Configure SNMP v2c Mode

v2c mode is supported only to provide compatibility with legacy systems. Using SNMP v2c is not recommended. Use v3 for maximum security.

To configure the libraries and STA to use SNMP v2c:

  1. Follow all procedures in Configure SNMP on the Libraries, except:

  2. Configure SNMP v2c on the STA server, see Configure SNMP on the STA Server.

When to Use v2c Mode

For optimal SNMP security and to use the media validation feature, you must use the SNMP v3 protocol. Only use v2c if a legacy system requires it.

The SNMP v2c protocol is less secure than SNMP v3 and by default is not enabled on STA. However, if SNMP v3 communication is not possible (for instance, SNMP v3 is not configured on a library that STA will be monitoring), you can enable and configure SNMP v2c mode for STA.

Create an SNMP v2c User

If you are using SNMP v2c, define a community string.


  • STA supports only one SNMP v2c community string. You should define a unique community string for this purpose, and then define this same community string on all libraries monitored by that STA instance.

  • Do not use the values "public" or "private" for the STA community string, as these values are well known and present a security risk. Use values that are not easily discoverable. The community string can only contain alphanumeric characters (a–z, A–Z, 0–9). Special characters are not allowed.

  • If a library includes a community string set to "public", do not remove it without first consulting Oracle Support. In some cases, a community string with this value is required for Oracle Service Delivery Platform (SDP).

SL500, SL3000, and SL8500

  1. Using CLI, add the SNMP v2c user.

    > snmp addUser version v2c community community_name

    Where community_name is the SNMP v2c user community string. For example:

    SL3000> snmp addUser version v2c community stasnmp
  2. List the SNMP users to verify that the SNMP v2c user has been added correctly.

    > snmp listUsers


  1. In the browser interface, select SNMP in the navigation tree.

  2. Click Add SNMP User Add SNMP User icon.

  3. Complete the Add SNMP User screen as follows:

    • Version: Select v2c.

    • Community Name: Specify the SNMP v2c user community string (for example, stasnmp).

Create the STA SNMP v2c Trap Recipient

If you are using SNMP v2c, define the STA server as an authorized recipient of SNMP v2c traps and to define traps the library sends.

Note the following configuration requirements:

  • To avoid duplicate records, do not define the STA server as a trap recipient in multiple instances. For example, do not create both an SNMP v3 and SNMP v2c trap recipient definition for the STA server.

  • Trap level 4 may not be supported by older library firmware versions; however, it can always be specified when creating a trap recipient.

  • To avoid entry errors in the CLI, you can first type the command in a text file, and then copy and paste it into the CLI. For help with CLI commands, type help snmp.

  • Do not use the values "public" or "private" for the community string, as these values are well known and present a security risk.

SL500, SL3000, and SL8500

  1. Establish a CLI session on the library.

  2. Create an SNMP v2c trap recipient. Separate trap levels with commas.

    > snmp addTrapRecipient trapLevel 1,2,3,4,11,13,14,21,25,27,41,45, 61,63,65,81,85,100 host STA_server_IP version v2c community community_name


    • STA_server_IP: IP address of the STA server.

    • community_name: SNMP v2c trap community string.

    For example:

    > snmp addTrapRecipient trapLevel 1,2,3,4,11,13,14,21,25,27,41,45,61,63,65,81,85,100 host version v2c community stasnmp
  3. List the trap recipients to verify that STA has been added correctly.

    > snmp listTrapRecipients
    Trap Level 1,2,3,4,11,13,14,21,25,27,41,45, 61,63,65,81,85,100
    Version v2c
    Object Snmp snmp


  1. Log in to the library.

  2. In the navigation tree, select Settings.

  3. Select the SNMP tab.

  4. In the SNMP Trap Recipients table, select Add Trap Recipient.

  5. Complete the Add Trap Recipient screen as follows:

    • Host Address: IP address of the STA server.

    • Trap Level: Comma-separated list of trap levels the library should send to STA: 1,2,3,4,11,13,14,21,25,27,41,45,61,63,65,81,85,100

    • Version: Select v2c.

    • Community Name: Specify the SNMP v2c trap community string (for example, stasnmp).

  6. Click OK to add the trap recipient.

Enable SNMP v2c Mode for STA

If using SNMP v2c, you must first enable it on the STA server. By default, SNMP v2c is disabled.

  1. Do not perform this procedure if you are using SNMP v3.

  2. Establish a terminal session with the STA server and log in as the Oracle user.

  3. Change to the STA configuration files directory.

    $ cd /Oracle_storage_home/Middleware/user_projects/domains/TBI

    Where Oracle_storage_home is the Oracle storage home location defined during STA installation.

  4. Edit the SNMP version properties file.

    $ vi
  5. Change the SNMP v2c parameter to true.

  6. Save and exit the file.

  7. Stop and restart all STA processes to activate the change.

    $ STA stop all
    $ STA start all