19  Insurance Contracts Tables

This section provides information about Insurance Contracts tables such as Common Policy Summary tables, Reinsurance Contract Held tables, Reinsurance Contract Issued tables, other Reinsurance tables, Insurance Coverage tables, Insurance Policy, and Fund tables, and Policy Schedules tables in the Oracle Insurance Data Foundation application.


·        How to Load Insurance Contracts in OIDF?

·        Contract Tables

·        Coverage Tables

·        Insurance Participation Tables

·        Supplemental Data

·        Reinsurance Contracts Tables

·        Deploying Insurance Contracts Tables on Hive

·        Populating Insurance Contracts Dimension Tables

·        Populating Insurance Contracts T2T Result Tables

·        Related Topics

Accounting standards define insurance contract as a contract under which one party (the insurer) accepts significant insurance risk from another party (the policyholder) by agreeing to compensate the policyholder if a specified uncertain future event (the insured event) adversely affects the policyholder.

How to Load Insurance Contracts in OIDF?

This section provides information about how to load the Insurance Contracts in OIDF.


·        Direct Insurance Contract Structure

·        Reinsurance Contracts

Direct Insurance Contract Structure

This diagram elaborates on the OIDF design for Direct Insurance Contracts. The base contract is loaded in the contract table, and coverages or riders are loaded to the coverages tables. One policy can contain more than one coverage. Depending on the applicability, a policy can consist of a fund associated with it and (or) a loan associated with it.

Figure 89: Direct Insurance Contracts in OIDF

This illustration shows the Direct Insurance Contracts in OIDF. This illustration shows the applicability of the Direct Insurance Contract types to the Contracts, Coverages, Participation Details, Group Insurance, Policy Funds, Policy Loans, Policy Conversions, and Policy Schedule.

To load an Insurance Contract in OIDF, follow these steps:

1.     The key components in contract structure are Product, Party, and Contract itself. Under the contract component, the user must choose one of the Product Processors from Life, Annuity, Property and Casualty, Retirement, and Health.

2.     Load Policy Coverages with Product Processor for multiple benefits or coverages.

3.     Some contracts such as Annuity requires funds where market risk is with the policyholder. Load this information to Policy Funds. This is an optional step and is dependent on the product structure.

4.     Some contracts specify Adhoc or varying Policy Schedules such as Credit Life Insurance, varying premium policies, and so on, where the sum insured and premium amounts vary depending on the outstanding debt or other criteria. In such cases, customers can choose to load Policy Schedules in Stage Policy Schedules.

5.     In the case of Group Insurance Contracts, the contract between the insurance provider and a company or group must be stored in either Life, Health, or applicable product processor. Stage Group Insurance Beneficiary Details hold details of each member such as individual limits, individual usage, and identifiers such as card numbers, annual and per condition deductibles. Another type of Group Insurance Contracts is the Worker's Compensation, which offers compensation to the employees for sustaining injuries or disabilities because of their employment. There are two ways to populate the data in the Fact Group Insurance Policy Summary table. They are:

§       The data population through the T2T_FGPS_STG_GRPINS_POLICY_SUMMARY, which is at the Policy Summary level.

§       The data population through the T2T_FGPS_STG_GRPINS_POL_BENFCIARY_DTLS, where the data can be populated for the count at the policy or beneficiary level.

6.     For loans issued under a given policy, load contracts into one of the Insurance product processor, and load every loan contract issued under a given policy to stage loan contracts. See the Policy Loans section.

7.     Contracts, which are convertible from one insurance product to another with or without changing the insurance carrier, require additional conversion details. For more details, see Policy Conversion.

In OIDF, Direct Insurance Contracts comprise of the following important components:

·        Contract 

·        Coverage  

·        Supplemental Data 

·        Insurance Participation 

·        Policy and Funds  

·        Policy Loans

·        Policy Conversion

In OIDF, Reinsurance  is also a part of Contracts.

Party, which means a beneficiary, producer and agent, underwriter, and so on, are expected to be created and available for reference in the Party set of tables based on the related role. For details, see the Party Subject Area section.


Contract attributes cover contract identifier, product identifier, the sum insured, origination date, purchase date, maturity date, policy status, and so on. A group insurance contract must also be stored in one of the relevant tables mentioned below.

Contracts, as defined earlier, is a record in one of the following stage tables, called as a product processor comprising of a set of attributes relevant to a particular Insurance Contract. They are outputs sourced from policy administration systems.

This is the list of entities covered under Direct and Indirect Insurance or Reinsurance Contracts to elaborate OIDF design for Insurance Contracts.

Table 103: Direct and Indirect Insurance, or Reinsurance Contracts entities

Source Logical Table Name

Source Table Name

Stage Annuity Contracts


Stage Health Insurance Contracts


Stage Life Insurance Contracts


Stage Property and Casualty Contracts


Stage Retirement Accounts


Stage Reinsurance Contracts Held


Stage Reinsurance Contracts Issued



For the list of tables and the mapping details, see Contract Tables.


Coverage is an individual contractual obligation incurred by the contract provider. Aggregation of all such obligations within the terms and conditions defined must be equal to contractual liability of a contract. Consider these two examples:

·        A Life Insurance contract offering a normal death benefit, accidental death benefit, and critical illness benefits to the insured.

·        An Auto Insurance policy with auto liability, medical payment liability, personal injury protection, and third-party liability.

In the above example, a single row is created in the life insurance contract entity and property and casualty insurance contract entity. And the policy coverage entity stores three rows for the life insurance contracts and four rows for auto insurance contracts. In many insurance contracts, certain coverages, known as riders, are optional, and some are bundled as a part of the contract itself. All such coverages must be stored in stage policy coverages. Different coverages may have effective dates having different maturity periods and may have to vary different terms and conditions limiting to the main contract. Stage Policy Coverage entity allows the end-user to handle this flexibility. In the case of group insurance, policy coverages refer to the single aggregated benefit or rider bundled as a part of the product across all group members.

Riders or optional benefits must be loaded as coverages in Oracle Insurance Data Foundation. Coverage option or a component, which is dependent on the existence and continuation of another component and its effect or attributes is limited to a specific parent, then it must be modeled as a Coverage. Therefore, this relationship defines an association between the Coverage Option and its parent, where if the parent lapses or is no longer in effect for any reason, the Coverage Option under it also lapses or terminates or ends.

For the list of tables and mapping details, see Coverage Tables.

Guaranteed Benefits and Embedded Options

Guaranteed Benefits:

Guaranteed Benefits is a component of insurance policy or contract, which provides for either part of the full benefit amount is guaranteed by the Insurer.

Examples for illustration (These examples are not limited to this illustration):

·        Scenario 1: On death during the policy term, the nominee receives a guaranteed lump sum payout with an option to convert it into monthly income for 10 years. On the death of the Life Insured during the Policy Term, lump sum Death Benefit equal to Guaranteed Sum Assured on Death (GSAD) is payable to the nominee.

·        Scenario 2: On retirement, the plan may payout in monthly payments throughout the lifetime of the employee, or as a lump sum payment. If the employee dies, some plans distribute any remaining benefits to the beneficiaries of the employee.

Embedded Options:

An Embedded Option is a special condition attached to an Insurance Contract, which gives the policyholder or the issuer the right to perform a specified action at some point in the future. An Embedded Option is an inseparable part of an Insurance Contract, and therefore, it cannot trade by itself. However, it can affect the value of the Insurance Contract of which it is a component.

To separate an Embedded Option from the Insurance Contract, the following conditions must be met:

·        The economic characteristics and risks of the Embedded Option are not closely related to the economic characteristics and risks of the host (the remaining Insurance Contract).

·        A separate instrument with the same terms as the Embedded Option meets the definition of an Option.

·        The contract, which is not measured at fair value with changes in fair value recognized in profit or loss.

Examples for illustration (These examples are not limited to this illustration):

·        Example 1: A Death Benefit that is linked to equity prices payable only on death (and not on surrender or maturity), or the greater of the unit value of an investment and a guaranteed amount.

In this scenario, the existing benefit, which is the Death Benefit option, is in the contract and is linked to the market. Therefore, Embedded Option is not separated and it falls under IFRS 17.

·        Example 2: An option to take a Life-Contingent Annuity at a guaranteed rate.

In this scenario, the existing benefit is given out as an additional benefit option to the contract in the form of Embedded Option. This benefit is not separated from the Insurance Contracts.

·        Example 3: A minimum annuity payment, if the annuity payments are linked to the investment returns. Additionally, the guarantee is related only to Life-Contingent Payments, or the policyholder can choose to receive a Life-Contingent Payment or a fixed amount of payments at predetermined terms.

In this scenario, the minimum annuity payment, which is made by the insured is periodically linked to the investment returns of the contract with an additional benefit option to the contract as an Embedded Option. Therefore, it is not separated from the Insurance Contracts.

Both Guaranteed Benefits and Embedded Options must be loaded to stage policy coverages covering specific attributes such as Guarantee Type, Option Dates, and so on. For the list of tables and mapping details, see Embedded Options Tables.

Insurance Participation

When multiple carriers share the insurance risk, it is called as Insurance Participation. In OIDF, load the participation data to Stage Insurance Participation Details. In this participation entity, the Contract Code refers to the Insurance Contract.

For the list of tables and mapping details, see Insurance Participation Tables.

Supplemental Data

Supplemental Data refers to the additional and contextual information applicable to only certain specific insurance contracts. This consists of group insurance details, policy schedules, policy funds, policy loans, and policy conversions.

Group Policies

A group insurance contract is one that is agreed between the insurance company and entity which sponsors the policy. This contract must be stored in one of the seven product processors. However, in general, stage life insurance and stage health insurance, contracts will be referred to in most of the use cases of group insurance.

Details of members of group insurance are stored in stage group insurance beneficiary details. This entity holds details of each member such as individual limits, individual usage, and identifiers such as card numbers, annual and per condition deductibles. In cases where such details are not available, aggregated numbers must be loaded in main contract entities. For the list of tables and mapping details, see Group Beneficiary Tables.

Policy Schedules

Policy Schedules refers to the agreed non-linear premium and benefit schedules associated with the insurance contracts. For the list of tables and mapping details, see Policy Schedules Table.

Policy and Funds

This holds investment of funds data of a given insurance contract where the market risk of investment rests with Policyholders. There are two entities: policy fund details and policy fund allocation. Policy Funds provide funds-wise investment snapshot in time when policy fund allocation provide changes over time. When there is technically no restriction as these entities are connected by policy code to the main contract table, they are most commonly applicable to annuity contracts, life insurance contracts, and retirement accounts. For the list of tables and mapping details, see Policy and Funds Tables.

Policy Loans

Some insurance policies allow policyholders to borrow from policy accumulations in terms of loans as per the terms and conditions laid in the contract. Such loans are considered as a contract by itself in OIDF and must be loaded in stage loan contracts. This entity holds policy identifiers to link multiple loans taken under a given insurance policy. For the list of tables and mapping details, see Policy Loans Tables.

Policy Conversion

Policy Conversion refers to the privileged provisions provided in an insurance contract whereby a policyholder to convert a term policy to a permanent policy that provides insurance for the rest of life.

For the list of tables and mapping details, see Policy Conversion Table.

Special Events

An Insurer can insure their special event such as sports, film shooting, concerts, and so on under the Policy Coverages against the liabilities.

Any Party that needs insurance coverage against the liquor liabilities can obtain insurance using the Policy Coverages. The liquor liabilities coverage may be applicable as a part of the Special Event Insurance if the liquor is served at the special event venue.

The STG_POLICY_COVERAGES and FCT_ POLICY_COVERAGES tables are enhanced to store the special events-related information. For information about the Policy Coverages tables, see the section Coverage Tables.

A special event can consist of multiple Policy Coverages. Therefore, the Policy Coverage Special Event Map tables are added in the Oracle Insurance Data Foundation Application Pack. The Policy Coverage Special Event Map table is used to save the special event and policy coverage mapping details such as the Policy ID, Coverage ID, and Special Event ID, and Liquor License Reference. As a result, when a special event consists of multiple Policy Coverages, the special event information is mapped to the Policy Coverages using this Policy Coverage Special Event Map table. For more information about the Policy Coverages tables, see the Coverage Tables section.

Reinsurance Contracts

Reinsurance contract refers to an insurance contract issued by one entity (the reinsurer) to compensate another entity for claims arising from one or more insurance contracts issued by that other entity (underlying insurance contracts). Reinsurance Contracts consists of two types of contracts:

·        Reinsurance Contracts Issued: This is a contract entered into by a reinsurance company when they sell the reinsurance contract to an insurance company. Often, this is called as a reinsurance contract written by a specific reinsurer to differentiate between purchased and sold.

·        Reinsurance Contracts Held: This is a contract entered into by an insurance company when they purchase a reinsurance contract to mitigate the claims or losses.

Reinsurance Contracts Issued and Held

Reinsurance Contracts Issued and Held is depicted through the following diagram. 

Figure 90: Reinsurance Contracts Issued and Held in OIDF

This illustration shows the Reinsurance Contracts Issued and Held in OIDF. 

For the list of tables and mapping details, see Reinsurance Contracts Tables.

Reinsurance Contracts

Reinsurance Contract structure consists of a set of entities, primarily Direct Contracts, Assumed Contracts, Reinsurance Contract, Collateral Placed, Collateral Received, Participation Contracts. This is the representative diagram of the Reinsurance Contract and its entities.

Figure 91: Reinsurance Contract structure

This illustration shows the Reinsurance Contract structure.

Reinsurance Contract entities are explained in the following sections.

Direct Insurance Contracts

In the case of Reinsurance Held, Direct Insurance Contracts are those, which are on the books of the insurance carrier and covered through a given reinsurance contract. These Direct Contracts are loaded through the same insurance contract structure, as mentioned earlier. They are product processors for Life, Health, Annuity, Retirement, and Property, and Casualty contracts. However, Direct and Assumed Indicators in each product processor must be marked as D to convey that they are on the books.

For the list of tables and mapping details, see Common Policy Summary Tables.

Assumed Insurance Contracts

In the case of Reinsurance Issued, Reinsurance Contract is on the books of the carrier whereas insurance contracts covered belong to another carrier. These underlying Insurance Contracts must be loaded through some insurance contract structure as mentioned earlier. They are product processors for Life, Health, Annuity, Retirement, and Property, and Casualty contracts. However, Direct and Assumed Indicators in each product processor must be marked as A to convey that they are not on the books and are assumed ones.

For the list of tables and mapping details, see Assumed Policy Summary tables in the Contract Tables section.

Reinsurance Contracts

Reinsurance Contracts, as mentioned above earlier, must be loaded to Stage Reinsurance Contracts Issued or Stage Reinsurance Contracts Held. Underlying Direct Insurance Contracts, which are on the book or marked as D for Direct in Direct or Assumed Indicator, are moved to Policy Dimension. In addition, those, which are not on the book or marked as A for Assumed in Direct or Assumed Indicator, are moved to Assumed Policy Dimension to differentiate contracts effectively.

For the list of tables and mapping details, see Reinsurance Contracts Tables.

Reinsurance Participation

When multiple reinsurers come together to share the insurance risk, said contract becomes eligible for Reinsurance Participation. OIDF holds this data in Stage Insurance Contract Participation Details. In this participation entity, the Contract Code refers to the Reinsurance Contract.

For the list of tables and mapping details, see Insurance Participation Tables.

Reinsurance Issued Placed Collateral

In the case of reinsurance contracts Issued, the reinsurance carrier provides the collateral to insurance companies for safety. This is called a Reinsurance Issued Placed Collateral. OIDF provides a map entity to map a given Reinsurance Contract and collateral placed. Actual investment contracts, which are placed as collateral can be loaded to investment product processors such as Stage Investment or Stage Money Market Contracts and (or) Stage Placed Collateral depending on whether investment assets have been transferred as actual physical transfer or not.

For the list of tables and mapping details, see About Reinsurance Contracts T2Ts (Result Tables).

Reinsurance Held Mitigants

In the case of Reinsurance Contracts Held, the insurance carrier holds the collateral provided by reinsurance companies for safety. This is called as Reinsurance Held Mitigants. OIDF provides a map entity to map a given reinsurance contract and collateral received or mitigants.

For the list of tables and mapping details, see About Reinsurance Contracts T2Ts (Result Tables).

Contract Tables

This section provides information about the Contract tables.


·        Common Policy Summary Tables

·        Long Duration Contracts Table

·        Life Insurance Contract Tables

·        Health Insurance Contract Tables

·        Annuity Contract Tables

·        Property and Casualty Contract Tables

·        Retirement Contract Tables

Common Policy Summary Tables

Common Policy Summary stores the detailed information elements of insurance policies directly written or issued by the insurance companies.

About Common Policy Summary Dimension Tables

Common Policy Summary Dimension table names and their descriptions are given here.

Table 104: Common Policy Summary Dimension table names and their descriptions

Logical Dimension Table Name

Dimension Table Description

Insurance Notice Type Dimension

This table stores the details of the type of notice sent.

Sample values are OTHER, UNKNOWN, CONFIRM, PREM1, and so on.

Insurance Sponsoring Plan Type Dimension

This table stores the type of sponsored benefit plan to which this holding belongs.

Sample values are OTHER, UNKNOWN, ESLTC, and SEWBP.

Policy Status Reason Dimension

This table stores the details of policy reasons for status.

Sample values are OTHER, UNKNOWN, APPEAL, APPDECLINE, BACKPROC, and so on.

Policy Exchange Reason Dimension

This table stores the Exchange Reason Code details. It is used only when a single exchange reason is required. For multiple reasons for the exchange, use Exchange Reason aggregate. Sample values: OTHER, UNKNOWN, BROKERSDIR, COMM, FEES, and so on.

Policy Replacement Type Dimension

This table stores the details of the proposed policy replacement type and reflects in aggregate the replacement types of all existing contracts that will be replaced.


Premium Offset Status Dimension

This table stores the details about premium offset status. In situations where a Premium Offset Method is specified, this is the status of that method.


Non-Forfeiture Provision Type Dimension

This table stores the details of the Non-Forfeiture Provision type. The several ways in which a policy owner may apply the cash value of a life insurance policy if the policy lapses.

Sample values: ANNRID, APLANNRID, APLEXTTERM, OTHER, and so on.

Insurance Test Type Dimension

The table stores the details of the life insurance test type.


Tax Rebate Exchange Type Dimension

This table stores the details of the tax rebate exchange type.

Sample values: IRREVOC, OTHER, REVOC, and so on.

Grandfathered Tax Regulation Type Dimension

This table stores the details of the Grandfathered Tax Regulation Type and specifies if a policy or contract is grandfathered under certain tax regulations.


Premium Basis Dimension

Stores the details of the Premium Basis. An insurance premium is based on the type and amount of risk, or exposure, involved in operating a business.

Sample values: 1000CubicMeters, 1000Liters, ADMIS, AREA, Basic, Building, Court, and so on.

Worker Compensation Business Line Dimension

Stores the details of the Worker’s Compensation business line.


The mapping details for the Common Policy Summary Dimension tables are given here.

Table 105: The mapping details for the Common Policy Summary Dimension tables

Map Reference Number

Source Table Name

Logical Stage Table Name

Dimension Table Name

Logical Dimension Table Name



Stage Insurance Notice Type Master


Insurance Notice Type Dimension



Stage Insurance Sponsoring Plan Type Master


Insurance Sponsoring Plan Type Dimension



Stage Policy Status Reason Master


Policy Status Reason Dimension



Stage Policy Exchange Reason Master


Policy Exchange Reason Dimension



Stage Policy Replacement Type Master


Policy Replacement Type Dimension



Stage Premium Offset Status Master


Premium Offset Status Dimension



Stage Non Forfeiture Provision Type Master


Non Forfeiture Provision Type Dimension



Stage Insurance Test Type Master


Insurance Test Type Dimension



Stage Tax Rebate Exchange Type Master


Tax Rebate Exchange Type Dimension



Stage Grandfathered Tax Regulation Type Master


Grandfathered Tax Regulation Type Dimension



Stage Premium Basis Master


Premium Basis Dimension



Stage Worker Compensation Business Line Master


Worker Compensation Business Line Dimension


About Common Policy Summary T2T (Result Table)

For information about the Common Policy Summary T2Ts, see the following sections:

·        About Life Insurance Contract T2Ts (Result Tables)

·        About Health Insurance Contract T2Ts (Result Tables)

·        About Annuity Contract T2Ts (Result Tables)

·        About Property and Casualty Contract T2Ts (Result Tables)

·        About Retirement Contract T2Ts (Result Tables)

Long Duration Contracts Table

Long Duration Contracts (principally life and annuity contracts) table stores the calculation of the liability of future policy benefits, a simplified amortization method for deferred acquisition costs, recording market risk benefits at fair value, and enhanced disclosures.

About Long Duration Contracts Dimension Table

Long Duration Contracts Dimension table name and its description are given here.

Table 106: Long Duration Contracts Dimension table name and its description

Logical Dimension Table Name

Dimension Table Description

Insurance Guarantee Type Dimension

This table stores the details of the Insurance guarantee type.


The mapping details for the Long Duration Contracts Dimension table are given here.

Table 107: The mapping details for the Long Duration Contracts Dimension table

Map Reference Number

Source Table Name

Logical Stage Table Name

Dimension Table Name

Logical Dimension Table Name



Stage Insurance Guarantee Type Master


Insurance Guarantee Type Dimension


Life Insurance Contract Tables

Life insurance is a contract between an insurer and a policyholder in which the insurer guarantees payment of a death benefit to the named beneficiaries when the insured dies. The insurance company promises a death benefit in exchange for premiums paid by the policyholder.

About Life Insurance Contract Dimension Tables

Common Policy Summary is also a part of the Policy Dimension table (DIM_POLICY). For the description of Policy Dimension, see the section Policy Dimension Table.

Assumed Policy Summary stores the detailed information elements of insurance policies that are not directly written or issued by the insurance company. In the Contracts table, if the value of the Direct Assumed Indicator column is A, then Fact Assumed Policy Summary tables are populated.

Life Insurance Contract Dimension table names and their description are given here.

Table 108: Life Insurance Contract Dimension table names and their description

Logical Dimension Table Name

Dimension Table Description

Policy Dimension

This table stores the list of all policies issued by the insurer.

Assumed Policy Dimension

This table stores the assumed policy details.


The mapping details for the Life Insurance Contract Dimension tables are given here.

Common Policy Summary is also a part of the Policy Dimension table (DIM_POLICY). For mapping information about Policy Dimension, see the chapter Policy Dimension Table.

Table 109: The mapping details for the Life Insurance Contract Dimension tables

Map Reference Number

Source Table Name

Logical Stage Table Name

Dimension Table Name

Logical Dimension Table Name



Stage Life Insurance Contracts View


Policy Dimension



Stage Life Insurance Contracts View


Assumed Policy Dimension


About Life Insurance Contract T2Ts (Result Tables)



In the Fact Common Policy Summary tables, if the value of V_DIRECT_ASSUMED_RI_IND is D or NULL or any other value apart from A, then Fact Common Policy Summary T2Ts are populated. Here, D is Direct Contracts, and A is Assumed Contracts.



In the Contracts tables, if the value of V_DIRECT_ASSUMED_RI_IND is A, then Fact Assumed Policy Summary T2Ts are populated. Here, A is Assumed Contracts.


Life Insurance Contract T2Ts and their description are given here.

Table 110: Life Insurance Contract T2Ts and their description

T2T Name

T2T Description


This T2T stores details of policy related to life insurance contracts.


This T2T stores the details of policy related to life insurance contracts.


The mapping details for Life Insurance Contract T2Ts and their description are given here.

Table 111: The mapping details for Life Insurance Contract T2Ts

Source Table Name

Logical Stage Table Name

Fact Table Name

Logical Fact Table Name

T2T Name


Stage Life Insurance Contracts


Fact Common Policy Summary



Stage Life Insurance Contracts


Fact Assumed Policy Summary



Health Insurance Contract Tables

Health insurance is a contract between the insurer and the policyholder or an individual's sponsor in which the insurer provides the payments of the complete or a part of the risk that the policyholder (or registered beneficiaries) incurs in the form of medical expenses in exchange for premiums paid by the policyholder or by the individual's sponsor.

An insurer develops a routine finance structure, such as a monthly premium or payroll tax by estimating the overall health risk and health system expenses over the risk pool and provides the money to pay for the health care benefits specified in the insurance agreement.

About Health Insurance Contract Dimension Tables

Common Policy Summary is also a part of the Policy Dimension table (DIM_POLICY). For the description of Policy Dimension, see the chapter Policy Dimension Table.

Assumed Policy Summary stores the detailed information elements of insurance policies that are not directly written or issued by the insurance company. In the Contracts table, if the value of the Direct Assumed Indicator column is A, then Fact Assumed Policy Summary tables are populated.

Health Insurance Contract Dimension table names and their description are given here.

Table 112: Health Insurance Contract Dimension table names and their description

Logical Dimension Table Name

Dimension Table Description

Policy Dimension

This table stores the list of all policies issued by the insurer.

Assumed Policy Dimension

This table stores the assumed policy details.


The mapping details for the Health Insurance Contract Dimension tables are given here.

Common Policy Summary is also a part of the Policy Dimension table (DIM_POLICY). For mapping information about Policy Dimension, see the chapter Policy Dimension Table.

Table 113: The mapping details for the Health Insurance Contract Dimension tables

Map Reference Number

Source Table Name

Logical Stage Table Name

Dimension Table Name

Logical Dimension Table Name



Stage Health Insurance Contracts View


Policy Dimension



Stage Health Insurance Contracts View


Assumed Policy Dimension


About Health Insurance Contract T2Ts (Result Tables)



In the Fact Common Policy Summary tables, if the value of V_DIRECT_ASSUMED_RI_IND is D or NULL or any other value apart from A, then Fact Common Policy Summary T2Ts are populated. Here, D is Direct Contracts, and A is Assumed Contracts.



In the Contracts tables, if the value of V_DIRECT_ASSUMED_RI_IND is A, then Fact Assumed Policy Summary T2Ts are populated. Here, A is Assumed Contracts.


Health Insurance Contract T2Ts and their description are given here.

Table 114: Health Insurance Contract T2Ts and their description

T2T Name

T2T Description


This T2T stores details of policy related to health insurance contracts.


This T2T stores details of policy related to health insurance contracts.


The mapping details for Life Insurance Contract T2Ts and their description are given here.

Table 115: The mapping details for Life Insurance Contract T2Ts

Source Table Name

Logical Stage Table Name

Fact Table Name

Logical Fact Table Name

T2T Name


Stage Health Insurance Contracts


Fact Common Policy Summary



Stage Health Insurance Contracts


Fact Assumed Policy Summary



Annuity Contract Tables

Annuity tables store the details of annuity contracts, which are defined as a written agreement between a financial institution and a customer outlining obligations of each Party in an annuity coverage agreement.

About Annuity Contract Dimension Tables

Common Policy Summary is also a part of the Policy Dimension table (DIM_POLICY). For the description of Policy Dimension, see the chapter Policy Dimension Table.

Assumed Policy Summary stores the detailed information elements of insurance policies that are not directly written or issued by the insurance company. In the Contracts table, if the value of the Direct Assumed Indicator column is A, then Fact Assumed Policy Summary tables are populated.

Annuity Contract Dimension table names and their description are given here.

Table 116: Annuity Contract Dimension table names and their description

Logical Dimension Table Name

Dimension Table Description

Policy Dimension

This table stores the list of all policies issued by the insurer.

Assumed Policy Dimension

This table stores the assumed policy details.

Annuity Payout Type Dimension

This table stores the details of the annuity payout type.

Sample values: FIX, VAR, and so on.

Annuity Type Dimension

This table stores the details of the annuity type for the policies.

Sample values: LOA, LAPC, LAGT, JSA.


The mapping details for the Annuity Contract Dimension tables are given here.

Common Policy Summary is also a part of the Policy Dimension table (DIM_POLICY). For mapping information about Policy Dimension, see the chapter Policy Dimension Table.

Table 117: The mapping details for the Annuity Contract Dimension tables

Map Reference Number

Source Table Name

Logical Stage Table Name

Dimension Table Name

Logical Dimension Table Name



Stage Annuity Contracts View


Policy Dimension



Stage Annuity Contracts View


Assumed Policy Dimension



Stage Annuity Payout Type Master


Annuity Payout Type Dimension



Stage Annuity Type Master


Annuity Type Dimension


About Annuity Contract T2Ts (Result Tables)



In the Fact Common Policy Summary tables, if the value of V_DIRECT_ASSUMED_RI_IND is D or NULL or any other value apart from A, then Fact Common Policy Summary T2Ts are populated. Here, D is Direct Contracts, and A is Assumed Contracts.



In the Contracts tables, if the value of V_DIRECT_ASSUMED_RI_IND is A, then Fact Assumed Policy Summary T2Ts are populated. Here, A is Assumed Contracts.


Annuity Contract T2Ts and their description are given here.

Table 118: Annuity Contract T2Ts and their description

T2T Name

T2T Description


This T2T captures the details of annuity contracts, which are defined as a written agreement between a financial institution and a customer outlining obligations of each Party in an annuity coverage agreement.


This T2T stores annuity contract details, which are defined as a written agreement between a financial institution and a customer outlining the obligations of each Party in an annuity coverage agreement.


The mapping details for Life Insurance Contract T2Ts and their description are given here.


Table 119: The mapping details for Life Insurance Contract T2Ts

Source Table Name

Logical Stage Table Name

Fact Table Name

Logical Fact Table Name

T2T Name


Stage Annuity Contracts


Fact Common Policy Summary



Stage Annuity Contracts


Fact Assumed Policy Summary



Property and Casualty Contract Tables

This section details the Property and Casualty Contract tables in the Oracle Insurance Data Foundation application.

In the Property and Casualty Contract category, the Auto Insurance tables store details of the policy related to the auto insurance contracts. The OIDF application supports auto insurance contracts for individual vehicles and a fleet of vehicles.

To load an Auto Insurance Contract in OIDF, follow these steps:

1.     The key components in the Auto Insurance Contract structure are the details related to the vehicle, inspection, inspection report, driver, driver’s license, and the Contract itself. Under the Contract component, the user must choose the Property and Casualty Product Processor.

2.     Based on the Policy ID, load Dimensions for the vehicle, and the type of the vehicle body, seat belt, engine, lease, tire, interior material, and the vehicle purpose.

3.     Inspection is done based on whether the policy is new or if it must be renewed, or is it a claim request. The policy renewal is additionally based on the extent of the vehicle damage. Now, load the vehicle inspection details. If a vehicle is exempt from inspection, then load the Vehicle Inspection Exempt Reason Dimension with the reasons for exemption. The inspection progress must be monitored and therefore, load the vehicle inspection status details.

4.     The vehicle inspection details and the vehicle inspection status are used to rate the vehicle. Load the vehicle rating information.

5.     Load the Driver Dimension details.

6.     Load the driver's license and driver’s license status details.

7.     Use the mapping table to find the relationship between the claim, driver, and vehicles.

8.     Use the mapping table to find the relationship between the policy, driver, and vehicles.

About Property and Casualty Contract Dimension Tables

Common Policy Summary is also a part of the Policy Dimension table (DIM_POLICY). For the description of Policy Dimension, see the chapter Policy Dimension Table.

Assumed Policy Summary stores the detailed information elements of insurance policies that are not directly written or issued by the insurance company. In the Contracts table, if the value of the Direct Assumed Indicator column is A, then Fact Assumed Policy Summary tables are populated.

Property and Casualty Contract Dimension table names and their description are given here.

Table 120: Property and Casualty Contract Dimension table names and their description

Logical Dimension Table Name

Dimension Table Description

Policy Dimension

This table stores the list of all policies issued by the insurer.

Assumed Policy Dimension

This table stores the assumed policy details.

Vehicle Dimension

Stores the vehicle details included in the policies and claims.

Vehicle Type Dimension

This table stores the vehicle type details.

Sample values are SUV, Car, Truck, and so on.

Vehicle Body Type Dimension

Stores the vehicle body type details. There are different sets of values for different types of vehicles. For example, values can be a two-door sedan, two-door hatchback, five-door sedan, and so on.

Vehicle Rating Dimension

Stores the vehicle rating details. Even when the vehicle ratings are prepared internally, they are handled through a common underwriter or rating agencies.

Vehicle Tonage Capacity Dimension

Stores the tonnage capacity rating details. For different jurisdictions, there are different ratings and groupings of tonnage capacity.

Vehicle Seat Belt Type Dimension

Stores the seat belt details available in the vehicle.

Sample values: Active, None, PassBoth, PassDrv, and SeatAir.

Vehicle Damage Type Dimension

Stores the nature or type of vehicle damage as provided by the inspection conducting party.

Sample values: BUMPF, RFELF, RFERF, RGRIL, RHOOD, ROOF, and so on.

Vehicle Engine Type Dimension

Stores the engine type details.

Sample values: D, E, G, H, N, O, P, TD, and TG.

Vehicle Lease Type Dimension

Stores the ownership or leased status details of the vehicle.

Sample values: L, N, and O.

Vehicle Purpose Dimension

Stores the code details that identify the predominant use of the vehicle.

Sample values: AC, BU, CL, CM, COM, CP, DC, DO, DU, DW, E, FH, FM, G, OT, PL, PS, and so on.

Vehicle Tyre Type Dimension

Stores the code details that identify the tire suitable for the vehicle.

Sample values: Basic, Discount, and Surcharged.

Driver Dimension

Stores the basic details of the vehicle driver such as name, date of birth, gender, and so on.

Driver License Dimension

Stores the license and eligibility details of the driver with the type of goods in the carriage.

Driving License Status Dimension

Stores the license status details of the driver.

Sample values: A, N, P, AP, and T.

Insurance Driver Status Dimension

Stores the insurance driver status code details.

Sample values: DD, E, N, and U.

Inspection Status Dimension

Stores the code details that indicate the vehicle inspection status.

Sample values: 3 is inspection completed on a timely basis, damage; 4 is inspection not completed on a timely basis resulting in a gap in coverage, damage, and so on.

Vehicle Inspection Exempt Reason Dimension

Stores the code details that indicate the reason the vehicle was exempt from inspection.

Sample values: A is a new vehicle from a dealer with a bill of sale or RMV1, B if the Applicant qualifies as an existing customer, and so on.

Vehicle Interior Material Type Dimension

Stores the code details that indicate the material type used in the vehicle.

Sample values: CLOTH, LEATH, OT, and VINYL.

Vehicle Operator Experience Dimension

Stores the code details that describe the experience required for the vehicle operators or drivers.

Sample values: NOLL, NONE, NPLL, and POLL.

Vehicle Performance Type Dimension

Stores the code details that indicate the vehicle performance level.

Sample values: BASIC, H, INMDT, P, and S.


The mapping details for the Property and Casualty Contract Dimension tables are given here.

Common Policy Summary is also a part of the Policy Dimension table (DIM_POLICY). For mapping information about Policy Dimension, see the chapter Policy Dimension Table.

Table 121: The mapping details for the Property and Casualty Contract Dimension tables

Map Reference Number

Source Table Name

Logical Stage Table Name

Dimension Table Name

Logical Dimension Table Name



Stage Property Casualty Contracts View


Policy Dimension



Stage Property Casualty Contracts View


Assumed Policy Dimension



Stage Vehicle Master


Vehicle Dimension



Stage Vehicle Type Master


Vehicle Type Dimension



Stage Vehicle Body Type Master


Vehicle Body Type Dimension



Stage Vehicle Rating Master


Vehicle Rating Dimension



Stage Vehicle Tonage Capacity Master


Vehicle Tonage Capacity Dimension



Stage Vehicle Seat Belt Type Master


Vehicle Seat Belt Type Dimension



Stage Vehicle Damage Type Master


Vehicle Damage Type Dimension



Stage Vehicle Engine Type Master


Vehicle Engine Type Dimension



Stage Vehicle Lease Type Master


Vehicle Lease Type Dimension



Stage Vehicle Purpose Master


Vehicle Purpose Dimension



Stage Vehicle Tyre Type Master


Vehicle Tyre Type Dimension



Stage Party Master


Driver Dimension



Stage Driver License Master


Driver License Dimension



Stage Driving License Status Master


Driving License Status Dimension



Stage Insurance Driver Status Master


Insurance Driver Status Dimension



Stage Inspection Status Master


Inspection Status Dimension



Stage Vehicle Inspection Exemption Reason Master


Vehicle Inspection Exempt Reason Dimension



Stage Vehicle Interior Material Type Master


Vehicle Interior Material Type Dimension



Stage Vehicle Operator Experience Master


Vehicle Operator Experience Dimension



Stage Vehicle Performance Type Master


Vehicle Performance Type Dimension


About Property and Casualty Contract T2Ts (Result Tables)



In the Fact Common Policy Summary tables, if the value of V_DIRECT_ASSUMED_RI_IND is D or NULL or any other value apart from A, then Fact Common Policy Summary T2Ts are populated. Here, D is Direct Contracts, and A is Assumed Contracts.



In the Contracts tables, if the value of V_DIRECT_ASSUMED_RI_IND is A, then Fact Assumed Policy Summary T2Ts are populated. Here, A is Assumed Contracts.


Property and Casualty Contract T2Ts and their description are given here.

Table 122: Property and Casualty Contract T2Ts and their description

T2T Name

T2T Description


This T2T stores details of policy related to property and casualty contracts.


This T2T stores details of policy related to property and casualty contracts.


Stores the relationship details between the claim, driver, and vehicles.


Stores the relationship details between the policy, driver, and vehicles.


Stores the vehicle rating details. Even when the vehicle ratings are prepared internally, they are handled through a common underwriter or rating agencies.


Stores the basic details of the vehicle driver.


Stores the license details of the driver.


Stores the vehicle inspection details for the purpose of insurance renewal, cancellation, or for any claims made.


The mapping details for Life Insurance Contract T2Ts and their description are given here.

Table 123: The mapping details for Life Insurance Contract T2Ts

Source Table Name

Logical Stage Table Name

Fact Table Name

Logical Fact Table Name

T2T Name


Stage Property Casualty Contracts


Fact Common Policy Summary



Stage Property Casualty Contracts


Fact Assumed Policy Summary



Stage Claim Driver Vehicle Map


Fact Claim Driver Vehicle Map



Stage Policy Driver Vehicle Map


Fact Policy Driver Vehicle Map



Stage Policy Vehicle Rating Details


Fact Policy Vehicle Rating Details



Stage Driver Details


Fact Driver Details



Stage Driver License Details


Fact Driver License Details



Stage Vehicle Inspection Details


Fact Vehicle Inspection Details



Retirement Contract Tables

Retirement contracts are insurance and savings plans that help an individual to create a corpus for their future during the policy term. On maturity (retirement), a percentage amount of the accumulated corpus can be withdrawn as a lump sum and the rest in parts in the form of a pension.

About Retirement Contract Dimension Tables

Common Policy Summary is also a part of the Policy Dimension table (DIM_POLICY). For the description of Policy Dimension, see the chapter Policy Dimension Table.

Assumed Policy Summary stores the detailed information elements of insurance policies that are not directly written or issued by the insurance company. In the Contracts table, if the value of the Direct Assumed Indicator column is A, then Fact Assumed Policy Summary tables are populated.

Retirement Contract Dimension table names and their description are given here.

Table 124: Retirement Contract Dimension table names and their description

Logical Dimension Table Name

Dimension Table Description

Policy Dimension

This table stores the list of all policies issued by the insurer.

Assumed Policy Dimension

This table stores the assumed policy details.


The mapping details for the Retirement Contract Dimension tables are given here.

Common Policy Summary is also a part of the Policy Dimension table (DIM_POLICY). For mapping information about Policy Dimension, see the chapter Policy Dimension Table.

Table 125: The mapping details for the Retirement Contract Dimension tables

Map Reference Number

Source Table Name

Logical Stage Table Name

Dimension Table Name

Logical Dimension Table Name



Stage Retirement Accounts View


Policy Dimension



Stage Retirement Accounts View


Assumed Policy Dimension


About Retirement Contract T2Ts (Result Tables)



In the Fact Common Policy Summary tables, if the value of V_DIRECT_ASSUMED_RI_IND is D or NULL or any other value apart from A, then Fact Common Policy Summary T2Ts are populated. Here, D is Direct Contracts, and A is Assumed Contracts.



In the Contracts tables, if the value of V_DIRECT_ASSUMED_RI_IND is A, then Fact Assumed Policy Summary T2Ts are populated. Here, A is Assumed Contracts.


Retirement Contract T2Ts and their description are given here.

Table 126: Retirement Contract T2Ts and their description

T2T Name

T2T Description


This T2T stores details of policy related to retirement accounts.


This T2T stores investment details of retirement savings, which is used by individuals to earn and earmark funds.


The mapping details for Retirement Contract T2Ts is given here.

Table 127: The mapping details for Retirement Contract T2Ts

Source Table Name

Logical Stage Table Name

Fact Table Name

Logical Fact Table Name

T2T Name


Stage Retirement Accounts


Fact Common Policy Summary



Stage Retirement Accounts


Fact Assumed Policy Summary



Coverage Tables

The Policy Coverage table stores the list of all coverages and amounts set by the Insurer.


·        About Policy Coverage Dimension Tables

·        About Policy Coverage T2T (Result Table)

·        Embedded Options Tables

About Policy Coverage Dimension Tables

Policy Coverage Dimension table names and their description are given here.

Table 128: Policy Coverage Dimension table names and their description

Logical Dimension Table Name

Dimension Table Description

Insurance Age Amount Product Dimension

This table stores the details of the insurance age amount product code. This table is used to define any age ranges supported, and minimum or maximum amounts, units or percentages that are available for that particular age range. The minimum and maximum ages represented in the collection of Age Amount Products at this level must follow certain defined rules.

Age Amount Product Measure Dimension

This table stores the details of Age Amount Product Measures.


The mapping details for the Policy Coverage Dimension tables are given here.

Table 129: The mapping details for the Policy Coverage Dimension tables

Map Reference Number

Source Table Name

Logical Stage Table Name

Dimension Table Name

Logical Dimension Table Name



Stage Insurance Age Amount Product Master


Insurance Age Amount Product Dimension



Stage Age Amount Product Measure Master


Age Amount Product Measure Dimension


About Policy Coverage T2T (Result Table)

Policy Coverage T2Ts and their description are given here.

Table 130: Policy Coverage T2Ts and their description

T2T Name

T2T Description


This T2T stores policy coverages details. A policy can have multiple coverages.


This T2T stores the coverage basis value for a given policy.


This T2T stores the details of the Insurance Age Amount Product. This table is used to define any age ranges supported, and minimum or maximum amounts, units or percentages that are available for that particular age range. The minimum and maximum ages represented in the collection of Age Amount Products at this level must follow certain defined rules.


This table stores the details of the Insurance Age Amount Product. This table is used to define any age ranges supported, and minimum or maximum amounts, units or percentages that are available for that particular age range. This table holds the values defined as per the insurance age amount product definition table.


The mapping details for the Policy Coverage T2Ts are given here.

Table 131: The mapping details for the Policy Coverage T2Ts

Source Table Name

Logical Stage Table Name

Fact Table Name

Logical Fact Table Name

T2T Name


Stage Policy Coverages


Fact Policy Coverages



Stage Policy Coverage Basis Detail


Fact Policy Coverage Basis Detail



Stage Insurance Age Amount Product Definition


Fact Insurance Age Amount Product Definition



Stage Insurance Age Amount Product Table


Fact Insurance Age Amount Product Table



Embedded Options Tables

This section provides information about the Embedded Options table.

About Embedded Options T2T (Result Table)

Embedded Options T2T and its description is given here.

Table 132: Embedded Options T2T and its description

T2T Name

T2T Description


This T2T stores the details of schedule embedded options of interest rate instruments. An embedded option is an inseparable part of another instrument and does not trade on its own.


The mapping details for the Embedded Options T2T is given here.

Table 133: The mapping details for the Embedded Options T2T

Source Table Name

Logical Stage Table Name

Fact Table Name

Logical Fact Table Name

T2T Name


Stage Embedded Options Schedule


Fact Embedded Options Schedule



Insurance Participation Tables

This section provides information about the Insurance Participation tables.

Using Stage Party Insurance Policy Role Map T2T (Result Table)

The Party Insurance Policy Role Map table stores information related to different policies that are taken by a Party.



Load STG_PARTY_INS_POLICY_ROLE_MAP with all customer records and Party Role must be ‘CUSTOMER’.


The mapping details to populate the Party Insurance Policy Role Map T2T is given here.

Table 134: The mapping details to populate the Party Insurance Policy Role Map T2T

Source Table Name

Logical Stage Table Name

Fact Table Name

Logical Fact Table Name

T2T Name


Stage Party Insurance Policy Role Map


Fact Party Insurance Policy Role Map



About Insurance Participation T2T (Result Table)

Insurance Participation T2T and its description is given here.

Table 135: Insurance Participation T2T and its description

T2T Name

T2T Description


This T2T stores the details of multiple insurers who come together to provide reinsurance to Insurance companies. Their respective details of sharing and participation are stored in this table.


The mapping details for the Insurance Participation T2T is given here.

Table 136: The mapping details for the Insurance Participation T2T

Source Table Name

Logical Stage Table Name

Fact Table Name

Logical Fact Table Name

T2T Name


Stage Insurance Participation Details


Fact Insurance Participation Details



Supplemental Data

Supplemental Data refers to the additional and contextual information applicable to only certain insurance contracts. This consists of primarily two information sets namely group insurance details and policy schedules.


·        Group Beneficiary Tables

·        Policy Schedules Table

·        Policy and Funds Tables

·        Policy Loans Tables

·        Policy Conversion Table 

·        Special Events Tables

Group Beneficiary Tables

Group Insurance refers to insurance that covers a defined group of people, such as employees of a company or members of a particular profession, typically against illness or death.

This is the conceptual model of the Group Insurance Policies or Contracts.

Figure 92: The conceptual model of the Group Insurance Policies or Contracts

This illustration shows the conceptual model of the Group Insurance Policies or Contracts.

About Group Beneficiary Dimension Table

Group Beneficiary Dimension table name and its description are given here.

Table 137: Group Beneficiary Dimension table name and its description

Logical Dimension Table Name

Dimension Table Description

Beneficiary Dimension

This table stores beneficiary details.


The mapping details for the Reinsurance Contracts Dimension table is given here.

Table 138: The mapping details for the Reinsurance Contracts Dimension table

Map Reference Number

Source Table Name

Logical Stage Table Name

Dimension Table Name

Logical Dimension Table Name



Stage Party Master


Beneficiary Dimension


About Group Policy Beneficiary T2Ts (Result Tables)

The Group Policy Beneficiary T2Ts with descriptions are as follows.

Table 139: The Group Policy Beneficiary T2Ts with descriptions

T2T Name

T2T Description


Stores group insurance policy beneficiary details.


Stores the Group Insurance plan details.


Stores the count of the beneficiaries based on the value in the source flag column.


The mapping details for the Group Policy Beneficiary T2Ts are as follows.

Table 140: The mapping details for the Group Policy Beneficiary T2Ts

Source Table Name

Logical Stage Table Name

Fact Table Name

Logical Fact Table Name

T2T Name


Stage Groupings Policy Beneficiary Details


Fact Groupings Policy Beneficiary Details



Stage Group Insurance Policy Summary


Fact Group Insurance Policy Summary



Stage Groupings Policy Beneficiary Details


Fact Group Insurance Policy Summary



Data Population in the FCT_GRPINS_POLICY_SUMMARY Table

The two ways to populate the data in the FCT_GRPINS_POLICY_SUMMARY table are:

·        The data population through the T2T_FGPS_STG_GRPINS_POLICY_SUMMARY, which is at the Policy Summary level.

·        The data population through the T2T_FGPS_STG_GRPINS_POL_BENFCIARY_DTLS. The data can be populated for the count at the policy or beneficiary level.

Figure 93: The FCT_GRPINS_POLICY_SUMMARY table and its source

This illustration shows the FCT_GRPINS_POLICY_SUMMARY table and its source.

This is an illustration of data population in the FCT_GRPINS_POLICY_SUMMARY table:

Table: An illustration of input data sourcing for data population in the FCT_GRPINS_POLICY_SUMMARY table









Table Name









Column Name









Policy 1









Policy 2









Policy 3









Policy 4











For each Policy, the data for the input column STG_GRPINS_POL_BENFCIARY_DTLS.V_ACCOUNT_NUMBER is retrieved from the source column (Policy type) STG_LIFE_INS_CONTRACTS. V_ACCOUNT_NUMBER or STG_HEALTH_INS_CONTRACTS.V_ACCOUNT_NUMBER, based on the Policy ID column V_GROUP_INS_POLICY_ID.

The total count of different policies is retrieved from different source columns STG_LIFE_INS_CONTRACTS.V_GROUP_POLICY_ID and STG_HEALTH_INS_CONTRACTS. V_GROUP_POLICY_ID into the input column STG_GRPINS_POLICY_SUMMARY.V_GROUP_INS_POLICY_ID.

Table 141: Output data population in the FCT_GRPINS_POLICY_SUMMARY table




Table Name



Column Name



Summation of WFH employees (only Y)







For the data in the input column STG_GRPINS_POL_BENFCIARY_DTLS.V_ACCOUNT_NUMBER, when the flag STG_GRPINS_POL_BENFCIARY_DTLS.F_EMPLOYEE_WFH_FLAG is Y then the counter N_NO_OF_EMPLOYESS_WFH increments by 1 in the target column FCT_GRPINS_POLICY_SUMMARY.N_NO_OF_EMPLOYESS_WFH for different Policy IDs V_GROUP_INS_POLICY_ID.

For example:


For Policy 1, the data Life001 for the input column (STG_GRPINS_POL_BENFCIARY_DTLS.V_ACCOUNT_NUMBER) is retrieved from the source column STG_LIFE_INS_CONTRACTS. V_ACCOUNT_NUMBER (Life001), based on the Policy ID Oracle001 (STG_LIFE_INS_CONTRACTS.V_GROUP_INS_POLICY_ID). This procedure is repeated for Policy 2, Policy 3, and Policy 4.

The total count (1+1+0+1) of different policies (Policy 1, Policy 2, Policy 3, and Policy 4) is retrieved from different source columns Oracle001 (STG_LIFE_INS_CONTRACTS.V_GROUP_POLICY_ID) and Oracle002 (STG_HEALTH_INS_CONTRACTS.V_GROUP_POLICY_ID) into the input column STG_GRPINS_POLICY_SUMMARY.V_GROUP_INS_POLICY_ID (Oracle001, Oracle001, 0, Oracle002).


For data (Life001, Life002, Health001, Health002) in the input column (STG_GRPINS_POL_BENFCIARY_DTLS.V_ACCOUNT_NUMBER), when the flag (STG_GRPINS_POL_BENFCIARY_DTLS.F_EMPLOYEE_WFH_FLAG) is Y, then the counter (N_NO_OF_EMPLOYESS_WFH) increments by 1 in the target column FCT_GRPINS_POLICY_SUMMARY.N_NO_OF_EMPLOYESS_WFH (2+1) for different Policy IDs V_GROUP_INS_POLICY_ID (Oracle001, Oracle002).

Policy Schedules Table

Policy Schedules refers to the agreed non-linear premium and benefit schedules associated with the insurance contracts. For example, step up Annuity Contracts, and Term Life Insurance, where benefits are increasing or decreasing with the remaining term of the contract. Agreed schedules can be stored in this entity.

About Policy Schedules T2T (Result Table)

Policy Schedules T2T and its description is given here.

Table 142: Policy Schedules T2T and its description

T2T Name

T2T Description


This T2T stores the details of policy schedules. Policy Schedules refer to the premium and sum insured for each policy year until policy maturity. This is used in case of increasing or decreasing the benefit or Premium payments associated with a policy.


The mapping details for the Policy Schedules T2T is given here.

Table 143: The mapping details for the Policy Schedules T2T

Source Table Name

Logical Stage Table Name

Fact Table Name

Logical Fact Table Name

T2T Name


Stage Policy Schedules


Fact Policy Schedules



Policy and Funds Tables

Policy Funds refers to the investment made by the policyholder as part of the insurance contract and significant market risk is borne by the policyholder.

About Policy and Funds T2T (Result Table)

Policy and Funds T2Ts and their description are given here.

Table 144: Policy and Funds T2Ts and their description

T2T Name

T2T Description


This T2T stores the policy-wise fund details. This covers units invested for each fund, total amount invested (current value of an investment as of today), and so on.


This T2T stores the investment allocation for a given policy, fund, and investment bucket combination. The investment amount is allocated to different funds and during different periods, which is stored in this entity. This covers the premium amount invested in each bucket, running total premium, and cash surrender value for each bucket.


The mapping details for the Policy and Funds T2Ts are given here.

Table 145: The mapping details for the Policy and Funds T2Ts

Source Table Name

Logical Stage Table Name

Fact Table Name

Logical Fact Table Name

T2T Name


Stage Policy Funds


Fact Policy Funds



Stage Policy Fund Allocation


Fact Policy Fund Allocation



Policy Loans Tables

Some insurance policies allow policyholders to take the loans based on the amount accumulated to date as per the terms and conditions laid in the contract. Such loans are considered as a contract by itself in OIDF and must be loaded in stage loan contracts. This entity holds policy identifiers to link multiple loans taken under a given insurance policy.

A network of loan entities cover Stage Loan Contracts, Stage Mitigants, Stage Account Mitigant Map, Stage Account Write off Details, Stage Account Recovery details.

About Policy Loans T2T (Result Table)

Policy Loans T2Ts and their description is given here.

Table 146: Policy Loans T2Ts and their description

T2T Name

T2T Description


This T2T stores the details of loans. This table includes mortgage and vehicle loans.


This T2T stores the details of loans lent by the Insurance Company to its customers.


The mapping details for the Policy Loans T2Ts are given here.

Table 147: The mapping details for the Policy Loans T2Ts

Source Table Name

Logical Stage Table Name

Fact Table Name

Logical Fact Table Name

T2T Name


Stage Loan Contracts


Fact Loan Account Summary



Stage Loan Contracts


Fact Common Account Summary



Policy Conversion Table

This table is used to store the policy details when converting one policy to another. The policy can be converted from one to multiple policies or multiple to one policy. An insurance policy with this type of provision allows the insured to switch to a different type of policy.

About Policy Conversion T2T (Result Table)

Policy Conversion T2T and its description is given here.

Table 148: Policy Conversion T2T and its description

T2T Name

T2T Description


This T2T stores the details of conversion policies. If the policy is converted from one to multiple, or vice versa.


Policy Conversion T2T and its description is given here.

Table 149: The mapping details for the Policy Conversion T2T

Source Table Name

Logical Stage Table Name

Fact Table Name

Logical Fact Table Name

T2T Name


Stage Policy Conversion Details


Fact Policy Conversion Details



Special Events Tables

Any social event such as sports, film shooting, concerts, and so on are considered as a special event. An Insurer can insure their special event under the Policy Coverages against the liabilities occurring because of the event cancellation, terrorism, liquor, the artist not showing up, and so on.

Any Party that needs insurance coverage against the liquor liabilities can obtain insurance using the Policy Coverages. The liquor liabilities coverage may be applicable as a part of the Special Event Insurance if the liquor is served at the policy covered special event venue.

About Special Events Dimension Table

Special Events Dimension table name and its description are mentioned in the following table.

Table 150: Special Events Dimension table name and its description

Logical Dimension Table Name

Dimension Table Description

Special Event Dimension

This table stores information about the special events such as event ID and event description. Some of the examples of special events are social events such as concerts, film shooting, weddings, sports, and so on.


The mapping details for the Special Events Dimension table are  mentioned in the following table.

Table 151: The mapping details for the Special Events Dimension table

Map Reference Number

Source Table Name

Logical Stage Table Name

Dimension Table Name

Logical Dimension Table Name



Stage Special Event Master


Special Event Dimension


About Special Events T2T (Result Table)

Special Events T2T and its description are mentioned in the following table.

Table 152: Special Events T2T and its description

T2T Name

T2T Description


This T2T stores the details of the event, artist, and the liabilities arising in the policy covered special events such as sports, film shooting, concerts, and so on. The liabilities can be due to the event cancellation, terrorism, liquor, the artist not showing up, and so on.


This T2T stores the relationships between the Policy, Coverages, and Special Events insured by the Insurer.


The mapping details for Special Events T2T are mentioned in the following table.

Table 153: The mapping details for Special Events T2T

Source Table Name

Logical Stage Table Name

Fact Table Name

Logical Fact Table Name

T2T Name


Stage Policy Covered Event


Fact Policy Covered Event



Stage Policy Coverage Special Event Map


Fact Policy Coverage Special Event Map




Reinsurance Contracts Tables

A reinsurance contract is defined as an insurance contract issued by one entity (the reinsurer) to compensate another entity for claims arising from one or more insurance contracts issued by that other entity. The requirements for the assessment of significant insurance risk in a reinsurance contract are the same as for an insurance contract. However, a reinsurance contract transfers significant insurance risk if it transfers substantially all of the insurance risk resulting from the insured portion of the underlying insurance contract, even if it does not expose the reinsurer to the possibility of a significant loss.

About Reinsurance Contracts Dimension Tables

Reinsurance Contracts Dimension table names and their description are given here.

Table 154: Reinsurance Contracts Dimension table names and their description

Logical Dimension Table Name

Dimension Table Description

Insurance Reserve Function Method Dimension

This table stores the method used to calculate reserves and defines the mortality function used to calculate reserves and net premiums for valuation.

Consequence Of Loss Dimension

This table stores the code that identifies the consequences of losses.
Sample values: Acid burns, Amputation, Blindness, and so on.

Tax Reimbursement Calculation Method Dimension

This table stores the Tax Reimbursement Calculation Method Code details and the information about the method for calculating the portion of the Premium Taxes reimbursed to the direct insurer.

Insurance Reserve Calculation Basis Dimension

This table stores the Insurance Reserve Calculation Basis Code details, in which, the basis is used in calculating the standard GAAP reserve.
Sample value: OTHER.

Reinsurance Contract Type Dimension

This table stores the Reinsurance Contract Type details.
Sample values: DIP is Direct Insurance Policy, RC is Reinsurance Contract, FC is Facultative Contract, and so on.

Insurance Sub Standard Policy Reserve Method Dimension

This table stores the Insurance Sub Standard Policy Reserve Method Code details, a code list from Life Reinsurance Activity Report LREACT UGP, UPP, and so on. Describes the actuarial methodology used to calculate the substandard policy reserves. For example, Net Level.

Reinsurance Accounting Basis Dimension

This table stores the Reinsurance accounting basis details, which specifies the basis of accounting for the contract.
Sample values: Accident Year, Accounting Year, Calendar Year, Underwriting Year, and so on.

Insurance Reserve Calculation Method Dimension

This table stores the information about the reserve’s calculation method on this coverage and is used by valuation programs to find the correct reserves for this coverage.
Sample values: OTHER, UNKNOWN, RESVMETHYT is 1- or 5-Year Preliminary Term.

Insurance Sub Standard Reserve Calculation Basis Dimension

This table stores the Insurance Sub Standard Reserve Calculation Basis Code details. The substandard GAAP reserve factor is applied to the amount indicated to calculate the substandard GAAP reserve amount.
Sample values: OTHER, UNKNOWN, and so on.

Contract Limit Retention Basis Dimension

This table stores the code identification details of the basis of the contract limits and retentions applicable to the claim that is reported.
Sample values: Per accident, Per event, Per occurrence, Per location, and so on.

Insurance Reserve Valuation Type Dimension

This table stores Reserve Valuation Type details.
Sample values: OTHER, UNKNOWN, RESVALTPCAM is Canadian Modified CANMOD, and so on.

Insurance Retention Level Type Dimension

This table stores the Insurance Retention Level Type details and the level of retention on the coverage.
Sample values: OTHER, UNKNOWN, RETNLEVRNF is Full proportional, RETNLEVRFR is Full retention, and so on.

Reinsurance Business Origin Dimension

This table stores the Reinsurance Business Origin Code details, in which, codes specify whether the contract was directly or indirectly ceded.
Sample values: Cession, Retrocession, Coinsurance, Direct insurance.

Policy Dimension

This table stores the list of all policies issued by the insurer.


The mapping details for the Reinsurance Contracts Dimension tables are given here.

Table 155: The mapping details for the Reinsurance Contracts Dimension tables

Map Reference Number

Source Table Name

Logical Stage Table Name

Dimension Table Name

Logical Dimension Table Name



Stage Insurance Reserve Function Method Master


Insurance Reserve Function Method Dimension



Stage Consequence Of Loss Master


Consequence Of Loss Dimension



Stage Tax Reimbursement Calculation Method Master


Tax Reimbursement Calculation Method Dimension



Stage Insurance Reserve Calculation Basis Master


Insurance Reserve Calculation Basis Dimension



Stage Reinsurance Contract Type Master


Reinsurance Contract Type Dimension



Stage Insurance Sub Standard Policy Reserve Method Master


Insurance Sub Standard Policy Reserve Method Dimension



Stage Reinsurance Accounting Basis Master


Reinsurance Accounting Basis Dimension



Stage Insurance Reserve Calculation Method Master


Insurance Reserve Calculation Method Dimension



Stage Insurance Sub Standard Reserve Calculation Basis Master


Insurance Sub Standard Reserve Calculation Basis Dimension



Stage Contract Limit Retention Basis Master


Contract Limit Retention Basis Dimension



Stage Insurance Reserve Valuation Type Master


Insurance Reserve Valuation Type Dimension



Stage Insurance Retention Level Type Master


Insurance Retention Level Type Dimension



Stage Reinsurance Business Origin Master


Reinsurance Business Origin Dimension



Stage Reinsurance Contracts Issued


Policy Dimension



Stage Reinsurance Contracts Held


Policy Dimension


About Reinsurance Contracts T2Ts (Result Tables)

Reinsurance Contracts T2Ts and their description are given here.

Table 156: Reinsurance Contracts T2Ts and their description

T2T Name

T2T Description


This T2T stores all the attributes of a reinsurance contract held by the entity.


This T2T stores all the attributes of a reinsurance contract issued by the entity.


This T2T stores the mapping between the Placed Collateral and Reinsurance Contract. Reinsurers provide security to Insurance companies to make sure that they are adequately covered.


This T2T stores the mapping between Mitigant and Reinsurance Contract. Reinsurers provide security to Insurance Company to ensure that they are adequately covered.


The mapping details for the Reinsurance Contract T2Ts are given here.

Table 157: The mapping details for the Reinsurance Contract T2Ts

Source Table Name

Logical Stage Table Name

Fact Table Name

Logical Fact Table Name

T2T Definition Name


Stage Reinsurance Contracts Held


Fact Reinsurance Contracts Held



Stage Reinsurance Contracts Issued


Fact Reinsurance Contracts Issued



Stage Reinsurance Issued Placed Collateral Map


Fact Reinsurance Issued Placed Collateral Map



Stage Reinsurance Held Mitigant Map


Fact Reinsurance Held Mitigant Map



Deploying Insurance Contracts Tables on Hive

All RDBMS related Result tables can also be deployed on Hive (Stage and Results). Deploy the Hive T2Ts using the Rules Run Framework. For more information, see the Rules Run Framework section in the Oracle Financial Services Advanced Analytical Applications Infrastructure User Guide Release



In general, Stage and Result tables are also supported in Hive. However, there are some exceptions. For a list of tables that are not supported in Hive, see List of Unsupported T2Ts


Populating Insurance Contracts Dimension Tables

Follow this SCD process to populate data into a Dimension table:



You can also follow this SCD process to populate data into any Hive-related Dimension table.


1.     To populate data into a Dimension table, execute the SCD batch. For a detailed procedure, see the Slowly Changing Dimension (SCD) Process.

2.     To check the SCD batch execution status of a Dimension table, follow the procedure Check the Execution Status of the SCD Batch.

3.     To verify log files, and check the error messages (if any), follow the procedure Verify Log Files and Check Error Messages.

Populating Insurance Contracts T2T Result Tables

Follow this T2T process to populate data into any T2T Result table:



Only RDBMS T2Ts can be executed using the PMF.


1.     To populate data into any T2T Result table, execute the PMF process for that T2T. For a detailed procedure, see the following sections:

a.     Prerequisites for loading T2T.

b.     Select the Run Parameters and Execute the Run.

2.     To check the T2T execution status and verify the log files of any Result table, follow the procedure in the Verify the Run Execution section.

3.     To check the error messages, if any, follow the procedure in the Check Error Messages section.

Related Topics

You can see the following topics related to other function-specific tables:

·        Insurance Claims Tables

·        General Ledger Data and Management Reporting Tables

·        Transaction Summary Tables