Using Tile Wizard

Tile Wizard provides a user-friendly, browser-based graphical user interface that leads you through the steps involved in creating and publishing a tile. Portal administrators and nontechnical users can use Tile Wizard to integrate and transform data from a variety of data sources.

Image: Numbered steps in Tile Wizard

During the tile creation process, Tile Wizard presents a series of numbered steps. Each step appears in a numbered path at the top of the page to indicate where you are in the tile creation process as shown in the following example:

Tile Layout Properties page

This labeled path assists you in navigating forward and back through the steps in the wizard, which enables you to review or edit tile definition values. Once you’ve completed a step, Tile Wizard automatically takes you to the next appropriate step.

Tile Wizard leads you through the following steps that are typically used to create a tile:

  1. Specify tile information.

  2. Select the data source (and specify data source parameters when applicable).

  3. Select the target page and tile repository location.

  4. Specify display properties.

  5. Review and publish the tile definition.

Use the Tile Basic Information page to specify the ID and title for the tile.

Image: Tile Basic Information page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Tile Basic Information page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Tile Basic Information page

Field or Control


Tile Name

Enter an ID for the tile definition. Each tile that you build with Tile Wizard must have a unique ID.


Enter a descriptive title for the tile.

Tile Wizard supports the following data types:

Field or Control


Application classes

Use the application class data type to specify a custom application class that implements the PTGP_APPCLASS_TILE:Tiles:Tile base class and one of its required SetTileContentAs methods to show charts, HTML, key performance indicators (KPIs), or images as tile content.

Free text

Use the free text data type to present free-form HTML or simple text in a tile. Selecting this data type will allow you to control use of cascading style sheets (CSS), JavaScript, and embedded media such as Adobe Flash.


Use the image data type to create an image-only tile for an existing content reference.

Navigation collections

Use the navigation collections data type to select an existing navigation collection to be displayed as a “fluid navigation collection” in an activity guide or in the NavBar.

OBIEE (Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition)

Use the OBIEE data type to select an existing OBIEE report or dashboard from the OBIEE server as the data source for the tile.

Pivot grids

Use the pivot grid data type to select existing pivot grid instances, which use interactive pivot tables and charts that display application data that you can filter and pivot across multiple dimensions.

Use the Data Source Information page for the Application Class data type to specify which application class data source.

Image: Data Source Information page for the Application Class data type

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Data Source Information page for the Application Class data type. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Data Source Information page for the Application Class data type

Field or Control


Root Package ID

Select a custom application package that includes the class that implements the PTGP_APPCLASS_TILE:Tiles:Tile base class and one of its required SetTileContentAs methods.

Qualified Package/Class Path

Select the package name or package path to the implemented class.

Application Class ID

Select the class that implements the required getTileLiveData method.

Tile Content Options

Select the tile content type:

  • Chart – Corresponds to the SetTileContentAsChart method.

  • Chart & KPI – Corresponds to the SetTileContentAsChartAndKPI method.

  • Data-1-KPI – Corresponds to the SetTileContentAsOneKPI method.

  • Data-2-KPIs – Corresponds to the SetTileContentAsTwoKPIs method or the SetTileContentAsTwoKPIsTopBottom method.

  • HTML Area – Corresponds to the SetTileContentAsHTML method.

  • Image – Corresponds to the SetTileContentAsImage method.

Note: This setting can be overridden in the getTileLiveData method.

Tile Live Data

Select this option to indicate whether the tile displays the live data region.

Note: This setting can be overridden in the getTileLiveData method.

Tile Badge

Select this option to indicate whether the tile displays the badge region.

Note: This setting can be overridden in the getTileLiveData method.

Use the Data Source Information page for the Free Text data type to enter free text as the data source.

Image: Data Source Information page for the Free Text data type

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Data Source Information page for the Free Text data type. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Data Source Information page for the Free Text data type

Field or Control


Free Text

Use the free text data type to present free-form HTML or simple text in a tile. Selecting this data type will allow you to control use of cascading style sheets (CSS), JavaScript, and embedded media such as Adobe Flash.

Use the Data Source Information page to select Image as the data type.

Image: Data Source Information page for the Image data type

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Data Source Information page for the Image data type. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Data Source Information page for the Image data type

Field or Control



Use the image data type to create an image-only tile for an existing content reference.

Use the Data Source Information page for the Navigation Collection data type to specify which navigation collection data source is to be displayed as a “fluid navigation collection.”

Image: Data Source Information page for the Navigation Collection data type

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Data Source Information page for the Navigation Collection data type. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Data Source Information page for the Navigation Collection data type

Field or Control


Collection Name

Select the navigation collection.

Navigation Collection Type

Select the manner in which the navigation collection content will be displayed when a user clicks on the tile:

  • Navigation Bar – Displays the navigation collection links directly in the NavBar.

  • Navigation Collection - Non-Optimized – Displays the navigation collection in a non-optimized non-guided non-sequential activity guide.

  • Navigation Collection - Optimized – Displays the navigation collection in an optimized non-guided non-sequential activity guide.

Navigation Panel Collapsible

Select Yes to present the left panel as collapsible for all users. Otherwise, the left panel only becomes collapsible when the browser width falls below a threshold.

Note: This field is displayed only when Navigation Collection Optimized is selected.

Use the Data Source Information page for the OBIEE data type to specify which OBIEE report or OBIEE dashboard data source.

Image: Data Source Information page for the OBIEE data type

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Data Source Information page for the OBIEE data type. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Data Source Information page for the OBIEE data type

Data Source Information

Field or Control



Select either:

  • OBIEE Report

  • OBIEE Dashboard

Report ID

Select the ID of the report or dashboard that you want to be the data source. Only reports or dashboards that have been loaded into the PeopleSoft system appear in this list.

Report Name

This field displays the OBIEE server name and the report name. This field is display-only.

Report View ID

For OBIEE reports only, select the view or report type as created in the OBIEE application.

Data Source Parameters

Tile Wizard analyzes the selected OBIEE data source and generates the list of parameters shown in this step. You cannot add to the list of parameters.

Field or Control



Displays a description of the parameter.

Usage Type

All data source parameters are Fixed, meaning the data source parameter cannot be modified by users of the tile.


Select to require a value for the parameter.

Default Value

Enter the parameter value that the system uses by default.

Reset to Default

Click to set all values on this page to the default values specified by the data source API.

Use the Data Source Information page for the Pivot Grid data type to specify which pivot grid data source.

Image: Data Source Information page for the Pivot Grid data type

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Data Source Information page for the Pivot Grid data type. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Data Source Information page for the Pivot Grid data type

Data Source Information

Field or Control


Pivot Grid Name

Select the pivot grid that you want the tile to display.

View Name

The view name is generated and selected automatically by the system.

Use the Target Page Information page to select the target page and specify certain attributes of the tile’s content reference definition.

Image: Target Page Information page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Target Page Information page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Target Page Information page

Target Page Information

Field or Control


Target Page Type

Select from the following options:

  • Content Reference – For all data sources, select this option to select an existing content reference as the target.

    • If the selected content reference is an existing tile definition, the other fields on this page are read-only.

    • Otherwise, when the tile definition is published, a content reference link will be created in the tile repository for this tile.

  • OBIEE Report – For OBIEE data sources only, select this option to use the PeopleTools OBIEE report viewer.

    When the tile definition is published, a new content reference definition will be created in the tile repository for this tile.

    Note: When this tile definition is published, the target page type is automatically updated to Content Reference.

  • Pivot Grid Viewer – For pivot grid data sources only, select this option to use the PeopleTools pivot grid viewer.

    When the tile definition is published, a new content reference definition will be created in the tile repository for this tile.

    Note: When this tile definition is published, the target page type is automatically updated to Content Reference.

Content Reference

When Content Reference is selected as the target page type, select an existing content reference from the portal registry on the Select CRef page.

Target Page Name

When either OBIEE Report or Pivot Grid Viewer is selected as the target page type, the value in this field is generated automatically.

Note: When the field is editable, you can modify this to any unique name.

Long Description

Enter a description for the content reference (or content reference link) definition to be created.

Owner ID

Select an owner ID for the content reference (or content reference link) definition to be created.


Select a folder in the tile repository for the content reference (or content reference link) definition to be created.

Sequence Number

Enter a sequence number for the content reference (or content reference link) definition to be created.

Target Page Security

Note: For a content reference link, security is defined on the target content reference. The fields displayed are read-only.

Field or Control



Select whether to allow public or selected security access:

  • Yes: Select to allow public access to the target page; all other security options are hidden.

  • No: Select to assign role-based or permission list-based security to the target page and whether to provide author access override to this selected security.

Author Access

Select Yes to provide the tile author with access to the target page regardless of any security restrictions assigned to the tile. This access is granted based on the author’s user ID.


Select the type of security to assign to the target page definition. Options are:

  • Permission List: Select to assign permission list-based security to the tile. Select a permission list in the Name field.

  • Role: Select to assign role-based security to the tile. Select a role in the Name field.


Select the name of the permission list or role to which to authorize access to the tile.

Use the Tile Layout Properties page to specify the fluid attributes of the tile definition.

Image: Tile Layout Properties page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Tile Layout Properties page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Tile Layout Properties page

Field or Control


Tile Height

Set the height of the tile.

The default dimensions of a tile are 1 tile unit by 1 tile unit. Tiles up to 8x8 are supported. Note the following conditions and limitations with respect to the height and width of a tile:

  • A tile can never be larger than the width of the device. For example, if the width of a device is 2 in portrait mode, and 3 in landscape; the tile can only be maximum of width 2 on this device.

  • The valid size is checked only when the tile is initially loaded. If the device is rotated, or if the browser is resized, the tile is not resized.

  • Any tile sized larger than 2x2 is not guaranteed to display at the specified size depending on the device used to access the PeopleSoft system. For example, a 4x4 tile on a small form factor device in portrait mode would only show as a 2x3 tile.

  • Therefore, tiles larger than 2x2 need to implement variable sizing to accommodate different device sizes. Use large size tiles sparingly.

See the information on the Fluid Attribute page tab for more information including for a table of tile widths and heights from 1 to 8.

Tile Width

Set the width of the tile.


Select an image (in SVG format only) from the database to display a custom static image as the fluid content. Otherwise the default image is displayed.

Note: When dynamic content is also configured for a tile, this static image is displayed only until the dynamic content is loaded.

Tile Refresh Timer (Seconds)

Enter the time in seconds to set an automatic refresh period for dynamic content on a tile. When the timer limit has been reached, the system re-draws the tile so that it displays the current data, such as in the case with chart.

The default value of 0 disables any automatic refresh.

Note: The system enforces a 10 second minimum limit. Any value entered less than 10 seconds is ignored and is treated as 10 seconds. When setting this value, be sure to monitor performance of the page refreshes and adjust accordingly.

Note: When an event name is selected, this field is disabled.

Disable Main Hotspot

Select this option to disable displaying the target content defined for the tile when the tile is tapped. However, any links displayed dynamically within the tile are not disabled.

Event Name

Select the event name to subscribe to a push notification event defined on the server. Subscribing to an event allows the tile content to be updated by the event.

See Understanding the Push Notification Framework and Defining Events for more information on defining push notification events.

Display In

Control how the target transaction or content appears once a user taps the tile. Options are:

  • Cur Window: Target content appears in the current browser window.

  • Modal: Target content appears in a modal window.

  • NavBar: Target content appears in the NavBar.

    Note: This behavior applies only when the tile is added to the NavBar. If this is selected and the tile is added to a homepage or dashboard, the target content displays in the current browser window when tapped.

  • New Window: Target content appears in a new tab in the browser.

Modal Parameters

Enter custom modal options. See Modal Options for more information.


Select this option to display the fluid content as interactive, which allows users to enter data or click buttons within the fluid content. Since interactive fluid content require more resources than non-interactive ones, select this option only as needed.

Note: The Interactive option is disabled for pivot grid tiles and OBIEE tiles.

Tile Autosize

Select this option to allow the fluid content to dynamically resize itself based on the size of the content. Note the following conditions and limitations with respect to the autosize option:

  • The autosize option pertains to tiles and related information, but not to embedded related content.

  • The autosize option is best used on dashboards with few tiles. Be aware that layout changes can occur from the autosized content.

  • Autosize automatically accounts for resizing of the browser and rotation of the device.

  • The autosize and resizable options are mutually exclusive; both cannot be selected simultaneously.

  • The tile will not resize itself to larger than the dimensions of the device.

  • If the content is larger than the size of the tile, the tile will display scroll bars.

  • Due to the same-origin policy implemented by web browsers, for the autosize option to work with external content, the external content and the PeopleSoft application must either reside within the same domain or they must both set the document.domain property to the same value. Otherwise, the autosize option is ignored. For more information on how the domain and same-origin is determined, see Same-origin policy.

Tile Resizable

Select this option to allow the tile to be redisplayed at the specified alternate dimensions. Note the following conditions and limitations with respect to the resizable option:

  • The resizable option is best used for tiles that can provide both a summary view and detailed view. When a tile is resized by a user, the content is refreshed to the show content that is optimized for the alternate size (and vice versa when the size is toggled back to the original size).

  • The autosize and resizable options are mutually exclusive; both cannot be selected simultaneously.

  • The state of the resize is not saved; therefore, whenever the user returns to the dashboard, the tile is displayed at its original size.

  • If the alternate size of the tile is the same as the original size (either by definition or by computation of the maximum size allowed by the device), no resize icon is displayed.

Alternate Height

Set the alternate height for a resizable tile.

Alternate Width

Set the alternate width for a resizable tile.

These and additional parameters can be defined directly on the Fluid Attributes page of the content reference definition

Use the Review and Submit page to review and publish the tile definition.

Image: Review and Submit page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Review and Submit page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Review and Submit page

Field or Control



Click the Publish button to initially publish the tile definition.

Note: After the tile definition has been published, subsequent modifications can be saved by clicking the Save button on any Tile Wizard page when the Save button is displayed and is active. However, you must click the Publish button and re-publish the changes to update the behavior of the tile.

Use the Tile List page to review, edit, or delete existing tile definitions that have been created with Tile Wizard.

Note: While the tile repository may contain additional tile definitions, only those created through Tile Wizard are listed here.

Image: Tile List page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Tile List page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Tile List page

Use the categories in the left panel to filter the tiles displayed in the tile list.

Note: The left panel is collapsible depending on the width of the device used to access the page.

Field or Control


Data Type

Select a data type to filter the tiles displayed in the tile list.

Create a new Tile

Click this button to create access Tile Wizard to create a new tile definition.


Click the Edit button to edit an existing tile definition.

Note: Alternatively, click anywhere in the row (except on the Delete button) to edit an existing definition.


Click the Delete button to delete an existing tile definition.