31 Insurance Claims Tables

This chapter details the Insurance Claims tables in the Oracle Insurance Data Foundation application.


·        About Insurance Claims

·        About Insurance Claims Dimension Tables

·        About Insurance Claims T2Ts (Result Tables)

·        Deploying Insurance Claims Tables on Hive

·        Populating Insurance Claims Dimension Tables

·        Populating Insurance Claims T2Ts (Result Tables)

·        Related Topics

About Insurance Claims

An insurance claim is a formal request to an Insurance Company for coverage or compensation for a covered loss or policy event. The Insurance Company validates the claim and, after approval, issues payment to the insured or to an approved interested Party on behalf of the insured.

The OIDF application sources data from the claim systems after the claim is generated.

The Claims tables store the claim process performed to date including the claim dates, status, and amounts.  

The following table depicts the difference between the Statutory Insurance and the Non-statutory Insurance:

Table 282: Difference between the Statutory Insurance and the Non-statutory Insurance

Statutory Insurance

Non-statutory Insurance

This is a type of insurance, which the insured is required to buy under a country, state, or federal law.

This is a type of insurance, which is up to the buyer to purchase or not.


An Illustration of the Insurance Claims Process Flow

This section contains an illustration of the Insurance Claims process flow in chronological order.

This is an example of the Insurance Claims process after the fire occurrence in a technology park.

Assume that, in a Tier I city, in a technology park, in a company building of four floors, there is a fire incident on the second floor. Due to the extent of the fire, the building has collapsed into its underground parking area. As a result, there are damages and destruction caused to the equipment and furniture inside the building, a few injured people, and a few fire-related deaths. In addition, the vehicles inside the building parking area are damaged or destroyed. During the building collapse, the adjacent building is damaged. As the collapsed building, the adjacent damaged building, and the technology park are insured, they apply for the Insurance Claim for recovery.

The Insurance Company checks their reserve and the details of the Insured. The Insurance Company Assessor is sent to the collapsed building location to assess the extent of damage and destruction in detail. The Assessor analyzes the fire incident location, the injured, and the deceased lives. Then the Assessor creates a detailed report, which also includes the damage due to the water used to put out the fire and the disabilities caused. The Assessor cross-verifies the report with the Insurance Policy terms. All these damages, destructions, and loss of lives are caused due to one fire incident. For an incidence to be an occurrence, there must be common traits across multiple claims, same date, same location, and then the traits are grouped together for future use. The insurer can set aside a calculated amount of money for a similar incidence that can occur the next time.

Even though the Insurance Company focuses on completing the claims process on time, there can be possible flaws in the process due to human error or undiscovered reasons. For example, the Nominee is not the Beneficiary, or an employee was not even in the incident premises, however, that employee was hurt outside due to some other reason and is claimed as injured by the insured company, and so on.

Based on the assessment of the policy terms, report, and claim terms, the claim is processed or rejected.

Insurance Claims Process Flow

This is the representation of the conceptual model of Insurance Policy Claims.

Figure 130: The representation of the conceptual model of Insurance Policy Claims

This illustration shows the Insurance Policy Claims conceptual model representation. The explanation follows this illustration.

The process flow of an Insurance Policy Claim is as follows:

1.     A Claim is created and the data is stored in the Claim Dimension table.

2.     The claim policy map is used to store the relationship between the claim and the policy for which it is created. The mapping details are stored in the Claim Party Map table.

3.     The details of a claim from the policyholder, the amount paid by the insurer, and the summary of the claim’s transactions to date are stored in the Claim Details table.

4.     The insurer must conduct the claim investigation. The insurer obtains information to evaluate an insurance claim. The investigators look for evidence whether a claim is legitimate or illegitimate. The investigation details are stored in the Claim Investigation Details table.

5.     After the claim investigation is complete, the claim amount is estimated and the claim breakup is done. The claim breakup is where an insurer sets aside a claim amount for a policy.

6.     The transactions related to a claim are stored in the Claims Transactions table.



The Claim Identifier column is added to the tables FCT_PARTY_MEDICAL_CONDITN_DTLS, FCT_PARTY_MEDICAL_TREATMENTS, and FCT_PARTY_DISABILITY_DETAILS to link the party medical attributes to the insurance claims.


About Insurance Claims Dimension Tables

This section provides mapping details and descriptions of the Insurance Claims Dimension tables.

About Insurance Claim Details Dimension Tables

The Insurance Claims Details Dimension table names and their description are as follows.

Table 283: The Insurance Claims Details Dimension table names and their description

Logical Dimension Table Name

Dimension Table Description

Dimension Claim Status

Stores the list of all status codes and descriptions that are applicable for a claim transaction.

Claim Dimension

Stores the list of all claims.

Catastrophe Events Dimension

Stores the catastrophic event details for a claim.

Claim Feature Status Dimension

Stores the status of a claim, based on which several calculations change.

Premium Plan Type Dimension

Stores the premium plan type details.

Sample values: AUDIT and EST.

Claim Offer Dimension

Stores details of the offer given on a claim.

Claim Risk Category Dimension

Stores the category details of the claim risk. This table is used to specify the situations, where the claim risk category may be based on several criteria such as the claim amount, the manner of loss, length of the time policy is in force, contestability or other investigative issues, and many other factors.
Sample values: OTHER, UNKNOWN, HIGH, LOW, and MEDIUM.

Claim Status Reason Dimension

Stores details of the claim status reason. This table provides additional details about the reason for the current claim status. 

Claim Type Dimension

Stores details of the types of claims types.

International Statistical Classification Of Diseases Dimension

Stores classification details of the international statistics of diseases. The ICD is the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems. The ICD is a medical classification list maintained by the World Health Organization (WHO). The list contains codes for diseases, signs, and symptoms, abnormal findings, complaints, social circumstances, and external causes of injury or diseases.


The mapping details for the Insurance Claims Details Dimension tables are as follows.

Table 284: The mapping details for the Insurance Claims Details Dimension tables

Map Reference Number

Source Table Name

Logical Stage Table Name

Dimension Table Name

Logical Dimension Table Name



Stage Claim Status Master


Dimension Claim Status



Stage Claim Details


Claim Dimension



Stage Catastrophe Events Master


Catastrophe Events Dimension



Stage Claim Feature Status Master


Claim Feature Status Dimension



Stage Premium Plan Type Master


Premium Plan Type Dimension



Stage Claim Offer Master


Claim Offer Dimension



Stage Claim Risk Category Master


Claim Risk Category Dimension



Stage Claim Status Reason Master


Claim Status Reason Dimension



Stage Claim Type Master


Claim Type Dimension



Stage International Statistical Classification Of Diseases Master


International Statistical Classification Of Diseases Dimension


About Insurance Claims Investigation Dimension Tables

The Insurance Claims Investigation Dimension table names and their description are as follows.

Table 285: The Insurance Claims Investigation Dimension table names and their description

Logical Dimension Table Name

Dimension Table Description

Claim Investigation Dimension

Stores the Claim Investigation details. The claims investigation is a process in which the insurance companies, insurance examiners, or investigators obtain information to evaluate an insurance claim. The investigators look for evidence whether a claim is legitimate or illegitimate.

Investigation Status Reason Dimension

Stores details of the Investigation Status Reason.
Sample values: IDF, NAIC1, NAIC2, PKEY1, PKEY2, POL1, SYSU, UREQ, and so on.

Claim Investigation Reason Dimension

Stores details of the claim investigation reason. This table is used to identify the aspect of the claim that leads the submitter to doubt the validity of a claim and refer the claim for further investigation. The source of this code list is the National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB).
Sample values: FL and SFL.

Claim Review Reason Dimension

Stores details of the reason for which the claim review took place. These reasons are appended at the end of the review.

Claim Submission Method Dimension

Stores details of the means through which the claimant informs the Insurance Company of any loss.
Sample values: Internet, Call, Mail, and so on.

Claim Reopening Reason Type Dimension

Stores the reopening reason type.

Sample values: R1 - Mathematical or computational mistake, R2 - Inaccurate data entry, D0 - Changes in-service date, E0 - Change in patient status, and so on.

Claim Handling Type Dimension

Stores the claim handling type details. This table is used to specify the situations, where claim handling can differ based on the claim amount, underwriting needs or other extenuating circumstances, or at the request of the claimant.


The mapping details for the Insurance Claims Investigation Dimension tables are as follows.

Table 286: The mapping details for the Insurance Claims Investigation Dimension tables

Map Reference Number

Source Table Name

Logical Stage Table Name

Dimension Table Name

Logical Dimension Table Name



Stage Claim Investigation Details


Claim Investigation Dimension



Stage Investigation Status Reason Master


Investigation Status Reason Dimension



Stage Claim Investigation Reason Master


Claim Investigation Reason Dimension



Stage Claim Review Reason Master


Claim Review Reason Dimension



Stage Claim Submission Method Master


Claim Submission Method Dimension



Stage Claim Reopening Reason Type Master


Claim Reopening Reason Type Dimension



Stage Claim Handling Type Master


Claim Handling Type Dimension


About Insurance Claims Estimation Dimension Tables

The Insurance Claims Estimation Dimension table names and their description are as follows.

Table 287: The Insurance Claims Estimation Dimension table names and their description

Logical Dimension Table Name

Dimension Table Description

Claim Loss Type Dimension

Stores the codes that identify the type of loss that occurred. This table uses the Loss Kind code list.
Sample values: Fire, Flood, Hail, Lightning, Other, Theft, and WNDST.

Human Body Parts Dimension

Stores details of the injured human body parts.
Sample values: Eye, Nose, Legs, Hands, and so on.

Injury Nature Type Dimension

Stores details of the injury nature type.
Sample values: NoPhysicalInjury, Amputation, AnginaPectoris, Inflammation, PoisoningGeneral, and so on.

Liability Loss Control Event Dimension

Stores details of the code that signifies the Loss Control Event category. Here, the event is the occurrence categorization that initiates the claim and uses the Liability Loss Control Event code list.
Sample values: 100-PremisesHousekeeping, 200-OperationsFailureOfEquipment, 300-DefectiveProductOrWork, 410-Libel, and so on.

Claim Basis Dimension

Stores the code that signifies the basis for the claim, where the claim relates to the Coverage Kind of Loss payment. This table uses the Liability Claim Basis code list.
Sample values: Contractual Liability, Negligence, Nuisance, Strict Liability, Vicarious Liability, and Voluntary Payments.

Claim Estimate Type Dimension

Stores details of the type of claim estimate that is being provided.


The mapping details for the Insurance Claims Estimation Dimension tables are as follows.

Table 288: The mapping details for the Insurance Claims Estimation Dimension tables

Map Reference Number

Source Table Name

Logical Stage Table Name

Dimension Table Name

Logical Dimension Table Name



Stage Claim Loss Type Master


Claim Loss Type Dimension



Stage Human Body Parts Master


Human Body Parts Dimension



Stage Injury Nature Type Master


Injury Nature Type Dimension



Stage Liability Loss Control Event Master


Liability Loss Control Event Dimension



Stage Claim Basis Master


Claim Basis Dimension



Stage Claim Estimate Type Master


Claim Estimate Type Dimension


About Insurance Claims Occurrence Dimension Tables

The Insurance Claims Occurrence Dimension table names and their description are as follows.

Table 289: The Insurance Claims Occurrence Dimension table names and their description

Logical Dimension Table Name

Dimension Table Description

Claim Outside Authority Condition Dimension

Stores the codes that define the outside authority conditions applicable to the claim. This table uses the Outside Authority Condition code list.
Sample values: DC, DU, EG, LI, SU, and WP.

Claim Occurrence Dimension

Stores the Claim Occurrence. An Occurrence policy covers claims made for injuries sustained during the life of an insurance policy, even if the claim is filed after the policy is canceled or lapsed. The policy must be active when the incident occurred. An Occurrence is an event that can result in the filing of an insurance claim.

Claim Cause Of Loss Dimension

Stores details of the cause of the loss or the peril triggering the loss for a claim.
Sample values: fire, flood, sprinkler leakage, and so on.

Claim Occurrence Type Dimension

Stores details of the claim occurrence type.
Sample values: accident, incident, loss, occurrence, injury, and illness.


The mapping details for the Insurance Claims Occurrence Dimension tables are as follows.

Table 290: The mapping details for the Insurance Claims Occurrence Dimension tables

Map Reference Number

Source Table Name

Logical Stage Table Name

Dimension Table Name

Logical Dimension Table Name



Stage Claim Outside Authority Condition Master


Claim Outside Authority Condition Dimension



Stage Insurance Occurrence Details


Claim Occurrence Dimension



Stage Claim Cause Of Loss Master


Claim Cause Of Loss Dimension



Stage Claim Occurrence Type Master


Claim Occurrence Type Dimension


About Insurance Claims T2Ts (Result Tables)

This section provides mapping details and descriptions of the Claims T2Ts Result tables.



The Claim Identifier column is added to the FCT_PARTY_MEDICAL_CONDITN_DTLS, FCT_PARTY_MEDICAL_TREATMENTS, and FCT_PARTY_DISABILITY_DETAILS tables to link the Party Medical attributes to the Insurance Claims.


About Insurance Claim Details T2T (Result Table)

The Insurance Claim Details T2T and its description are as follows.

Table 291: The Insurance Claim Details T2T and its description

T2T Name

T2T Description


Stores all the attributes of a policy claim paid until date along with the summary of transactions.


The mapping details for the Insurance Claim Details T2T is as follows.

Table 292: The mapping details for the Insurance Claim Details T2T

Source Table Name

Logical Stage Table Name

Fact Table Name

Logical Fact Table Name

T2T Name


Stage Claim Details


Fact Claim Details



About Insurance Claim Party Map T2T (Result Table)

The Insurance Claim Party Map T2T and its description are as follows.

Table 293: The Insurance Claim Party Map T2T and its description

T2T Name

T2T Description


Stores the mapping information between the Claim, Party, and Insurance.


The mapping details for the Insurance Claim Party Map T2T is as follows.

Table 294: The mapping details for the Insurance Claim Party Map T2T

Source Table Name

Logical Stage Table Name

Fact Table Name

Logical Fact Table Name

T2T Name


Stage Claim Party Map


Fact Claim Party Map



About Insurance Claims Occurrence T2T (Result Table)

The Insurance Claims Occurrence T2T and its description are as follows.

Table 295: The Insurance Claims Occurrence T2T and its description

T2T Name

T2T Description


Stores the insurance occurrence details. An Occurrence policy covers claims made for injuries sustained during the life of an insurance policy, even if the claim is filed after the policy is canceled. An occurrence is an event that can result in the filing of an insurance claim.


The mapping details for the Insurance Claims Occurrence T2T is as follows.

Table 296: The mapping details for the Insurance Claims Occurrence T2T

Source Table Name

Logical Stage Table Name

Fact Table Name

Logical Fact Table Name

T2T Name


Stage Insurance Occurrence Details


Fact Insurance Occurrence Details



About Insurance Claims Investigation T2T (Result Table)

The Insurance Claims Investigation T2T and its description are as follows.

Table 297: The Insurance Claims Investigation T2T and its description

T2T Name

T2T Description


Stores the Claim Investigation details. The claims investigation is a process in which the insurance companies, insurance examiners, or investigators obtain information to evaluate an insurance claim. The investigators look for evidence whether a claim is legitimate or illegitimate.


The mapping details for the Insurance Claims Investigation T2T is as follows.

Table 298: The mapping details for the Insurance Claims Investigation T2T

Source Table Name

Logical Stage Table Name

Fact Table Name

Logical Fact Table Name

T2T Name


Stage Claim Investigation Details


Fact Claim Investigation Details



About Insurance Claims Estimation T2T (Result Table)

The Insurance Claims Estimation T2T and its description are as follows.

Table 299: The Insurance Claims Estimation T2T and its description

T2T Name

T2T Description


Stores reserve details of the claim break up. A claims reserve is the money set aside by the insurance companies to pay the policyholders, who have filed or are expected to file legitimate claims on their policies. Insurers use the fund to pay out incurred claims that are yet to be settled.


The mapping details for the Insurance Claims Estimation T2T is as follows.

Table 300: The mapping details for the Insurance Claims Estimation T2T

Source Table Name

Logical Stage Table Name

Fact Table Name

Logical Fact Table Name

T2T Name


Stage Claim Break Up Reserve Details


Fact Claim Break Up Reserve Details



About Insurance Claim Transactions T2T (Result Table)

The Insurance Claim Transactions T2T and its description are as follows.

Table 301: The Insurance Claim Transactions T2T and its description

T2T Name

T2T Description


Stores all the transactions related to claims reported with the entity.


The mapping details for the Insurance Claim Transactions T2T are as follows.

Table 302: The mapping details for the Insurance Claim Transactions T2T

Source Table Name

Logical Stage Table Name

Fact Table Name

Logical Fact Table Name

T2T Name


Stage Claim Transactions


Fact Claim Transaction



Deploying Insurance Claims Tables on Hive

All RDBMS related Result tables can also be deployed on Hive (Stage and Results). Deploy the Hive T2Ts using the Rules Run Framework. For more information, see the Rules Run Framework section in the Oracle Financial Services Advanced Analytical Applications Infrastructure User Guide Release



In general, Stage and Result tables are also supported in Hive. However, there are some exceptions. For a list of tables that are not supported in Hive, see List of Unsupported T2Ts


Populating Insurance Claims Dimension Tables

Follow this SCD process to populate data into a Dimension table:



You can also follow this SCD process to populate data into any Hive-related Dimension table.


1.     To populate data into a Dimension table, execute the SCD batch. For a detailed procedure, see the Slowly Changing Dimension (SCD) Process.

2.     To check the SCD batch execution status of a Dimension table, follow the procedure Check the Execution Status of the SCD Batch.

3.     To verify log files, and check the error messages (if any), follow the procedure Verify Log Files and Check Error Messages.

Populating Insurance Claims T2Ts (Result Tables)

Follow this T2T process to populate data into any T2T Result table:



Only RDBMS T2Ts can be executed using the PMF.


1.     To populate data into any T2T Result table, execute the PMF process for that T2T. For a detailed procedure, see the following sections:

a.     Prerequisites for loading T2T.

b.     Select the Run Parameters and Execute the Run.

2.     To check the T2T execution status and verify the log files of any Result table, follow the procedure in the Verify the Run Execution section.

3.     To check the error messages, if any, follow the procedure in the Check Error Messages section.

Related Topics

You can see the following topics related to other function-specific tables:

·        Insurance Underwriting Entities

·        Insurance Contracts Tables

·        General Ledger Data and Management Reporting Tables

·        Insurance Claims Tables

·        Transaction Summary Tables