4 Configuring User Login Setting

Individual User Tasks:

Administrator Tasks:

See Also

Change Your Password

This procedure assumes that you can successfully login to the GUI. If you have forgotten your password, see "Recover a Forgotten Password".

  1. Click Preferences in the upper right corner of the GUI, and then select Reset Password.

  2. Enter a new password.


    Your password must be at least 8 characters long and contain a mix of letters and numbers.

Change the Password of Another User

With the Administrator role you can change the password of other users. See "Add, Modify, or Delete a User".

Add a Recovery Email Address to Your User Id

You can associate an email address with your user ID if you need to reset your password. However, resetting your password through email will only work if the SMTP server is configured on the library and email activity is enabled (see "Configure Email Notifications").

  1. Click Preferences in the upper right corner of the GUI.

  2. Select User Preferences.

  3. Enter the email address to use to recover a forgotten password.

See Also

Recover a Forgotten Password

OPTION 1 — Contact the library's Administrator user to reset your password

Library administrators can refer to "Add, Modify, or Delete a User" for procedures.

OPTION 2 — Generate a recovery email

You can only use this option if the SMTP server is configured (see "Configure Email Notifications") and a recovery email address is associated with your user ID ("Add a Recovery Email Address to Your User Id"). The password reset email expires after 2 hours.

  1. Navigate to the GUI login screen, and then click Forgot Password.

  2. Click Generate Recovery Email. If this button is not displayed, email notifications are disabled for the library. Use one of the other two options to recover your password.

  3. Enter your email address. If the email is associated with a user ID, the library will send a recovery email.

  4. Follow the instructions in the recovery email. Enter your new password, and click Save.

OPTION 3 — Download Service User Key and Contact Oracle Support

  1. Navigate to the GUI login screen, and then click Forgot Password.

  2. Click Download service user key file.

  3. Send the key file to Oracle.


    The key file is encrypted. Oracle then decrypts the file to get an Administrator user ID and password to login to the library. Oracle personnel can refer to the SL4000 Installation and Service Guide for procedures.
  4. Oracle support will login to the library and reset your password.

Set Accessibility Options

The first time you log in to the GUI, it will prompt you to set the accessibility options (this prompt remains each time you login until you select "Do not show these options"). However, you can change the settings at anytime:

  1. Click Preferences in the upper right corner of the GUI.

  2. Select Accessibility Settings

  3. Select accessibility settings:

    • Screen reader - If you are using a screen reader to interface with the GUI, select this option. The GUI generates components that have rich user interface interaction and are accessible through the keyboard.

    • High contrast - The GUI generates high-contrast-friendly visual content. High-contrast mode is designed for use with operating systems or browsers that have high-contrast features enabled.

    • Large-fonts - The GUI generates browser zoom-friendly content.

See Also

Set the Session Timeout

The GUI session will time out after a period of inactivity. The default timeout is 60 minutes.

  1. Click Preferences in the upper right corner of the GUI.

  2. Select User Preferences.

  3. Enter the session timeout in minutes between 20 and 1440 (24 hours).

Set the Initial Page to Display After Login

  1. Click Preferences in the upper right corner of the GUI.

  2. Select User Preferences.

  3. Select a start page from the drop-down list.


    If there are multiple tabs on the page, you cannot select a specific tab to display. Only the first tab will display upon login.

Display the Library's Current Date and Time in the Status Bar

You can display the library's current date and time in the GUI status bar, beneath the library status indicator. This may be helpful when viewing requests, jobs, system reports, and so on. The status bar displays the time in both local and UTC. However, if you have chosen to display times in UTC, then the status bar only displays UTC time (see "Display Dates and Times in UTC").

  1. Click Preferences in the upper right corner of the GUI.

  2. Select User Preferences.

  3. Select Show Time in Status Area.

Display Dates and Times in UTC

You can display all dates and times throughout the GUI in Universal Coordinated Time (UTC). This only affects the date and times displayed for the individual user. It does not change the library date and time configuration settings.

  1. Click Preferences in the upper right corner of the GUI.

  2. Select User Preferences.

  3. Select Display dates and times in UTC.

See Also

Restore Hidden Warnings and Confirmation Prompts

As you encounter pop-up warnings, you can select to not show the warning again. However, to show the prompts again you can restore the hidden warnings at any time.

  1. Click Preferences in the upper right corner of the GUI.

  2. Select User Preferences.

  3. Select Reset all warning prompts.

Add, Modify, or Delete a User


Only the Administrator role can manage users.
  1. Click Users in the left navigation area of the GUI.

  2. Click Add User Add User icon, or select a user and then click Change Role Change Role icon, Change Password Reset Password icon, or Delete Delete User icon.


    You can only assign the Administrator, User, Operator, or Viewer roles (see "User Roles"). Service roles are only created when the library requires maintenance (see "Add a Service User" below).
  3. For each user, you can optionally add a recovery email address. If the SMTP server is configured on the library, this will allow the user to recover a forgotten password (see "Recover a Forgotten Password").

Add a Service User

If Oracle service personnel need to access the library for maintenance, the Administrator can create a service user and provide Oracle with the key file. All service users expire 72 hours after creation.

  1. Click Users in the left navigation area of the GUI.

  2. Click Create Service User Create Service User icon.

  3. Select the role as directed by Oracle (for a description of each role see "User Roles").

  4. Select the service user in the list, and then click Download Service User Key File Download Key File icon.

  5. Send the key file to Oracle.


    The key file is encrypted. Oracle then decrypts the file to get the user ID and password to login to the library. Oracle service personnel can refer to the SL4000 Installation and Service Guide for procedures.

See Also

Unlock a User Account

After five invalid login attempts, the system will lock the user out for 30 minutes. The Administrator role can unlock an account by going to the Users screen, selecting the user, and clicking Unlock User(s) Unlock User(s) icon.