ignore HTML Tags setting, in the Spelling view of the User Preferences screen, causes the spell check features to ignore any text enclosed in angle brackets (< and >), even text that did not originate from HTML tags. If a left angle bracket (<) appears in the text, then the spell check feature ignores all subsequent message text because it expects a matching right angle bracket (>).

Related Topics

Content and Formatting for Templates

Editing and Formatting Controls for Text in Templates

Preference Settings for Outbound Communications

Editing and Formatting Controls for Send Email and Send Fax Commands

Parameters for Internet SMTP/IMAP Server Driver and Internet SMTP/POP3 Server Driver

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