Alias Mapping

Alias names can be created and maintained in ODS schema if the user choose to override the ODS system generated table names.

The Alias table allows the user to create alternative, user friendly names for the ODS generated tables. ODS table names will be based on the select Plan/Product/Entity/Transaction aggregation level. For Instance, AsPolicy for the Individual Annuity product in OIPA would become DsImmediate_AnnuityPolicy if product aggregation is selected. For ease of reference in the ODS, an alias may be applied that better suits the organization‘s internal terminology (e.g. DsIAPolicy).

Aliases will exist alongside the ODS named tables and do not physically rename the system generate tables.

In the Alias Mapping screen, the user can enter custom names for ODS system generated tables and execute the Alias Run to create new synonyms with the new Alias names. When an Alias run is executed:

  • The Alias names entered in the Alias Screen will be applied in the Target database (Reporting schema) on successful completion of Alias Run.

Note: The Alias run should be executed when any changes happened in the Alias screen.

Steps to Map an Alias Name

  1. Select Alias Mapping in the left navigation, the Alias Mapping screen opens in a table view with the list of OIPA table names and Generated table names for ODS.
    • Original Table Name: Source table name in the OIPA Database.

    • Incoming Name:Name received from OIPA to generate Target table name.
    • Generated Table Name: System generated table name using the shortening algorithm for the Target Database table.
    • Alias Name:For the first time (after the Initial / Subsequent runs are executed), synonyms will be created and displayed for all tables with same name as generated table name. The user can rename the alias name following naming convention -
      • Alias name can be at least 6 to maximum 30 characters long.
      • It should be alphanumeric.
      • It should always start with alphabet.
      • It should follow the naming convention for database synonym name.
      • Special characters are not allowed.
  2. Click the table cell under the Alias Name column for which the synonym name should be changed.

          ODS Alias Mapping

  1. Rename the Alias name and click Save. The Alias names are saved.

          ODS Alias Mapping Saved

The tables that are not renamed will be mapped and saved with Generated Table Names as Alias Names. When executed, these Alias names will be applied to the Target database tables.

When the row expander button is clicked, the column mapping details of the table are displayed, which has the following details:

  • Column Name In: Column name in OIPA.
  • Column Name Out: The shortened column name (upto 25 characters)
  • Column Type: Data type of the column.
  • Table Name Target: Column mapped for the Generated Table Name




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