Display Library Components With Automatic Bundles

Display all library components that have an automatic log bundle within a specified time period.

  1. In the left navigation, expand Tape System Hardware and then select the Overview screen of a component type (such as Libraries—Overview).

    Description of nav_library_ovrw.png follows
    Description of the illustration ''nav_library_ovrw.png''

  2. Verify that the Last Automatic Bundle Created column is in the table. If not, add the column to the table:

    1. From the View drop-down View drop-down icon, select Columns, then Show More Columns...

    2. Move Last Automatic Bundle Created to the Visible Columns list. Click OK.

  3. Filter for bundles created during specified time period:

    1. Click Filter Data Filter Data icon in the table toolbar.

    2. In the filter matching field, select Match ALL of the following.

    3. Specify criteria using the Last Automatic Bundle Created attributes.

      For example: Last Automatic Bundle Created (Dates) | Is After | a date.

    4. Click Apply.

    Sample filter dialog box using Last Automate Bundle Created

See Also: