Update the SNMP Configuration After a Library or STA Change

To maintain communication between STA and the libraries, you must update the SNMP configuration after making any changes to the configuration.

Update SNMP After a Redundant Electronics Switch (SL3000, SL8500)

If STA is configured to support Redundant Electronics (RE) and a controller card switch occurs, STA maintains a connection with the library through the port specified as the secondary library IP address. However, you must also perform the following manual procedure after the switch completes.

  1. Wait 15 minutes after the newly active controller card has fully initialized.

  2. Perform a connection test to verify the library SNMP connection (see Test a Library SNMP Connection).

  3. Perform a data collection to retrieve the current library configuration data (see Manually Collect Library Data).

  4. If a controller card is replaced after the RE switch, the IP address for the library changes, so you must reenter the SNMP connection information in STA (see Configure the SNMP Connection to a Library).

Update SNMP After a Library Firmware Upgrade (SL500, SL3000, SL8500)

Update the library and STA SNMP configurations after upgrading to one of the following library firmware versions or higher. Starting with these firmware versions, the library engine ID uses a new 32-bit value and therefore you must update the SNMP configuration to use the new ID.

  • SL500 – FRS 1468

  • SL3000 – FRS 4.0

  • SL8500 – FRS 8.0

Update the SNMP Settings in STA

  1. Log in to the STA user interface.

  2. Edit the library connection details for the upgraded library (see Configure the SNMP Connection to a Library).

    In the Define Library Connection Details dialog box, clear the Library Engine ID field and click Save. This forces STA to update the engine ID to the new value when it reconnects to the library.

  3. Reestablish the SNMP connection with the library (see Test a Library SNMP Connection).

  4. Record the new SNMP engine ID displayed on the SNMP connections table. You will use this value in the next part of the procedure.

Verify SNMP Settings on the Library

  1. Log in to the CLI on the upgraded library.

  2. Display All SNMP Trap Recipients.

  3. Verify the SNMP Version level for the STA server, and proceed as follows:

    • If it is v2c, you can quit this procedure.

    • If it is v3, continue to the next step.

  4. Compare the displayed engine ID with the one you noted in the first part of this procedure:

    • If they match, you can quit this procedure.

    • If they do not match, continue to the next step.

  5. Record the Index number of the STA trap recipient.

  6. Delete the STA trap recipient (see Delete or Modify the STA Trap Recipient).

  7. Re-add the STA SNMP v3 trap recipient using the new library engine ID (Create the STA SNMP v3 Trap Recipient).

Update SNMP After Changing the STA Server IP Address

If the IP address of the STA server has been changed, use this procedure to ensure SNMP connectivity between STA and all monitored libraries. You must perform the complete procedure for each monitored library.

Confirm Network and SNMP Connectivity

Confirm good communication between STA and the library. See Verify SNMP Communication with a Library (optional) for instructions.

Update SNMP Settings on the Library

  1. Retrieve the index number of the STA trap recipient. See Display All SNMP Trap Recipients for instructions.

  2. Delete the STA trap recipient with the old IP address. See Delete or Modify the STA Trap Recipient for instructions.

  3. Add the STA trap recipient with the new IP address. See Create the STA SNMP v3 Trap Recipient.

Update SNMP Settings in STA

  1. Update the STA IP address in the SNMP connection settings. See Configure the SNMP Connection to a Library for instructions.

  2. Reestablish the SNMP connection with the library. See Test a Library SNMP Connection for instructions.

  3. Update the library configuration data. This step is necessary only if drive or media configuration changes have occurred on the library. See Manually Collect Library Data for instructions.

Remove a Library Connection from STA

Remove a library SNMP connection from STA. All existing data for the library will be removed from the STA screens but will be retained in the STA data store.

  1. In the left navigation, expand Setup & Administration, then select SNMP Connections.

  2. In the Monitored Libraries table, select the library, and then click Delete  Delete icon.

  3. Delete the STA SNMP trap recipient from the library (see Delete or Modify the STA Trap Recipient).

Delete or Modify the STA Trap Recipient

Change or delete the STA trap recipient on the library. For all library models except SL150, to modify a trap recipient definition, you must first delete the existing definition and then add a new one.


  1. Log in to the browser-based user interface.

  2. In the navigation tree, select SNMP, then select SNMP Trap Recipients.

  3. Select a trap recipient from the list.

  4. Select Edit Trap Recipient or Delete Trap Recipient.

  5. If modifying a trap recipient, modify the settings, and then click Save.

SL500, SL3000, and SL8500

  1. Log in to the library CLI.

  2. Delete the trap recipient.

    snmp deleteTrapRecipient id index

    Where index is the index number of the trap recipient to be deleted.

    For example: ADMIN> snmp deleteTrapRecipient id 1

  3. Re-add the trap recipient, as necessary (see Create the STA SNMP v3 Trap Recipient).