15 Servicing the Library


See Also

Log In As a Service User

Service users are created in one of two ways: the library automatically generates a service user after it detects a fault or the administrator manually creates a service user.

When the library detects a fault, it automatically creates a user with the "Service" role (see "User Roles") and generates an encrypted support bundle which contains the service role key file. However, if the fault requires more than 72 hours to resolve or requires a higher-level service role, the administrator of the library must create a service user and then provide the key file to Oracle (see "Add a Service User"). Oracle service personnel then decrypt the key file, which provides the service user ID and password (see the SL4000 Installation and Service Guide for procedures). All service users automatically expire 72 hours after creation.

Run a Diagnostic Test

Diagnostic tests can help identify issues with the library or components, and verify the installation. Diagnostic tests are typically run by Oracle service personnel.


You should run diagnostic tests that move tapes one at a time, otherwise a conflict could terminate one or both of the tests.
  1. Click Diagnostics in the left navigation area of the GUI.

  2. Check to see if the diagnostic test you plan to run is disruptive. Before running a disruptive test, stop any host operations and take the library offline (see "Set the Library Online or Offline").

  3. Select a diagnostic test from the list, and then click Run Run selected test icon.


    If Run is grayed-out Run icon grayed-out, you must take the library offline before running the test.
  4. Enter the values for the test (see "Diagnostic Tests Descriptions" below), and then click Ok.

  5. To view the progress of the test, click the Diagnostics Results tab.

    For detailed test information, select the diagnostic in the list, and then from the Actions drop-down (or right-click menu), select Request Details. Click the Output Messages tab.

Diagnostic Tests Descriptions

For some diagnostic tests, you must obtain parameters from the GUI before running the test. Use the following list to obtain the required GUI values.


Opens and closes all eligible CAPs. A CAP must be empty and closed to be eligible. This test skips any CAPs that are open, opening or closing or that contain cartridges. This test terminates when it reaches iterationCount or the timeLimit, whichever comes first. This test does not physically open the Access Module door. This test overwrites any existing CAP ownership for the duration of the diagnostic. When this diagnostic completes, the library returns ownership to the previous owner.

  • stopOnError (check box) - If selected, this diagnostic test stops if it encounters an error. If not selected, and the test encounters an error, the test continues until it reaches the iterationCount or timeLimit.

  • iterationCount - Number of iterations to perform. One iteration opens, and then closes each eligible CAP.

  • timeLimit - Total time limit for the test. Allow approximately 100 seconds per rotational CAP per iteration.


Mounts and then dismounts a diagnostic tape to each eligible drive in the library. Drives must be empty to be eligible. This test skips any drives containing tapes or any drives that are empty but for which the library has no compatible diagnostic cartridges. This test terminates when it reaches iterationCount or timeLimit, whichever comes first.

  • stopOnError (check box) - If selected, this diagnostic test stops if it encounters an error. If not selected, and the test encounters an error, the test continues until it reaches the iterationCount or timeLimit.

  • iterationCount - Number of iterations to perform. Each iteration mounts and dismounts a diagnostic tape in each drive.

  • timeLimit - Total time limit for the test. Allow approximately 25 seconds per drive per iteration.


Sets all supported LEDs on all devices to the desiredLedState for the holdTime. Some LEDs do not change state instantaneously, therefore choose a holdTime that is long enough to allow all device LEDs to change state (for example 300 seconds).

  • desiredLedState - The desired LED test state — LIT, UNLIT, SLOWBLINK, FASTBLINK

  • holdTime - Duration in seconds that the LEDs remain in the desiredLedState before reverting to their original state.


Calibrates the robot to a cartridge array or drive. For a cartridge array, specify a cell ID for any cell in the array.

  • deviceId - ID of robot to calibrate — see "Determine a Robot ID".

  • cellId - A cell ID from the cartridge array to use for the calibration, or the cell ID of the drive. — see "Determine a Cell ID".

  • isHandFull (check box) - If selected, the robot picks up a tape before performing the calibration (this may interfere with normal operations if a client application needs the tape while this diagnostic runs). When the diagnostic completes, the robot returns the tape to its original cell. If not selected, the robot hand remains empty for the test.

  • fetchOrPutCellId - If isHandFull was selected, this parameter is the cell ID that contains the tape to use. If isHandFull was not selected, the library ignores this parameter — see "Determine a Cell ID".

customerAcceptance (DISRUPTIVE TEST)


The library must contain at least 8 tapes in storage cells to perform a complete customer acceptance test.

Runs a series of diagnostic tests to qualify the system after installation, but before customer hand-off. The customer acceptance test does the following in order:

  1. Obtains all system versions

  2. Obtains all device states

  3. Obtains all feature information

  4. Sets all supported LEDs on all devices to the desiredLedState for the holdTime. Then returns the LEDs to their original state.

  5. Opens and closes all closed and empty CAPs

  6. Moves a tape into or out of each corner of the library (8 total).

  7. Mounts and dismounts a diagnostic tape on all drives if the library contains a compatible diagnostic tape for that drive type

  8. Moves a tape from a system cell into each of the first and last cell of every CAP magazine

  9. Moves a tape based on the cellMoveType parameter

Input parameters:

  • stopOnError (check box) - If selected, this diagnostic test stops if it encounters an error. If not selected, and the test encounters an error, the test continues until it reaches the iterationCount or timeLimit.

  • iterationCount - Number of iterations to perform. Each iteration repeats tests 6, 7, 8, and 9 above.

  • timeLimit - Total time limit for the test in minutes.

  • holdTime - Duration in that the LEDs blink before reverting to their original state. Allow approximately 4 minutes.

  • cellMoveType - The library does a move based on the move type parameter:

    MAGAZINES — moves a tape into or out of the highest and lowest cell of each storage array within the library

    ALL — moves a tape into or out of every cell in the library

    NONE — does not perform a move


Provides information about all installed devices and the locations where a device could be installed.

To see the information, go to Diagnostic Results tab. Select the "devices" test, and then from the Actions drop-down (or right-click menu), select Request Details. Click the Output Messages tab.


Performs repeated cell to cell moves between a pair of cells. This test terminates when it reaches the number of iterations or the time limit, whichever comes first.

  • stopOnError (check box) - If selected, the test stops if it encounters an error. If not selected, and the test encounters an error, the test continues until it reaches the iterationCount or timeLimit.

  • iterationCount - Number of iterations to perform. One iteration is a move from sourceCellId to destinationCellId and then back to sourceCellId.

  • timeLimit - Total time limit for the diagnostic test. Allow approximately 20 to 60 seconds per iteration.

  • suppressNotification (check box) - If selected, the library will ignore any errors detected during the diagnostic. The errors will not generate faults.

  • partitionId - The ID of the partition to use for the moves — see "Determine a Partition ID".

  • sourceCellId - Enter 'random' to have the library select a cell. Or, enter a cell ID that contains a tape within the specified partition — see "Determine a Cell ID".

  • destinationCellId - Enter or 'random' to have the library select a cell. Or, enter the cell ID of an empty cell within the specified partition — see "Determine a Cell ID".


Lists all possible features that could be enabled using activation files. Lists the all features that are currently active.

To see the information, go to Diagnostic Results tab. Select the "features" test, and then from the Actions drop-down (or right-click menu), select Request Details. Click the Output Messages tab.


Performs robot calibration for the entire library.

  • deviceId - ID of robot to be calibrated — see "Determine a Robot ID".

  • isHandFull (check box) - If selected, the robot picks up a tape before performing the calibration (note that this may interfere with normal operations if that tape is needed while this diagnostic is running). If not selected, the robot hand remains empty for the calibration.

  • fetchOrPutCellId - If isHandFull is selected, enter the ID of a cell containing a tape (the robot will return the tape to its original cell when the diagnostic completes). If isHandFull is not selected, the library ignores this parameter — see "Determine a Cell ID".

mountDismountDrives (DISRUPTIVE TEST)

Mounts all drives or dismounts all drives. This test is intended for use when all drives need to have a tape for some other testing.


Disable library auto cleaning before using this test. This test does not properly handle cleaning tapes that are mounted when the test starts.
  • isOperationMount (check box) - If selected, the test mounts a tape in every drive. For empty drives, the library mounts a tape of the highest media generation supported by the drive. If there are insufficient tapes of the highest media generation for the drives, the library may leave some drives empty. For already occupied drives (those in Mounted or Tape Present state), the library dismounts the tape, and then remounts it back into the drive.

    If not selected, the test dismounts all drives. The library force unloads any occupied drives (those in Mounted or Tape Present state). The library moves the tapes to cells in the same module as the drive, if possible.


Moves a tape into and out of each cell in the specified range. The test starts at startCellId, then increments the row. At the bottom of the column of cells, the test increments the side and begins at the first row in the new column of cells. Once the test completes a column (back-side first, then front-side), the test moves to the next column. The test ends when it reaches the endCellId.

If Testing Storage and System Cells — For empty test cells, the library chooses a tape from another cell, moves the tape into the empty test cell, then back to its starting cell. For occupied test cells, the library removes the tape, places it in an empty cell then back to the test cell.

If Testing Drive Cells — To be eligible for this test, the drive must empty and the library must contain a compatible diagnostic tape. The library mounts a diagnostic tape from a system cell, then dismounts and returns it to the system cell.

  • startCellId - ID of the first cell in the range — see "Determine a Cell ID"

  • endCellId - ID of the last cell in the range (must be greater than the starting cell, based on ordering by column then side then row) — see "Determine a Cell ID"

  • stopOnError (check box) - If selected, the test stops if it encounters an error. If not selected, and the test encounters an error, the test continues until it reaches the iterationCount or timeLimit.

  • timeLimit - Total time limit for the test.


Moves a tape into and out of all system, storage, and drive cells in the library. This creates a child moveInRange diagnostic test (see "moveInRange (DISRUPTIVE TEST)" for details).

  • stopOnError (check box) - If selected, this diagnostic test will stop if any error is encountered. If not selected, the test will continue until the timeLimit is reached or all cells in the range have been tested.

  • timeLimit - Total time limit for the diagnostic test.

moveToCapMagazines (DISRUPTIVE TEST)

Moves a tape between the top and bottom cell of each CAP magazine. If the CAP cell is empty, the library chooses a tape from another cell, moves the tape into the CAP cell, then back to its starting cell. If the CAP cell is occupied, the library moves the tape to an empty cell, and then back to the CAP cell. The library always returns tapes to their original cells, if possible, even if the test reaches the time limit or an error occurs.

  • inputCapId - ID of CAP to test — see "Determine a CAP ID"

  • stopOnError (check box) - If selected, the test stops if it encounters an error. If not selected, and the test encounters an error, the test continues until it reaches the iterationCount or timeLimit.

  • iterationCount - Number of iterations to perform. One iteration tests the top and bottom cell in each of the CAP's magazines.

  • timeLimit - Total time limit for the test.


Moves a tape into and out of each corner cell in the library. Corner cells are the top and bottom storage cells in the first and last columns on each wall of the library (8 cells total). If a corner cell is empty, the library chooses a tape from a nearby cell, moves the tape into the corner cell, then back to its starting cell. If a corner cell is occupied, the library moves the tape out of and then back into the cell. The library always returns tapes to their original cells, if possible, even if the test reaches the time limit or an error occurs.

  • stopOnError (check box) - If selected, the test stops if it encounters an error. If not selected, and the test encounters an error, the test continues until it reaches the iterationCount or timeLimit.

  • iterationCount - Number of iterations to perform. One iteration is a move into and out of each corner cell.

  • timeLimit - Total time limit for the test.

robotToStorageMagazines (DISRUPTIVE TEST)

Moves a tape between the top and bottom cell in each cartridge array in the library. If a cell is empty, the library chooses a tape from a nearby cell, moves the tape into the cell, then back to its starting cell. If a cell is occupied, the library moves the tape out of and then back into the cell. The library always returns tapes to their original cells, if possible, even if the test reaches the time limit or an error occurs.

  • stopOnError (check box) - If selected, the test stops if it encounters an error. If not selected, and the test encounters an error, the test continues until it reaches the iterationCount or timeLimit.

  • iterationCount - Number of iterations to perform. One iteration tests all cartridge arrays in the library.

  • timeLimit - Total time limit for the diagnostic test.

robotCellToCellMove (DISRUPTIVE TEST)

Moves a robot between two cells (does not move any tapes). While this test is running, the specified robot moves between the two cells. If the library has a second robot, it moves out of the way, unable to perform other actions while this diagnostic runs.

  • robotId - ID of robot to move — see "Determine a Robot ID".

  • sourceCellId and destinationCellId - The cell IDs of the two cells that robot will move between (does not affect tapes in those cells) — see "Determine a Cell ID".

  • numberOfMoves - Number of cycles to perform. Each cycle is a round trip from the source cell to the destination cell and back.


Moves a robot to a specified cell (does not move any tapes). If the library has a second robot, it moves out of the way, but will resume operation as soon as this diagnostic completes.

robotMoveToLocation (DISRUPTIVE TEST)

Moves a robot mechanism using "mils" to specify the desired position. This test is primarily intended manufacturing.


Incorrectly running this test can cause the robot to collide with another robot or the interior of the library. Before running this test, you must move the other robot and other mechanisms to allow for free movement.
robotMoveToTachCount (DISRUPTIVE TEST)

Moves a robot mechanism using "tach counts" to specify the desired position. This test is primarily intended manufacturing.


Incorrectly running this test can cause the robot to collide with another robot or the interior of the library. Before running this test, you must move the other robot and other mechanisms to allow for free movement.

Moves a robot mechanism through its full range of motion.


Incorrectly running this test can cause the robot to collide with another robot or the interior of the library. Before running this test, you must move the other robot and other mechanisms to allow for free movement.
singleCap (DISRUPTIVE for the specified CAP)

Opens and closes a specified CAP. The CAP must be closed and empty at the start of the test. When you use this test on an Access Module, the door does not physically open.

  • inputCapId - ID of CAP to test — see "Determine a CAP ID"

  • iterationCount - Number of iterations to perform. One iteration opens and then closes the CAP.

  • timeLimit - Total time limit for the diagnostic test. Allow approximately 100 seconds per iteration.

singleDrive (DISRUPTIVE for the specified drive)

Mounts and then dismounts a diagnostic tape for a specified drive. The library uses a compatible diagnostic tape from a system cell, mounts the drive, dismounts it, and returns the tape to its original cell.

  • inputDriveId - ID of the drive to test — see "Determine a Drive ID".

  • stopOnError (check box) - If selected, the test stops if it encounters an error. If not selected, and the test encounters an error, the test continues until it reaches the iterationCount or timeLimit.

  • iterationCount - Number of iterations to perform. One iteration is a mount and dismount of a diagnostic tape.

  • timeLimit - Total time limit for the diagnostic test. Allow approximately 25 seconds per iteration.


Sets all LEDs on a device to a specified state for a specified time. After the specified time period passes, the LEDs return to their previous state.

  • deviceId - ID of device — see "Determine a Device ID".

    The valid devices are: Access Module Controller, Access Module Service Panel, Base Module Service Panel, CAP, Library Controller, DC Converter, Drive Controller, Drive Switch, Fan Assembly, Power Supply, Rail Controller, Robot Controller, Root Switch, Safety Controller, Safety Door, Storage Card, and Video Card.


    To select a drive, use the deviceId of the Drive Controller.
  • desiredLedState - The desired LED test state — LIT, UNLIT, SLOWBLINK, FASTBLINK

  • holdTime - Duration in seconds the LED remains in the desiredLedState before reverting to the original state.


Collects software and firmware version information for the library controller, web logic, ADF, database, operating system, java, and all devices except tape drives.

To see the information, go to Diagnostic Results tab. Select the "versions" test, and then from the Actions drop-down (or right-click menu), select Request Details. Click the Output Messages tab.

How to Locate Diagnostic Test Values

The list below specifies how to find commonly required diagnostic test values using the GUI (see also "Diagnostic Tests Descriptions").

Determine a Cell ID

  1. Click Cells/Tapes in the left navigation area of the GUI.

  2. Select the Tapes to locate a tape cartridge or All Cells tab to locate an empty cell. The cell ID is an integer value found in the Cell ID column (such as 666), it is not the cell address (such as 1,F,1).

Determine a Device ID

  1. Click Hardware in the left navigation area of the GUI.

  2. Select the tab that corresponds to the device.

  3. The ID column indicates the device ID.

Determine a CAP ID

  1. Click CAPs in the left navigation area of the GUI.

  2. Select the CAPs tab. The ID column indicates the CAP ID.

Determine a Drive ID

  1. Click Drives in the left navigation area of the GUI.

  2. The Drive ID column indicates the drive ID.

Determine a Robot ID

  1. Click Robots in the left navigation area of the GUI.

  2. The ID column indicates the robot ID.

Determine a Partition ID

  1. Click Partitioning in the left navigation area of the GUI.

  2. Select the Partitions tab. The ID column indicates the partition ID.

Determine the Robot Range

  1. Click Robots in the left navigation area of the GUI.

  2. From the Actions drop-down (or right-click menu), select Robot Diagnostics and then select Get Robot Ranges.


    Only use values between the operational limits. Values outside the operational limits, but inside the physical limits, may cause high currents and robot damage.

Robot Mechanisms

  • TRACK — Horizontal robot motion along the rails.

  • WRIST — Rotary motion of the hand allowing it to move from back wall to front wall.

  • REACH — Mechanism that moves the gripper out of hand to get or put a tape into a cell or drive

  • GRIP — Mechanism that grips a tape cartridge and holds it while moving into or out of the hand.

Mils to Tach Conversion Factors

  • TRACK - 0.552024828 tachs/mil

  • WRIST - 0.3669 tachs/mil

  • ZMECH - 1.3503 tachs/mil

  • REACH - 0.8128 tachs/mil

  • GRIP - 20.48 tachs/mil

Block, Allow, or Force Device Firmware Upgrades

Updating the library firmware automatically pushes new firmware to the devices. In rare cases, Oracle service representatives may need to block automatic firmware updates for particular devices.


Only Escalation users can block firmware upgrades from being pushed to a device (see "User Roles").
  1. Click Firmware in the left navigation area of the GUI.

  2. Click the Device Locations tab. The Code Load Enabled column indicates if automatic firmware upgrades are allowed.

  3. Select a device, and then click Block Upgrade Block Firmware Upgrades icon, Allow Upgrade Allow Upgrade icon, or Force Upgrade Force Firmware Upgrade icon (which forces an immediate upgrade and allows future upgrades).

See Also

Create, Download, or Delete Support Bundles

Support bundles contain encrypted log files used for fault diagnosis by Oracle service personnel. Oracle service personnel can refer to the SL4000 Installation and Service Guide for procedures on decrypting these files.

The library automatically generates a support bundle when it detects a fault. However, you can create a support bundle at any time. The bundle only captures recent data, therefore you should create the bundle as soon as possible after the event you want to investigate occurs.

  1. Click Reports in the left navigation area of the GUI.

  2. Click the Support Bundles tab.

  3. Click Create Create new support bundle icon, or select a bundle and then click Download Download icon or Delete Delete support bundel icon.


    A new bundle may take time to generate. Click Refresh Refresh button, and wait until the bundle state is 'Completed' before downloading. You can only create one support bundle at a time.
  4. After downloading a support bundle, send it to Oracle.

Modify the Logging Levels


You should only change the logging level when directed to by Oracle support. Otherwise, leave the logging levels at their defaults.
  1. Click Service in the left navigation area of the GUI.

  2. Click the Logging Levels tab.

  3. Clicking Apply Defaults immediately sets and saves all logging levels to their default values. There is no undo.

  4. Select a logging level for each of the library's loggers (see "Logging Level Options").

  5. Click Save.

Logging Level Options

  • SEVERE — Used only for situations where the library has encountered an unrecoverable error requiring human intervention. Severe level messages usually generate an ASR.

  • WARNING — Used in abnormal situations where the library has encountered a problem, but does not require immediate human intervention. The library can recover and continue operations.

  • INFO — Provides a summary of library actions about the specific logger.

  • CONFIG — Used for logging any change to the library configuration. This can be from a SCI or GUI command (such as changing partitions or reconfiguring the LDAP server) or from a hardware change (such as adding or removing a FRU).

  • FINE — Used to capture detailed debugging information. 'FINE' is not the default setting for any logger. However, Oracle support can enable 'FINE' to troubleshoot a problem. 'FINE' messages should be infrequent enough to be captured for hours or perhaps days while troubleshooting.

  • INHERITED — Uses the setting of the parent logger. For example, if deviceInterface.Controller is set to INHERITED, it will have the same logging level as deviceInterface (the parent of deviceInterface.Controller).

Clear the Database

When troubleshooting issues, it may be necessary to clear the library database. This should only be done if directed to by Oracle services.


Only administrators and service users can clear the database. Administrators should only clear the database if directed to by Oracle services.
  1. Click the power button Restart or Shutdown icon in the upper left corner of the GUI.

  2. Select Restart Library.

  3. Select Clear Database.

  4. Click Restart. The library will scan the module id blocks and perform a full audit.

Modify the Database


Only Escalation users can modify the database (see "User Roles"). Only use this function for diagnosis and repair under the direction of Oracle engineering. Improperly modifying the database can render the library inoperable.
  1. Click Service in the left navigation area of the GUI.

  2. Click the Database tab.

  3. Enter the SQL command, and then click Execute.

    INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, CREATE, ALTER, DROP, and SELECT are the only supported commands.

View and Modify the Library File System


Only Escalation users can access the file system (see "User Roles"). Only use this function for diagnosis and repair under the direction of Oracle engineering. Improperly modifying the files can render the library inoperable.
  1. Click Service in the left navigation area of the GUI.

  2. Click the File System tab.

  3. Select a file, and then click Download Download icon (to save the file locally) or Modify View/Edit file icon (to open the file in a text editor).

Open and Go Inside the Library


Opening a Base or Drive Module door will trigger a full audit when the library comes back online, unless you have select bypass audit for the library settings (see "Library Settings Options").

Safety Precautions When Entering the Library


You should lock the access door open and retain the key to prevent injury while inside the library.

  • Verify the library is offline. Do not enter the library or move any of the robot mechanisms if you suspect the robots are on.

  • Always leave the access door open while inside the library.

  • Locate the mechanical door releases (yellow handles on the inside of the access doors). If the doors close while inside the library, push the mechanical release to unlock and open the door.

  • Know the physical restrictions. Be careful not to bump your body or snag clothing on the arrays (there is only 0.4 m [18 in.] of aisle clearance).

  • Avoid damaging the robot's mechanical or electronic components when manually moving a robot.

Entering the Library

  1. Observe all safety precautions (see "Safety Precautions When Entering the Library" below).

  2. Take all drives offline (see "Set a Drive Online or Offline").

  3. Take the library offline (see "Set the Library Online or Offline").

  4. Unlock the door.

  5. Pull up on the door latch and open the door.

Exiting the Library

  1. Before you exit the library, verify that there are no loose items in the library.

  2. Close the door and latch it.

  3. Lock the door and place the key in a safe location.

  4. Bring the library online (see "Set the Library Online or Offline").

Open an Access Module Door by Overriding the Lock

This procedure does not lower the internal Access Module safety door.


Opening an Access Module door by overriding the lock has the same effects on the library as opening a Base or Drive Module front door. It causes an abrupt interruption of library activity. The library will run an full library audit once you shut the door, unless you selected bypass audit for the library settings (see "Library Settings Options").
  1. Turn the maintenance key on the Access Module to "Door Lock Override". The key cannot be removed from the lock while it is in the unlocked position.

  2. Lift the Access Module door latch and open the door. DO NOT force the door to open.

    The robots lose power, all in-process jobs stop, and the library takes the robots and Access Module offline.

  3. To close the Access Module door, close and latch it. DO NOT force the door to close.

  4. Lock the door and retain the key.

    Once the door shuts, the library re-initializes, the robots initialize, the library does a full audit, and the library brings the Access Modules online.

Ping a Host

If you are having host connectivity issues, you can ping the host. Pinging can determine whether the host IP address is reachable from the library and tests the connection speed between the library and the host.

  1. Click Service in the left navigation area of the GUI.

  2. Click the Network Tools tab.

  3. Click Ping.

  4. Enter the host IP address and the maximum number of attempts (the default is four). Click Ok.

Run a Host Trace Route

If you are having host connectivity issues, you can trace the route to the host.

  1. Click Service in the left navigation area of the GUI.

  2. Click the Network Tools tab.

  3. Click Trace Route.

  4. Enter the host IP address and the maximum number of hops (the default is 20). Click Ok.

Calibrate the Local Op Panel Touch Screen

Alignment of the touch screen is calibrated at the factory. If the touch screen becomes mis-aligned, you can re-calibrate it.

  1. Login to the SL4000 GUI locally at the operator panel.

  2. Click Configuration in the left navigation area of the GUI.

  3. Click the Touch Panel tab.

  4. Click Run Calibration.

  5. Tap the series of targets on the touch panel. Once the calibration completes, the panel returns to displaying the library interface.

Restart the Local Op Panel Touch Screen

If the library op panel touch screen becomes non-responsive, you may need to restart the touch panel.

  1. If the screen is blank, the display source might be set to the rear VGA port. Press the SOURCE button below the op panel and wait a couple of seconds.

    The SOURCE button switches the display between the rear VGA output and the controllers or feature cards. If the display is currently at the VGA port, the initial press toggles it to the front touch screen and subsequent presses cycle through the controllers. L1 and L2 are the library controllers. F1 and F2 are feature cards.

  2. If the op panel is still non-responsive, login to the SL4000 GUI remotely or through a direct Ethernet connection.

  3. Click Configuration in the left navigation area of the GUI.

  4. Click the Touch Panel tab.

  5. Click Restart Touch Panel.

Reset the Library to Factory Defaults

Resetting the library to factory defaults will erase all stored information about drives, tapes, partitions, notification destinations, logs, date and time settings, network settings, and all other library settings. The library will restart, requiring the Installer role to run the Initial Installation Wizard to reconfigure the library.


Resetting the library to defaults cannot be canceled or undone. After resetting, only Oracle services can log back in with the Installer credentials (see "User Roles").
  1. Click Service in the left navigation area of the GUI.

  2. Click the Reset tab.

  3. Click Reset to Factory Default Settings.

  4. Wait until the library completes the reset. Once the screen remains blank for a few minutes, manually turn the PDU breakers off and then back on.