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Oracle® Communications EAGLE Database Administration - System Management User's Guide
Release 46.6
E93319 Revision 1
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Formatting the Fixed Disk of the Standby E5-TDM

Use this procedure to format the fixed disk of the standby E5-TDM using the format-disk command.

The format-disk command uses these parameters.

:type – The type of disk or media being formatted.

  • system – A removable media containing system data (GPLs and the database). To format removable media, perform Formatting Removable Media.
  • fixed – The fixed disk of the standby E5-TDM.


    If a format-disk:type=fixed command failure causes the standby E5-TDM to boot continuously, insert a removable disk that has the same release as the active E5-TDM into the E5-MDAL. The standby E5-TDM can then boot off of the removable disk.

:loc – The location of the standby E5-TDM, either 1114 or 1116.

:low – Is a check of the disk or media being performed and any problems found on the disk or media being repaired, yes or no? The low=yes parameter performs a check of the disk or media and any problems that are found are repaired. As an E5-TDM, no data is destroyed during this operation. If the low=no parameter is specified, the check of the disk or media is not performed. The default value for this parameter is no.

:force – Format the disk if the disk contains system data, yes or no. The default value for this parameter is no.


Reduce extended execution time when specifying the force=yes option by also using the low=no option.

:prtngrp – Indicates which disk partition group is being formatted, the active partition group (prtngrp=active) or the inactive partition group (prtngrp=inactive). The default value for the prtngrp parameter is active. The prtngrp parameter can be specified only with the low=no parameter. Contact My Oracle Support (MOS) before using the prtngrp=inactive parameter.

The database in the current (FD CRNT) partition of the active MASP must be coherent. For more information on verifying the database, refer to Verifying the Database.

Measurement collection must be turned off before the format-disk command can be executed.

The standby fixed disk cannot be formatted if the security log on the standby fixed disk contains any entries that have not been copied to the FTA area of the fixed disk. This can be verified with the rept-stat-seculog command. If the security log on the standby fixed disk contains entries that have not been copied to the file transfer area of the fixed disk, copy these entries to the file transfer area using the copy-seculog command.

  1. Use the rept-stat-db command to verify that the database in the current (FDCRNT) partition of the active MASP is coherent .

    The following is an example of the possible output:

    rlghncxa03w 13-06-01 16:07:48 GMT  EAGLE5 45.0.0
            E5TDM 1114 ( STDBY )                 E5TDM 1116 ( ACTV )
             - -------- ---------------------  - -------- ---------------------
    FD BKUP Y        35 09-02-19 10:19:18 GMT  Y       35 09-02-19 10:19:18 GMT
    FD CRNT Y       106                        Y      106
            E5MCAP 1113                         E5MCAP 1115
            - --------                        - --------
    RD BKUP Y      106 09-02-15 16:09:53 GMT  Y      106 09-02-15 16:09:53 GMT 
    USB BKP -    -         -        -         Y       95 09-02-13 16:09:53 GMT 

    If the current database on the active MASP is not coherent, refer to Verifying the Database to resolve the database problem.

  2. Verify whether or not the Measurements Platform option is enabled (PLATFORMENABLE = on) using the rtrv-measopts command. If platformenable is ON, no further check is required for the format-disk command (as MCP will take care of measurement once platformenable is on). If PLATFORMENABLE is off, check COLLECT using rtrv-meas-sched command.

    This is an example of the possible output. The COLLECT field shows whether measurement collection is on or off. In this example, measurement collection is on.

    rlghncxa03w 06-10-01 12:22:55 GMT EAGLE5 36.0.0 
    COLLECT        =  on
    GTWYLSFLTR     =  both
    SYSTOT-STP     =  off
    SYSTOT-TT      =  off
    COMP-LNKSET    =  off
    COMP-LINK      =  on
    GTWY-STP       =  on
    GTWY-LNKSET    =  on
    MTCD-STP       =  on
    MTCD-LINK      =  on
    MTCD-LNKSET    =  on


    If measurement collection is off, skip 3 and go to 4.
  3. Turn measurement collection off using the chg-meas:collect=off command.


    Measurement collection must be turned off or the format-disk command cannot be executed. The chg-meas:collect=on command should not be executed while the format-disk command is in progress. If possible, do not turn off measurement collection at midnight since doing so can cause the loss of an entire day of measurements. For the period of time that measurement collection is turned off, those measurements will be lost.

    This message should appear.

    rlghncxa03w 06-10-01 16:12:50 GMT  EAGLE5 36.0.0
  4. Verify whether or not the Measurements Platform option is enabled (PLATFORMENABLE = on) using the rtrv-measopts command. If platformenable is ON, no further check is required for the format-disk command (as MCP will take care of measurement once platformenable is on). If PLATFORMENABLE is off, check to see if COLLECT is on using the rtrv-meas-sched command. If COLLECT is on, turn it off. If COLLECT is off, run the format-disk command, and turn it on.
    rlghncxa03w 06-10-01 16:02:05 GMT  EAGLE5 36.0.0
    COLLECT15MIN     = off
    CLLIBASEDNAME    = off
    SYSTOTSTP        = off
    SYSTOTTT         = off


    The rtrv-measopts command output contains other fields that are not used by this procedure. To view all fields displayed by the rtrv-measopts command, see the rtrv-measopts command description in Commands User's Guide.


    If 4 shows that the Measurements Platform is not enabled, go to 7.
  5. Use the rept-stat-meas command to display the status of MCPMs in the database .

    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 09-02-01 16:43:42 GMT  EAGLE5 40.0.0
                          PST            SST       AST
    MEAS SS               IS-NR          Active    -----
            ALARM STATUS =   No Alarms
        CARD   VERSION         TYPE    PST           SST        AST
        2107 P 101-009-000     EDSM    IS-NR         Active     -----
           IP Link A                   IS-NR         Active     Available
        2108   101-009-000     EDSM    IS-NR         Active     -----
           IP Link A                   IS-NR         Active     Available
        2111   101-009-000     EDSM    IS-NR         Active     -----
           IP Link A                   IS-NR         Active     Available
        CARD 2107 ALARM STATUS = No Alarms
        CARD 2108 ALARM STATUS = No Alarms
        CARD 2111 ALARM STATUS = No Alarms
  6. Use the rmv-card command, specifying the card location of the MCPM, to place all MCPMs out of service .

    If the MCPM to be placed out of service is the last MCPM that is in service, the force=yes parameter must also be specified. For this example, enter these commands.




    When each of these commands have successfully completed, this message should appear.

    rlghncxa03w 06-10-01 09:12:36 GMT  EAGLE5 36.0.0
    Card has been inhibited.
  7. Verify that the security log on the standby MASP contains no entries that must be copied to the FTA area of the fixed disk with the rept-stat-seculog command.

    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 06-10-01 15:59:06 GMT EAGLE5 36.0.0
                 -- SINCE LAST UPLOAD --  OLDEST   NEWEST   LAST
    1114 Active  8312    84    No   No    03-12-05 04-06-01 04-05-30
                                          11:23:56 15:59:06 14:02:22 
    1116 Standby 693     7     No   No    03-12-05 04-06-01 04-05-30
                                          11:24:12 14:00:06 14:02:13

    If the number shown in the ENTRIES field for the standby MASP (shown with the entry Standby in the ROLE field) is 0, go to step 9.

    If the number shown in the ENTRIES field for the standby MASP is greater than 0, these entries must be copied to the FTA area of the fixed disk. To copy these entries, go to step 8.

    For this example, go to 8.

  8. Copy the security log entries on the standby MASP to the FTA area on the fixed disk with the copy-seculog command.

    For this example, enter the copy-seculog:slog=stb command. This is an example of the message that should appear.

    rlghncxa03w 06-10-01 15:59:06 GMT EAGLE5 36.0.0
    Security log on E5TDM 1116 copied to file 961004s.log on E5TDM 1114
  9. Enter the format-disk command to format the fixed disk of the standby E5-TDM.

    For this example, the fixed disk of the standby E5-TDM contains system data and a checkof the fixed disk of the standby E5-TDM for problems is not performed.



    1. The force=yes parameter must be specified with the format-disk command if the fixed disk of the standby E5-TDM to be formatted contains system data. All data on the fixed disk of the standby E5-TDM will be lost.
    2. The low=no parameter specified in this command example does not allow a check of the fixed disk of the standby E5-TDM for problems to be performed. If you wish to perform a check of the fixed disk of the standby E5-TDM for problems, specify the low=yes parameter with the format-disk command. Because the default value for the low parameter is no, the low parameter can be omitted when entering the format-disk command if you do not wish to perform a check of the fixed disk of the standby E5-TDM for problems.
    3. If a format-disk:type=fixed command failure causes the standby E5-TDM to boot continuously, insert a removable disk that has the same release as the active E5-TDM into the E5-MDAL. The standby E5-TDM can then boot off of the removable disk.
    4. The optional parameter prtngrp parameter can be specified with this command. The prtngrp parameter indicates which disk partition group is being formatted, the active partition group (prtngrp=active) or the inactive partition group (prtngrp=inactive). The default value for the prtngrp parameter is active. The prtngrp parameter can be specified only with the low=no parameter. Contact the Customer Care Center before using the prtngrp=inactive parameter. Refer to My Oracle Support (MOS) for the contact information.

    Formatting the fixed disk of the standby E5-TDM can take from 14 minutes to 1 hour and 25 minutes to execute. It may take longer depending on other system activity that is in progress when this command is entered. When this command has successfully completed, these messages should appear.

        rlghncxa03w 06-10-01 09:44:08 GMT  EAGLE5 36.0.0
        Command entered at terminal #3.
        rlghncxa03w 06-10-01 09:44:08 GMT  EAGLE5 36.0.0
        Format-disk of standby fixed disk started.
        Extended processing required, please wait.
        rlghncxa03w 06-10-01 09:44:08 GMT  EAGLE5 36.0.0
        Format-disk (fixed) format in progress.
        rlghncxa03w 06-10-01 09:44:08 GMT  EAGLE5 36.0.0
        Format-disk (fixed) format is complete.
        rlghncxa03w 06-10-01 09:44:08 GMT  EAGLE5 36.0.0
        Format-disk of standby fixed disk completed.

    To turn measurement collection on, go to step 10, otherwise, this procedure is finished.

    If measurement collection was not turned off in step 3, skip steps 10 and 11, and go to step 12.

  10. To turn measurement collection on, enter this command.


    This message should appear.

    rlghncxa03w 06-10-01 16:12:50 GMT  EAGLE5 36.0.0
  11. Verify that measurement collection is on using the rtrv-meas-sched command, shown by the COLLECT = on field in the output.

    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 06-10-01 12:22:55 GMT EAGLE5 36.0.0 
    COLLECT        =  on
    GTWYLSFLTR     =  both
    SYSTOT-STP     =  off
    SYSTOT-TT      =  off
    COMP-LNKSET    =  off
    COMP-LINK      =  on
    GTWY-STP       =  on
    GTWY-LNKSET    =  on
    MTCD-STP       =  on
    MTCD-LINK      =  on
    MTCD-LNKSET    =  on


    MCPMs were not placed out of service in step 6, skip steps 12 and step 13. This procedure is finished.
  12. Place the MCPMs back into service using the rst-card specifying the location of each MCPM.

    For this example, enter these commands.




    When each of these commands have successfully completed, this message should appear.

    rlghncxa03w 06-10-01 21:20:37 GMT EAGLE5 36.0.0
    Card has been allowed.
  13. Display the status of the MCPMs in the database with the rept-stat-meas command.

    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 09-02-01 16:43:42 GMT  EAGLE5 40.0.0
                          PST            SST       AST
    MEAS SS               IS-NR          Active    -----
            ALARM STATUS =   No Alarms
        CARD   VERSION         TYPE    PST           SST        AST
        2107 P 101-009-000     EDSM    IS-NR         Active     -----
           IP Link A                   IS-NR         Active     Available
        2108   101-009-000     EDSM    IS-NR         Active     -----
           IP Link A                   IS-NR         Active     Available
        2111   101-009-000     EDSM    IS-NR         Active     -----
           IP Link A                   IS-NR         Active     Available
        CARD 2107 ALARM STATUS = No Alarms
        CARD 2108 ALARM STATUS = No Alarms
        CARD 2111 ALARM STATUS = No Alarms

Figure 2-13 Formatting the Fixed Disk of the Standby E5-TDM

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