A User Roles

A user's role determines their access to GUI and SCI functions (see "Available Functions for Each User Role").

  • Administrator (C3) – a library administrator. This role has access to nearly every function and can manager other users.

  • User (C2) – the role for day-to-day operators of the library. This role can perform most actions on the library, but some are off-limits, such as configuring partitions or creating users.

  • Operator (C1) – a role with fewer privileges than a User. This role only has access to a small subset of actions such as viewing data and operating CAPs.

  • Viewer (V) – a read-only role. Users with this role can view, but not alter, anything on the library.

  • Service (S1) – a special role for service technicians. This role can pull service bundles, run diagnostics, change configuration settings, and so on.

  • Advanced Service (S2) – an enhanced service role with additional access for diagnosing and repairing the library.

  • Escalation (S3) – the highest level of service role with extensive access to repair the library.

  • Installer (I) – a special role used during the initial installation and configuration of the library. This role is only available before library handoff to the customer.

See Also

Available Functions for Each User Role

The following table lists which user roles have the authorization/permissions to perform a particular function (x = the role can perform the function).

Category Function V C1 C2 C3 S1 S2 S3 I
Activity View library activity (requests, jobs, resources, events) x x x x x x x x
Activity Cancel a request - - x x x x x x
CAPs Unlock/lock and open/close CAPs - x x x x x x x
CAPs Set and clear the CAP owner - x x x x x x x
CAPs Create, assign, and delete CAP pools - - - x x x x x
Cells/Tapes Move or mount a tape within the same partition - - x x x x x x
Cells/Tapes Move or mount a tape to any cell regardless of partition - - - x x x x x
Cells/Tapes Import/export tapes in system cells - x x x x x x x
Cells/Tapes Set the cleaning tape threshold - - x x x x x x
Cells/Tapes Audit cells - - x x x x x x
Configuration View library configuration settings x x x x x x x x
Configuration Export the library configuration - x x x x x x x
Configuration Import the library configuration - - - x - x x x
Configuration Run the wizard to configure library, network, and time settings - - - x - x x x
Configuration Add or remove hardware activation files - - - x - x x x
Devices Activate/deactivate the locator LED - x x x x x x x
Devices Obtain device telemetry - x x x x x x x
Devices Reset a device (drives, controllers, and so on) - - x x x x x x
Devices Change the online/offline state of a device - - x x x x x x
Devices View device properties and status (using the Hardware page) x x x x x x x x
Diagnostics Run and view diagnostic tests - - x x x x x x
Diagnostics Run drive FDE diagnostics - - - - x x x x
Diagnostics Run robot diagnostics - - - - - x x x
Drives Initiate drive cleaning - x x x x x x x
Drives Force a drive unload - - x x x x x x
Drives Power a drive on/off - - x x x x x x
Firmware View the library and device firmware level x x x x x x x x
Firmware Alter the library or device firmware level - - x x x x x x
Firmware Block, force, or allow firmware upgrades - - - - - - x -
Logging Set the logging level - - x x x x x x
Logging View and download logs, fault reports, and system reports - - x x x x x x
Logging View, create, download, or delete support bundles - - x x x x x x
Logging Clear robot logs - - - - x x x x
Logging Clear library and drive logs - - - - - x x x
Library View library contents and properties (tapes, cells, drives, CAPs) x x x x x x x x
Library Power-down or restart the library - - x x x x x x
Library Change the online/offline state of the library - - x x x x x x
Library Reset the library to factory defaults - - - - - - x x
Media Val. Modify the media validation pool - - - x - x x x
Media Val. Start or cancel media validation operations - - x x x x x x
Media Val. View in progress media validation operations x x x x x x x x
Notifications View the notification configuration (SNMP, SCI, email) x x x x x x x x
Notifications Test notifications (SNMP, SCI, email) - - x x x x x x
Notifications Configure and submit ASRs - - x x x x x x
Notifications Configure notification destinations and users (SNMP, SCI, email) - - x x - x x x
Partitioning View the partitioning table and properties x x x x x x x x
Partitioning Change the online/offline state of a partition - - x x - x x x
Partitioning Edit partition information (name, connection type, and so on) - - - x x x x x
Partitioning Create, delete, and assign cells to a partition - - - x - x x x
Reports Access to system and fault reports x x x x x x x x
Reports Access to support bundles - - x x x x x x
SCSI View SCSI hosts and LUNs x x x x x x x x
SCSI Configure SCSI hosts - - - x - x x x
Service Add a service key - - - - x x x -
Service Ping or trace route to a host - - x x x x x x
Service View raw FRU-ID data - - - - x x x x
Service Move the robot to the service area - - - - - x x x
Service Alter the database or file system - - - - - - x -
User Set user preferences (session time out, initial display, and so on) x x x x x x x x
User Reset your own password x x x x x x x x
User View users - x x x x x x x
User Download service user key - x x x x x x x
User Add service user - - x x - - - x
User Add, delete, or modify a user - - - x - - - x
User Reset another user's password - - - x - x - x