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Oracle® Communications EAGLE Database Administration - System Management User's Guide
Release 46.6
E93319 Revision 1
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Making a Backup of the Database to the Removable Media

This procedure is used to make a backup of the database to the or removable media using the chg-db command with the action=backup and dest=remove parameters.

The database in the current partition of the active MASP (FD CRNT) must be coherent. For more information on verifying the database, refer to Verifying the Database.

Formatting blank removable media for E5-based control cards that are installed in the EAGLE is required. If the removable media is not formatted, perform Formatting Removable Media to format the media.

  1. Verify that the database in the current partition of the active MASP (FDCRNT) is coherent using the rept-stat-db command.

    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 06-10-13 16:07:48 GMT  EAGLE5 45.0.0
            E5TDM 1114 ( STDBY)                 E5TDM 1116 ( ACTV )
             - -------- ---------------------  - -------- ---------------------
    FD BKUP  Y       35 04-06-01 10:19:18 GMT  Y       35 04-06-01 10:19:18 GMT
    FD CRNT  Y      106                        Y      106           
             E5MDAL 1117
             - --------
    RD BKUP  -    -         -        -

    The following is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 06-03-13 16:07:48 GMT  EAGLE5 45.0.0
            E5TDM 1114 ( STDBY )                 E5TDM 1116 ( ACTV )
             - -------- ---------------------  - -------- ---------------------
    FD BKUP Y        35 09-02-19 10:19:18 GMT  Y       35 09-02-19 10:19:18 GMT
    FD CRNT Y       106                        Y      106
            E5MCAP 1113                         E5MCAP 1115
            - --------                        - --------
    RD BKUP -    -         -        -         -    -         -        - 
    USB BKP -    -         -        -         -    -         -        - 

    If the database in the current partition of the active MASP is not coherent, refer to Verifying the Database to resolve the database problem.

    If the database in the current partition of the active MASP is coherent, or after the database problem has been resolved, continue the procedure by performing one of these steps.

  2. The database can be backed up to the removable media in the active MASP or in both MASPs (if the removable media is present in both MASPs).

    Perform one of these substeps.

    1. If the database will be backed up to the removable media in both MASPs, check the removable media drives in both MASPs for removable media.
      If removable media is present in both MASPs, continue the procedure by performing one of these steps.
      • If the removable media will be used for the backup, continue the procedure with 3. When the backup is performed, the database in the current partition of each fixed disk is copied to the corresponding removable media on each MASP.
      • If the removable media will not be used for the backup, remove the media that will not be used for the backup and insert the media that will be used for the backup. Refer to Removable USB Drive for information about removing and inserting the removable media. After the media has been inserted into the removable media drives, continue the procedure with 3.

      If the removable media drives in both MASPs are empty, insert the media that will be used for the backup. Refer to Removable USB Drive for information about inserting the removable media. After the media has been inserted into the removable media drives, continue the procedure with 3.

      If the removable media drive in only one MASP contains removable media, continue the procedure by performing one of these steps.
      • If the removable media that is present will be used for the backup, insert the media that will be used for the backup into the empty removable media drive. Refer to Removable USB Drive for information about inserting the removable media. After the media has been inserted into the removable media drive, continue the procedure with 3.
      • If the removable media that is present will not be used for the backup, remove the media from that removable media drive and insert the media that will be used for the backup into both removable media drives. Refer to Removable USB Drive for information about removing and inserting the removable media. After the media has been inserted into the removable media drives, continue the procedure with 3.
    2. If the database will be backed up to the removable media in only one MASP, the removable media must be inserted in the removable media drive on the active MASP. Check the removable media drives in both MASPs for removable media.

      If removable media is inserted into the removable media drive on active MASP and no removable media is inserted into the removable media drive on the standby MASP, and this media will be used for the backup, continue the procedure with 3. When the backup is performed, the database in the current partition of the fixed disk on the active MASP is copied to the removable media on the active MASP.

      If removable media is inserted into the removable media drive on active MASP and no removable media is inserted into the removable media drive on the standby MASP, and this media will not be used for the backup, remove the media from the removable media drive and insert the media that will be used for the backup into the removable media drive on the active MASP. After the media has been inserted, continue the procedure with 3.

      If removable media is inserted into the removable media drive on standby MASP and no removable media is inserted into the removable media drive on the active MASP, remove the media from the removable media drive and insert the media that will be used for the backup into the removable media drive on the active MASP. After the media has been inserted, continue the procedure with 3.

      If removable media drives in both MASPs are empty, insert the media that will be used for the backup into the removable media drive on the active MASP. After the media has been inserted, continue the procedure with 3.

  3. Backup the database by entering this command.


    During command execution, these messages should appear.

    BACKUP (REMOVABLE) : MASP A - Backup starts on active MASP.
    BACKUP (REMOVABLE) : MASP A - Backup to removable device complete.


    This command can take up to 30 minutes to execute, depending on the size of the database and other system activity that is in progress when this command is entered. If this command takes more than 60 minutes to execute, contact the Customer Care Center for assistance. Refer to My Oracle Support (MOS) for the contact information.
  4. Verify that the databases on the removable media (RD BKUP on both MASPs or the active MASP if the backup was performed only to the removable media on the active MASP) and the current partition of the active MASP (FD CRNT) are coherent using the rept-stat-db command.

    If the database was backed up to the removable media, this is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 06-03-13 16:07:48 GMT  EAGLE5 45.5.0
            E5TDM 1114 ( STDBY )                 E5TDM 1116 ( ACTV )
             - -------- ---------------------  - -------- ---------------------
    FD BKUP Y        35 09-02-19 10:19:18 GMT  Y       35 09-02-19 10:19:18 GMT
    FD CRNT Y       106                        Y      106
            E5MCAP 1113                          E5MCAP 1115
            - --------                         - --------
    RD BKUP Y       106 09-03-23 16:09:53 GMT  Y      106 09-03-23 16:09:53 GMT 
    USB BKP -    -         -        -         -    -         -        - 


    If the database was backed up to only the removable media on the active MASP, then only the RD BKUP entry for the active MASP (in this example, MCAP 1115) is displayed.
  5. If the database was backed up to the removable media, remove the removable media from the removable media drives on the MASPs. For more information on removing the removable media from the removable media drives, refer to Removable USB Drive.
  6. Label the removable media 1 through 4 if the backup is performed weekly or monthly, A through D if the backup is performed quarterly.

    For more information on labeling the removable media, see Chapter 2, “Preventive Maintenance,” in Maintenance Guide.

Figure 2-5 Making a Backup of the Database to the Removable Cartridge or Removable Media

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