Working With Change Assistant Menu Options

This section describes the menu options available when using Change Assistant.

Note: Some menu options are enabled only during a specific Change Assistant action, which is determined in the Change Assistant Actions dialog box.

File Menu

The File menu contains some generic Windows options, plus these specific Change Assistant options:

Menu Option


New Template

Creates a new Change Assistant template.

Open Template

Opens a template from the Change Assistant storage (internal database).

Save Template

Saves the template into the Change Assistant storage (internal database).

Save Template As

Saves the new template with the name you specify.

New Job

Creates a new Change Assistant job.

Open Job

Opens a job from the Change Assistant storage (internal database).

Save Job

Saves the job into the Change Assistant storage (internal database).

Save Job As

Saves the job with the name you specify.


Closes the current template or job.

Import Template

Imports an existing template into Change Assistant.

Note: Any modifications to the current template will not affect the original template that you imported. If you want others to obtain a copy of your modified template, you need to export it out of Change Assistant.

Delete Template

Removes the template from Change Assistant. When you delete a template, you also delete all the jobs associated with the template.

Note: Press and hold the CTRL key to select multiple templates for deletion.

Export Template

Exports a copy of the template out of Change Assistant so others can use it.

Export Job

Exports a copy of the job out of Change Assistant so others can use it.

Delete Job

Removes a job associated with the current template.

New Database

Launches the Database wizard for creating a new database.

Change Assistant uses these settings to locate PS_HOME directories, connect to the Target database, and so on.

Open Database

Opens a defined database.

Import Database

Imports an existing database.

Delete Database

Deletes an existing database.


Exits Change Assistant.

Note: This option is disabled when a Change Assistant step is running. To exit Change Assistant while a process is running, you must first kill the process (select Run, Kill). When you relaunch Change Assistant you can resume at the point where you killed the process.

Edit Menu

The Edit menu contains some generic Windows options, plus these specific Change Assistant options:

Menu Option


Insert Chapter

Inserts a new chapter. A chapter serves as a section head for multiple tasks.

Insert Task

Inserts a new task within a chapter. A task serves as a section head for one or more steps.

Insert Step

Inserts a new step within a task.

Step Properties

When a step is selected, launches the Step Properties dialog.


Renames an existing chapter, task, or step.


Runs the selected step.


Stops the selected step.


Restarts certain types of steps that you have stopped or have failed. Restart is supported for these step types:

  • Application Engine

  • SQL

Application Engine programs can keep track of the state of a program run, and when restarted, they can pick up where a previous run stopped.

When restarting SQL steps, Change Assistant generates a separate log file and numbers them incrementally, as in logfile_2, logfile 3, and so on.


Marks the selected step as complete. Often used when setting a manual step to complete, indicating that the manual work is done.

View Log

Opens the current job processing log.

View Script

Opens the script associated with the selected step.

Job Properties

Enables you to set properties for the job.

Set Documentation Directory

Specifies the directory into which your upgrade documentation is saved. Change Assistant loads the documentation for viewing when you open a template or job.

Edit Documentation

Enables you to modify the documentation associated with the selected chapter, task, or step.

Finalize Documentation

Generates the HTML files.

View Menu

The View menu contains these specific Change Assistant options:

Menu Option


Step Details

Displays the step properties box in the Change Assistant workspace.


Displays the documentation box in the Change Assistant workspace.


Displays the Activity box in the Change Assistant workspace.

Expand All

Expands all chapters, tasks, and steps.

Collapse All

Collapses all chapters, tasks, and steps.

Steps Not Yet Completed

Filters steps to show steps not yet completed.

Steps Completed by System

Filters to show steps completed by the system.

Deselect this option if you want to hide all the steps that have been completed.

Steps Completed Manually

Filters to show the steps that were manually completed.

Deselect this option if you want to hide all the steps that have been manually completed.

Steps Filtered By Filter Query

Filters to show the steps that were filtered using a query filter.

Deselect this option if you want to hide all the steps that have been filtered by a filter query.

Steps Filtered at the Job Level

Filters to show the steps that were filtered at the job level.

Deselect this option if you want to hide all the steps that have been filtered at the job level.

Run Menu

The Run menu contains these specific Change Assistant options:

Menu Option



Begins the execution of a Change Assistant job.


Stops the processing of a Change Assistant job after the currently running process completes.


Stops the processing of a Change Assistant job completely and immediately, including the step that's currently running.

Tools Menu

The Tools menu contains these specific Change Assistant options:

Note: If the menu option does not apply to the action selected, it will be grayed out.

Menu Option


Upload Target Database Information to PUM

Enabled when action type is Update Manager.

Uploads the target database information to the PUM source.

Upload Customer Data to Image

Enabled when action type is Update Manager.

Allows you to upload customer data (customization project) to the PUM source.

See Using Customization Repository

Define or Create a New Change Package

Enabled when action type is Update Manager.

Opens Change Assistant Wizard to select your database information and leads you through the process to create a change package.

See Defining a New Change Package

Apply Change Package

Enabled when action type is Update Manager.

Opens Change Assistant Wizard to lead you through the process to apply a change package.

See Applying Change Package

Apply Tools Delta Package

Enabled when action type is Update Manager.

Opens Change Assistant Wizard to lead you through the process to apply a delta change package.

See Creating and Applying Tools Delta Package

Apply Translation Delta Package

Enabled when action type is Update Manager.

Opens Change Assistant Wizard to lead you through the process to apply a translation delta change package.

See Applying Translations Delta Package

Apply PeopleSoft Release Patchset

Enabled when action type is Update Manager.

Opens Change Assistant Wizard to guide you through applying PeopleSoft release patchset to the PeopleSoft Update Image.

See Applying Downloaded PeopleSoft Release Patchset to PeopleSoft Image

Apply PeopleTools Patch

Enabled when action type is Update Manager.

Open Change Assistant wizard to guide you through applying a PeopleTools patch.

See Using Change Assistant to Apply PeopleTools Patch

Upgrade PeopleTools

Enabled when action type is Update Manager.

Open Change Assistant wizard to guide you through upgrading your database for the new PeopleTools release.

See Using Change Assistant to Upgrade PeopleTools

Upgrade Application

Enabled when action type is Update Manager.

Open Change Assistant wizard to guide you through upgrading your application for the new application release.

See Upgrading Application


Validates the Change Assistant settings for EM Hub to ensure that the required elements are up and running, and that Change Assistant can connect to them.

Export &Import Settings

Allows you to export Change Assistant settings to a file and import Change Assistant settings either from another Change Assistant directory or from a backup configuration.

See Exporting and Importing Change Assistant Settings

Migrate PUM Data

Enabled when action type is Update Manager.

Allows you to migrate user metadata (PUM customization Information, test information and package definition information from one PUM Image to a new PUM Image.

See Migrating PUM Data

Merge PeopleCode/SQL/XSLT

Enabled when action type is Review Managed Object or Merge Select Object Types.

Allows you to start a new merge session or open an existing session.

Default Merge Rules

Enabled when action type is Review Managed Object or Merge Select Object Types.

Opens the Default merge Rules dialog box.

Project Administration

Enabled when action type is Review Managed Object or Merge Select Object Types.

Opens Project Administration page.

Scan Configuration

Searches the Change Assistant workstation for tools and utilities required to perform updates and upgrades. For example, this process locates the local SQL tool, Data Mover, Application Designer, and so on.

Change Actions

Opens Change Assistant Wizard Select Action page.

See Opening Change Assistant the First Time


Opens the Change Assistant Options dialog box, enabling you to select Change Assistant configuration options.